Notes CHAPTER I: THE NATURE AND IMPORTANCE OF THE QUESTION I. I John 5.7. 2. I Corinthians I5.35- 42 (NEB). CHAPTER 2: CONFUSION IN TRADITIONAL CHRISTIAN OPTIONS ABOUT 'THE LIFE OF THE WORLD TO COME" I. Ezekiel 9.IO. 2. Psalm 6.6. 3. Psalm I39.8 QB); cf. Deuteronomy 32.22, Amos 9.2, Isaiah 7.11. 4. Acts 23.8. 5. 2 Corinthians I2.2 6. I Enoch 48.9. Enoch, among apocryphal books, was very popular with early Christians. 7. It is so used in this general sense in Nehemiah 2.8, Song of Solomon 4.l::S, Ecclesiastes 2. 5. 8. Luke 23.43. 9. Daniel I2.2 10. E.g. 2 Maccabees 7.9, 14.46. 11. Matthew 22.23, Mark 12.18, Luke 20.27, Acts 23.8. 12. 2 Timothy 2.17. 13. Romans 6.23. 14. 2 Timothy 2.18. 15. Oscar Cullmann, 'Immortality of the Soul or Resurrection of the Dead,' in Krister Stendahl(ed.), Immortality and Resurrection(New York: Mac· millan, 1965) p.45. Cf. Acts 17.32. 16. Mark 10.I7. 17. Philippians I. 23. 18. Gregory of Nyssa, De anima et resurrectione, in Migne, P.G. 46, 108D. 19. Tatian, Oratio ad Graecos, 6. 20. Revelation 20.4 ff. 21. Justin, Dialogue with Trypho, 5. 22. Ibid. 80. CHAPTER 3: WAYS OF UNDERSTANDING THE CONCEPT OF REINCARNATION 1. Act iv, Scene I. 2. Psalm 19. 7. 3. Psalm 89.1. 4. Thomas Aquinas, Summa Theologiae, I, 2, 2 ad 1. 150 Notes and References 151 5. Matthew 5.17. 6. E.g. the Parable of the Sower, Mark 4.3-20, 2 Corinthians 9.6, Psalm 126.5-6. 7. Lynn A. de Silva, The Problem of the Self in Buddhism and Christianity (Colombo, Sri Lanka: The Study Centre for Religion and Society, 1975) p.l12. 8. Hebrews 13.14. 9. Mark 8.36-37 (NEB) 10. Matthew 27.50 (KJV) 11. G. F. Moore, Metempsychosis (Cambridge, Mass: Harvard University Press, 1914) p.56. 12. H.H. Price, however, in Perception (London: Methuen, 1932) p. 255f., invites us to conceive a disembodied visual percipient and contends that such a conception is not self-contradictory. 13. Augustine, De Enarrationes in Psalmos, 88, 5. 14. 1 Corinthians 15.35. 15. Ibid. CHAPTER 4: NEW TESTAMENT AND PATRISTIC WITNESS 1. See Dennis Nineham, The Use and Abuse of the Bible (London: Macmillan, 1976) which sets forth the general principles on which modern biblical scholars work. Although my perceptions would differ from his at some points, I would recommend this book as an admirably clear statement of what needs to be said on the subject in the Church today. 2. Isaiah 40.8. 3. John 9.2. 4. John 9.3. 5. John 9.6f. 6. Malachi 4.5 (NEB). 7. Matthew 17.9- 13; f. 11.14- 15. 8. Matthew 16.13 - 15; f. Mark 8.27f, Luke 9.18f. 9. Matthew 11.15. 10. John 1.21. 11. Luke 9. 7f. 12. Tertullian, De carnis resurrectione, 1. 13. Tertullian, De anima, 28·35. 14. 2 Kings 2.11. 15. Thomas Aquinas, Quaestiones disputatae, De potentia, q.3, a.10. 16. Augustine De Civitate Dei, 22, 28. 17. Lactantius, Divinae Institutiones, 7, 23. 18. Nemesius, De natura hominis, 38. 19. Epiphanius, Panarion, 48, 10. The term hyperanthropos that Epiphanius uses here occurs also in Lucian, whence Nietzsche probably drew his celebrated word: Uebermensch. 20. Origen, Contra Celsum, 7. 32. 21. Gregory of Nyssa, De anima et resurrectione, in Migne, P. G. 46, 1080 22. Origen, De principiis, 2, 2, 2. 23. Plato, Timaeus 58D; cf. Phaedo lilA. 152 Reincarnation as a Christian Hope 24. De principiis, 3,6,6.; cf. Aristotle, De caelo 270b. 25. Irenaeus, Adversus omnes haereses, 2, 33, 5; cf. 2, 34, 1. This work was directed especially against the Gnostics, more particularly those espousing the system of Valentinus. 26. Tertullian, De camis resu.rrectione, 63. 27. Ibid, 60. 28. Matthew 22.30, Mark 12.25, Luke 20.35. 29. Tertullian, De camis resu.rrectione, 62. SO. Tertullian, De camis resu.rrectione, 60. 31. See, e.g., Gregory of Nyssa, loc.cit. 32. See, for example, J. Munck, Untersu.chen ii.ber Klemens von Alexandria Stuttgart: 1933) pp.224-9. 33. Matthew 19.12. 34. On Origen's theory of aeons, see De Oratione,21, 14; cf. Comm. in Matt. 11. s. 35. Comm. in Matt., XIV, 10.20. 36. De pn'ncipiis, 1, 4, 1. This passage, omitted by Rufinus, is cited by Jerome (see Contra ]ohannem Hierosolymae., 16 and 19; Ep. ad Avitu.m, S} and inserted in modern reconstructions of the text of Origen. 37. De principiis, 1, 8, 4. This passage is from the remains of the Greek text. In Rufinus's Latin translation what takes its place is a passage saying exactly the opposite of what Origen says in the Greek text. 38. Jerome, Epistola ad Avitu.m, 14. 39. De pnnc1jl1is, 4, 4, 8. Here and in the immediately preceding quotations I have used G. W. Butterworth's translation of Paul Koetschau's edition of the text (London: S P C K, 1936) 40. Jerome, Epistola ad Pammachiu.m et Ocean., 7. 41. G.L. Prestige, God 1n Patristic Thought (London: S PC K, 1952} p.279. CHAPTER 5: HOW AND WHY REINCARNATIONISM FELL INTO DISFAVOUR 1. See, for example, Flavius Josephus, The jewish War, 3, 8, 5, and Philo, De gigantes, 2 ff. 2. C.G.Jung, Psychology and Alchemy (New York: Pantheon, 1953) p.S5. 3. I have discussed its role in Christian beginnings and Christian thought in my book, Gnosis: A Renaissance 1n Christian Thought (Wheaton, Illinois: Quest Books, 1979). 4. Among the Albigenses, two classes were recognized: (1) the perfecti, who received Baptism of the Holy Spirit by the imposition of hands and observed all the injunctions in theirfull rigour, including totalsexual abstinence and a strictly vegetarian diet, and (2) believers, who adhered to Albigensian teachings in principle but were not ready to accept the precepts in their strictness. CHAPTER 6: REINCARNATION AS AN INTERPRETATION OF PURGATORY 1. From the Trattato, as quoted by Baron von HUgel, The Mystical Element of Religion (London: Dent, 1927) vol.l, p.284. 2. Ibid, p.286. Notes and References 153 3. Romans 8.28. On the prison motif in modem existentialism, see the long article by Professor Victor Brombert of Yale university, 'Esquisse de Ia prison heureuse', Revue d'Histoire Litteraire de Ia France, March-April197l. 4. Clement of Alexandria, Strom4teis, 7 ,6. 5. 1 Corinthians 3.11-15. 6. 2 Peter 3.12. 7. See for example, Robert Amadou, 'Louis-Claude de Saint· Martin, le theosophe meconnu', L 'Initiation, nouvelle serie, no. I, 1977. Dr Amadous is a priest of the Syrian Church. 8. De Civitate Dei, 21, 13; 21, 24. 9. Peter Lombard, Sentences, 2, 18, 8: 'catholica ecclesia animas docet in corporibus infundi et infundendo creari'. 10. Thomas Aquinas, Summ4 Theologiae, I, 118,2. 11. Rosmini, whose thought shows the influence of the Platonic tradition and also of Descartes, Kant and Hegel, was disliked by the jesuits, some of whose teachings he opposed. His teachings were attacked during his lifetime and some papally censured. His five·colume posthumous work, La Teosofia, incurred the censure of Leo XIII. CHAPTER 7: EVOLUTION AND THE CONCEPT OF REINCARNATION l. J.McCosh, The Religious Aspect of Evolution (New York: Scribner, 1890) p.113. 2. Solemnization of Holy Matrimony. 3. Edinburgh Evening News, 15 May 1980, p.l Atthetimeofpublication ofthe article, the Dog Aid Society was preparing for combat with the Edinburgh District Council. 4. M.J.Savage, The Religion of Evolution (Boston: Lockwood, Brooks, 1876) p.5l. 5. Ephesians 4.13. 6. I. Kant, Der Streit der Fakutiiten in his Complete Works (Leipzig, 1912) vol.I, pp.637ff. 7. F. von Baader, Vorlesung iiber eine kiinftige Theon·e des Opfers (Miinster, 1836) p.25. 8. Ibid, p.21. 9. For some discussion of Monboddo, see Arthur 0. Lovejoy, The Great Chain of Being (Cambridge, Mass.: Harvard University Press, 1948) pp. 235 and 272. See also Emily Cloyd, james Burnett: Lord Monboddo (Oxford: Clarendon Press, 1972) pp.161·168. 10. I. Kant, Allgemeine Naturgeschichte und Theon"e des Himmels in G. Hartenstein (ed.) Siimmtliche Werke (Leipzig: Leopold Voss, 1867) Part III, Conclusion, p.344. 11. Albert Schweitzer, Reverence for Life, T. Kiernan (ed.) (New York: Philosophical Library, 1965) p. 72. This is an anthology of selected writtings. 12. Albert Schweitzer, Indian Thought and Its Development (Boston: Beacon Press, 1952) pp.222f. 13. Emory Ross in The Saturday Review 25 September 1965, (Schweitzer memorial issue). 154 Reincarnation as a Christi'an Hope CHAPTER 8: ANGELS AND OTHER MINISTERS OF THE GRACE OF GOD 1. Luke 1.26-38. 2. Revelation 12.7-9. 3. Matthew 26.53 (JB). 4. Shepherd, Mandate 6, 2, 1-3. 5. Phaedo 108 B. 6. Ambrose, In Ps. 37.43. 7. 1 Peter 5.8 (JB). 8. 1 Peter 5.9 (JB). 9. Philippians 2.12. 10. Psalm 91.11-12. 11. Deuteronomy 6.16 f. Matthew 4.7, Luke 4.12. 12. Matthew, 4.11, Mark 1.13. 13. Hebrew 12.1. 14. Origen, On Prayer, in J. E. L. Oulton and H. Chadwick, Alexandrian Christianity (Library of Christian Classics) (Philadelphia: Westminster Press, 1954) p.325. CHAPTER 9: MEMORY AND CLAIMS OF RECOLLECTION OF PREVIOUS LIVES 1. Charles Richet, Thirty Years of Psychical Research (London: Macmillan, 1923) p. 607. (English translation of his Traite de Metapsychique). See also a review by Sir Oliver Lodge in Proceedings of the Society for Psychical Research, vol.XXXIV, pp.
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