Richard Nixon Presidential Library White House Special Files Collection Folder List Box Number Folder Number Document Date Document Type Document Description 25 13 n.d. Brochure Copies of pages of government telephone numbers, State Capitals, Elected offcials etc. 18 pages. 25 13 4/11/1972 Memo John Dean Re: Requirements of the Federal Election Campaign Act of 1971. 2 pages. 25 13 1/21/1972 Letter Harry Flemming to Attorney General John Mitchell. Re: Primary Races. 2 pages. 25 13 2/01/1972 Memo Glenn Sedam, Jr. for Harry Flemming. Re: Updated Information: States Which Elect Delegates at State Convention. 1 page. 25 13 3/31/1972 Letter Comptroller General to President Richard Nixon. Re: Title I and Title III under the Federal Election Campaign Act of 1971. Attached: 10 blank forms for report of receipts and expenditures not scanned. 11 pages. 25 13 3/28/1972 Memo Fred Thompson to David Wilson. Re: Conversation Glen Sedan. Attached: 11 blank forms for report of receipts and expenditures not scanned. 12 pages. Monday, May 07, 2007 Page 1 of 2 Box Number Folder Number Document Date Document Type Document Description 25 13 n.d. Letter Glenn Sedam to Fred Thompson. Re: Questions pertaining to the requirements of the Federal Election Campaign Act of 1971. 2 copies of letter only one scanned. 6 pages. 25 13 1972 Brochure Fund-Reporting Facts, 1972 Presidential Primaries. 1 page. 25 13 4/05/1972 Memo Notes by Fred Thompson Re: Federal Election Campaign Act of 1971. 1 page. Monday, May 07, 2007 Page 2 of 2 THE STATE CAPITOLS Slate Dr Olher Name Dj Area TelephD"e Jurisdictioll Slale CapilDI B .. i1di"l1~ Capilal Cily Zip CDd. Code N ..mber Alabama State Capitol Montgomery !l6104 205 269-6011 Alaska State Capitol Juneau 99801 586-5301 Arizona State Capitol Phoenix 85007 602 27J.4900 Arkansas State Capitol Little Rock 72201 501 !l71·3000 California State Capitol Sacramento 95814 916 NCS Colorado State Capitol Denver 80203 !l03 222·9911 Connecticut State Capitol Hartford 06115 203 566·2211 Delaware .....•... Legislative Hall Dover 19901 !l02 678-4114 Florida State Capitol Tallahassee !l2304 904 NCS Georgia State Capitol Atlanta !l0!l34 404 NCS Hawaii State Capitol Building Honolulu 96813 808 548·2211 Idaho State Capitol Boise 8!l701 208 !l84-2411 Illinois State House Springfield 62706 217 525·2000 Indiana State House Indianapolis 46204 !l17 633-4000 Iowa State Capitol Des Moines 50319 515 281·5011 Kansas State House Topeka 66612 913 296-0111 Kentucky State Capitol Frankfort 40601 502 564·2500 Lousiana State Capitol Baton Rouge 70804 504 !l89·632I Maine State House Augusta 04330 207 289-1110 Maryland State House Annapolis 21404 301 NCS Massachusetts State House Boston 02133 617 727·2121 Michigan State Capitol Lansing 48903 517 !l73-1837 Minnesota State Capitol St. Paul 55101 612 221·3761 Mississippi State Capitol Jackson 39205 601 354·7011 Missouri State Capitol JelIerson City 65101 314 635·9101 Montana State Capitol Helena 59601 406 449·2511 Nebraska State Capitol Lincoln 68509 402 471·2311 Nevada State Capitol Carson City 89701 702 882·2561 New Hampshire State House Concord 03301 603 271·1110 New Jersey State House Trenton 08625 609 292·2121 • New Mexico State Capitol Santa Fe 87501 505 827·4011 New York .. " State Capitol Albany 12224 518 NCS North Carolina State Capitol Raleigh 27602 919 829· III0 North Dakota State Capitol Bismarck 58501 701 224·2000 Ohio State House Columbus 43215 614 469·2000 Oklahoma State Capitol Oklahoma City 73105 405 521·2011 Oregon State Capitol Salem 97310 503 NCS Pennsylvania Capitol Building Harrisburg 17120 717 787·2121 Rhode Island State House Providence 02903 401 277-2000 South Carolina State House Columbia 29211 803 NCS South Dakota State Capitol Pierre 57501 605 22HOil Tennessee State Capitol Nashville !l7219 615 741·3011 Texas State Capitol Austin 78711 512 NCS Utah •............ State Capitol Salt Lake City 84114 801 328·5111 Vermont State House Montpelier 05602 802 223-2311 Virl(inia State Capitol Richmond 23219 703 770·0000 Washington Legislative Building Olympia 98501 206 75!l·5000 West Virginia State Capitol Charleston 25305 304 !l48·3456 Wisconsin State Capitol Madison 53702 608 266·2211 Wyoming State Capitol Cheyenne 82001 !l07 777·7220 American Samoa .. Government House Pago Pago 96920 220!l.2204 \.. Guam Congress Building Agana 96910 7777·821 <-Puerto Rico Capitol San Juan 00901 72!l·6040 TTPI"" Capitol Hill Saipan 96950 '-. Virgin Islands Government House Charlotte Amalie 00801 809 774-0001 NCS-No central switchbeard. -In some instances the name is not official. ·'Tru.t Territory of tbe Pacific Island•. Telephon, Numb" Elective Officers of the States for 1971* 269-601l­ 586-5301 271-4900 371-3000 NCS 222-9911 ALABAMA 566-2211 678-4114 Governor George C. Wallace (D) Treasurer Mrs. Agnes Baggett (D) NCS Lieutenant Governor Jere Beasley (D) Auditor Mrs. Melba Till Allen (D) NCS 548-2211:J.~ ,ftfl.I&$'"Secretary of State .. Mrs. MabeISAmos (D) Commissioner of Agriculture and t:!.//8 Attorney General. .. William Baxley (D) Industries Richard Beard (D) 384-2411 525-2000 633-4000 Supreme Court 281-5011 Chief Justice Howell T. Heflin 296-0111 564-2500 Associate Justices 389-6321 Thomas S. Lawson Robert B. Harwood 289-1110 Robert T. Simpson James N. Bloodworth NCS Pelham J. Merrill Hugh Maddox 727-2121 James S. Coleman, Jr. Daniel T. McCall, Jr. 373-1837 221-3761 354-7011 635-9101 449-2511 471-2311 882-2561 ~ ~ 271-1110 ALASKA 1s;d 292-2121 Governor .... " ...William A. Egan (D) Lieutenant Governor .H. A. Boucher (D) 827-4011 NCS Supreme Court 829-1110 224-2000 Chief Justice George F. Boney 469-2000 Associate Justices 521-2011 John H. Dimond Roger G. Connor NCS Jay A. Rabinowitz Robert C. Erwin 787·2121 277-2000 NCS 224·3011 741-3011 NCS 328-5111 ARIZONA 223-2311 Governor Jack Williams (R) Superintendent of Public 770-0000 753·5000 Secretary of Sta te Wesley Bolin (D) Instruction Weldon P. Shofstall (R) 348-3456 Attorney General. .. Gary K. Nelson (R) Mine Inspector 266·2211 Treasurer Ernest Garfield (R) Verne C. McCutchan (R) 777-7220 2203.2204 .Political affiliations are indicated by the following abbreviations: (D) Democratic. (R) Re­ 7777·821 publican. (DFL) Democratic-Fanner-Labor, (NPP) New Progressive Party. (NP) signifies that 723·6040 election to the office is on a nonpartisan basis and does not necessarily indicate lack of party affiliation for the official. 774-0001 2 THE BOOK OF THE STATES ARIZONA-Continued Supreme Court C 1. Chief Justice ....Fred C. Struckrneyer, Jr. Vice Chief Justice Jack D. H. Hays Justices Jesse A. Udall Lorna E. Lockwood J ames Duke Cameron ARKANSAS Governor. Dale Bumpers (D) Treasurer Nancy J. Hall (D) Lieutenant Governor Auditor Jimmie Jones (D) ( .................Robert C. Riley (D) Commissioner of 1. Secretary of State Kelly Bryant (D) State Lands Sam Jones (D) S Attorney General Ray Thornton (D) Supreme Court Chief Justice Carleton Harris Associate Justices George R. Smith John A. Fogleman ( Lyle Brown J. Fred Jones I Conley F. Byrd J. Frank Holt I CALIFORNIA Governor Ronald Reagan (R) Treasurer Ivy Baker Priest (R) Lieutenant Governor .. Ed Reinecke (R) Controller Houston I. Flournoy (R) Secretary of State Superintendent of Public ..........Edmund G. Brown, Jr. (D) Instruction .....Wilson C. Riles (NP) Attorney General. Evelle J. Younger (R) Supreme Court Chief Justice Donald R. Wright Associate Justices Marshall F. McComb Stanley Mosk Raymond E. Peters Louis H. Burke Mathew O. Tobriner Raymond L. Sullivan ELECTIVE OFFICERS FOR 1971 COLORADO Governor John A. Love (R) Secretary of State. Byron A. Anderson (R) Lieutenant Governor Attorney General .. Duke W. Dunbar (R) ... " John D. Vanderhoof (R) Treasurer. Palmer Burch (R) Supreme Court Chief Justice Edward E. Pringle Justices Edward C. Day James K. Groves Paul V. Hodges Robert B. Lee Donald E. Kelley William H. Erickson CONNECTICUT Governor Thomas J. Meskill (R) Attorney General. Robert K. Killian (D) Lieutenant Governor. T. Clark Hull (R) Treasurer Robert 1. Berdon (R) . Secretary of State ....Gloria Schaffer (D) Comptroller..Nathan G. Agostinelli (R) DELAWARE Governor Russell \V. Peterson (R) Treasurer Emily Womach (D) Lieutenant Governor Auditor George W. Cripps (R) ........Eugene D. Bookhammer (R) Insurance Commissioner Attorney General . Robert A. Short (R) ............W. Laird Stabler, Jr. (R) S<:.c.. ~ stt 1,1: ~.I\\ cr- H C:-' ~.~ FLORIDA Governor Reubin O'D. Askew (D) Comptroller..Fred O. Dickinson, Jr. (D) Lieutenant Governor ..Tom Adams (D) Superintendent of Public Secretary of State .. Richard B. Stone (D) Instruction ....Floyd T. Christian (D) Attorney General .. Robert L. Shevin (D) Commissioner of Treasurer ....Thomas D. O'Malley (D) Agriculture .....Doyle E. Conner (D) Supreme Court Chief Justice B. K. Roberts Justices ;,;... E. Harris Drew James c. Adkins, Jr. Richard W. Ervin Joseph A. Boyd, Jr. Vassar B. Carlton DaVId L. McCain 4 THE BOOK OF THE STATES GEORGIA Governor Jimmy Carter (D) Comptroller General Lieutenant Governor . · Johnnie L. Caldwell (D) ..............Lester G. Maddox (D) Superintendent of Schools Secretary of State · Jack P. Nix (D) .............Ben W. Fortson, Jr. (D) Commissioner of Agriculture Attorney General. .Arthur K. Bolton (D) · Thomas T. Irvin (D) Treasurer William H. Burson (D) Commissioner of Labor · Sam Caldwell (D) Supreme Court Chief Justice Bond Almand Presiding Justice Carlton Mobley Associate Justices Benning M. Grice Hiram K. Undercofler H. E. Nichols Jule W. Felton Peyton S. Hawes GUAM Governor Carlos G. Camacho (R) Lieutenant Governor · Kurt S. Moylan (R) HAWAII ~~r Governor John A. Burns (D) Lieutenant Gove3ior J · George R. Ariyoshi (D) IDAHO Governor Cecil D. Andrus (D) Treasurer Marjorie Ruth Moon (D) Lieutenant Governor Auditor Joe R. Williams (D) ................Jack M. Murphy (R) Superintendent of Public Secretary of State. Pete T. Cenarrusa (R) Instruction D.
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