. ~ . ··-... I . •· - SEVENTY-FIRST CONGRESS ,-- . ' -- FIRST SESSION . LXXI-2 17 , ! • t ., ~: .. ~ ). atnngr tssinnal Jtcnrd. PROCEEDINGS AND DEBATES OF THE SEVENTY-FIRST CONGRESS FIRST SESSION Couzens Harris Nor beck Steiwer SENATE Dale Hastings Norris Swanson Deneen Hatfield Nye Thomas, Idaho MoNDAY, April 15, 1929 Dill Hawes Oddie Thomas, Okla. Edge Hayden Overman Townsend The first session of the Seventy-first Congress comm:enced Fess Hebert Patterson Tydings this day at the Capitol, in the city of Washington, in pursu­ Fletcher Heflin Pine Tyson Frazier Howell Ransdell Vandenberg ance of the proclamation of the President of the United States George Johnson Robinson, Ark. Wagner of the 7th day of March, 1929. Gillett Jones Sackett Walsh, Mass. CHARLES CURTIS, of the State of Kansas, Vice President of Glass Kean Schall Walsh, Mont. Goff Keyes Sheppard Warren the United States, called the Senate to order at 12 o'clock Waterman meridian. ~~~borough ~lenar ~p~~~~;e 1 Watson Rev. Joseph It. Sizoo, D. D., minister of the New York Ave­ Greene McNary Smoot nue Presbyterian Church of the city of Washington, offered the Hale Moses Steck following prayer : Mr. SCHALL. I wish to announce that my colleag-ue the senior Senator from Minnesota [Mr. SHIPSTEAD] is serio~sly ill. God of our fathers, God of the nations, our God, we bless Thee that in times of difficulties and crises when the resources Mr. WATSON. I desire to announce that my colleague the of men shrivel the resources of God are unfolded. Grant junior Senator from Indiana [Mr. RoBINSON] is unav.oidably unto Thy servants, as they stand upon the threshold of new detained at home by reason of important business. · and grave responsibilities, that confidence. May Thy unfolding Mr. BINGHAM. I wish to announce that my colleague the power and presence sustain and keep them. Give them the junior Senator from Connecticut [Mr. WALCOTT] is detained in assurance that always underneath and round about us are attendance at the funeral of the late Ambassador Herrick. Thy everlastillg arms. l\fay Thy richest blessing rest upon Mr. JONES. I wish to announce that the Senator from the President of the United States and all who share leader­ Rhode Island [l\fr. l\fETc.ALF] is detained on official business. ship with him over the people of the land. May they be led I also wish to announce that the Senator from. Pennsylvania of Thee so that this land may yet be called Immanuel's land, [Mr. REED] is necessarily detained. God with us. l\Iay the words of our mouths and the medita­ Mr. ~ ATERl\IAN. I desire to announce that my colleague tions of our hearts be acceptable in Thy sight, 0 Lord, our the semor Senator from Colorado [Mr. PHIPPS] is necessarily Strength and our Redeemer. Amen. detained fr.om the Senate. PBOCLAMATION ~r. DENEEN. I wish to announce that my colleague the The VICE PRESIDENT. The Secretary of the Senate or junior Senator from Illinois [Mr. GLENN] is necessarily de­ the Chief Clerk will read the proclamation of the President tained from the Senate. of the United States convening Cong1·ess in extraordinary Mr. ROBINSON of Arkansas. I desire to announce that session. the junior Senator from Mississippi [Mr. STEPHENS] and the The Chief Clerk (John C. Crockett) read the prochimation, Senator from New Mexico [Mr. BRATTON] are absent because as follows: ·of illness in their families. · BY THE PRESIDENT OF THill UNITED STATES OF AMERICA-A I also desire to announce that the Senator from Montana PROCLAMATION [Mr. WHEF;LER] is absent because of illness. Whereas public interests require that the Congress of the I further desire to announce that the senior Senator from Mississippi [Mr. HAn.&:rsoN], the Senator from Wyoming [Mr. United States should be convened in extra session at 12 o'clock, KENDRICK], the Senator from South Carolina [Mr. SMITH], the noon, on the 15th day of April, 1929, to receive such communica­ Senator from Florida [Mr. TRAMMELL], the Senator from Ne­ tion as may be made by the Executive; and Whereas legislation to effect further agricultural relief and vada [Mr. PITTMAN], and the Senator from Kentucky [Mr. legislation for limited changes of the tariff can not in justice BARKLEY] are necessarily detained on business in their re­ to our farmers, our labor, and our manufacturers be postponed: spective States. Now, therefore, I, Herbert Hoover, President of the United The VICE PRESIDENT. Seventy-four Senators having States of America, do hereby prodaim and declare that an answered to their names, a quorum is present. extraordinary occasion requires the Congress of the United SENATOR FROM KANSAS States to convene in extra session at the Capitol, in the city of Washington, on the 15th day of April, 1929, at 12 o'clock, noon, Mr. CAPPER. I send to the desk a certificate of appoint­ of which air persons who shall at that time be entitled to act ment from the Governor of Kansas designating Hon. HENn.Y J. as members thereof are hereby required to take notice. AI.LEN a Senator from that State. I ask that it may be read. In witness whereof, I have hereunto set my hand and caused The credentials were read and ordered to be placed on file, to be affixed the great seal of the United States. · as follows: Done at the city of Washington this 7th day of March, A. D. THE STATE OF KANSAS. 1929, and of the independence of the United States the one To all to tvhom theBe presents shall 001ne, {}'reeting: hundred and fifty-third. Know ye, that I, Clyde M. Reed, Governor of the State of Kansas [SEAL.] HERBERT HooVER. reposing special trust and confidence in the integrity, patriotism, and By the President: ability of HENBY J. ALLEN, on behalf and in the name of the State do FRANK B. KELLOGG, hereby appoint and commission him United States Senator from Kan­ Secretary of State. sas . to fill the unexpired term of Charles Curtis, resigned, and do CALL OF THE ROLL authorize and empower him to discharge the duties of said office accord­ The VICE PRESIDENT. The Chief Clerk will call the roll ing to law. of the Senate for the purpose of ascertaining the presence of a In testimony whereof I have hereunto subscribed my name and quorum. caused to be affixed the great seal of the State. The Chief Clerk called the roll, and the fo.llowing Senators Done at Topeka, Kans., this 1st day of April, A. D. 1929. answered to their names : CLYDE M. REED. By the governor: Ashurst Blell,l!e Broussnrd Caraway Bingham Borah Burton Connally [SilAL.] E. A. CORNELL, Black Brookhart Capper Copeland Secretary of State. 19 20 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD-SENA.TE APRIL 15 Mr. CAPPER. The Senator designate is present, and I ask .NOTIFICATION ·ro THE HOUSE that· the oath of office may be administered to him. Mr. ROBINSON of Arkansas. I send to the desk the follow­ ADMINISTRATION OF OATH TO SENATORS ing resolution, for which I ask immediate consideration.' The VICE PRESIDENT. The 'Chief Qlerk will call t~e The VICE PRESIDE..'NT. The resolution will be read. names of Senators elect who did not take the o.ath of office at The Chief Clerk read the resolution (S. Res. 5), and it was the special session .of the Senate in.March, and they, with the considered by unanimous consent and agreed to, as f~llows: Senator designate from Kansas, will present themselves at the Resolved, That the Secretary inform the House of Representatives desk and receive the oath of office. · that a quorum of the Senate is assembled and that the Senate is ready The Chief Clerk called the names of Mr. CU'ITING, Mr. LA to proceed to business. FOLLEITTE, and Mr. SHIPSTEAD. Mr. SCHALL. I desire that the announcement that my col­ HOUR OF DAILY MEEI'ING lea <>'Ue the Senator from Minnesota [Mr. SHIP STEAD] is de­ Mr. FESS. I offer the following resolution and ask unani­ tai~ed by reason of serious illness may stand for the day. mous consent for its immediate consideration. Mr. CUTTING escorted by 1\Ir. WATERMAN, Mr. LA FOLLETTE The VICE PRESIDENT. The clerk will read the resolution. escorted by Mr. NORBIS, and Mr. ALLEN escorted by Mr. C~PER The Chief Clerk read the resolution ( S. Res. 6), and it was advanced to the Vice President's desk; and the oath prescnbed considered by unanimous consent and agreed to, as follows: by law having been administered to them, they took their seat~ Resolved, That the hour of daily meeting of the Senate be 12 o'clock in the Senate. meridian until otherwise ordered. · LIST OF SENATORS BY STATES MYRON T. HERRICK AZabama----:J. Thomas Heflin and Hugo Black. Mr. BURTON. 1\Ir. President, it is fitting that the Senate Arizona-Henry F. Ashurst and Carl Hayden. should ·pause to-day to pay tribute to a very distinguished .Ar7can.sas-Joseph T. Robinson and T. H. Caraway. American who performed notable service for our country in the California-Hiram W. Johnson and Samuel M. Shortridge. field of diplomacy and public administration, Myron T. Herrick. CoZ.Orad()--Lawrence C. Phipps and Charles W. Waterman. The last funeral rites, after a long procession of genuine mani­ Conn~rcticut-Hiram Bingham and Frederic C. Walcott. festations of mourning, have been performed to-day and his Delaware-Daniel 0. Hastings and John G. Townsend. body placed in its final resting place in the city of Cleveland, Florida-Duncan U. Fletcher and Park Trammell. his home for more than half a century, the city in which he Georgia-William J.
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