APRIL/ABRIL2016 MAY/MAYO2016 ABRIL ES EL MES NACIONAL DE LA PREVENCIÓN DEL ABUSO INFANTIL Resources, Referrals, and Support / Recursos, Referencias, y Apoyo Este mes y a lo largo del año RCCS alienta a todos los individuos y organizaciones a jugar un papel para hacer de APRIL IS NATIONAL CHILD ABUSE PREVENTION Sonoma County un lugar mejor para los niños y las familias. MONTH Al asegurarnos de que los padres tengan el conocimiento, This month and throughout the year, RCCS encourages las destrezas y los recursos necesarios para cuidar de sus all individuals and organizations to play a role in making hijos, podemos ayudar a promover el bienestar social y Sonoma County a better place for children and families. emocional de los niños y prevenir el maltrato infantil dentro By ensuring that parents have the knowledge, skills, and de las familias y comunidades. Estudios de investigación resources they need to care for their children, we can demuestran que cuando los padres poseen cinco factores help promote children’s social and emotional well-being protectores, el riesgo de descuido y abuso disminuye y se and prevent child maltreatment within families and promueven resultados óptimos para los niños, jóvenes y communities. Research shows that when parents possess familias. Los seis factores protectores son los siguientes: five protective factors, the risk for neglect and abuse 1. Cariño y apego diminish and optimal outcomes for children, youth, and 2. Conocimientos sobre la crianza y el desarrollo infantil families are promoted. The six protective factors are: y juvenil 1. Nurturing and attachment 3. Resistencia de los padres 2. Knowledge of parenting and of child and youth 4. Conexiones sociales development 5. Apoyos concretos para los padres 3. Parental resilience BIENESTAR DEL DESARROLLO SOCIAL Y EMOCIONAL 4. Social connections 5. Concrete supports for parents Abril es una época para celebrar el importante papel que juegan las comunidades en la protección de los niños. La SOCIAL AND EMOTIONAL DEVELOPMENTAL participación de todos es crítica. Lo mejor que nuestra WELL-BEING comunidad puede hacer para prevenir el maltrato infantil April is a time to celebrate the important role that y promover el óptimo desarrollo infantil es enfocarse en communities play in protecting children. Everyone’s formas de construir y promover los factores protectores. participation is critical. Focusing on ways to build and promote the protective factors, in every interaction with children and families, is the best thing our community can do to prevent child maltreatment and promote optimal Come See IT! child development. WEEK OF THE YOUNG CHILD Children's Art Display at WestAmerica Bank in downtown Guerneville April 10-16, 2016 all through the month of May 2016 What is the Week of the Young Child™? The Week of the Young Child™ is an annual celebration sponsored by the National Association for the Education of Young Children (NAEYC), the world's largest early childhood education association, with nearly 80,000 members and a network of over 300 local, state, and regional Affiliates. The purpose of the Week of the Young Child™ is to focus public attention on the needs of young children and their families and to recognize the early childhood programs and services that meet those needs. NAEYC first established the Week of the Young Child™ in 1971, recognizing that the early childhood years (birth through age 8) lay the foundation for children's success in school and later life. The Week of the Young Child™ is a time to plan how we—as citizens of a community, of a state, and of a nation—will better meet the needs of all young children and their families. Nuestra misión es cultivar el desarrollo saludable de los niños y familias en nuestra comunidad. Ofrecemos recursos, referencias, apoyo y oportunidades a los proveedores de cuidado de niños, familias y comunidades en el Oeste de Condado de Sonoma “Our mission is to nurture the healthy development of children and families in our community. We offer resources, referrals, support and opportunities to child care providers, families and communities in western Sonoma County”. Celebrating 40 Years of Service JOIN1976 US - SATURDAY, 2016 AUGUST 20, 2016 Resources, Referrals, and Support / Recursos, Referencias, y Apoyo We’rewww.rccservices.org Having a Party Forestville Youth Park 7045707.869.3613 Mirabel Rd, Forestville, CA from 1:00 pm to 4:00 pm food FUN prizes FREE! magic FREE! music games food Calendar April 2016 Abril Calendario 4/5: Attendance sheets due in RCCS by 5 PM Hoy es el día límite de las Hojas de Asistencia a las 5 PM 4/4 & 5: Kindergym in Guerneville 4/6 & 7: Kindergym in Forestville 4/8: Provider Appreciation Night at the Monte Rio Community Center, 6-9 PM 4/11 & 12: Kindergym in Guerneville 4/11 - 15: WEEK OF THE YOUNG CHILD art display at WestAmerica Bank, Guerneville 4/12: Padres Abriendo Caminos (PAC) se reúne a las 6:00 PM en RCCS. Por favor llamar a Olga al 707- 869-3613 x 117 April 8th: 4/13 & 14: Kindergym in Forestville Provider Appreciation Night 4/15: Evening of Honor at the Monte Rio Community Kindergym in Guerneville 4/18 & 19: Center, 6-8:30 PM April 29th: 4/20 & 21: Kindergym in Forestville Golf Tournament 4/18: Provider payday Dia de pago de los proveedores Fundraiser at Northwood 4/25 & 26: Kindergym in Guerneville Golf, Monte Rio, 1PM 4/27 & 28: Kindergym in Forestville 4/27: Board of Directors meetingMesa Directiva de RCCS se reúne, 6:00 PM at RCCS 4/29: Golf Tournament Fundraiser Calendar May 2016 Mayo Calendario 5/2 & 3: Kindergym in Guerneville 5/4: Kindergym in Forestville 5/5: Attendance sheets due in RCCS by 5 PM Hoy es el día límite de las Hojas de Asistencia a las 5 PM 5/7: JOIN RCCS FOR THE HUMAN RACE! 5/9 &10: Kindergym in Guerneville 5/10: Padres Abriendo Caminos (PAC) se reúne a las 6:00 PM en RCCS. Por favor llamar a Olga al 707- 869-3613 x 117 5/11: Kindergym in Forestville 5/16 & 17: Kindergym in Guerneville 5/18: Kindergym in Forestville 5/18: Provider Home Tours 5/18: Provider payday Dia de pago de los proveedores 5/23 & 24: Kindergym in Guerneville 5/25: Kindergym in Forestville 5/25: Board of Directors meetingMesa Directiva de RCCS se reúne, 6:00 PM at RCCS 5/30: MEMORIAL DAY OFFICE CLOSEDOFICINA CERRADA 5/30 & 31: NO KINDERGYM IN GUERNEVILLE Ongoing Children's Activities from RCCS: Kindergym: ; River to Coast Children's Services brings Kindergym to Forestville on Wednesday AND Thursday (except the 3rd Thursday of each month) 9:45 AM to 12:15 PM. Held at the Forestville United Methodist Church, 6550 Covey Road in downtown Forestville, features activities for children 0 to 6 years (accompanied by their care givers) ; River to Coast Children’s Services offers Kindergym Monday and Tuesday mornings 9:45 AM to 12:15 PM in Guerneville at the Guerneville Vets’ Hall, located on the corner of 1st and Church Streets in downtown Guerneville. Features activities for children 0 to 6 years (accompanied by their care givers). Kindergyms are FREE, but donations are accepted, Call 707.869.3613 for current schedule, or check the current RCCS newsletter online at www.rccservices.org Strengthening Families D aily Acts of Kindness Towards Children Sun Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat Color a special Compliment Listen to your Praise your picture with Read to your and Allow your children’s children for Sing a song your child. child. encourage child options. stories and what they are with your child. Hang it on the children. dreams. doing well. refrigerator. Create an art Set aside time Help your child Go for a Plant a and craft Take your Play your each day to pick out old family garden activity that child to the child’s favorite focus entirely toys to give bike ride. together. you can do zoo. game. on your child. away. with your child. Do something Teach your Turn up the Make Hug your relaxing with Take your children to radio and Go for a long cookies with children for no your child like children to visit resolve dance walk together. your child. reason. get a pedicure a fire station. conflicts together. together. peacefully. Rent a family Ask your Teach your Build a fort in movie and Children what Tell your Take your child words your living Go to the park share a bowl was the best children children on a to describe room with with your child. of part of their “I love you.” picnic. their feelings. your child. popcorn. day. Help your child Make Ask your Take your Plan an Invite your send a note, Sunday children about child to the Make Friday activity with child’s friends picture, or dinner their favorite library and night another over to your card to together as a subject in check out a Family Night! family. house. someone they family. school. special book. appreciate. Information and Resource Line (916) 244-1906 or thecapcenter.org Fortalecimiento de Familias Actos de bondad hacia los niños Domingo Lunes Martes Miercoles Jueves Viernes Sabado Haga un dibujo Reconozca las especial de Felicitar y Escuche las Cante una Leer a sus Dar opciones a cosas positivas usted con su animar a sus historias de sus canción con sus hijos. sus hijos. que hacen sus hijo y cuélguelo hijos. niños y sus hijos. hijos. en el sueños. refrigerador. Asigne un tiempo especial Crear una Ayude a sus Vaya a un paseo Lleve a sus Juegue el juego cada día para Plantar un actividad de arte hijos a escoger familiar en hijos al favorito de sus enfocarse sola- jardín juntos.
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