Item No.: 02 The information, recommendations and advice contained in this report are correct as at the date of preparation, which is more than one week in advance of the Committee meeting. Because of the time constraints some reports may have been prepared in advance of the final date given for consultee responses or neighbour comments. Any changes or necessary updates to the report will be made orally at the Committee meeting. PROPOSAL OUTLINE - Residential development of 22 dwellings and associated works (as additional information received 04/08/2014) REVISED APPLICATION FORM AND CORRECTED NUMBER OF DWELLINGS LOCATION: Land to the north of the Telephone Exchange, Lymington Bottom Road, Medstead, Alton REFERENCE : 39009/003 PARISH: Medstead APPLICANT: Mr M Newell CONSULTATION 26 August 2014 EXPIRY : APPLICATION EXPIRY : 09 September 2014 COUNCILLOR(S): Cllr M C Johnson MBE, Cllr I Thomas SUMMARY RECOMMENDATION: REFUSAL This application has been included on the agenda as it is a departure from the adopted policies of the Local Plan and is being considered under the Interim Housing Policy Statement. Site and Development Application site The site is situated to the north of Lymington Bottom Road on the corner with the junction with Soldridge Road and Five Ash Road. The land comprises an agricultural field, bordered by hedgerows and amounts to 2 ha. The site is outside of, but adjoins the settlement policy boundary, which follows the linear development on either side of Lymington Bottom Road. That development is characterised by residential development of detached properties set in spacious plots. There is further, but more sporadic development, to the west and east but open agricultural land is the dominant land use, with linear hedgerows and isolated and groups of trees. Proposed development The application is made in outline and seeks permission for 22 dwellings with access only to be considered at this stage. The existing field would be closed up and a new access formed, approximately 40m south of the existing access. Although only the access is to be considered at this stage, the applicant has provided an indicative layout plan, which includes a balancing pond and an area of public open space to the southern part of the site. The main proposals are: • Outline application with access only for detailed consideration. • Promoted under the Council's Interim Housing Policy Statement (IHPS) • 22 dwellings - 13 market units, 9 affordable units • Density of 33dph • New access created from Lymington Bottom Road • Open market housing: 2 x 1 bed; 2 x 2 bed; 3 x 3 bed; 6 x 4 bed • Affordable housing: 2 x 1 bed; 4 x 2 bed; 3 x 3 bed; (6 affordable rent, 3 intermediate) The application is also supported by detailed consultant’s reports, including; • Design and Access Statement • Flood Risk Assessment • Transport Statement • Ecological Appraisal • Ground (Environmental) Report and Risk Assessment Relevant Planning History No relevant planning history on the site. Other current major housing applications in Four Marks/South Medstead settlement area 25256/032 - Land at Friars Oak Farm, Boyneswood Road, Medstead - Erection of 80 dwellings, including 32 affordable homes, garages, car parking, associated access, infrastructure, open space and landscaping. At their meeting on 26 June this year, members of the Council's Planning Committee resolved to grant planning permission subject to the completion of a S.106 legal agreement. 55358/FUL - Land at Winchester Road (Adjoining 173), Four Marks - 136 residential dwellings with associated works, access, parking, landscaping and open space. Currently under consideration. 55197/001/FUL - Land East of, 20 - 38 Lymington Bottom Road, South Medstead - 75 dwellings with associated access, landscaping, public open space and provision of allotments. Currently under consideration. 55258/001 - Outline - Land North of Boyneswood Lane, Medstead - 51 dwellings. Refused at 17 July 2014 committee meeting. 55302 - Land rear of 41-43A Blackberry Lane, Four Marks - Full application for 23 dwellings. Refused at 7 August 2014 committee meeting. Development Plan Policies and Proposals East Hampshire District Local Plan: Joint Core Strategy (2014) CP1 - Presumption in favour of sustainable development CP2 - Spatial Strategy CP10 - Spatial strategy for housing CP11 - Housing tenure, type and mix CP13 - Affordable housing on residential development sites CP16 - Protection and provision of social infrastructure CP18 - Provision of open space, sport and recreation and built facilities CP19 - Development in the countryside CP20 - Landscape CP21 - Biodiversity CP25 - Flood Risk CP26 - Water resources/ water quality CP27 - Pollution CP28 - Green Infrastructure CP29 - Design CP31 - Transport CP32 - Infrastructure East Hampshire District Local Plan: Second Review (2006) T3 - Pedestrians and Cyclists H14 - Other Housing Outside Settlement Policy Boundaries C6 - Tree Preservation HE17 - Archaeological & Ancient Monuments P7 - Contaminated Land Planning Policy Constraints and Guidance National Planning Policy Framework (NPPF) Sets out the government's planning policy and sets out the presumption in favour of sustainable development. Village Design Statement - Medstead - A Vision for the Future - non statutory planning guidance that has been the subject of public consultation and therefore is a material planning consideration. Medstead Parish Plan 2008 Consultations and Town/Parish Council comments County Highways Officer - Lymington Bottom Road is a "C" class road which is subject to a 30 mph speed limit. There are no pedestrian facilities either side of the road. From the site visit it was observed that a proportion of traffic exceeds the speed limit to the south of the site. Lymington Bottom Road at this location is subject to flooding. The pond to which water currently drains has no positive outlet. I understand the applicant is to offer an opportunity to drain into the proposed pond shown on the site plan. The natural course of water if the pond overflows would be to the south where I understand at least one property may have raised the level of their garden which results in the water being held back. With the pond having no outlet to a watercourse further details are required before this element can be considered. No surface water drainage is shown but one must assume that it will drain to the pond. At this stage it is not clear who would be responsible for its maintenance. The site plan shows the formation of a new access south of the existing which is shown as being stopped up. At this stage no sections or levels are indicated and without a long section through the splay to the south I cannot confirm that the splay can be achieved in the vertical plane. That said it is clear that the splay can be provided within a short distance to the north. The splays required will be 2.4 Metres by 43 Metres. It is not clear if children of junior school age would attend Medstead School or that in Four Marks, in both cases the schools are beyond a reasonable walking distance and I therefore assume must would be taken to school in motor vehicles. Pupils of senior school age would need to catch public transport to Alton or Alresford from Winchester Road and taking into account the level of facilities that are in that direction there is need for a footway in that direction. If permitted, there would be a requirement for a contribution in line with Hampshire County Council's Transport Contributions Policy. This is based on the number of additional multi- modal trips generated by the development. This amounts to £***** which would be used towards the provision of the pedestrian facilities mentioned above. No objection subject to following conditions: • Surface water to highway-details required • Access construction - details required • Access construction provision • Closure of existing access provision • Services area provision • Bin/cycle store - details required Housing Officer - This application includes 9 affordable dwellings, which slightly exceeds the minimum 40% requirement. The housing need figures, for rented accommodation in Medstead are as follows (figures taken from Hampshire Homechoice Register): 1 bed: 193 2 bed: 100 3 bed: 31 4 bed: 14 Total: 338 Included within these figures are applicants who have a local connection with the parish (live, work or have family there). The JCS policy CP13 requires housing applicants expressing a need to live in Medstead to show some form a local connection. However, a cascade to the wider EHDC District is also required to ensure that private funding can be secured to procure the affordable homes. The numbers of applicants with a local connection are currently: 1 bed: 14 2 bed: 1 3 bed: 1 4 bed: 1 Total: 17 In addition to the housing need for rented accommodation there are a further 14 households registered with the Help to Buy agent requiring intermediate housing in Medstead / Four Marks. The affordable housing mix is proposed as 2 No. one bed houses, 4 No. two bed houses and 3 No. three bed houses. This mix relates well to the housing need, by offering accommodation for smaller households, whilst also recognising the need for a lesser number of larger family homes. The applicant is proposing a tenure split where a 1 bed, 2 bed and three bed are offered as intermediate housing with the remaining 6 as affordable rent. This tenure split is acceptable. The integration of the affordable units across small sites such as this can be challenging, however in this case I believe the applicant has addressed this well. Five of the affordable units are located at the entrance of the site with the remaining four located at the rear. Both groups of affordable dwellings are located adjacent to market housing and both groups will contain a mix of rented and intermediate housing to further help the tenure balance within the site. The Design and Quality of the affordable homes should be to HCA standards to ensure eligibility for grant, if available.
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