taiaau oi K.ariaarog csi-32 UL 2 3 Thermometers, Clinical J 7 u U. S. DEPARTMENT OF COMMERCE BUREAU OF STANDARDS CLINICAL THERMOMETERS COMMERCIAL STANDARD CSl-32 --nX'O'- _ W’’ %. A RECORDED STANDARIX OF THE INDUSTRY : National Bureau ot Standards SEP 3 1947 u>\(^&0 Below are described some of the series of publications of the Department of Commerce which deal with various phases of waste elimination Simplified Practice Recommendations. These present in detail the development of programs to eliminate unneces- sary variety in sizes, dimensions, styles, and types of over 130 commodities. They also contain lists of associations and individuals who have indicated their intention to adhere to the recommendations. These simplified sched- ules, as formulated and approved by the industries, are indorsed by the Department of Commerce. American Marine Standards. These are promulgated by the American Marine Standards Committee, which is controlled by the marine industry and administered as a unit of the division of simplified practice. Their object is to promote economy in construction, equipment, maintenance, and operation of ships. In general, they provide for simplification and improvement of design, interchangeability of parts, and minimum requisites of quality for efiicient and safe operation. Commercial Standards. These are developed by various industries under a procedure similar to that of simplified practice recommendations. They are, however, primarily concerned with considerations of grade, quality, and such other characteris- tics as are outside the scope of dimensional simplification. Lists of ^he publications in each of the above series can be obtained by appryin‘g:tp*{he»B,ureau of Standards, Washington, D. C. FOR SALE BY THE SUPERINTENDENT OF DOCUMENTS. WASHINGTON, D. C. CONTENTS Page Acceptors 1 Commercial standard 8 Scope 8 Detail requirements 8 History of project 11 Standing committee 12 Effective date 12 Certification plan 12 Indexing title 13 Commercial standards procedure 13 Organization and duties of standing committee 13 Your cooperation 14 Acceptance of commercial standard 15 To the acceptor 16 II CLINICAL THERMOMETERS ACCEPTORS ASSOCIATIONS Barnert Memorial Hospital, Paterson, N. J. American Home Economics Associa- Bauer Thermometer Co. (Inc.), New tion, Washington, D. C. (in princi- York, N. Y. ple). Beeton, Dickinson & Co., Rutherford, American Hospital Association, Chi- N. J. cago, 111. Beekman Street Hospital, New York, American Protestant Hospital Associa- N. Y. tion, Cincinnati, Ohio. Beth David Hospital, New York, N. Y. American Sanatorium Association, Bethlehem Steel Corporation, Bethle- New York, N. Y. hem, Pa. Missouri Pacific Railroad and Hos- Beth Moses Hospital, Brooklyn, N. Y. pital Association, St. Louis, Mo. Betz Co., Frank S., Hammond, Ind. National Association of Retail Drug- Binghamton State Hospital, Bingham- gists, Chicago, 111. ton, N. Y. National Safety Council, Chicago, 111. Bismarck Hospital, Bismarck, N. Dak. National Wholesale Druggists Associa- Blodgett Memorial Hospital, Grand tion, New York, N. Y. Rapids, Mich. National Wholesale Druggists Associa- Boston City Hospital, Boston, Mass. tion, ¥/ashington, D. C. Bradford Hospital, Bradford, Pa. Pennsylvania, Hospital Association of, Bridgeport Department of Public Wel- Sayre, Pa. fare, Bridgeport, Conn. Brigham Hospital, Peter Bent, Boston, FIRMS, HOSPITALS, AND PHYSICIANS Mass, (in principle). Abington Memorial Hospital, Abington, Brigham Hospital, Robert Breck, Bos- Pa. ton, Mass. Addis Instrument Co., Brooklyn, N. Y. Broadlawns Hospital, Des Moines, Agnews State Hospital, Agnew, Calif. Iowa. Hospital, The, Brockton, Akron, The City Hospital of, Akron, Brockton Ohio. Mass. Brodsky Thermometer Co., Charles, Alameda County Hospital, Oakland, Maspeth, Long Island, N. Y. Calif. Bronson Methodist Hospital, Kala- Allegheny General Hospital, Pitts- mazoo, Mich. burgh, Pa. Bronx Hospital, The, Bronx, N. Y. American Hospital Supply Corpora- Brooklyn Thermometer Co., Middle- tion, Chicago, 111. town, N. Y. Angel Guardian Orphanage, Chicago, 111. Bryn Mawr Hospital, The, Bryn Mawr, Arizona State Hospital, Phoenix, Ariz. Pa Arnot-Ogden Memorial Hospital, El- Buffalo City Hospital, Buffalo, N. Y. mira, N. Y. Buhl Hospital, The Christian H., Atlantic City Hospital, Atlantic City, Sharon, Pa. N. J. California Hospital, The, Los Angeles, Calif. Auburn City Hospital, The, Auburn, California, State of, Sacramento, Calif. N. Y. Central Louisiana State Hospital, Auburn Park Hospital, Chicago, 111. Pineville, La. Augustana Hospital, Chicago, III. Central State Hospital, Lakeland, Ky. Babies Hospital of the City of New Charleston General Hospital, Charles- York, The, York, N. Y. New ton, W. Va. Baltimore City Hospitals, Baltimore, Chester County Hospital, The, West Md. Chester, Pa. Bangor State Hospital, Bangor, Me. Chester Hospital, Chester, Pa. Baptist State Hospital, Little Rock, Chicago State Hospital, Chicago, 111. Ark. Children’s Hospital, The, Denver, Colo. 1 2 ACCEPTORS Children’s Hospital of Philadelphia, Faichney Instrument Corporation, The, Philadelphia, Pa. Watertown, N. Y. Children’s Hospital of Pittsburgh, Faxton Hospital (Inc.), Utica, N. Y. Pittsburgh, Pa. Fifth Avenue Hospital of the City of Children’s Memorial Hospital, The, New York, New York, N. Y. Chicago, 111. Fisher Scientific Co., Pittsburgh, Pa. Christ Hospital, Jersey City, N. J. Fletcher Hospital, Mary, Burlington, Church Home and Infirmary, The, Vt. Baltimore, Md. Flower Hospital, New York, N. Y. Cincinnati General Hospital, Cincin- Flower Hospital, Toledo, Ohio. nati, Ohio. Fordham Hospital, Bronx, N. Y. Clarinda State Hospital, Clarinda, Ford Hospital, Henry, Detroit, Mich. Iowa. Fort Sanders Hospital, Knoxville, Clarkson Memorial Hospital, Bishop, Tenn. Omaha, Nebr. Fort Worth, City of. Fort Worth, Tex. Cleveland City Hospital, Cleveland, Fox-Vliet Drug Co., Wichita, Kans. Ohio. Franklin Square Hospital, Baltimore, Cleveland State Hospital, Cleveland, Md. Ohio. French Hospital, San Francisco, Calif. Clifton Springs Sanitarium Co., Clif- Garfield Memorial Hospital, Washing- ton Springs, N. Y. ton, D. C, Clinical Thermometer Laboratory. Garfield Park Hospital, Chicago, 111. Brooklyn, N. Y. Geer Drug Co., The, Charleston, S. O. Cole, A. V., M. D., East Chicago, Ind. Gem Thermometer Co. (Inc.), New Colorado State Hospital, Pueblo, Colo. York, N. Y. Columbia Hospital, Wilkinsburg, Pa. General Thermometer Co., Brooklyn, Columbia Hospital for Women and N. Y. Lying-In Asylum, Washington, D. C. Germantown Dispensary and Hospital, Columbus State Hospital, Columbus, Philadelphia, Pa. Ohio. Gillette State Hospital, St Paul, Minn. Connecticut State Hospital, Middle- Gilpin Co., The Henry B., Baltimore, town, Conn. Md. Cook County Hospital, Chicago, 111. Hospital, Portland, Craig Colony, Sonyea, N. Y. Good Samaritan Danvers State Hospital, Danvers, Oreg. Mass. Grace Hospital, New Haven, Conn. Danville State Hospital, Danville, Pa. Grandview Hospital, La Crosse, Wis. Delaware County Hospital, Drexel Grant Hospital of Chicago, Chicago^ Hill, Pa. 111 . Delaware Hospital, Wilmington, Del. Grasslands Hospital, Valhalla, N. Y. Des Moines Drug Co., Des Moines, Greiner Thermometer Co., The, New Iowa. York, N. Y. Dixon State Hospital, Dixon, 111. Gunderson Clinic, La Crosse, Wis. Duval County Hospital, Jacksonville, Hackley Hospital, Muskegon, Mich. Fla. Hahnemann Hospital, Scranton, Pa. Eastern Oklahoma Hospital, Vinita, Hahnemann Medical College and Hos- Okla. pital, Philadelphia, Pa. Eastern Oregon State Hospital, Pen- Hamot Hospital, Erie, Pa. dleton, Oreg. Hanson, William T., State Farm, Mass. Easton Hospital, Easton, Pa. Harrisburg Hospital, Harrisburg, Pa. Edgerly & Co., J. W., Ottumwa, Iowa. Harrisburg Polyclinic Hospital, Har- Eisele & Co., Nashville, Tenn. risburg, Pa. Elizabeth General Hospital, Elizabeth, Hartford Hospital, Hartford, Conn. N. J. Hiergesell Bros., Philadelphia, Pa. Elliott Co., B. K., Pittsburgh, Pa. Highland Hospital, Rochester, N, Y. El Paso City-County Hospital, El Highland Park General Hospital, High- Paso, Tex. land Park, Mich. Emrose Thermometer Co., New York, Hollywood Hospital, Hollywood, Calif. N. Y. Holy Name Hospital, Teaneck, N. J. Englewood Hospital, Englewood, N. J. Holyoke Hospital, Holyoke, Mass. Evangelical Deaconess Hospital, De- Homeopathic Hospital of Rhode Is- troit, Mich. land, Providence, R. I. Evangelical Deaconess Hospital, Hospital Bureau of Standards and Marshalltown, Iowa. Supplies, New York, N. Y. Ex-Ell Instrument Corporation, Hospital (Plottages for Children, The, Brooklyn, N. Y. Baldwinville, Mass. ACCEPTORS 3 Hospital for Children and Training Lincoln State School and Colony, Lin- School for Nurses, San Francisco, coln, 111. Calif. Long Memorial Hospital, Crawford W., Hospital for Joint Diseases, New York, Atlanta, Ga. N. Y. Los Angeles County General Hospital, Hospital Management, Chicago, 111. The, Los Angeles, Calif. (in principle). Louisville City Hospital, Louisville, Hospital of the Good Samaritan, The, Ky. Los Angeles, Calif. Luther Hospital, Eau Claire, Wis. Hospital of tlie University of Pennsyl- MacGregor Instrument Co., Needham, vania, Philadelphia, Pa. Mass. House of Mercy Hospital, Pittsfield, Macy & Co. (Inc.), R. H., New York, Mass. N. Y. House of the Good Samaritan, Water- Madison State Hospital, North Madi- town, N. Y. son, Ind. Hubbard, Son & Co. (Inc.), Charles, Mahady Co., E. F., Boston, Mass. Syracuse, N. Y. Mary Day Nursery and Children’s Hudson Thermometer Co., New York, Hospital, The, Akron, Ohio. N. Y. Maryland,
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