EUROPE LIST – SEPTEMBER 2017 A D STAMPS SG YEAR DESCRIPTION £ ALAND ISLANDS UNMOUNTED MINT 16 1984 50th Anniv Society of Shipowners 0.80 20 1986 Nordic Orienteering Championships 0.50 21 to 23 1986 Archaeology 1.50 24 1986 Centenary Onnigeby Artists Colony 0.60 25 to 27 1987 Birds 2.50 41 to 43 1990 Fishes 0.60 44 1990 St. Andrew's Church 1m70 0.25 45 1990 St. Catherine 2m 0.10 52 1991 70th Anniv Aland Autonomy 1.50 53 1991 St. Matthias's Church 1m80 0.25 60/1 1992 Birth Centenary Pettersson 1.20 62 1992 70th Anniv Provincial Parliament 0.30 66/7 1993 Nordic Countries Postal Co-operation 0.30 68/70 1993 Costumes 1.60 112 1996 150th Birth Anniv Karl Jansson 1.20 116/8 1997 Marine Survivors from the Ice Age 0.50 139 1998 Tennis Senior Tour (self adhesive) 0.20 BOOKLETS SB5 1997 Spring Flowers 1.50 SB8 2000 The Elk 2.00 SB15 2005 Vintage Cars 2.20 USED 25 1987 Birds 1m70 1.00 34 1988 Sailing Ships 11m 1.50 ALBANIA UNMOUNTED MINT 555 1951 483rd Death Anniv Skanderbeg 8l bistre 1.00 MS1453 1971 Chinese Space Achievements 1.25 MINT 136 1921 Handstamped 5q green 0.70 156 1924 1 on 2q orange 1.20 160 1924 Red Cross 50q+5q green 3.00 171 1925 Proclamation of Republic Optd 1 on 2q 0.80 172 1925 Proclamation of Republic Optd 2q 0.80 176 1925 Proclamation of Republic Optd 50q 0.80 177 1925 Proclamation of Republic Optd 1f 0.80 179 1925 Optd 2q orange 0.25 180 1925 Optd 5q green 0.25 183 1925 Optd 50q green 0.25 184 1925 Optd 1f lilac 1.20 186 1925 Air 5q green 0.50 200 1925 President Zogu 1f blue/red 0.50 208 1927 Air Optd 1f black/violet 1.50 209 1927 Air Optd 2f violet/green 2.20 213 1927 Zogu's Second Year Optd 5q 0.40 218 1927 Zogu's Second Year Optd 1f 0.50 219 1927 Zogu's Second Year Optd 2f 0.50 220 1927 Zogu's Second Year Optd 3f 0.80 221 1927 Zogu's Second Year Optd 5f 1.40 252 1928 Optd 15q bistre 3.50 254 1928 Optd 50q rose 0.25 255 1928 Optd 1f black/blue 0.50 256 1928 Optd 2f black/green 0.50 257 1928 Optd 3f olive/red 1.80 258 1928 Optd 5f black/violet 1.80 327 1938 Royal Wedding 50q green 1.20 337 1939 Optd 1q slate 0.20 385 1943 Anti-Tuberculosis Fund 30q+20q violet 0.25 374 1942 Third Anniv Italian Occupation 10q 0.25 377 1942 Third Anniv Italian Occupation 65q 0.80 440 1946 Constitutional Assembly Optd 3f 3.00 441B/5B 1946 International Women's Congress (imperf) 2.00 466 1947 Fifth Death Anniv Stafa 28q 1.50 467 1947 Fifth Death Anniv Stafa 40q 1.50 D186 1925 Postage Due Optd 4q black/red 0.70 D187 1925 Postage Due Optd 10q black/red 0.70 D189 1925 Postage Due Optd 50q black/red 0.70 USED 136 1921 Handstamped 5q green 1.20 137 1921 Handstamped 10q red 2.50 147 1923 Views 25q blue 0.20 148 1923 Views 50q green 0.20 169 1925 Return of Government Optd 50q green 2.50 171 1925 Proclamation of Republic Optd 1 on 2q 1.20 173 1925 Proclamation of Republic Optd 5q 1.20 174 1925 Proclamation of Republic Optd 10q 1.20 175 1925 Proclamation of Republic Optd 25q 1.20 177 1925 Proclamation of Republic Optd 1f 1.20 182 1925 Optd 25q blue 0.30 248 1928 Optd 1q brown 0.20 249 1928 Optd 2q grey 0.20 250 1928 Optd 5q green 0.70 251 1928 Optd 10q red 0.20 252 1928 Optd 15q bistre 3.50 253 1928 Optd 25q blue 0.20 254 1928 Optd 50q rose 0.30 258 1928 Optd 5f black/violet 2.50 290 1930 Air 20q blue 0.30 340 1939 Optd 10q red 0.10 484 1947 Agrarian Reform 2l brown 1.20 485 1947 Agrarian Reform 2l50 blue 1.20 487 1947 3rd Anniv of Liberation 1l50 red 0.70 522 1949 Hoxha 8l purple 0.40 537 1950 Literary Jubilee 3l red 0.70 541 1950 Air 2l blue 0.30 543 1950 Air 10l blue 1.40 649/50 1960 15th Anniv Frontier Force 0.25 678 1961 Birds 11l brown 0.40 686/7 1961 20th Anniv Young Communists Union 0.25 769/73 1963 European Sports Events 0.70 774/9 1963 Butterflies and Moths 1.20 930 1965 80q on 50l brown on cream 0.40 1051/7 1966 Cats 0.60 1091/7 1967 Fish 0.70 1121/8 1967 Albanian Riviera 0.60 1137/44 1967 National Costumes 0.60 1161/8 1967 Albanian Paintings 0.70 1358/62 1969 Mosaics 0.30 SPANISH ANDORRA UNMOUNTED MINT 134 1981 International Year of Disabled Persons 0.30 AUSTRIA UNMOUNTED MINT 679 1932 Views 12g green 0.30 824/5 1937 Christmas Greetings 0.05 826/9 1945 Hitler Set. Optd 0.20 857/60 1945 Surcharged Set 1.60 868/90 1945 New National Arms Set 0.80 905 1945 Austrian Welfare Charities 0.30 906/22 1945 Austrian Currency Set 0.50 923/55 1945 Views Set 2.50 951 1946 Views 90g turquoise 0.20 952/5 1946 Views (4 schilling vals) 0.80 971 1946 1st Anniv UNO. Surcharged 0.40 986/90 1946 Austria Prize Race Fund 2.00 992/1001 1946 St. Stephen's Cathedral Fund 2.00 1005 1948 Famous Austrians 40g brown 1.20 1006 1949 Famous Austrians 40g green 1.20 1009/16 1947 Vienna Fair Fund 0.50 1017/23 1947 Air. Views 1.40 1024/33 1947 National Art Exhibition Fund 0.80 1063/8 1947 Prisoners-of-War Relief Fund 0.25 1088/97 1948 Reconstruction Fund 0.40 1098/07 1948 Anti-Tuberculosis Fund 1.20 1135 1952 Provincial Costumes 2s20 slate 0.90 1143 1952 Provincial Costumes 7s olive 0.80 1152/9 1948 Salzburg Cathedral Fund 3.50 1160 1948 30th Anniv of Republic 0.40 1162/5 1949 Child Welfare Fund 12.00 1166 1949 UNICEF 2.50 1167 1949 50th Death Anniv Strauss 0.60 1168 1949 Esperanto Congress 0.20 1169 1949 Birth Millenary St. Gebhard 0.40 1170/3 1949 Prisoners-of-War Relief Fund 7.00 1174 1949 Death Centenary Strauss the Elder 0.30 1175/7 1949 75th Anniv UPU 3.50 1207 1949 50th Death Anniv Millocker 3.50 1208 1950 160th Birth Anniv Daffinger 1.40 1209 1950 140th Death Anniv Hofer 2.50 1210 1950 Austrian Stamp Centenary 0.40 1211 1950 Death Centenary Madersperger 1.50 1212/4 1950 30th Anniv Carinthian Plebiscite 20.00 1215/21 1950 Air Set. Birds 60.00 1215 1950 Air. Birds 60g violet 0.80 1217 1950 Air. Birds 2s blue 3.50 1221 1952 Air. Birds 20s brown 2.00 1222 1950 Stamp Day 1.60 1224 1951 Death of President Renner 0.20 1225/8 1951 Reconstruction Fund 12.00 1229 1951 150th Birth Anniv Lanner 1.10 1230 1951 150th Death Anniv Schmidt 1.60 1231 1951 Boy Scout Jamboree 1.10 1232 1951 Tenth Death Anniv Kienzl 0.70 1233 1952 Winter Olympics 4.00 1234 1952 150th Birth Anniv von Ghega 1.60 1235 1952 Birth Centenary Schrammel 1.60 1236 1952 Stamp Day 5.00 1237 1952 Bicent Schonbrunn Menagerie 1.20 1238 1952 IUSY Camp 1.40 1239 1952 150th Birth Anniv Lenau 1.60 1240 1952 International Childrens Correspondence 3.00 1241 1952 Austrian Catholics Day 2.20 1242 1953 50th Death Anniv Wolf 1.60 1243 1953 80th Birthday President Korner 2.00 1244 1953 60th Anniv Trade Union Movement 0.70 1245 1953 150th Anniv Linz National Theatre 3.50 1246/50 1953 Evangelical School Rebuilding Fund 3.00 1251 1953 Christmas 0.30 1252 1953 Stamp Day 2.00 1253 1954 150th Birth Anniv von Schwind 3.00 1254 1954 150th Birth Anniv Von Rokitansky 4.00 1255 1954 Avalanche Fund. Optd. 0.05 1256/61 1954 Health Service Fund 3.00 1262 1954 50th Anniv Esperanto 1.20 1263 1954 Birth Tercent von Rosenbrunn 3.00 1265 1954 Congress Catholic Chuch Music 0.50 1266 1954 Christmas 0.90 1267 1954 Stamp Day 1.40 1268 1954 150th Anniv State Printing Works 0.60 1269/73 1955 10th Anniv Re-establishment Republic 11.00 1274 1955 Austrian State Treaty. Optd 0.60 1275 1955 Trades Union Congress 0.60 1276 1955 Returned POW Relief Fund 0.50 1277/8 1955 Re-opening of Burgtheater 2.00 1279 1955 10th Anniv UNO 3.00 1281 1956 Birth Bicentenary Mozart 1.20 1282 1956 Admission of Austria into UN 3.00 1283 1956 World Power Conference 2.50 1284 1956 Town Planning Congress 0.70 1285 1956 Birth Tercentenary von Erlach 0.30 1286 1956 Stamp Day 0.70 1287 1956 Hungarian Relief Fund 0.10 1289 1957 Birth Centenary von Jauregg 1.00 1290 1957 25th Death Anniv Wildgans 0.10 1291 1957 50th Anniv Postal Coach Service 0.10 1293 1957 Himalaya-Karakorum Expedition 0.10 1327 1957 Stamp Day 0.60 1328 1958 Alpine Ski Championships 0.10 1329 1958 Austrian Airlines Inaugural Flight 0.25 1330 1958 Mothers Day 0.10 1331 1958 Austrian Choir Festival 0.10 1332 1958 Birth Centenary Redlich 0.10 1334 1958 Stamp Day 0.20 1335 1959 Europa 0.40 1336 1959 Anniv Tobacco Monopoly 0.10 1337 1959 Death Centenary Archduke Johann 0.10 1338/41 1959 International Hunting Congress 0.40 1342 1959 150th Death Anniv Haydn 0.10 1343 1959 150th Anniv Tyrolese Rising 0.10 1344 1959 Inauguration Microwave Network 0.10 1350 1959 Vienna Philharmonic World Tour 0.10 1351 1959 Stamp Day 0.20 1352 1960 World Refugee Year 0.10 1353 1960 President's 70th Birthday 0.10 1354 1960 Youth Hostels Movement 0.05 1355 1960 Birth Centenary Eiselberg 0.10 1356 1960 Birth Centenary Mahler 0.10 1357 1960 300th Birth Anniv Prandtauer 0.10 1358 1960 Anniv Grossglockner Highway 0.30 1359 1960 Europa 0.40 1360 1960 40th Anniv Carinthian Plebiscite 0.10 1361 1960 Stamp Day 0.25 1362 1961 Freedom Martyrs Commemoration 0.10 1363 1961 LUPOSTA Exhibition 0.25 1364 1961 European Transport Ministers Meeting 0.10 1365/8 1961 Centenary of Kunstlerhaus 0.50 1369 1961 Anniv Sonnblick Observatory 0.10 1370/4 1961 15th Anniv Nationalised Industries 0.60 1375 1961 World Bank Congress 0.10 1376 1961 40th Anniv Burgenland 0.10 1377 1961 150th Birth Anniv Lizst 0.10 1378 1961 Stamp Day 0.25 1379 1961 200th Anniv Court of Accounts 0.05 1380/5 1962 15th Anniv Electric Nationalisation 0.80 1386 1962 Death Centenary Nestroy 0.10 1387 1962 Death Centenary Gauermann 0.10 1388 1962 50th Anniv Scout Movement 0.10 1389/91 1962 The Austrian Forest 0.60 1392 1962 125th Anniv Austrian Railways 0.25 1393 1962 Stamp Day 0.30 1394 1963 Centenary Paris Postal Conference 0.20 1395 1963 Birth Centenary Bahr 0.10 1396 1963 Centenary Voluntary Fire Brigades 0.10 1397 1963 Trade Unions Congress 0.10 1398 1963 600th Anniv Tyrol 0.10 1399 1963 Birth
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