Cambridge University Press 978-0-521-73629-9 - The Horse in Human History Pita Kelekna Index More information INDEX Abashevo, 49 mounted herding, 41, 47 Abbas I, 327, 367, 398 mounted raiding, 44 Abbasids, 224, 231–232, 303, 331 Nanshangen mounted hunters Acre, 268 (700 bc), 138 Afanasievo, 38, 49, 55, 57, 60, 136 Pirak, 62, 109 African wild ass, 13–14. See alsoEquidae, relocation of populations, 105, 121 Equus scouting on horseback, 105 Afro-Asiatic, 390 Siyalk (800 bc), 63 Agni, 111 Ur III (2037-2029 bc), 43 agro-pastoralism, 136 Andronovo (2000-900 bc), 49–50, 136 Ahriman, 255. See also Zoroastrianism, Arabian horse, 218, 220–221 Angra Mainyu Araucanians (Mapuche), 374 akinji, 329 Archimedes, 133 Alaca Huyuk, 94 Arinna, 94 Alans, 148, 195–196 Armenians, 104, 210 Alcantara, 279 armor for the equestrian combatant, 63 Alexander the Great, 128–132 arret de cuirasse, 342 Alexandria, 130 chain mail, 190, 250 alfalfa/lucerne, 119, 190 harnois blanc, 341 Allen’s rule, 172, 218 heavy armor, 242 Almohads, 247, 251 iron helmet, 289 Almoravids, 248 Japanese steel plaque armor, 318 Marrakesh, 251 Kofun metal plaque armor, 318 Tashfin, Yusuf ibn, 251 lamellar leather with iron, 289 Altaic speakers, 115, 320 padded leather jerkin, 289 Amazons, 86, 178–179, 186, 292, 331, 342, quilted cotton, 250 364, 377 scale armor, 78, 86, 190 Amerindian population loss, 370 steel helmet, 342 Anabasis, 128 arms for the equestrian combatant ancient riders battle axe, 78, 86, 250, 289 Assyrian riding duo, 106 bolas, boleadora, 375 BMAC (2200-1800 bc), 43 breech-loading rifle, 374 Kish (2400-2300 bc), 43 broadsword, 190 Koban (1000 bc), 63 contus heavy lance, 190 Komarovka (1700-1300 bc), 53 couched lance, 164, 198–199, 241, Mesopotamia (2000-1750 bc), 43 264 449 © Cambridge University Press www.cambridge.org Cambridge University Press 978-0-521-73629-9 - The Horse in Human History Pita Kelekna Index More information Index arms for the equestrian (cont.) Avesta. See Zoroastrianism curved sword, 78 Avicenna, 247 dagger, 78 Ayyubids, 266 firearms, 316, 326 Aztecs, 356 firelance, 292, 300 harquebus, 329, 385, 391 Bactria-Margiana Archaeological iron arrowheads, 78 Complex (BMAC), 43, 54 Japanese long bow, 319 Bactrian camel, 54n Japanese single-bladed sword, Baden, 48 319 Baghdad, 224 javelin, 250, 289 Barbary corsairs, 330 lance, 78, 164 Bartolomeu Dias, 351 lasso, 78, 196, 289 Basotho, 393 long spear for jabbing, 176 Battle of Hastings, 241 pistol, 391 Baybars, 274–275, 303 poisoned arrows, 78 Beakers, 165 recurved composite bow, 63, 76–77, beard, 85, 138, 143, 293 138 Beersheba, 400 saber, 164 Behistun, 123 Scythian gorytus, 77 Berbers, 236, 238 slashing sword, 172 Bergmann’s rule, 172, 218 sling, 78 bevel, 37–38 whip, 78, 339, 340 Alakul-Petrovka, 38 arrow messengers, 288 Botai, 37 Arsuf, 269 Sergeivka, 38 Arthur, 200–201, 255 Utyevka, 38 Arthuriad, 204, 320 Bhagavadgita, 111 Batraz, Nart hero, 200, 320 Biruni, 246 Excalibur, 200, 202 Bishkent, 54 Lancelot, 201, 255, 338 Blood River, 393 Ossetic Nart sagas, 203 blood-sweating horses, 146 Quest of the Holy Grail, 201–202, Boers, 219, 392 320 Bokhara, 325, 331 Round Table, 202, 337 Borjigin, 283 artisans, 310, 325 Botai, 35–37 Aryan migrations, 54, 61, 108, 116 Boudica, 186–187 Dasas, 62, 62n, 109 breast strap. See horse power, trace Asian wild ass, 13. See also Equidae, harness Equus bridling, 85 Assassins, 266, 270, 303 bit, 11, 33n, 37, 37f, 38, 41, 42, 64, 65, 74, Astarte, 95 76, 106, 142, 179, 375, 378 astragalus bone, 7 cheekpieces, 37, 52, 53, 63, 74 astronomy, 313 jointed snaffle, 106 Asvins, 112–113, 339 nose ring, 43, 52 Atahualpa, 362–363 Bubastis canal, 125, 381 Atharvana, 54 Bucephalus, 128, 131 Attila.See Huns, Attila Buddhism, 306 Australia, 394–395, 396 cakravartin, 152 Austro-Asiatic, 389 Channa, 151 Austronesian, 389 Gandara art, 154 Avars, 164, 198, 241 Gautama, Siddhartha, 151 450 © Cambridge University Press www.cambridge.org Cambridge University Press 978-0-521-73629-9 - The Horse in Human History Pita Kelekna Index More information Index Kanishka, 154 chivalric bullfight, 348 Kanthaka, 151 chivalry, 203, 277, 336–338 Mahayana, 154 dubbing, 337 Maitreya, 155, 210 Christianity mandala, 109 Arians, 196 pagoda, 154 Donatists, 196 stupa, 151, 169 Greco-Roman, 205 swastika, 152 Greek Orthodox, 199 White Horse temple, 155 Monophysites, 217 Xuanzang, 159 Nestorianism, 158, 302, 307, 309 Buenos Aires, 375, 377, 393, 394 Papacy, 260, 263, 268, 307, 309, 367 buffalo, 372, 374 Protestantism, 329 Burkhan Khaldun. See world mountain, Cimmerians, 116 Burkhan Khaldun circuitous procession, 169, 180 bushi, 319 circumscribed alluvial states, 27, 93, 355, Buyids, 228, 233 359, 380 Byzantium, 205. See also Constantinople cold-weather adaptability, 39 Colosseum, 193 Cabral, 364 Columbus, Christopher, 351–353 Caesar, Julius, 185 Comanche, 371, 386 Cajamarca, 362 Commagene, 210–211 Calatrava, 279 Confucians, 306, 307 Cannae, 183 Confucius, 138 cannon, 276, 301, 344, 391, 400 conical hats, 50, 313 cannon bone, 7 Constantinople, 209, 236, 244, 271, 325, 328 Caper, 393 Constantine, 205 carpet manufacture, 72, 84 fortresses, 259 Carrhae, 204 Hagia Sophia, 206–208 Carthage, 182, 183–184 Heraclius, 212 castle, 276 Hippodrome, 271 catacomb (2500-1900 bc), 50 Lysippos’ golden horses, 206, 271 Cathar heresy, 279 Nika revolt, 206 cattle, 8, 23, 29, 34, 40, 48, 58, 80, 117, 136, Copernicus, 246, 366 140, 336, 348, 371, 375, 377, 392, Copts, 275. See also Christianity, 396 Monophysites cauldron, 115, 201, 320 Corded Ware, 48 Celts, 173–175, 403 Cordoba, 238, 244 centaur, 96, 176–178 Coricancha Temple of the Sun, 361 centum languages, 58 Coronado, 371 Chagataids, 324, 331 Cortes’s conquest of the Mexica, 357–359 chalan. See gaucho cosmic tent, 123, 132, 194 chansons de geste, 239, 345, 378 cosmology Charlemagne, 239 Celtic, 174 Roland, 241, 255 Indo-Aryan, 174 romances fronterizos, 348 Japanese, 319–320 Charge of the Light Brigade, 400 medieval European, 336 Charlemagne, 198, 241, 261, 343 Persian, 255 chess, 338 Scythian, 86–88 chestnuts, 10 Council of Clermont 1095, 260 Chimu, 360 courtly love, 345 Chinese dancing horses, 149 Covadonga, 238, 344 451 © Cambridge University Press www.cambridge.org Cambridge University Press 978-0-521-73629-9 - The Horse in Human History Pita Kelekna Index More information Index Crassus, 185, 204 Qadasiya, 221 Crazy Horse, 374 ridda, 216 Cris (5600 bc), 29 Yarmuk, 217 Croesus, 120 early wheeled technology, 45–46 Crusades, 248, 260–272 cart, 45, 46, 55, 73, 95, 96, 111n, 141, 308, Cucuteni-Tripolye (4900-3400 bc), 376 29 crossbar type wheel, 74 Curmos, 308, 327 disc wheel, 73–74 Cuzco, 361 dispersed habitation, 45 Cyaxares, 120 draught pole, 76 Cyrus II, 86, 120, 122 early draught unsuited to horse religious tolerance, 121 anatomy, 46, 73, 96–97, 161 farm efficiency, 45 danastuti (coda of verses), 110 funerary models, 46 Darius I, 123–125, 126, 382 iron hoop tire, 172 Darius III, 130 lunate-opening type wheel, 74 Dark Ages, 334 Mesoamerican wheel, 354, 383 Delphi, 193 metal tire, 95 Dhar Tichitt-Walata, 219 pivoted front axle, 172 dhimmi, 222, 237 rawhide tire, 95 diastema, 11, 37 traces, 84 diet, 12, 13 transportation, 45 dismemberment, 78, 89, 122, 137, 153 wagon, 45, 46, 51, 52, 52f, 60, 68, 73, 95, Orpheus, 153 96, 172, 220n, 329, 373, 392, 393 Divine Twins. See Asvins el Cid, 255, 345 Dnieper-Donets (5100-4100 bc), 32 elephants, 131, 183, 221 dog, 22, 36, 372 encomiendas, 279 Dome of the Rock, 244 environmental devastation, 295, 386 Domus aurea, 193 ephedra, 56 Dongola, 275 Epona, 113, 188 donkey, 14, 23, 24, 40, 43, 45f, 47, 95, 141, equid hybrids 172, 335, 388, 398, 401 hinny (jennet), 24 donkey seat, 44 mule, 24, 73, 100, 104, 191, 308, 335 unsuited to riding, 24 onager bred with donkey, 24, 52 Dorians, 176 zebra bred with horse or donkey, 24 Drake, Francis, 367 equid miniaturization, 23 drift mine, 49 equid social systems, 14–15 dromedary, 212–213, 216, 219, 235 Equidae, 6–12 Druids, 174, 186 Anchitherium, 349 cursoriality, 8–9 early Islam digestion, 8 Alids, 224 Dinohippus, 10 Buraq, white horse, 214 Equus, 6, 10–12, 20 Caliph Abu Bakr, 216 Equus hydruntinus, 13, 32 Caliph Uthman, 223 Hipparion, 9, 349 five pillars of, 215 Hippidion, 10 Hashimites, 223 hypsodonty, 8 Husayn, 224 Hyracotherium, 7 jihad, 217 Leisey equids, 41 Muhammad, 214–215 Merychippus, 8–9 Nihavand, 222 Mesohippus, 7 452 © Cambridge University Press www.cambridge.org Cambridge University Press 978-0-521-73629-9 - The Horse in Human History Pita Kelekna Index More information Index Miohippus, 7, 8 Reagan, Ronald, 402–403 monodactyly, 10 Scythian king, 88–89 Onohippidium, 10 Shang horse and human sacrifice, 139f Parahippus, 8 Syezzhe, 34 Pliohippus, 10 Varfolomievka, 35 tridactyly, 7, 10 Wellington’s military salute to Equus ferus przewalskii, 14, 17, 19, 40, 218, warhorse, 399 297, 403 funerary tomb tower, 311 breeding in zoos, 18–19 capturing expeditions in the wild, 18 Galileo, 366 restoration in the wild, 19–20 gang rape, 186 Eratosthenes, 133 Gansu horse, 147 ergots, 10 Garamantes, 182 Euclid, 133 gaucho, 375–377 eunuch, 121, 243, 254 Gaugamela, 130 exposure of dead, 51, 117 Geebung Polo Club, 397 Genghis khan, 281–282. See also Temujin Falz-Fein, Friedrich von, 18 exploratory probe into Europe, 295 faris, 263 funeral, 297 Fatimids, 248, 259, 265 invasion of China, 292 Fatyanovo-Balanovo, 48 invasion of Khwarizmia, 295 Fedorovo, 50 Ghana, 249 feigned retreat, 331 Ghazan, 309 Ferghana, 147 ghazi, 233, 276 Fierro, Martin, 376–377 ghulam, 232 fossil equids. See Equidae Gibraltar, 237 Frederick Barbarossa, 268 goat, 18, 22, 23, 34, 41, 58, 70n, 71, 89, 136, French fur trappers, 373 212, 285, 392 funerary ritual involving the horse, Golden Bull of Rimini, 276 33–34 Golden Horde, 301.
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