2019 Federal Transportation Improvement Program Los Angeles County- 100% Prior Local Highway, State Highway, Transit Including Amendments 1-8 (In $000`s) ProjectID County Air Basin Model RTP ID Program Route Begin End System Conformity Category Amendment LA0G610 Los Angeles SCAB 1AL04 NCRH1 L EXEMPT - 93.127 0 Description: PTC 1,000 Agency AGOURA HILLS The Kanan Road/Agoura Road Ultimate Intersection Improvements Project design consists of designing a signalized intersection that would improve circulation, reduce delays, facilitate large truck movements, reduce conflict points and be located and constructed within an area close in proximity to a freeway interchange and bordered on the north side by built-out and fully improved land. The Kanan Road/Agoura Road Ultimate Intersection Improvements Project was the former Roundabout project. Fund ENG R/W CON Total Prior 2018/2019 2019/2020 2020/2021 2021/2022 2022/2023 2023/2024 Total MEASURE R 20H - HIGHWAY 750 250 1,000 1,000 1,000 CAPITAL LA0G610 Total 750 250 1,000 1,000 1,000 ProjectID County Air Basin Model RTP ID Program Route Begin End System Conformity Category Amendment LA0G739 Los Angeles SCAB LA0G739 CAXT2 L TCM Committed 0 Description: PTC 32,000 Agency AGOURA HILLS Agoura Road Widening. Widen and realign roadway from Westerly City Limits to Cornell Drive (aprox 2 miles). Some areas are two lanes and will be widened to four lanes. The other portions of the street already have four lanes. Construct/modify sidewalks and bike lanes (2 miles); add landscaped medians Fund ENG R/W CON Total Prior 2018/2019 2019/2020 2020/2021 2021/2022 2022/2023 2023/2024 Total MEASURE R 20H - HIGHWAY 3,465 6,670 21,865 32,000 32,000 32,000 CAPITAL LA0G739 Total 3,465 6,670 21,865 32,000 32,000 32,000 ProjectID County Air Basin Model RTP ID Program Route Begin End System Conformity Category Amendment LAE1285 Los Angeles SCAB REG0703 NCR31 L EXEMPT - 93.126 0 Description: PTC 360 Agency AZUSA Rehabilitate Pavement on Azusa Avenue in Azusa. Project limits are from Fifth St. to Santa Fe Ave. This project is utilizing $90 in Toll Credits for local match requirements. Fund ENG R/W CON Total Prior 2018/2019 2019/2020 2020/2021 2021/2022 2022/2023 2023/2024 Total DEMO-SAFETEA-LU 360 360 360 360 LAE1285 Total 360 360 360 360 ProjectID County Air Basin Model RTP ID Program Route Begin End System Conformity Category Amendment LAF5309 Los Angeles SCAB 1ITS04 ITS02 L TCM Committed 0 Description: PTC 5,846 Agency AZUSA City of Azusa Traffic Management System. This project will upgrade traffic signals at 43 intersections in the City of Azusa. The project will fund the design and construction/implementation of controllers, wiring, detection, conduit, fiber optic, countdown pedestrian heads, signals, video detection, CCTV cameras and traffic control and monitoring upgrades at the 43 intersections. Fund ENG R/W CON Total Prior 2018/2019 2019/2020 2020/2021 2021/2022 2022/2023 2023/2024 Total CITY FUNDS 2,338 2,338 2,338 2,338 PROP "C25" FUNDS 3,508 3,508 3,508 3,508 LAF5309 Total 5,846 5,846 5,846 5,846 Print Date: 6/12/2019 11:48:36 PM Page: 1 of 109 NOTE: These projects may still require state or federal action other than funding & they are included in the 100% Prior Years listing of the 2019 FTIP for this purpose 2019 Federal Transportation Improvement Program Los Angeles County- 100% Prior Local Highway, State Highway, Transit Including Amendments 1-8 (In $000`s) ProjectID County Air Basin Model RTP ID Program Route Begin End System Conformity Category Amendment LA0G1140 Los Angeles SCAB 7120004 CAX77 L TCM Committed 0 Description: PTC 4,152 Agency BALDWIN PARK Complete street improvements along Maine Ave. from Los Angeles St. to Arrow Hwy. Improvements involve the reconfiguration of the corridor by means of road diet. Project components include (1) Class II bike ways (2) Road diet from 4 travel lanes to 2 lanes (3) Share left turn lanes (4) Curb extension at 13 intersections (5) Sidewalk extension (6) High visibility crosswalks (7) Replacing ped signals at 5 intersections (8) Ped lighting and (9) ADA improvements Fund ENG R/W CON Total Prior 2018/2019 2019/2020 2020/2021 2021/2022 2022/2023 2023/2024 Total PROP "C20" FUNDS 1,951 1,951 1,951 1,951 ACTIVE TRANSPORTATION 2,201 2,201 2,201 2,201 PROGRAM - MPO LA0G1140 Total 4,152 4,152 4,152 4,152 ProjectID County Air Basin Model RTP ID Program Route Begin End System Conformity Category Amendment LAE2517 Los Angeles SCAB LAE2517 NCRH4 L EXEMPT - 93.127 0 Description: PTC 300 Agency BALDWIN PARK WIDEN MAINE AVE. IN BALDWIN PARK ADD 1 RIGHT TURN AND 1 LEFT TURN ONLY LANE (SAFETEA-LU Demo ID #2517). Not a capacity enhancement project. Utilizing Toll Credits. Fund ENG R/W CON Total Prior 2018/2019 2019/2020 2020/2021 2021/2022 2022/2023 2023/2024 Total DEMO-SAFETEA-LU 300 300 300 300 LAE2517 Total 300 300 300 300 ProjectID County Air Basin Model RTP ID Program Route Begin End System Conformity Category Amendment LAF3507 Los Angeles SCAB 1NL04 NCN26 L TCM Committed 0 Description: PTC 820 Agency BALDWIN PARK South Baldwin Park Commuter Bikeway Project. Construct 3-mile commuter Class I bike path along San Gabriel River and Walnut Creek connecting to major employment centers on Baldwin Park Blvd. Fund ENG R/W CON Total Prior 2018/2019 2019/2020 2020/2021 2021/2022 2022/2023 2023/2024 Total CITY FUNDS 100 236 336 336 336 LOCAL TRANS FUNDS 19 465 484 484 484 LAF3507 Total 119 701 820 820 820 ProjectID County Air Basin Model RTP ID Program Route Begin End System Conformity Category Amendment LAF9200 Los Angeles SCAB 1AL04 TRNH6 L EXEMPT - 93.127 0 Description: PTC 893 Agency BELL Eastern Avenue Operational Improvements: Signaling, sidewalk, and bus stop improvements on Eastern Avenue to reduce traffic congestion and increase safety and comfort for transit users. Fund ENG R/W CON Total Prior 2018/2019 2019/2020 2020/2021 2021/2022 2022/2023 2023/2024 Total CITY FUNDS 202 202 202 202 MEASURE R 20H - HIGHWAY 155 155 155 155 CAPITAL PROP "C25" FUNDS 536 536 536 536 LAF9200 Total 893 893 893 893 Print Date: 6/12/2019 11:48:38 PM Page: 2 of 109 NOTE: These projects may still require state or federal action other than funding & they are included in the 100% Prior Years listing of the 2019 FTIP for this purpose 2019 Federal Transportation Improvement Program Los Angeles County- 100% Prior Local Highway, State Highway, Transit Including Amendments 1-8 (In $000`s) ProjectID County Air Basin Model RTP ID Program Route Begin End System Conformity Category Amendment LA0G1129 Los Angeles SCAB 7120004 NCR30 L EXEMPT - 93.126 0 Description: PTC 997 Agency BELL GARDENS City Wide Safety Enhancement Project- construction of the project will include installation of pedestrian countdown signal heads, ADA compliant access ramps, bicycle route signage and shared lane markings as well as bicycle video detection at signalized intersections. Fund ENG R/W CON Total Prior 2018/2019 2019/2020 2020/2021 2021/2022 2022/2023 2023/2024 Total CITY FUNDS 91 104 195 195 195 ACTIVE TRANSPORTATION 802 802 802 802 PROGRAM LA0G1129 Total 91 906 997 997 997 ProjectID County Air Basin Model RTP ID Program Route Begin End System Conformity Category Amendment LA0G1323 Los Angeles SCAB 1AL04 NCN95 L EXEMPT - 93.126 0 Description: PTC 7,310 Agency BELLFLOWER Bellflower Boulevard Widening Project, between Artesia Boulevard and SR-91, LACMTA Project ID #MR31516. Widening of Bellflower Boulevard under the 91 Freeway Bridge. This project includes design, purchase of property, and reconstruction of existing roadway to enhance vehicle movement at Bellflower Boulevard and the 91 Freeway by providing longer left turn pockets. Fund ENG R/W CON Total Prior 2018/2019 2019/2020 2020/2021 2021/2022 2022/2023 2023/2024 Total MEASURE R 160 5,067 2,083 7,310 7,310 7,310 LA0G1323 Total 160 5,067 2,083 7,310 7,310 7,310 ProjectID County Air Basin Model RTP ID Program Route Begin End System Conformity Category Amendment LAE1655 Los Angeles SCAB LAE1655 NCN46 L EXEMPT - 93.126 0 Description: PTC 516 Agency BELLFLOWER LANDSCAPE AND IRRIGATE EAST BOUND 91 FREEWAY ON AND OFF RAMPS AT BELLFLOWER BL. Fund ENG R/W CON Total Prior 2018/2019 2019/2020 2020/2021 2021/2022 2022/2023 2023/2024 Total DEMO-SAFETEA-LU 40 160 200 200 200 CITY FUNDS 10 306 316 316 316 LAE1655 Total 50 466 516 516 516 ProjectID County Air Basin Model RTP ID Program Route Begin End System Conformity Category Amendment LATP16M001 Los Angeles SCAB 7120004 PLN40 L EXEMPT - 93.126 0 Description: PTC 125 Agency BELLFLOWER Bellflower and Paramount Joint Active Transportation Plan. Fund ENG R/W CON Total Prior 2018/2019 2019/2020 2020/2021 2021/2022 2022/2023 2023/2024 Total CITY FUNDS 25 25 25 25 ACTIVE TRANSPORTATION 100 100 100 100 PROGRAM - MPO LATP16M001 Total 125 125 125 125 Print Date: 6/12/2019 11:48:38 PM Page: 3 of 109 NOTE: These projects may still require state or federal action other than funding & they are included in the 100% Prior Years listing of the 2019 FTIP for this purpose 2019 Federal Transportation Improvement Program Los Angeles County- 100% Prior Local Highway, State Highway, Transit Including Amendments 1-8 (In $000`s) ProjectID County Air Basin Model RTP ID Program Route Begin End System Conformity Category Amendment LA0G1211 Los Angeles SCAB 1ITS04 ITS02 L TCM Committed 0 Description: PTC 735 Agency BURBANK This project would provide traffic signal upgrades, signal controller upgrades, timing plans, and traffic signal system monitoring to intersections on arterial streets within 1 mile of the Interstate 5 corridor.
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