#&G A((reviations AA Attendance Allowance paid under s 64 of the SS (CB) Act !" Attendance Allowance as defned in 3S (Gen) 4egs. reg 2(&) or "AA1 JSA. reg &(3 ADC Actual Date of Confnement AD+ Adviser Discretion +und AD3 Adult Dependency 3ncrease A+30 Ar6ed +orces 3ndependence 0a,6ent A30 Assessed 3ncome 0eriod AMG Appropriate Mini6u6 Guarantee A0 Additional 0ension A00 Adoption 0a, 0eriod Art Article AS7 Activel, seekin$ emplo,6ent AT Appeal Tribunal A9T All 9or8 Test BA Bereavement Allowance BACS Ban8ers Automated Cleanin$ S,stem BB Bereavement Benefts B: Board and :odgin$ B0 Basic 0ension/Bereavement 0remiu6 B0T Bereavement 0a,6ent BSG Best Start Grant BS0 Bereavement support pa,6ents BTEC Business and Technolog, Education Council B9C Beneft 9eek Com6encin$ B97 Beneft 9eek Endin$ CA Carer;s Allowance CAA Constant Attendance Allowance Cat Categor, CB Contributor, Beneft CC Com6unit, Char$e CD3 Child Dependency 3ncrease CD0 Child Disabilit, 0a,6ent CESC Council of European Social Charter C<B Child Beneft C<B(L0 Child Beneft for :one 0arents C57= Court of 5ustice of the European =nion CMB Child Maintenance Bonus CM0 Child Maintenance 0remiu6 C0 Carer 0remiu6 C0en Civil 0enalt, CSM Child Support Maintenance CT Council Ta> CTA Com6on Travel Area CTB Council Ta> Beneft CTC Child Ta> Credit CT+ Com6unit, Tas8 +orce CTM Contribution to Maintenance C90 Cold 9eather 0a,6ent Cw0 Com6unit, wor8 0lacements DC0 Disabled Child 0remiu6 DCT Direct Credit Transfer D< Depart6ent of <ealth Dis G Disablement Gratuit, Dis 0 Disablement 0ension D:A Disabilit, :ivin$ Allowance DM Decision Ma8er DMA Decision Ma8in$ and Appeals DMG Decision Ma8ers Guide D? District ?ffce D0 Disabilit, premiu6 D0TC Disabled 0ersons Ta> Credit D9A Disabilit, 9or8in$ Allowance D90 Depart6ent for 9or8 and 0ensions EC European Com6unit, European Convention for the 0rotection of <u6an 4i$hts and +unda6ental EC<4 +reedoms EC5 European Court of Justice ECSMA European Convention on Social @ Medical Assistance Ect<4 European Court of <u6an 4i$hts ED0 Enhanced Disabilit, 0remiu6 EEA European Economic Area 7+C Earnin$s factor credits 7+TA European +ree Trade Association 7:DS Eli$ible loan deduction scheme 76p ? 76ploy6ent ?ffcer 7? 76ploy6ent ?ption of Aew Deal for ,oun$ people 7?(E) 76ployed 76ploy6ent ?ption Self'76ployed 76ploy6ent ?ption of the Aew Deal for ,oun$ 7?(S/7 people 700 Enhanced 0ensioner 0remiu6 74C 76ploy6ent 4ehabilitation Centre 74A 76ploy6ent 4etention and Advancement ESA 76ploy6ent and Support Allowance ESA(Cont 76ploy6ent and Support Allowance (contributor, allowance) ESA(I4 76ploy6ent and Support Allowance (income-related allowance) 76ploy6ent and Support Allowance for those with li6ited capabilit, for wor8 in ESA(Y) ,outh ESDA 7>ceptionall, Severe Disablement Allowance ET 76ploy6ent Trainin$ ET+? Environ6ent Tas8 +orce ?ption of Aew Deal for ,oun$ people 7= European =nion 79C 7>pected 9eek of Confnement 7C 76ploy6ent Cone +a6C +a6il, Credit +AS +inancial Assistance Scheme +AD +lexible Aew Deal +0 +a6il, 0remiu6 +0(L0 +a6il, 0remiu6 (Lone 0arent 4ate) +43B +lat 4ate 3ntroduction Year +4M +lat 4ate Maintenance +/T +ull-Ti6e +T7 +ull-Ti6e Education +TET +ull-Ti6e Education and Trainin$ ?ption +tT +irst-tier Tribunal GA GuardianDs Allowance GB Great Britain GC Guarantee Credit GC7 General Certifcate of Education GCS7 General Certifcate of Secondar, Education GM0 Guaranteed Mini6u6 0ension GAEF General Aational Eocational Fualifcation G0 General 0ractitioner G0oW Genuine 0rospect of 9or8 G4B Graduated 4etirement Beneft G4C Gender 4ecognition Certifcate G40 Gender 4ecognition 0anel GT4D+ Grenfell Tower 4esidentsD Discretionar, +und <A <ealth Authorit, <B <ousin$ Beneft <BS <ousin$ Beneft Supplement <C0 <ealth care professional <ep C <epatitis C <3E <u6an 366unodefciency Eirus <M <er MaGest, <M+ <er MaGest,Ds +orces <M4C <er MaGest,;s 4evenue and Customs <? <ome ?ffce <00 <i$her 0ensioner 0remiu6 <40 <ome 4esponsibilities 0rotection 3A 3ndustrial Accident 3A0 3ntensive Activit, 0eriod for those a$ed ") and over and under )% 3A0 for )%H 3ntensive Activit, 0eriod for those a$ed )% or over 3B 3ncapacit, Beneft 3B:T :on$'ter6 3ncapacit, Beneft 3BS 3nfected Blood Scheme 3BST Short-ter6 3ncapacit, Beneft 3BST(H <i$her rate of short-ter6 3ncapacit, Beneft 3BST(L :ower rate of short-ter6 3ncapacit, Beneft 3B(Y) 3ncapacit, Beneft for those incapacitated in ,outh 3C 3nter6ittent Custody 3DB 3ndustrial Death Beneft 3+M 366ediate +a6il, Member 3f9 3ncapacit, for 9or8 33 3ndustrial 3nGur,(ies 33DB 3ndustrial 3nGuries Disablement Beneft 3ncs 3ncrements (of 4etirement 0ension 3AD 366i$ration and Aationalit, Depart6ent 30C 3nternational 0ension Centre 30039 366ediate 0ast 0eriod of 3ncapacit, for 9or8 3S 3ncome Support 3T 3ndustrial Tribunal (now 76plo,6ent Tribunal 3EA 3nvalidit, Allowance 3EB 3nvalidit, Beneft 3E0 3nvalidit, 0ension 3ES 3nvalid Eehicle Scheme JSA JobseekerDs Allowance JSA &#'"& 0ilot Scheme Jobseeker;s Allowance &#'"& 9or8 S8ills 0ilot Scheme JSA(Cont Contribution based JSA JSA$ JobseekerDs A$reement JSA(IB 3ncome based JSA JSD JobseekerDs Direction JS0 Jobseekin$ 0eriod :A :ocal Authorit, :C9 :i6ited capabilit, for wor8 :C9A :i6ited capabilit, for wor8 assess6ent :C94A :i6ited capabilit, for wor8 related activit, :EA :ocal 7ducation Authorit, :EC :ocal Enterprise Council :7: :ower 7arnin$s :i6it :ETS :ocal 7>chan$e Tradin$ S,stem :00 :one 0arent 0remiu6 :04? :one 0arent run'on :F0M :egall, Fualifed 0anel Member :40 :iable 4elative 0a,6ent :SC :earnin$ and S8ills Council :T :in8in$ Ter6 :TAC0 :ivin$ Together as Civil 0artners :TAMC :ivin$ Together as Married Couple :TA<A9 :ivin$ Together as <usband And 9ife MA Maternit, Allowance MA0 Maternit, Allowance 0eriod MB Maternit, Beneft MG Maternit, Grant M3D Mort$a$e 3nterest Direct M34? Mort$a$e 3nterest run-on M0 Member of 0arlia6ent M00 Maternit, 0a, 0eriod MSC Ma>i6u6 Savin$s Credit MS0 Member of the Scottish 0arlia6ent AASS Aational As,lu6 Support Service ACET Aational Council for Education and Trainin$ AC30 Aon'Contributor, 3nvalidit, 0ension AD Aew Deal AD:0 Aew Deal for :one 0arents AD0 Aew Deal for 0artners ADB0 Aew Deal for Boun$ 0eople AD&#'24 Aew Deal for &#-24 ,ear olds AD")H Aew Deal for clai6ants a$ed ") ,ears and over A<S Aational <ealth Service A3 Aational 3nsurance A3A? Aational 3nsurance Au6ber AM9 Aational Mini6u6 9a$e A40 Aon'4esident 0arent AEF Aational Eocational Fualifcation ??T ?wn ?ccupation Test ?0B ?ne 0arent Beneft 0A 0ersonal Adviser 0AB7 0a, As You Earn 0B and MDB 0neu6oconiosis. B,ssinosis and Miscellaneous Diseases Benefts scheme 0B: 0arental Bereavement :eave 0B0 0arental Bereavement 0a, 0CA 0ersonal Capabilit, Assess6ent 0D 0rescribed Disease 0ETA 0ersonal 7>penses Transitional Addition 0+A 0erson(s +rom Abroad 037 0eriod of 3nterruption of 76ploy6ent 03:?A 0a, 3n :ieu ?f Aotice 03:?4 0a, 3n :ieu ?f 4emuneration 030 0ersonal 3ndependence 0a,6ent 039 0eriod of 3ncapacit, for 9or8 0:C9 0eriod of li6ited capabilit, for wor8 0:C9A 0eriod of li6ited capabilit, for wor8 assess6ent 0? 0ost ?ffce 0?A?B 0a,6ent on Account of Beneft 0?A 0ower of Attorney 00 0ensioner 0remiu6 04 0reserved 4i$ht 0S3C 0erson Subject to 366i$ration Control 0/T 0art-Ti6e 09 0a,'9eek 09C 0erson 9ith Care 09<: 0er6itted 9or8 <i$her :i6it 09<:S 0er6itted 9or8 <i$her :i6it subsequent period 09J 0er6itted 9or8 09:: 0er6itted 9or8 :ower :i6it 090 0er6itted 9or8 0eriod FB Fualif,in$ Beneft FB0 Fualif,in$ Beneft or 0ension FD Fualif,in$ Da,s F7+ Fualif,in$ earnin$s factor F3 Fualif,in$ 3ncome F0 Fualif,in$ 0eriod F49 Fualif,in$ remunerative wor8 F9 Fualif,in$ 9eek F9f3 Fuarterl, 9or8'focused interview 4A 4etirement Allowance 4BD 4educed Beneft Direction 4C< 4esidential Care <ome 4EA 4educed 7arnin$s Allowance 4eg(s 4egulation(s 4es A 4esidential Allowance 43S94 4edundant 3ron and Steel 76plo,ees re-adaptation scheme 4M0S 4edundant Minewor8ers 0a,6ent scheme 40 4etirement 0ension 4FC 4elevant Fualif,in$ Condition 4E= 4elationship Ealidation =nit S Section (of an Act S"0 State Second 0ension SA0 Shared Additional 0ension SAB7 Save As You Earn SB Sickness Beneft SC Savin$s Credit Sch Schedule (as in an Act SCT Savin$s Credit Threshold SDA Severe Disablement Allowance SDM Sector Decision Ma8er SD0 Severe Disabilit, 0remiu6 S/7 Self'76ployed Sec Section (of an Act SED Scottish 7ducation Depart6ent S740S State Earnin$s 4elated 0ension Scheme Sev D0 Severel, Disabled 0erson S+ Social +und S++0 Social +und +uneral 0a,6ent(s S+? Social +und ?ffcer S<A Special <ardship Allowance S3 Statutor, 3nstru6ent S3BSS Scottish 3nfected Blood Support Scheme S34 Standard 3nterest 4ate S50 Supervised Jobsearch 0ilot Scheme SMG Standard Mini6u6 Guarantee SM0 Statutor, Maternit, 0a, S0 State 0ensions S0C State 0ension Credit SpTA Special Transitional Addition S09 Supported 0er6itted 9or8 S40S Shipbuildin$ 4edundancy 0a,6ent Scheme SS Social Securit, SS benefts Benefts pa,able under SS(CB Act !" SS3 Scottish Statutor, 3nstru6ent SSMG Sure Start Maternit, Grant SS0 Statutor, Sick 0a, STC0 S8ills Trainin$ Conditionalit, 0ilot Supp B Supplementar, Beneft SEF Scottish Eocational Fualifcation TA Transitional Addition TA9 Temporar, Allowance for 9idow(ers TB3 Total Beneft 3ncome TD Trade Dispute T7 Transitional Element TEC Trainin$ and Enterprise Council T+7= Treat, on the +unctionin$ of the European =nion TS Tribunals Service TT Thalidomide Trust T= Trade =nion =B =nemploy6ent Beneft =C =niversal Credit =C C7 =C Carer Element =C0 =r$ent Case 0a,6ent =7: =pper 7arnin$s :i6it =J =nited Jin$dom =S =nemployabilit, Supplement =T =pper Tribunal EAT
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