The BareNecessities 2 The Girl from Ipanema 12 Goodnight Sweetheart25 Here,Thereand Everywhere 33 HoneyPie 4r I'm Beginningto Seethe Light ir IsYouIs Or IsYouAint My Baby?59 Lullabyof Birdland 6e Miss Otis Regrets 81 SatinDoll 88 Sit Down,You'reRockingtheBoat 98 The tilf,"yYou Look Tonight n5 W|hereDo I Begin? rzo Index of Titles and First Lines lAherefirst lines diferfrom titles the Anthems suitablefor unaccompanied former are shownin italics. singingare markedthus + Anthems in not more than four Darts throughout are marked thus f Anthem Composer/Editor NO. PAGE t*A sound of angels Tye ed. Atkins I 7 1*Ah, thou poor world Brahmsed. Whittaker 2 l0 1*AlI people that on earth do dwell attrib. Tallised. Greening 4 18 tAlmighty God, the fountain of all wisdom ErnestFarrar 524 1*Almighty God, which hast me brought Ford ed.Steinitz 6 Zg I Aloneto sacrificethough goest, Lord Kennethl-eighton 3 l3 l+ Ason the night Gibbonsed. Jackson 7 30 tAwake us, Lord, and hasten J. S. Bachadapted Jackson 8 34 tBehol{ how good and joyful Clarke-Whitfeld 9 38 t*Cantate pernins Pitonied. R. R. Terry l0 u f+ComeHoly Ghost Gibbonsed. Jackson I I 46 t*Come ye with joyfulness Pitoni ed. R. R. Terry l0 M tFrom the rising of the sun Ouseley 12 49 t *Give almesof thy goods Tye ed.Greening | 3 54 t*God is living, God is here J. S. Bached. Davies 49 Zlz tGod is our hope and strength J. S. Bached. Allen 14 59 t*Haste thee, O God Battened. Greening | 5 & ttHow goodly are thy tents Ouseley 16 70 *I sat down under His shadow Bairstow l7 74 t*Laudate nomen-Domini Tyeed. Greening 29 l2O tlead ne, Lord S.S. Wesley 18 78 t*I-et my prayer Blow ed.Greening 20 86 Lift up your heads,O ye gates William Mathias 19 8l tl-o, God is here FrancisJackson 21 88 flord,I trust thee' Handeled. Darlow 22 95 tlord that descendedst,Holy Child Eric Gritton 23 98 tMost glorious Lord of Lyfe ! David Lord 24 l0l f Not unto us, O Iord Walmisley ZS lO7 t*o alrnightyGod Barcrofteed. Greening 26 rr2 tO Christ, O blessedLord Wagner 27 ll7 t rO Christ, who art the tigh[ and day Whyteed. Jackson 28 I 18 trO come, yc servants of the Lord Tye ed. Greening Zg l2O tO for a closer walk ScottishPsalterarr. Stanford 33 142 trO God my king Amnered. Greening 31 130 trO God the King of glory Purcelled. Jackson 32 136 tO God, who by the leading of a star Attwood ed. I-angley 30 123 contitued overleaf t*O my people Correaec. Lrartow J ' avy tO pray for the peaceof Jerusalem Goss 34 t46 O strerrgth and stay L. Bourgeoisarr. Harris 35 156 O trinity, most blessedlight C. Kenneth Turner 36 r59 t*O vos omnes Correa ed. Darlow 37 163 Of the Fatherrs heart begotten Piae Cantionesarr. Willcocks 38 166 f*Our Father,which art in heaven Stoneed. Greening 39 t72 tPraise the Lord ye servants Blow ed. Wood N t74 Praise to God ln the highest Russiantune arr. Campbell 4t t79 Praise ye the Lord John Rutter a, 184 tSleepers,wake! Mendelssohn 43 t92 tSolns ad victimam Kenneth Leighton 3 13 t*Sonb44 Gibbons ed. Jackson il46 t*Song 46 Gibbons ed. Jackson 730 tTeach me, O Lord Attwood 44 196 t*The Lord's prayer Stoneed. Greening 39 r72 tThese are they which follow the lamb Gossed. Jackson 45 200 *To thee, O Lord Rachmaninof ed. Henderson 46 203 t*fJp, up ! my heart ! with gladness J. S. Bach 47 206 t*Verily, verily I say unto you Tallis ed. Greening 48 208 l*Whereforedespair ? J. S. Bached. Davies 49 2r2 tYe choirs of new Jerusalem Stanford 50_- 215 I Arr.Ell\L,rJ-^ AJ ALPHABETICAL INDEX * Anthe11rssuiteble for gnaompanied singng are marked thus No. Anthent CanPoser Pqe I I Abide with me. \filliam Sterndale Bennett 2 All glory, laud, and honour Iohann Sebastisn Bach 5 Niolai and Georg 3 *Atl praise to Him who came to seve ittritipp G6afried Vagner IO 4 *Almighty and everlesting C-4. Orlando Gibbons l2 .Al-ifi.i c.a' wfiq hasime biought . Thonas Ford I5 ; Sebastien Bach r93 -'6tr6bl 'rBlessed Benishfear end sadness Iohann are the pure in beart Hcnrrt Vdford Daviee .17 i Blessed are they thst moun Iobarines Brahne Ig i Blessedbe the-Crodand Fathcr Samuel Sebastianl7eeley. 34 s *Bow down Thine ear, O I'-ord Antony Stepanovich Arensky +6 {o *CeU to remembrance.. Rictrard Farrant 49 rr Caot thy-wtroee burden upo-nrh9 I-o-rd .. Felh Mendelrsohn-Bartholdy 55 rz Chriet, glory fills therkies Thomss Arnstrong. 57 r? Come, Holy Ghost' our souls inspire Thoneg Attwood 56 ri rCome, O Crestor SPirit' ome Thomas Tertius Noble 7a Henry Gcorge Ley . I 'i..{gn:iH:x fi31} 5ffi?:B-. :: : : } 73 16 iC.omf6tt, O Lord, the soul of Thy servant Villialrt Crotch 77 r7 *Dark'ning niglrt the land doth cover . Louis Borugeois 79 18 Daugtrtera of Zion Felix Mendelsebhn-Bartholdy 8z rq Declare His honour .. Henry hrrcell 88 -n Btsnal Father, who didst all create Gustav Holst . ro3 zr *From all that dwell below the skies Thomas Amvood \Falmisley III 22 *God be in my head Henry Valford Davies rr4 2a rcod is a spirit .. Ifiliem Sterndale Bennett tt5 n 'God so toved the world Iohn Goss r18 2s Grant us ThY Peace.. Faix Mendelssohn-Bartholdy t20 z6 Herk' the eled soundl Henrrr T7dford Davies rz6 21 He ig bless|d that ometh .. \folfiang Amadeug Mozart I3I zb He thet shell endure to the eod . Felix- Mendelssohn-Barttroldy r44 29 *Hear, Lord. Lord make haste to help us Peter Ilich Tcbeikovcky r48 SebagtianBsctt r86 'i6taeal - Hence thou noisomc serpcot Iotrann tHiae not Thou Thy faae from us Richsrd Farrant r52 il *Holy, holY' holY Franz Schtlbcrt r54 1z *Holy, holY' holY . Peter Ilidt Tcheikovsky t55 *I r63 ie hcsrd a voiae from heaven Iohn Gogs '166 n 'I know that my Rcdeeoer livee . Iohsnn Michsd Bach ii If we believe that leotu died John Cross 17r lit rlf ve love ne Tfromss Tellis 179 iz rlnio this world of soraow i. Percv C.artcrBuck .. r8z i6 *Is it nothing to you ? . Frederie,kArthurCrore OusdeY . r83 tfegu, Sebastian Bactr r85 1g-lro Ioy a+d Tr=asurc . .. Iohenn fesu, Joy of man'8 dcsiring Joheo! Sebastian Bach r95 it *lesu, Lamb of Godr Redeemcr Villism B:rrd.. 2o,2 i2 lesu, Lamb of Godr Redeencr ITofgsng Amadetre Mozart 209 iq feeu, lead mY footstqrs wer Iohenn Sebastian Badr 213 iZ Iesu I the very thougltt ig sweet . ?ommaso Ludovico da Vinoria . 2r7 ii rfesu t the very tborUbt is gwcet .. Piae Cantiones, crr. Charles lfood 2n f,O ffesu, the very thought of Thee Edward Cuthbert Bairgtow 223 il rJudge me, O God Felix Mendelssohn-Bartholdy 225 ;8 KinE of glory, King of Peace Iohann Sebartian Bach 235 Ls l.ead me, Lord Samuel Sebastian Veslry. 240 io rl.et Thy merciful ears Thomae Veelkes 243 . 245 3r Let us now Praise famoue mcn Ralph Vaugtun Villiams t3i ALPTIABETICALINDEX No. Anthmt ConPoser Prye 52 Lo, round the throne Henry George Ley .. 248 53 Lo ! star-led chiefs Willian Grotdr 255 54" *Lor4 for Thy tender mercies' sake Schoolo/ Dr Tye 264 55 *Lord, it belongs nrrt to my care . Henry l7alford Davies zG 56 Lor4 I flee to Thee for rduge Felix Mendelssohn-B-artholdy 27r ls6aI I.or4 my trust is in Thy mef,cy . Fdir MendelssohD-Bartholdy 279 [8a] I-ove,one another Samuel Sehstian \Fedey. ,7 57 Man that is born of a wonqan Samuel SebastianVesley. 292 fMost glorious Lord of Lyfe ! . Cecil Armstrong Gibbs 296 58 *My 59 soul, there is a counEy Charles Hubert Hastingp Parry. 300 60 fNow tbat the sqg hath veil'd his ligbt . Heorf' hrryll 3o9 6r *Now to the,ear,thin mergy. Perqy C{afcr Buck 3IJ 6z *O Christ, who art the light qnd day ViUiaE Byrd .. 3t8 63 tO gladsomeli$t, O grace .. Louis Bourgeois 3?5 64 *O Crod of Bethd Christopher Tye 32V 65 O God, T ou faithful God Abasuer,us Frizsch, crr. Johann Sebestian Baehr 330 66 $O Lord God Percy C;arterBuck .. 334 67 *O Lord, increase my faith . Orlaado Gibbons 337 68 *O l-ord, my God Samuel SebastianSTesley. 34r 69 *O Lord,my God, to Thee do I lift up my soul Attrikrted ro facques Arcadelt . 34 70 *O Lord, support us .. Maqice Besly 346 7r *O Lord, the maker of all thing \Filliaar Mundy 348 72 *O Saviour of the world John Cross 352 73 *O Saviour of the world Giovanni Perluigi Sante da Palestrina 355 74 *O that I knew where I miebt find Him ! \[illiasr Sterndale Bennett 358 t: 75 O what their ioy and their glory must be \filiarn Henry l{arris 3et - t; [rga] O worship the I-ord .. Henry Pureell 94 16 fReioice in the Lord alway .. Henry George Ley . 383 h !i 77 Reioice in the Lord alway .. Henry Purcell 388 & *Round r: 78 me falls the night Adam Drese 397 li 79 Subdueus by Thy goodness . johann SebastianBach 399 ii 8o The day draws on with golden light Edward Cuthbert Bairstow ti 405 tr 8r The heavens declare the Creator's glory Ludwig van Beethoven 4ro 8z The Lord is my shepherd .. Samuel Sebastian\Pesley. 412 r 93al fThe sorrovysof my heart lfiliam Boyce 473 ! 83 The souls of the righteous . Henry Valford Davies 4r8 8+ The strife is o'er Henry George Ley .
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