Issue 16 Summer Edition 2008 China: Knowledge Powerhouse of the Future? @ኪ๎ଶႰڦዐࡔ;࿄ઠ FC Doris Leuthard New SwissCham Shanghai Honorary Member - Interview ݡ༌ዐࡔ๗ฆࣷĊฉ࡛ႎඵᇤࣷᇵĊDoris Leuthard Swiss Chairman Rolf Jetzer: “Turnaround Accomplished” ”ገऐٷ๗ࡔाࡵࠅິۭ๚Rolf Jetzer˖“ํ၄ዘ CEO Interview With Sicpa Boss Maurice A. Amon CEOݡ༌SicpaጺMaurice A. Amon Art & Culture: Stones Collector Liu Jian Jun on “God’s Art” ”ᅝຍڦڽฉ“ڦᅝຍᇑ࿔ࣅ˖ആ็֠ॆିॺਬ © 2008 EYGM Limited. All Rights Reserved. Fluent across 140 countries? Wherever you are in the world, whatever industry you’re in, it’s vital you truly know your market. We’ve built a team of 130,000 professionals to help. They understand the needs of businesses across 140 countries worldwide. And because they understand these markets and beyond, they are better placed to help you achieve your potential no matter where that potential lies. What’s next for your business? www.ey.com/ch Presidents' Page ጺጆત John Liebeskind Christian Gürtler Marc Aeschlimann Serge G. Fafalen Chairman of SwissCham China President of SwissCham SHA President of SwissCham GZ President of SwissCham HK Dear Readers, Members & Friends ᇞᭀⱘ䇏㗙ǃӮਬ᳟টӀ˖ It has been an extraordinary second quarter for China and the Swiss 2008ᑈᰃकߚ⡍߿ⱘϔᑈˈҞᑈѠᄷᑺᇍѢЁҹঞЁⱘ⨲ business community in an already very special year 2008.The all overshadow- ଚϮಶԧ䛑ᰃ䴲ৠᇏᐌⱘDŽ佪ܜˈথ⫳ಯᎱⱘ⸈ണᗻഄ䳛ҹঞ݊ৃᗩ ing incident was and is the devastating earthquake in Sichuan province and ⱘԭ䳛Փ៥Ӏ㾺ⳂᖗDŽ≵᳝ӏԩ䇁㿔ৃҹܙߚᦣ䗄ഄ䳛䞡♒ऎⱘҎӀ᠔ its terrible aftermath. There are no words which can adequately describe the suffering and losses the people of the hardest hit region have to go through. ᖡফⱘ⮯㢺ᤳ༅ˈЁᬓᑰҎ⇥ҹϔ⾡䖙䗳㗠ϧϮⱘᮍᓣ㒘㒛㋻ᗹᬥ In a compassionate fast and professional way the Chinese Government and ᧈᑊ䳔㽕ᐂࡽⱘҎӀᦤկ䭓ᳳᬃᣕDŽৠᯊˈ⨲ᬓᑰгᦤկњ㋻ᗹᧈ people organized the emergency help and long term support for the people ࡽˈ⨲ЁⱘӕϮ㒋㒋ᝋ㾷ಞࢳᤤˈ⨲ಶԧᇚЎഄ䳛䞡♒ऎᓎ䆒 in need. The Swiss Government offered immediate assistance, Swiss com- ᡫ䳛ᄺ᷵ˈ៥ӀгᇚЎ♒ऎⱘৃᣕ㓁ᗻ䞡ᓎᎹ䖯ϔℹ䋵⤂䞣DŽϡ㽕ㄝ panies in China donated generously and with the Swiss community project to ᕙü⦄ህࢳᤤ৻ʽ build earthquake safe schools in the worst hit area we will further contribute to a sustainable recovery. Don't wait – donate! 㘨䙺䆂ਬݐ㘨䙺㒣⌢џࡵ䚼䭓˄⨲㒣⌢䚼䭓˅Doris Leuthardཇ Federal Councilor Doris Leuthard, Head of the Federal Department ϔᑈݙѠᑺ䆓䯂ЁDŽDoris LeuthardཇϞ⍋࣫Ҁ䛑ফࠄњ⛁⚜ of Economic Affair (Swiss Minister of Economy), visited China for a second 䖢ˈཌྷህབԩ䖯ϔℹ֗䖯Ё⨲ଚϮǃ䌌ᯧଚϮ⦃๗ㄝᮍ䴶ঠ䖍݇㋏ⱘ time within a year. A grateful audience welcomed her in Shanghai and Beijing থሩথ㸼њ㿔䆎㾖⚍DŽℷ䖯㸠ЁⱘЁ⨲㞾⬅䌌ᯧणᅮ䇜߸ᰃϔϾᅣ and listened to her remarks and ideas how to further improve the bilateral Chinese–Swiss relations in commerce, trade and business environment. The 㗠ؐᕫЎП༟᭫ⱘⳂᷛDŽ intended free trade agreement between China and Switzerland is a mighty 㘨䙺䆂ਬLeuthardཇ҆ߛⱘফњЁ⨲ଚӮüϞ⍋ⱘ䙔䇋៤ target, but one worth to ¿ght for. Ў៥Ӏⱘ㤷䁝Ӯਬˈཌྷⱘࡴܹফࠄњখࡴ⬅⨲ᘏ乚џ佚ϢЁ⨲ଚ FC Leuthard's kind acceptance of becoming Honorary Member of Swiss- ӮüϞ⍋݅ৠЏࡲⱘज令ӮⱘଚϮሞ乚㹪ⱘ⛁⚜䖢DŽ៥Ӏг㹿䖭⾡㤷䁝 Cham Shanghai was enthusiastically applauded by the numerous business ▔ࢅⴔˈᇚࡴ㟈Ѣᬃᣕ⨲ӕϮЁҹঞ䍞ᴹ䍞ⱘЁӕϮ⨲ leaders attending a luncheon hosted by the Swiss Consulate General and SwissCham Shanghai. We are truly honored and encouraged in our commit- ⱘথሩDŽ ment to support Swiss business in China and increasingly Chinese companies ϔӊџᚙህᰃ⨲䰙㟾ぎ݀ৌ˄LX˅ᘶњϢϞ⍋ⱘⳈ㟾ʽ in Switzerland. 䖭гᰃ⨲㟾ぎϞ佪ᓔ䗮㢣咢ϪϢϞ⍋ⱘ↣᮹Ⳉ亲㟾⧁DŽ咘⌺∳⬨ Swiss International Air Lines (LX) is back! For the ¿rst time in Switzer- В㸠ⱘⳈ㟾ᓔᐩᓣᑚ⼱⌒ᇍϞˈ⨲䰙㟾ぎ݀ৌ㨷џ䭓Rolf P. Jetzerܜ land's aviatic history Zurich and Shanghai are linked with a direct, non-stop ⫳ᕫҹ䖢⨲㘨䙺䆂ਬLeuthardཇҹঞ݊Ҫᴹ㞾Ё⨲ⱘᅬਬˈ and daily Àight. During a festive Inaugural Party at the banks of the Huangpu River LX Chairman Rolf P. Jetzer could welcome Federal Councilor Leuthard Ҫᔎ䇗њЁ⨲Ⳉ㟾䖭⾡ᮄⱘ㘨㋏ᇍѢ⨲ଚϮǃ䌌ᯧᮙ␌ⱘ䞡㽕ᗻˈ៥ and many other Chinese and Swiss dignitaries. He emphasized the impor- ӀгकߚৠᛣҪⱘⳟ⊩DŽ tance of the new link for the Swiss business, trade and tourism. We cannot 佭␃⫳⌏Ꮉњ30ᑈᑊ䖛এಯᑈЁᢙӏЁ⨲ଚӮü佭␃ agree more! ЏᐁⱘHans-Ruedi Kunzܜ⫳އᅮ䖨ಲ⨲DŽҪϡҙᰃϔԡᭀϮ㗠㬐ⱘ After living and working in Hong Kong for 30 years and being President of SwissCham Hong Kong for the last four years, Hans-Ruedi Kunz decided 乚ᇐˈ䖬ᰃϔԡৃ҆ⱘ᳟টˈ៥Ӏ㚃ᅮӮᛇᗉҪDŽ៥Ӏമֵ⨲ӕϮ to move back to Switzerland. We will certainly miss him as a professional and Ёढऎথሩⱘ䖛ЁˈҪҡᇚᰃϔԡ᳝ⱘՓˈ៥Ӏг⼱ᜓҪྏᄤ kind leader as well as a dear friend. We wish him and his wife Ruth all the Ruthϔߛ乎߽DŽ best and are sure that he will remain an effective ambassador for the Swiss 䎱⾏ㄝᕙᏆЙⱘ2008ᑈ࣫Ҁ༹䖤Ӯᓔᐩা᳝ᕜⷁⱘᯊ䯈њˈ៥Ӏ⹂ business in Greater China. Ϫ⬠᠔ᳳᕙⱘ䙷ḋˈབЁҎ㠀ⲯǃটདᑇDŽ៥ڣWe are just a few days away from the long awaited opening of the Olym- ֵ䖭༹䖤Ӯᇚ pic Games 2008 in Beijing. We are sure that these games will be as grand, Ӏᕜ催݈⨲㘨䙺ᘏ㒳Pascal Couchepinᇚখࡴᴀ༹䖤ӮⱘᓔᐩᓣDŽЎ friendly and peaceful as the Chinese and the world are longing for. We are ༹䖤Ӯ㗠ϧ䮼࣫Ҁᨁᓎⱘ⨲ሟᇚϔབ᮶ᕔⱘདᅶˈᅗᖙᇚ៤ЎЁҎ thankful that Swiss President and Federal Councilor Pascal Couchepin will at- ⨲Ҏǃ䖤ࡼਬ㾖ӫѸ⌕ⱘḹṕˈᑊ㒭៥Ӏᏺᴹ䆌䲒ᖬⱘⶀ䯈DŽ tend the of cial opening ceremony. The specially built Swiss House in Beijing ¿ Ё⨲ଚӮü࣫Ҁⱘ乚ᇐϟˈ៥Ӏϧ䮼Ўᑚ⼱࣫Ҁ༹䖤ӮⱘВ with its traditional hospitality will also help to build bridges between Chinese and Swiss, athletes and onlookers and ensure unforgettable moments. ࡲ㗠ߎ⠜њljḹNJⱘ⡍ߞDŽ⼱䌎䖭⡍ߞⱘ៤ࡳʽ Under the leadership of SwissCham Beijing a special edition of the Ꮰᳯ䇏㗙୰䖭ᳳljḹNJᏺ㒭ᆊⱘ㊒ᔽݙᆍˈᅕ䴭㗠䯆䗖ⱘ Bridge Magazine was created to celebrate the Olympic Games in Beijing. 䞠៥Ӏϔ䍋ᑚ⼱༹䖤Ӯʽ Congratulations for this special effort! Enjoy reading this excellent edition of the Bridge, have a restful summer and let's celebrate the Games! Christian Guertler હ⡍Ф President SwissCham Shanghai Ё⨲ଚӮüϞ⍋Џᐁ 3 Issue 16 Summer Edition 2008 | 2008ᑈ16ᳳᄷߞ 3 Presidents’ Page Regional News By Christian Guertler 95 Beijing Cover Story 99 Shanghai 6 From “Workshop of the World” to Knowledge Producer Hongkong By Nicolas Musy 103 12 The Mission of Swissnex Shanghai By Lan Zuo Gillet ጺጆત Ё⨲ଚӮüϞ⍋Џᐁહ⡍Ф 20 Leadership and Innovation 3 By Joanna Barsh, Marla Capozzi, and Jonathan Davidson ހ௬ࠤ๚ 27 Louis Palmer: “I Want to Inspire People!” “ҢϪ⬠Ꮉॖ”ࠄ“ⶹ䆚⫳ѻ㗙” Interview, Fabian Gull 9 㗙˖Nicolas Musy 29 Market Diffusion ᦣ㒬Ё⨲⾥ᡔ᭛࣪Ѹ⌕ⱘᴹ By Rolf Wüstenhagen 16 㗙˖Ꮊቮ 33 Smart Meters 乚ᇐϢ߯ᮄ By Michael Raber 24 㗙˖Joanna Barsh, Marla CapozziJonathan Davidson 37 Tackling the Energy Challenge Louis Palmer: “៥㽕ਃথҎ㉏ʽ” By Remo Luetolf 28 䆓䇜˖ᮍᖙᅝ 42 Andreas Widl: “Target Grid Parity by 2010” Interview, Fabian Gull ৃݡ⫳㛑⑤߯ᮄⱘᏖഎᠽᬷ 31 㗙˖Rolf Wüstenhagen 45 China’s Pharma Industry Set to Take Off By Annette Ryser 㸼䅵ᱎ㛑࣪ 35 㗙˖Michael Raber Business and Economic News 39 䴶ᇍ㛑⑤ᣥ 50 'RULV/HXWKDUG³)HDVLEOHDQG%HQH¿FLDOIRU%RWK6LGHV´ 㗙˖剕䘧 Interview, Fabian Gull Andreas Widl: “2010ᑈᅲ⦄ܝӣথ⬉ᑇӋϞ㔥” 54 Swiss Boss Jetzer: “The Crowning of the Turnaround” 44 䆓䇜˖ᮍᖙᅝ Interview, Fabian Gull Ёࠊ㥃㸠ϮᡀᏚਃ㟾 Legal Update 48 㗙˖Annette Ryser 57 Science and Technology Industries By Gigi Cheah and Matthieu Bonnici ฆᄽঢ়षႎ࿕ Doris Leuthard CEO-Interview 52 㘨䙺䆂ਬ 䇜Ё⨲㓨㒧㞾⬅䌌ᯧणᅮ 60 Maurice A. Amon: “Facing Counterfeiting Threats” 䆓䇜˖ᮍᖙᅝ Interview, Fabian Gull 56 Swiss Boss Jetzer: ĀᎼ䕀ᴎࠄᴹā Tax Update 䆓䇜˖ᮍᖙᅝ China Steps Up in Transfer Pricing 64 ዐࡔฆခ݆ୱኪ๎ Case Study ⾥ᡔѻϮ 59 Gigi Cheah Matthieu Bonnici 68 Kunming Firmenich Aromatics 㗙˖ By David Polansky and Dawina Fahrni DFPጆݡ0ฉ࡛ Maurice A. Amon: “䴶ᇍӾ䗴࿕㚕” Life & Culture 62 䆓䇜˖ᮍᖙᅝ 72 Chinese Leader Interview ခႎኪ Liu Jian Jun: “This is God’s Art” Ё䕀䅽ᅮӋݡ䖜䖯 Interview, Fabian Gull 66 Lorenz Helbling: “No Longer Exotic” ࿔ࣅิऄጆત ኁݡ༌ڞInterview, Fabian Gull ዐࡔଶ 76 ”߬ᓎݯ: “䖭ᰃϞᏱⱘ㡎ᴃ Chinese Art Market Remains Buoyant 74 䆓䇜˖ᮍᖙᅝ 78 By Karen Winton ”Lorenz Helbling: “ϡݡ༛ᓖ Roger Pfund: “Every Bank Note is a Piece of Art” 76 䆓䇜˖ᮍᖙᅝ 81 Interview, Batiste Pilet Ё㡎ᴃકᏖഎֱᣕ⌏䎗ᗕ Asia’s Art Fairs 80 84 By Meg Maggio 㗙˖Karen Winton Swiss Chinese Cultural Explorations Roger Pfund: “↣ᓴ䪅Ꮥ䛑ᰃϔӊ㡎ᴃક” 88 82 䆓䇜˖ⱑᵒᖋ Chamber News 93 Reconstruction in Sichuan: School & Housing Sponsorship Project Ѯ⌆㡎ᴃሩⱘᴹ 86 㗙˖偀㡱ᅝ 94 SwissCham Members Carry the Olympic Torch By Violette Qin 90 Ё⨲߯ᮄ㡎ᴃ 4 Thank you to our Advertisers and Sponsors! ༬՚ߌႇԨᆶሢዺฆ Administrator: SwissCham Shanghai ዷ࠶ǖዐࡔ๗ฆࣷĊĊฉ࡛ Publisher: SwissCham Shanghai Lauener Inside front cover Ӳǖዐࡔ๗ฆࣷĊĊฉ࡛ Ernst & Young Page 1 Editor in Chief and Managing Editor: Fabian Gull Stanton Chase Page 2 ዷՊǖᮍᖙᅝ Jura Page 6-7 Editors: Batiste Pilet (Beijing) / Linda Yau (Hong Kong) Fracht Page 11 Պडǖⱑᵒᖋ(࣫Ҁ) / Linda Yau (Hong Kong) Swiss International Air Lines Page 19 Editorial Committee: Christian Gürtler / Nicolas Musy / Liv Minder / IQAir Page 32 Fabian Gull / Irene Lo / Batiste Pilet Oerlikon Page 36 ABB Page 41 Պ྿ǖહ⡍Ф / ሐসᢝ·ᨽ㽓 / ᯢᖋБ / ᮍᖙᅝ / Irene Lo / ⱑᵒᖋ Bystronic Page 51 Marketing and Communication: Fabian Gull DHL Page 53 ႜၨഓࣄǖᮍᖙᅝ Syngeta Page 63 English / Chinese Translations: Speed Technology Shanghai Godrand Page 67 ᆈ࿔ᅳǖѸџᖙ䖒㗏䆥݀ৌ Sicpa Page 71 Proof Reading: Cathrene Tarukwashak / Jina Sun Regus Page 83 ၯܔǖCathrene Tarukwashak / ᄭ㒻 Omits Page 85 Printer: Shanghai Sea Bird Printing Co., Ltd. Geberit Page 91 ᆇຘǖϞ⍋⍋右ॄࡵ᳝䰤݀ৌ UBS Page 92 SWISSeau Page 108 Circulation and Advertising Contacts: Lauener Inside Back Cover ǖ Swissinfo Back Coverتႜत࠽ߢஏ݀ Shanghai/ฉ࡛ǖ Address˖Room 1710-1711, No.1388 Shaan Xi North Road, Shanghai ഄഔ˖Ϟ⍋Ꮦ䰩㽓࣫䏃1388ো䫊ᑻӕϮЁᖗ1710-1711ᅸ Post Code/䚂㓪˖200060 Tel/⬉䆱˖+86 21 6149 8207; Fax/Ӵⳳ˖+86 21 6149 8132 E-mail˖[email protected] Beijing/ԛǖ We thank GO-TRANS(Shanghai)Ltd. and DHL Global Address˖ Suite#100, 38 Liangmaqiao Road, Forwarding for sponsoring the distribution Chaoyang District, Beijing ഄഔ˖࣫ҀᏖᳱ䰇ऎ҂偀ḹ38ো100ᅸ ៥Ӏᛳ䇶催ゴ䋻䖤 Ϟ⍋ ᳝䰤݀ৌЁ䖤ᬺ䈾݀ৌ Post Code/䚂㓪˖100016 䌲ࡽথ㸠ᴀߞ ᅪยऺǖظ / Tel/⬉䆱˖+86 10 6432 2020; Fax/Ӵⳳ˖+86 21 6432 3030 Design & Layout E-mail˖[email protected] L & Associates Graphic Company Limited Ϟ⍋ޠᔶ᭛䆒䅵᳝䰤݀ৌ Guangzhou/࠽ዝǖ Designer / ยऺǖ 1807, 18/F Center Plaza Tower B, 161 Linhexi Rd, Harley Zhang / Candy Tang Tianhe District, Guangzhou ᓴᓎ⊏佼⧎ ഄഔ˖ᑓᎲᏖ⊇ऎᵫ㽓䏃161োЁ⋄䰙ᑓഎBᑻ1807ো E-mail: [email protected] Post Code/䚂㓪˖510620 Tel/⬉䆱˖+8620 3831 0021; Fax/Ӵⳳ˖+8620 3825 1882 NOTICE E-mail˖[email protected] THE BRIDGE is a quarterly publication.
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