L L SUN Man of the hou e A ophomore is set up on MTV's Softball sweeps doubleheader and "Damage Control," where contestants prepares for CAA play Saturday tackle problem as they stay hmne alone. Sports I BJO Mosaic/ Bl THE REVlEW/Jessi.ca S i1koff St. Thomas More Oratory, the m1iversity's Catholic chapel, held a me~orial Mass for Pope John Paul II Monday night. UD community mourns pontiff's death BY SHAWNA WAGNER said. His predi ct ion proved correct. will later be interred aside other popes inside the Saltarelli sa id John Paul ll was not afi·aid to Natumal/State Nt'WS E(lilor The death of Pope John Paul II on April 2 subten·a nean grottoes at St. Peter's Basilica. dabble in polifics and "pull ed no punches" when he On a stonny July moming three years ago, shocked many university students, who knew the The pon ti ff took office in 1978, at 58 years old. talked to world leaders. alumna Melissa Calvanico, 24, was rain-soaked a. pontiff was seriously ill , but never knew what life Born Karol Wojtyla in Pol and , John Paul 11 wa the 1-l e did not hesi tate to tell fonner President Bill she waited two hours on a Toronto airport tannac to was like without him. The pope's 26-year pontifica­ first non-Italian pope in 455 years. Clinton that abortion was wrong, he said, and he see the face of Pope John Paul II. tion was th e only most students During his papacy, he confronted President George W. Bush on the war in The pontiff was visiting Toronto, Canada, in can reco ll ect. traveled more than any other Iraq. 2002 for World Youth Day, a wccklong re ligion pil­ Sophomore Andrea Pope John ponli ff. touring l ::!9 foreign "1-le was dauntless, fearl ess and steady," grimage for people between the ages of 18 and 35. Cisneros co mpared the loss of countries. Saltarell i said. John Paul If initiated the usualli biennial event in the pope to th e death of a fami­ ·paul II Bishop Michael A. While the pope never wavered from his faith, 1984. ly member - someone who Saltarelli of the Diocese of he said, he accepted all of the world ' religion . There was question whether the ai ling Pope was always there, then suddenly Wilmington ·aid the pope had a Johrt Paul 11 was the first pope to tep foot in a wou ld show up that wet morning, alvan ico said. not. 1920-2005 "mu cular pontificate." synagogue in Rome in 1986, and in a mosque in But as she looked up at the cloud s, she saw the "I've never seen him in "Wlten he first came on Dam a cus, Syri:t in 200 I. pontiff's helicopter prepare for landing. person," ·he sa id , "but l fe lt like L---'--------------l the scene 27 years ago a pope, 'The Jewish world, 1 und erstand now is in "We were amazed becau e it litera ll y became somethin g was pull ed out of my tllis guy was an athlete, a swim­ mourning, the Muslim world is also in mouming," blue sky," she said. life." . mer, a mountain climber, a vigorous young man," he Saltarelli said. "Even an athei tic government like The pope radiated energy and he · looked The pontiff died in his Vatican chambers afier said. "Any place he appeared, the man would run up Cuba, has declared three days of mouming." vibrant, Calvanico said, even though he knew hi s suffering from eptic shock and cardio-circul atory steps. According to Saltarelli, a new pope must be health was deteriorating. co llapse. He was 84. · "And yet not only was he a muscular figure per­ chosen between IS to 20 days from the funeral. The "At the end o[World Youth Day in Toronto, he Today, tens of thousands of pilgrims are expect­ sonall y, he was muscular in his proclamation of the decision wi ll be made by the College of Cardinals, was saying, ·I wo n't be there for the nex t one,'" she ed to be in Rome for the pope's fun eral. John Paul 11 faith ." see POPE page AS Journalist cites Lawmakers debate problems in Iraq alcohol liability bill BY EMlLY PI CILLO Pentagon, the State Department BY ALEXIS BLASO · According to a Duke Staff Rcp01 ter and the CIA over which Iraqi exile Notiuna/!State New< Editor Uni versi ty study, dram shop Fatal errors were made early could assume a dominate role in Stale Sen. Ka ren E. laws reduce alcohol related d1,1Jing the war in Iraq whi ch have the post-war admi11i tration." Peterson, D-Christiana, is rein- deaths by I 0 percent, Peterson led to the current widespread Iraqi During his time in lraq, troducing a bill to make bar and said . disdain for the U.S. occupation, a hanarasckaran said he saw that restaurant ow ners legally "It's important to the extent Wa hington Post war corresp n­ the perceived occupation squrul­ responsible if alco hol is "inten- that dram shop laws are the most dent said Wednesday ni ght in dered muc h of the goodwill toward tiona ll y or reckless ly'' served to effective way to reduce alcohol Mitche ll Hall. the United States and has caused a person who th en injures or fatalities," she sa id. "The server Rajiv handra ckara11, The many Iraqis to view it as a kills an' innocent third party. is trained to recognize th e signs Washington Post's bureau chief in despised occupier instead of a While Delaware does have of intoxication." Baghdad from April 2003 to beloved liberator. laws pertaining to liability Und er the bill , she said, ct ber 2004, sa id the United lle sa id the U.S. gov e ~C)lt issues, it sti ll remains one of owners would be charged up to States did not have a clear post­ continues to make mi stakes in seven states in the cou ntry with- $250,000 in dama~es related to T HE REVlEW/J es~ 1 ca Silkoff out dram shop laws, which ho ld the third party. war plan for Iraq from the begin­ Iraq, such as fai ling to spend more Rajiv Chandraskaran, former Baghdad bureau chief for ni ng of the con flict. The lack of than 3 percent of U.S. allocated for bar owners accountable for Peter on s tr es~ed the server planning has now marred the the reconstruction of Iraq ·s fund . The Washington Post, said the war in Iraq wa poorly drunk driving incidents ca used has to "intenti onally or reckless- rebUi lding of Iraq 's government The United States has also planned Wednesday night in Mitchell Hall. by a patron. ly" sell alcohol. and infrastructure. failed to create jobs in Iraq . This Dram hop laws See editorial A7 "You have to handrasckaran said one of has caused a large population to help develop the country's con­ reason for going there.'' lega ll y allow injured ' be able to prove the the nited States' initial mistakes under the age of 25 to become stitution and government, empow­ Junior Susan Lister said third party victims or bartendCJ knew the in Iraq was its failure to send involved in the in urgency due to a ering secular officials and re-a ll o­ handrasckaran 's account of Ius family members to sue restau- person was mtoxicated and, with enough troops. There was a uffi­ lack of options and a sen e of cating money from large projects experiences in Jraq made hi s rant and bar .owners for over- no regard for th e afety of oth- cient amount of troops to win anger toward the U.. occupancy, to smaller ones that will create speech eOcctive and gave it a servin g already intoxicated peo- er , continued to erve," she Baghdad, he sa rd, but not nearl y he sa id. more employment opportumties human touch. pie who have injure or kill said . enough to susta in peace. President George W. Bu h for the lraq1s. Although his lecture focused someone after leaving the estab- The March II rn cident, in "The critical shortage of had a grand plan to create a free, "We need to accept the reality mainly on many of the mi stakes li shmcnt. wh1ch a Newark man was struck troops in Iraq allowed the insur­ liberal and secular democracy in that democ racy there will not fit a the l)nited States bas made in Iraq, Peterson's bill, titled and killed by a S train, wou ld gents to pind out of control," he Iraq, handrasekaran said, but his Westem model," he said. Lister said she found Il interesting "Shaun's Law," is named for not pertain to " ha111fs Law," sa id. "Throughout the lead-up to administratton failed to make cor­ Senror hristina Occhiprnti to hear there are some positi ve Sbaun Loomis, a teenage boy Peter. on said., the invasion, post-war recon true­ rect decisrons. ard the most anportant rssuc aspects to the relatiOn ship between who, along with three other pas- "This law docs not cover an lion and governments were an "The occupation of Iraq wa · handrasekaran discussed was the Americans und Iraqis. se n gcr~, was struck and killed 1nto xrcutcd per 011," she said. afterthought." the most ambrtious American mistakes the United States has "[have definitely put u m:ga­ by a drunk d1ivcf.
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