INDEX WESTERN PENNSYLVANIA HISTORICAL MAGAZINE VOLUME 16 The names of contributors to the Western Pennsylvania Historical Magazine are printed in capitals and small capitals. The titles of books, periodicals, articles, and papers are inclosed in quotation marks. (R) indicates that the contribution is a review. Abercromby, Gen. James, papers, 130, 131 Archives, preservation, 71. See also British, Abernethy, Thomas P., speaker, 228 Canadian, French, Spanish, United States Abraham, J. W., author, 58 archives, various states and counties Adams, William F., "Ireland and Irish Armor, Charles L., 70 5 collection, 296 Emigration to the New World," re- Army life and conditions, source material, viewed, 214 127, 128 Addison, Alexander, 187, 190, 194, 273 Asbury, Bishop Francis, 25, 217 Agriculture, Pennsylvania, 49, 143 Aspinwall, history, 75 Aliquippa, history, 77yy1y 161 Atlantic and Pacific Ship-Railway Co., Aliquippa High School, 77J7y 152 papers, 64 Allegheny and Butler Plank Road Co., Audubon, John J., 21 papers, 150 Aviation, in 1932, 161 Allegheny County, railroad bonds, 11 j archives, 74$ politics, 1896, 106, 115, 120 B. F. Jones Memorial Library, 77 Allegheny County Federation of Women's Baden, historical materials, 152 Clubs, 305 Baer, W. A., 152 Allegheny River, transportation route, 81, Bair, Rev. Lawrence, speaker, 297 85) 94> steamboat trade, 160 Bakewell and Page, 222 Alter, George E., 295 Bakewell, Page, and Bakewell, 222 Altoona, sketches, 223 Baldwin, Henry, 143, 242 Ambler, Charles H., 125, 302; speaker, 61, Baldwin, Leland D., 296} author, 220 j 264, 265 speaker, 61, 149 Ambridge, history, 161 Baldwin, Leland D., The Rivers in the American Institute of Architects, Pittsburgh Development of Western Pennsylvania, chapter, 71 79-98; (R) Paullin's "Atlas of the His- American Legal History Society, 228 torical Geography of the United States," American Legion, Saxton post, 161 58 j (R) Blair and Meine's "MikeFink," American Military History Foundation, 228 145-147 American Philosophical Society, historical Baltimore, railroad interests, 2-8 materials, 134 Baltimore and Ohio Railroad, 3-8, 69, 225 Amherst, Jeffery Amherst, baron, papers, Bane, John C, 103 130, 208, journal, 131 j biography, 207- Bank of the United States. See United 209 States Bank Amherst, William, journal, 131 Banks and banking, in 1932, 161$ Wash- Antis, Matthew E., 226 ington County, 305 Arbaugh, George B., "Revelation in Mor- Baptist church, pioneer preachers, 26 j monism," reviewed, 144 Somerset County, 222 Archeology, relation to history, 725 Wash- Barton, Dr. Ira, sketch, 282-285 ington County, 162*162; Pennsylvania, 301 Barton, Dr. Leonard, sketch, 282-2855 let- Architecture, western Pennsylvania, 71 ters, 285-291 307 INDEXin 3o8 308 Baum, Mrs. William W., 226 Bradford Woods, history, 305 Bayard, Martha P., journal, 299 Brehm, Albert (3.,G., author, 76 Baynton, Wharton, and Morgan, 55, 823 Bridgeport (South Brownsville), records, letters, 188 222 Beatty, Charles, 23 Bridgeview, history, 161 Beaver, history, 304 Bristow, Arch, author, 162 Beaver County, 59 British, Indian policy, 209 Beaver Creek, trading post, 80 British archives, historical materials, 128, Beckman, Mrs. F. Woods, author, 223 130, 131, 135, 136 Beech, Taylor H., 156 British Museum, historical materials, 127, Belfour, C. Stanton, 157, 223 131 Belfour, C. Stanton, The Historical Tour Brock, Mrs. R. E.,L., speaker, 264 of 1933, 257-266 Brodhead, Daniel, source material, 301 Bell, Harry J., author, 58 Brooks, James W., author, 7474. Belleview, history, 161 Brooks, Judson, 11412.H4n. Bennett, D. M., author, 160 5 speaker, 263 Brougher, John F., 227 Bentley, Wilder, 71 Brown, John, 22 Berry, Elizabeth G., 76 Brown, Martha A., author, 304 Berthoud, James, 92 Brown, Thomas S.,8.,— 148 Bickerton, William, 144 Browne, Madame ,journal, 65 Bining, Arthur C, 227 ;j author, 23 1;ij Brownsville, records, 42. See also Redstone editor, 301 Brugiere, Charles, 92 Bining, Arthur C, The Rise of Iron Brush, Frederic, "The Long Hills," re- Manufacture in Western Pennsylvania, viewed, 294 235-256 Brush Creek Township (Ohio), sketch, 1675167; Black, Gilbert M., 70 pioneer log school, 168—173 Black, Jeremiah S., author, 69 Bryan, William J., campaign, 1896, ill, Blair, John, 89 116, 122 Blair, Montgomery, 20 Buchanan, James, letters, 151 ;administra- Blair, Walter, "Mike Fink," reviewed, tion, 177-180 H5-I47 Buck, Elizabeth 15.,H., (R) Brush's "The Blair County Historical Society, 223 Long Hills," 294 Blairsville, history, 304 Buck, Solon J., 149, 227, 296} author, 63563; Bland, Richard P., 116 speaker, 46, 63, 150, 157, 159, 261,264 Blythe, David G., sketch, 73 Buck, Solon J., The Historical Society of Bollman & Garrison, records, 42 Western Pennsylvania in 1932, 38—47* Bonaparte, Joseph, 21 (R)^ "Fort Necessity and Historic Shrines Bonnecamps, Father, 16 of the Redstone Country," 57 s (R) Bosler & Co., 96 Kirkland's "History of American Eco- Bouquet, Col. Henry, 13, 14, 16, 68, 198, nomic Life,"59559; (li.)(R) Schlesinger's "The 199, 200, 213} papers, 42, 127, 130, Rise of the City, 1878-1898," 138;138} (R) 133, 2233 remarks on Metcalfe memo- Turner's "Significance of Sections in rial, 197, 203 j sketch, 212 American History," 205-207; (R.)(R) Bower Hill, site, 258} historical notes, 259 Adams' "Ireland and Irish Emigration to Bowman, John G., author, 75 the New World," 214; (R) Pargellis' Brackenridge, Henry M., papers, 42, 2235 "Lord Loudoun in North America," 292 writings, 135 Buena Vista Furnace Park Association, 76 Brackenridge, Hugh H., 185, 191, 192, Buhl Foundation, 71 194, 273, 2755 quoted, 81 Burd family, source material, 134 Braddock, Gen. Edward, 19519; expedition, Burt, O. F. H., 262 65> 305 j route, 66; source material, 129; Butler, Walter, 209 relations with Washington, 265$265; causes Butler County, politics, 1882,151 of defeat, 292 Braddock, history, 75 Braddock Park, sketch, 58 packman,Cadman, Charles W., 279 Braddock Road, 77 Cadzow, Donald A., author, 162; speaker, Bradford, David, 191, 298 159'59 INDEXEX 309 309 Calhoun, John C,C., 244 statistics, 225$ Washington (Pa.)> 3<>5 (Fairfield), Cambria County Medical Society, 232 Cochranton (Fairfield), site, 14} in i8$6t Cameron, Simon, 180 285, 287, 290 Cameron County, history, 76 Coldren, Jesse, 42, 222, 298 Campbell, Alexander, 158 Cole, Charles L., papers, 65 Campbell, Alton G., author, 58 Cole, Edith G., 42, 65 Canadian archives, 41, 66 s historical ma- Coifax, Schuyler, 181 terials, 127-132, 135 Columbia, railroad interests, 9 Canals, Pennsylvania, 60 Columbia Railroad, 8, 9 Canon, Col. John, 263 Colver, Samuel, 222 Canonsburg, historic sites, 262 Conemaugh River, transportation route, 94 Canton (Ohio), McKinley delegations, 120 Congregational church, schism, 325 Ger- Cappe, Edward L., papers, 154 man Evangelical Protestant Smithfield, Cappe, William H., papers, 154 Pittsburgh, 75 Carleton Papers, Indian material, 136 Conkwright, Bessie T., author, 158 Carlisle Infantry, 151 Connolly, John, 272} letters, 133 Carnahan family, sketch, 76 Continental Congress, letters, 66566} journals, Carnahan's Blockhouse, history, 76 133 Carnegie, Andrew, 273}273; sketches, 60, 72572; Contrecoeur, expedition, 17i754>54* 20 biography, 68 j author, 225 Coraopolis, history, 75 Carnegie, history, 75 Cornplanter, Seneca chief, sketch, 212 Carnegie Institute (Pittsburgh), 279 Cornplanter Reservation, 305 Carnegie Institution, 41, 66, 155 Cornstalk, Shawnee chief, sketch, 212 Carroll, Charles, 264 Covode, John, ancestry, 175} industrial Carter, Clarence E.,L., 132 interests, 1763 political career, 177-182 Cassady, John C,C., "The Somerset County Cowan, Christopher, 240 Outline," reviewed, 215 Crafton, history, 75 Castle, Homer L., 101 Craig, Maj. Isaac, 85, 90, 91, 95 Castle Shannon, history, 231 Craig, Neville B., letters, 222 Census, as source material, 136;136} Pitts- Craig family, source material, 135 85, 86, burgh, 155;155 ;metropolitan districts, 303 Cramer, Zadok, author, 94 Chalmers Collection, 220, Craven, Avery, 205 223 sketch, Chateaubriand, Francois Rene de, 21 Crawford, Col. William, 195 58 Chesapeake and Ohio Canal Co., 3 Crawford County, history, 225 Chester County, market, 1701, 297 Cresswell, Nicholas, journal, 69 Chitwood, Oliver P., 265 Croghan, George, 14, 15, 20, 80 $} letters, Church, Samuel H., author, 72 133 Cincinnati (Ohio), commercial center, 87587; Crumrine, Boyd, author, 225 packet service, 89 Crumrine, Ernest, 225 Citizens Committee on City Plan of Pitts- Crumrine, J. Boyd, speaker, 261 burgh, 153 Cussewago (Meadville), 15, 16, 21 CivilWar, history, 155; investigating com- Cussewago Island, site, 17 Custaloga's Town, 15, mittee, 1805180; letters, 221;j effect on west- 14, 16 element, ern Pennsylvania, 277 Czechoslovakian Pittsburgh, 74 Clairton, history, 231 Czyzewski, B., 224 Clare, Thomas, 184 Clarion County, 59 Clark, Col. George R., 83, 151, 272 Dahlinger, Charles W., 299} anthor, 40, Clarke and Thaw, 10 ;papers, 64, 297 62, 75 j speaker, 73, 295 Clay, Henry, 90, 244 Dallas, Alexander J., 189 Clements, William M., 132, 134 Dalzell, John, iO4n., 119, 120 5 papers, 153 Clements Library, historical materials, 132, Daniel, Warren J., 66 133 Darlington Collection, maps, 132 Cleveland, Grover, 108 Daroczy, Rev. Alexander, 149, 223, 296 Clinton Papers, 134, 136 Dartmouth Papers, 133 Clow, James C, 226 Daughters of the American Revolution, Coal industry, history, 60; in 1935932,2) 161; Fort Mclntosh chapter, 73} Pennsylvania inINDEX 310310 Society, 76 ij Fort Hand chapter, 76 terial, 127, 134$ relation to immigra- Davidson,
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