Queensland Parliamentary Debates [Hansard] Legislative Assembly TUESDAY, 25 NOVEMBER 1952 Electronic reproduction of original hardcopy Questions. [25 NovEMBER.] Questions. 1451 lUr. GAIR: If I do not receive that courtesy and attention to which I am entitled when I am answering a question, I will cease to answer it. In such circumstances I do not think I am required to do so. Mr. SPEAKER: That is the hon. gentle­ man's privilege. Mr. GAIR: ''The expansion successfully fostered by the Government will produce a crop of approximately 1,200,000 tons of sugar in a normal year. The Sugar Board is the Crown instrumentality charged with the responsibility of financing, transporting and selling this ~ugar within Australia and overst>as. Prior to 1943, this board had a full-time chairman. Since then the sugar crop has more than trebled in volume and value. New lands have been brought under the plough and mills have an extensi\·e capital programme of increased milling capacity. The Sugar Board is one of the most important Crown instrumentalities and is carrying additional responsibility and work. The Government have already announced their reasons for separating the functions of the two boards. The chair· man will continue to earn and receive his present salary, which will not be paid from Consolidated Revenue, but will be provided out of funds contributed by the sugar industry.'' SLJBSIDY FOR CHILDREN's PLAYGROUND. llir. ALLPASS (Condamine), for JUr. WATSON (Mulgrave). asked the Secre­ tary for Public Instruction- '' In a case where a person has collected money to equip a children's playgrounfl in a public park, can such person be paid the usual subsidy which is granted for such a purpose~ If not, what procedure must TUESDAY, 25 NOVEMBER, 1952. be followed in order to secure such subsidy~'' Hon. G. H. DEVRIE1S (Gregory) J'vh. SPEAKER (Hon. J. H. Mann, Bris­ replied- bane) took the chair at 11 a. m. '' No provrs10n is made by this Depart­ ment for the payment of subsidy on the QUESTIONS. purchase of equipment for children's SALARY OF MR. FORG.~X SMITH. playgrounds in public parks. The hon. member might direct his question to the llir. AIKEN1S (Mundingburra) asked the hon. the Treasurer for consideration.'' Premier- '' J. Is it a fact, as reported in the AGRICULTURAL BANK ADVANCES TO Press, that Mr. l''organ Smith has resigned Ex-SERVICE MEN. from his position >~s chairman of the llir. LLOYD ROBERTS (Whitsunday) Central Cane Prices Board, and that this asked the Treasurer- major portion of his work will in future " In view of the fact that the three years be performed by Mr. Justice Barry~ free of interest and free of redemption '' 2. If so, does the Gove•nment propose period granted to ex-servicemen under the to continue to pay Mr. Forgan Smith his Agricultural Bank Acts, will expire on present full salary for occupying the 31 December next, and in view of the fact sinecure of chairman of the Sugar Board~'' that during the past twelve months very Hon. V. C. GAIR (South Brisbane) many applications to the Agricultural Dank, replied- by ex-servicemen. have been refused for various reasons, will the Government give '' These questions indicate a deplorable consideration to extending this free of lack of understanding of the functions of interest and free of redemption period with the Central Sugar Cane Prices Board and a view to assisting further, the many the Queensland Sugar Board.'' ex-servicemen who are desirous of going on lUr. Aikens: That is what you think. the land~'' 1452 Questions. [ASSEMBLY.] Vote on Account, 1953-1954. Hon. E. J. WALSH (Bundaberg) l)Ir. NICHOLSON: I now ask the replied- Secretary for Public Works and Housing- '' The Agricultural Bank Acts ';-ere '' In reference :o the news in the 'Red­ amended in 1945 to provide for a three cliffe Herald' of 13 November that the years' interest and redemption-free period. Rcdcliffe A.L.P. Branch has been advised To 30 June, 1952, a.dvances approved to that fiye more classrooms are to be built at 3,012 eligible ex-service men on land Humpybong State School and to be brought mortgage security totalled £5,119,215. into use at the beginning of 1953, will he During this period an amount of £321,085 kindly inform me whether I am to be was paid by the Treasury to the Agri­ informed of such decision and, if so. cultural Bank to meet interest charges when~" which would have been payable by ex-ser­ vice men but for this concession. In Hon. P. J. R. HILTON (Carnarvon} addition, ex-service men also received replied- advances totalling £637,500 under these '' I have not advised the Redcliffe Acts which did not attract the concession. Branch of the A.L.P. that additional To the end of the financial year 1951-1952 classrooms would be built at the Humpy­ 430 successful selectors obtained advances bong State School. The matter is under under the \Var Service Land Settlement consideration by my Department.'' Acts amounting to £2,137,000. Since that time a further sixteen (16) selectors have PAPERS. taken up their blocks, thirteen (13) in The following paper was laid on the table, the Gowrie Creek (Ingham) area, and are and ordered to be printed:- being assisted to develop their blocks. I Report of the Fish Board for the Year might add that very few rural loans are 1951-1952. now being made under the Commonwealth Re-establishment and Employment Act as The following papers were laid on the the time limit in respect of the lodgment table:- of applications has expired in most cases. Proclamation under the Elections Acts and Only five ( 5) eligible ex-service men The Criminal Code Amendment Act of applied for assistance under this Act 1952 (13 November). during the financial year 1951-1952. Orders in Council under- Finally, I might say that it is not the The Landlord and Tenant Acts, 1948 practice to announce Government policy to 1950 (13 November). in reply to Parliamentary questions.'' The State Development and Public Works Organisation Acts, 1938 to Bo>vEN-CoLLINsvrLLE RoAn. 1951 ( 13 November). lUr. COBURN (Burdekin) asked the Regulations under- Minister for Transport- The Elections Acts, 1915 to 1952 '' 1. Has the survey of the proposed (13 November). road between Bowen and Collinsville been The Fruit and Vegetable Act of 1947 completed~ ( 13 November). '' 2. If so. ''"hich route has been chosen~ S"CPPLEMENTARY ESTIMATES, '' 3. When is it expected that construc­ 1951-1952. tion of the road will be commenced~ '' 4. What is the estimated cost of the Mr. SPEAKER read a message from road?" His Excellency the Governor transmitting the Supplementary Estimates for the year 1951- Hon. J. E. DUGGAN (Toowoomba) 1952. replied- Estimates ordered to be printed, and " 1. Yes, but the plans have not yet been referred to Committee of Supply. examined. '' 2. No decision has yet been reached. VOTE ON ACCOUNT, 1953-1954. '' 3. No indication can be gi~en at the MESSAGE FROM THE GOVERNOR. present time. '' 4. See answer to No. 3.'' Mr. SPEAKER read a message from His Excellency the Governor recommending that the following provision be made on account :t\EW CLASSROOMS, HUMPYBONG SCHOOL. of the services of the year ending 30 June, lUr. NICHOLSO~ (Murrumba): I notice 1954:- Mr. Speaker, that there has been an altera- FJ- __ the Consolidated Revenue Fund of 6on in the wording of this question. I Q~eensland (exclusive of the moneys should like to know the reason for that Etanding to the crerlit of the Loan Fund alteration. Account), the sum of Eleven million five hundred thousand pounds; 1\Ir. SPEAKER: The reason is that I thought it was unnecessary and had nothing From the Trust and Special Funds, the to do with the business of the House. I sum of Seven million pounds; could have disallowed the question as it From the moneys standing to the credit >Yas framed, but rather than take any privi­ of the Loan Fund Account, the sum of lege away from the hon. member, I ordered Three million pounds. that the question be framed as it is. Message referred to Committee of Supply. Land Tax Acts [25 NOVEMBER.] Amendment Bill. 1453 LAND TAX ACTS AMENDMENT BILL. can say is that it will probably mean about £40,000 to the Budget, and that is a con· INITIATION IN COMMITTEE. siderable sum. Although the 17s. 6d. calcu­ (The Chairman of Committees, Mr. l<'arrell, lated by the hon. member for Sandgate does Maryborough, in the chair.) not seem much, I remind him that all these seventeen-and-sixpences make a formidable Hon. E. J. W ALSH (Bundaberg­ sum to Consolidated Revenue. Treasurer) (11.14 a.m.): I move- At the request of the Government, I ha\·e '' That it is desirable that a Bill be intro­ been examining foT some time the question duced to amend the Land Tax Acts, 1915 of abolishing small assessments. Hon. mem­ to Hl51, in certain particulaTs.'' beTs will remember that although there was As I outline the pTovisions of the Bill I nothing in the Act authorising it at the think hon. members will be happy to accept· time, assessments were not being issued by them as being worthwhile. They are m the Commissioner for sums amounting to accordance ''ith the Government policy of 2s. 6d. and under. Last year we gave the giving relief in taxation, wherever possible, Commissioner discretion to refrain from to people who can ill afford to bear the issuing assessments for &mounts up to 4s. 2d. burden. I do not intend at this stage to The amendment proposed now is to lift the elaborate a number of the points in con­ minimum to 10s.
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