Telephone Directory. Christchurch. 1922

Telephone Directory. Christchurch. 1922

Ken-Kin Jor-Ken OFFIClAL TELEPHONE DlBEOroRY. Paperhuger, Painter &Decorator PHONE IMPORT6R OF WALLPAPERS 2039 Jordan, W. H. (res.), 18 Hill View St., Linwood 219 PAPANUI ROAD A4!!9 Joseph, A. H. (res.), 58 Hagley St., Lower Riccartoll A.E.KEYS A6097 A5394 Jo.ephln.. Kitchen, Room 3, Royal Ex. Bldgs., Cathedral Sq. 77 A5382 Joughln, R. C. (res.), 24 Harrow St., Linwood ~146 Kennedy, H., Carriage and Motor Body Builder, 'Worcester St 2814M loughln, Rev. T. A. (res.), 72 Dryden St., Sumner 3158 Kennedy, Hans (res.), 311 Montreal St. 2945 loyel & JClhnston, Motor and General Engineers, 171-175 Armagh S •. &4795 Kennedy, Mrs. E. (res.), 23 Bishop St., St. Albans 2106M loyce, Miss L. M., 'Haeremai,' 4 Grafton St., Sumner &4223 Kennedy, Mrs. P. (res.), 1211 Fitzgerald St., St. Albans 8123 10Jce, Miss V. I. (rea.), 63 Mandeville St., Riccarton 2721 Kennedy, Peter, Consulting Engineer, and Importer, 178 St. Asaph S •. 25858 loyce, W. H. (res.), 205 Rolleston St., Linwood &4501 Kennedy, Peter (oos.), 481 Barbadoes St. 294 loynt & Andrews, Barristers, etc., 160 Hereford St. 579 Kinnett, H. B. (res.), 471 Selwyn St. 82 lubUee Memorial Home, Bamford St., Woolston 1023 Kinnett, R. (res.), 544 Hagley Avenue 139 Judges Associate, Supreme Court 2084 Kinnett, Robert, Jeweller, 211 High St. 3659 JulIan, Dr. T., 281 Cambridge Terrace • 514 Kent Cyele Works (H. J. Baron, Proprietor), Clock Tower Julius, Archbishop, see Archbishop JUlius 3040 Kent, J. R. & Co., Ladies Rag & Belt Manufacturer, 88 Manchester 8t.. J 2664 3517M Jull, J. W. (res.), Merlewood Avenue, Cashmere 301 Kent Plating Works (Armstrong & Farr, Proprietors), 148 Victoria 8t. 737 K Junction Hotel, see Hotels (Public) 19450 Kepple, A., Builder, 135 Strickland St., Sydenham A4957 JUlt, A. V., Electrical Engineer, 172 Gioucllllter 811. 1945W Klpple, W. (res.), 139 Strickland St., Sydenham A6265 Just, C. E. (res.), 98 Knowles St., St. Albans 86 Ker, T. H., 17 Kilmore St. West 2100 Just, E. U. (res.), 122 Puriri St., RiccartoD .&6415 Kernahan, H. J. (res.), 122 Knowles St., St. Albans K 1119 Justice Department, see Govt Depts. 3631 J( Kerr, A. & F., Butchers, Nayland St., Sumner ..7158 Kerr Brol., Butchel"J, 276 Colombo Rd., Sydenllam 20668 Kerr, D. S. (res.), 1 Cressy Terrace, Lyttelton '2981 Kerr, W. H. (rea.). 673 Cashel St., Linwood 2969 Kerr, WIUlant (res.), 'Wildwood,' 215 Wainoni Rd. 44894 Kerrigan, J. (res.), 573 Manchester St.• St. Albans K 325M Kerslake, G., Lawford Farm, Weedons Kalapol Shipping and Trading Company (Ltd.), Kaiapol 231 , Kesieven, F. D., 4 Chancery Lane 834 .lA4822 , Kesteven, F. D. (res.), 208 Kilmore 8t Kalapol Woollen Co. (Ltd.), a8 under- 842 If' Kesteven, Mrs. D. L. (res.), 89 Chester St. 657 Costume Department, 30 MBnchestf>r St. 376lR~KestlYen, 8. C. (res.), cr. Hardwick and Bury Sts., Sumner 1781 Hosiery and Shirts Department, 30 Manchester St. .A6097 ;" Keys, A. E., Paperhanger & Decorator, 219 Papanui Rd., Sr. Albans 1182 Clothing Department, 30 Manchester St. 2594 t Keys, A. P., Painter and Paperhanger, 254 Bealey Ayenue A4766 Rug and Blanket and Tweed Department, 30 Manchester St. 74 r Khouri, S. (res.), 207 Barbadoes St. "7 Warehouse Manager, Secretary, Head Office, Factories, Allen S• . '3251 Klbblewhlte, F. (req.), 36 Union St., New Brighton 888 (Mills, Kaiapoi) (Mills, Radley St., Woolston) 3926 Kldd, A. M., Builder and Oontractor, Worcester St. Extension, Linwood A5195 Cap Factory. Manchester St. .&7211 Kldd, J. H. (res.), 36 McMillan Avenue, Cashmere Kaikoura United Motor Co. (Ltd. ), 109 Gloucest er St . 3270 Klddey Bros., Cycle Engineers, cr. Cashel and Durham Btll. A5076 2799B Kldson, H. P. (res.), Thornhill Crescent, Cashmere 3910 Kaltangata Coal Co., 183 Cashel St. Kaler, E. C., Tailors Manufacturer, 117 Manchepter St. 1942 Kldlton, W. (re!!.). 24 Rugby St., St. Albans 3424 .1&7293 Kilday, W. (res.), 56 Huxley St., Sydenham 636 Kaputone Wool Scouring Co. (Ltd.), Bellast , Karltane' Baby Hospital, see BBby Hospital, Cashmere ,A4576 Kilian, Mrs. A. (res.), 118 Garden Rd., Fendalton A7054 3428 KlllIek, T. G. (rell.), Hinau St., Riccarton A6224 Kay, J. Lister (res.), 62 Office Rd., Merivale 1I13M Kilroy, Rev. Brian (res.), 9 Puriri Rd., Riccarton A7120 Kay, Joseph (res.), 23 Riverview St., Beckenham 1841 Klncall, A. E. (res.), 21 Bealey Avenue 370 Kaye & Carter (Ltd.), 153 Hereford St. 1909 Klnoald, Thomas, • Bamscourt,' Riccarton Rd. A6195 Keane, M. C. (res.), 31 Mausfield Aveuue, St. Albans 565 Klnoalds (Ltd.), Grocers, Tea and Provision Merchantl! 1875 Keats, E. G., Tailor and Mercer, 129 Armagh St. 1698 Klnealdl (Ltd.), 693 Oolombo St 3084 Keddell, P. A. (reB.), cr. ROBBall St. and Holmwood Rd. '1741 King, Gao. E. (res.), r.r. North Parade and Randall St., Richmond A5350 Keen, J. (res.), 250 Armagh St. 387 King George Hotel, 866 Hotels (Public) 719' Kelg, P. G. (req.), 16 Cliff St., Redcliffs 21180 King, J. 8., Butcher, NAyland St., Sumner 1429 Keighley, W. W. & Co., Timber Merchantp, 48 Fitzgerald Avenue, 3711 King, L. (res.), 241 Lichfield St. A7149 Kelr. J. (res.), 166 Colombo St., Sydenharu .fl4558 King, L. A. (res.), 201 Linwood Avenue A6495 Keith, W., 39 James Avenlie, 3099 KIn" Kuru. Maternity Hospital, Elm Grove, off Fitzgerald Avenue &4370 Kellaway, R. F. (res.), 99 Stanmore Rd., Linwood .A4056 King, Mrs. J. (reI.), 36. Hereford St., Linwood 8308 Kelly, Arthur (res.), 920 Colombo St. 961 KIn" 1IrI. II. A. (rei.), 67 Andover St., Merivale 122 8336 Kelly, Mrs. J. C. (res.), Victoria St. King, W. L., Wholesale Hardware Merchant, 157 Lichfield St , as under Kelly, W. E. (res.), 40 Croydon St., Sydenham A7249 1255 Warehouse and Sales Kemilthorne, Prosser & Co. (Ltd.) (Warehoase Depts.), High St., a. 276 Warehouse and Office under- King, W. L. (res.). 35 St. Martine Rd., St. Martins Drug Floor and Offices (Mr. Borrows) 3557 874 Z262R Kingan, J. W. (res.), f'rebbleton 515 Sundry Ploor Klnge, F. (res.), 27 Norwich St., Linwood Dental and Surgical 329 "6 1253 Kingseote, G. (Hoare & Kingscote), Public Accountant, etc., 176 Kempthorne, Prosser & Co. (Ltd.)­ Hereford St. 2284} Offices, High St. (Fertilizers only) 975 Klngseote, G. E. F. (res.), Heathfield Avenue, Fendalton 2296 A'.5022 Kingsford, S. F. (res.), 37 Edinburgh St., Lower Riccarton 2656 Works, Hornby Kinley & Co. (Ltd.), General Shipping Agents, 160 Hereford St. Kindall, T. D. (res.), 217 Bealey Avenue, 3242~ Kinsey & Co. (Ltd.), Shipping Dept., 160 Hereford St. 427 Kinsey, Sir Joseph (Offics), Kinsey & Co., LM., 160 Hereford St. 3839 , Kenllworih' Private Boarding House (H. Horner), 26 Cashel S •. 1896 Kennard, Mrs. J. (res.), 74 Oxford Terrace :31'56 Kinsey, Sir loseph (ros.), Clifton 1804 KIne):, Sir J."ph (res.), 66 Papanui Rd., St. Albans 3884B Kennedy. G. M. (res.), 235 Main South Rd., Upper Riccarton 378 Kir-Lam OFnCIAL TELEPHONE DIRECTORY. OFFICIAL TELEPHONE DIRECTORY. 79 5449 Kirby, Geo. (res.), ) 71 Lichfield St. A4548 Kirby, P. & Co., Timber Brokers and Import Agents, 140 Oxford Tce. A6140 LambIe, MIss M. (res.), 14 Weston Rd., St. Albans Kirk & Sommers, Solicitors, 128 Hereford St. 2644 LambIe, William, 'Mordialloc,' 267 Shirley Rd., Burwood 1604 1941 KL A5201 KIrk, G. (res.), 16 Winton St., St. Albans L&nauze, MIss Daisy (res. ), 432 Worcester St., Linwood 2106D Kirk, J. H. (res.), 44 Esplanade, Sumner 2905 Lancaster Park (Caretaker) 504 Kirk, J. H., 23 Abberley Rd., St. Albans. 8225 Lancaster Park Board of Control (.J. O. McGillivray, Seey.), Ridley'S A5392 Kirk, Robert (res.), 8 Winchester St., Mern:ale Bldg., Lichfield St. A6439 Kirk R. W. (res.), Halton St. Extn., Papanm 42 Lancaster Park Hotel, Sf16 Hotels (Public) A4690 Klrk~r, T. (res.), 85 Ranfurly St., St. Albans 1312s Lancaster, W. J. (res.), 840 Dyers Rd., Cashmere 1449 Kirks Pharmacy (A. W. Spence, Proprietor), 357 Colombo St. 510 Land and Deeds Registry, see Govt. Dl'pts. 11230 Kissel, G. P. (res.), Templeton Land and Income Tax, Dept. of, see Govt. Dept~. 1422w Kltehlngham, H. W. (res.), Templeton Lands, Department of, see Govt. Dapts. 1134 Kitson, H. (res.), 37 Waiwetu St., Fendalton . A6406 Lane, A. B (rI'S.) 22 Knowles St., St. Albans A6289 Kitto, F. W. M. (re'l.), 17 St. John St.. Papanm 2926 Lane & Co., Crown Tannery, Woolston 729} A5004 Kitto Miss M. A. (res.). 273 ~Iontreal St. 8311 Lane & Neave, Barri8ters and Solicitors, 94A Hereford St. A4083 Kitto' R. L. M. (res.), 198 Wsinoni Rd. A5090 2278 Klve;, C. R., CheInist, 239 Kilmore St. E. Lane & O'Connor, Manfrs. Agents 123A Worcester St. A4935 Klver, C. R. (rea.), Papanui Rd. 2979 Lane, A. W. (rell.) 1110 Rossall St., Merivale 1606 Klver MIss M. (res.), 299 Turun St. East 1072 Lane, B. L. (res.) 4 Park I,ane, Femt!llton A4097 Lane Electrical Co. (Ltd.), 150 Gloucester St. 322781 Klve;' Miss N., Florist, 706 Colombo St. 29560 744 Kiwi Dairy Co. (Ltd.) (L. Hansen, Mgr.), 222 St. Asaph S~. Lane, H. C., Secy. Education Board (res.), 348 Barrington~t., Spreydon 451D Klexema Rooms (Nurse Sturgeon), High St. CJ;ambers 1391 Lane, Mrs. Lancelot (res.), 36 Carlton Mill Rd. 3486R Knight, CMs. H. (res.), 77 Esplanade, New BrIghton 651 Lane, Walker, Rudkin (Ltd.), Hosiery MIl'S., 32 Montreal St., Sydenham Knight, C. L. (res.), 777 Colombo St A4311 Lane, W. J. (res.), 150 Gloolcester St., 3172 A7173 Langbein, (reB.), 20 Aylmer St., Spreydon 2615 KnIght, E. R. L. (res.), 48 Hoon Hay Rd., S~reydon • F. 1110 KnIght, H. H. (res.), 63 Winchester St., Menvale 696 Langdown & Son, 81 Byron St., Sydenham A4887 Knight, H. J. (res.). Poynder Avenue, Feudalt.on A4390 Lange, M!s. Charles (res.), cr. Kilrnore a.nd Manchester Sts. KnIght, J. (res.), 33 Caehel ~t. 689 Langford & Rhlnd (John Rhind, Proprietor), Undertakers, London St., 3143 Richmond 887} KnIght, James, Butchltr, 172 High St 5587K Langford, E. A., Builder, 10 Seaview Rd., New Brighton 2952 1700 Langford, J.

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