LEDGER UP and ENTRIES Betaf a OoUectton of Varloot Topics of Loeal and FORTY-SEVENTH YEAR LOWELL, MICHIGAN, JANUARY 11, 1940 No. 35 Oonerml laterMt UNCLE SAM'S BIOOEB INCOME Churches Resume rpHE TOTAL income of the Thirteen in Race 1 School of Religion Our People Are American people for 1M9 is esti- % mated by government authorities Adult Nigbt School The Congregational and Metho- as $68,800,000,000. This is 14.800,000 dist Churches will conduct a Com- more than the national income for For Congress Post munity School of Religion, begin- Coming to the IMS. Uncle sam looks rather smil- ning Feb. 7, and continuing for six ing and pleased that that added consecutive Wednesday evenings. amount of money has been flowing This Is the second venture of this through his pockets. In 5th District The total tax spread on the Low- Starts Here Jan. kind undertaken by the local Aid of Finland ell village tax roll for the year 1939 17 It does not look quite so good, churches. Last fall, a six weeks when you figure that the national was $18,440.78, all of which has been school was held. The enthusiastic To Ran it Off collected by treasurer Elmer S. Your Money Income in 1929 was over 179,000,000,- response to that school, prompted (By K. K. Vlnlng) 000. The country may have around White excepting the sum of $667, Interesting ClatUs to Be Held For the drafting of plans for another. 10 per cent more people than in On January 25 which has been returned to the All sessions of the school will be Will Save Lives Not So Satisfactory 1929, and if so, an Income of around county treasurer. held in the Methodist Church. Ac- The County Agent's office gsts W7,000,000,000 U needed to make it Nine Republicans and four Dem- Both Men knd Women cording to present plans, there will Rudolph VanDyke, president of inquiries about a cement sawdust squally prosperous. It would be •Have you made your gift yet to ocrats are In the race for party be two courses offered. The ma- the Lowell State Savings Bank, mixture for floors. A letter from wall for your Uncle to examine his the relief of Finland? Help Is sore- John Klelnhskiel, head of tha can Red Cross and will start her nominations for congress In the terials will be definitely related to who is acting as local chairman the Agricultural Engineering De- pockets more carefully, to see if he ly needed, all donations will help, agriculture department of Lowftll first class here January 24. special primary to be held In the the Lenten theme. for the Finnish Relief Fund. Inc., partment at Michigan State Col- can discover any holes in them that fifth district January 28. no matter how small or large. high school, announces the co This course is offered free to all Plan now to save your Wednes- reports that contributions are com- Tour bank will forward your con- tion of plans for the adult n! women, both young and old, and lege to a Kent county farmer need msndlng. The nine Republicans seeking day evenings, and Join In this op- ing in dally In a very satisfactory states their experience has not tributions without delay. This is school which begins next will continue for 12 weeks, the the post made vacant by the death portunity to Increase your know- manner. been very satisfactory, in fact urgent—don't deUy. Wednesdsy evening, Jan. 17, Ilk group meeting once a week in a BACKLOG FOB 1949 of the late Carl E. Mapes are as ledge of the Christian life and Thus far no drive for funds has rather disappointing. New Hamp- Ag. room of the high school, two hour class period. The first follows: faith. been undertsken and all contribu- shire has reported work with this rpK/r heavy industries, say the They don't have Showboats in session of the school will be of hour will be spent In class dlscus- tions have been voluntary and this mixture but they put so many "Ifs" financial authorities, enter the BepubUcan f^ndldntrt Texas, but they do have snow- special interest to both men and •lon of home care of the sick, and Is as It should be for the plight of and "ands" that It makes It hard nsw year with a large reserve of boats. It rarely snows In Gains- women, although ths classes tot Andrew Bolt, Grand Rapids, state the second hour will be given over Leone Alexander, 56, the Finnish people Is well knoihi to figure out. They recommend unfilled orders. The machine and representative. vlile in the Lone Star state so the ladles will not start until We4* to demonstration of some phase of to all. Women, children and old when four inches of snow fell Sat- white pine, spruce or hemlock saw- equipment makers are said to have Harvey E. Clay, Grand Rapids, nesday evening, January 24. sick room care. There will be 16 Passes Saturday men have been forced to flee from urday, Robert Bridges hitched up dust and that from the main saw. a heavier backlog of such orders retired industrial executive. demonstrations during ths course, their homes and take refuge in the than thsy have had since 1930. a 12-foot rowboat to his car and Things New to Farming Leone A. Alexander, 56, lifelong Hardwood sawdust is not recom- Walter F. Corbln, battalion chief and the use of home made equip- rural districts, where the homes mended. took the youngsters for a sleighride. resident of Lowell, passed away at People may make their old ma- in the Grand Rapids fire depart- The discussion at the meeting oh ment will be stressed. are sadly over-crowded, sometimes St. Mary's hospitsd. Grand Rapids, chines and equipment go for quite ment. Wednesday evening, January 11 Among demonstrations are the as many as 90 persons huddled to- a period, bat there comes a day F. P. MacFarlane, veteran mer- last Saturday after an illness of Old Picture# Atty. John R Dethmers, Holland, will center around things that stf% baby's bath, sick room trays, hos- gether In one farm houae. They chant, left today for a three about five weeks. Funeral services when It Is too costly to operate this former Ottawa county prosscutor. new in farming, which will include pital diets, isolation technique as fled from their homes with only Going through some flies ths months' vacation which will take were held Tuesday afternoon at old stuff. When the ancient car . Atty. Bartel J. Jonkman, Grand a review of the artificial Insemlai* taught by the Grand Rapids health the clothing they were wearing, other day we found some pictures gsts so shaky that you havs to him as far west as Oakland, Calif. the Roth Chapel, the Rev. W. T. taken in 1917. Among them were Rapids, former Kent county prose- tion unit under operation at Palfr department complete change of and the contributions asked for spend mors In repairs than is need- He will make stop-overs in Arizona. Ratcllffe officiating. Burial was some of a Guernsey calf club or- cutor. Paw, and interesting facts concsrfl- bed linen with the patient in bed. are for the purpose of buying Nsw Mexico and other points. A 1 made In Oakwood cemetery. ganized in the Caledonia neighbor- ed to buy a better one, most any- John A Prawdzik, Grand Rapids Ing milk production. Motion artificial reap 'ration and how to food, clothing, etc. body will dig up the cash for such year ago Mr. MacFarlane made the hood by H. G. Smith. County Farm restaurant proprietor. turas will be shown. make home made first aid kit, ac- Obituary Sketch The Finnish Relief fund, Mr a purchase. The money is coming trip west by sea via the Panama Ths Red Croes course for I cording to Red Cross standards. VanDyke states is attempting to Agent. The boys sent Smith and Atty. Paul O. Strawhecker, mem- Leone Alexander was born March out of hiding to take care of the canal route. must be well attended if this Mirs Eileen Koopman, nutrition- meet the general relief needs of one or two parents to Wisconsin ber of Grand Rapids board of edu 18, 1884, in Lowell, the son of nation's needs, and whsn money set Is to be completed. It Is ist for the Grand Rapids Chapter Finland. "Thousands," be said, to buy calves. The club was organ- Charles H and Tina Alexander. comM out of hiding the factory The best Joke of the week hap- fore suggested that farm will, onoe during the course, put on "have been driven from their homes ized November 9, 1917, and consist- George Veldman. former Grand He attended Lowell schools and ed of eleven boys. J. C. Proctor of whUiMt-alng a cheerful song of pened when Billie Rogeil, for sev- plan on coming with their a demonstration of how to put up in Finland by the bombing and Rapids third ward city commission- during most of his lifetime was the Caledonia Bank helped finance back t(> work. eral years the well-known Tlg<ir bands who are attending tha the child's lunch and what It should warfare and they must be pro- er. employed In the grocery business the deal, the boys raising cash shortstop, was here a few days ago classes. contain to provide him with essen- vided with food, shelter and cloth- M. Harold Saur of Kent City, here. crops In the summer cf 1918 to pay HELP FOB OLD AOE on a business trip.
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