Page 1 of 49 Township of Brock Council Information Index September 21 – September 25, 2020 Comm. No. Received from – Description 1244/20 Wollaston Township – Requesting changes to the Municipal Elections Act 1248/20 AMCTO – Advocacy Update: Legislation announced on a Municipal Voters’ List 1252/20 Maureen Nicitopoulos – Concerns with Supportive Housing Project (Beaverton) 1253/20 Ontario Heritage Trust – Doors Open Ontario – Discovering the story behind every door, Supporting Ontario’s tourism sector, Taking a “stay trip”, and more 1256/20 Township of Amaranth – Support for the City of Oshawa’s motion re: COVID-19 Funding 1257/20 Township of Amaranth – Support for the Township of South Glengarry motion re: Long-Term Care Facility Inspection 1258/20 Town of Amherstburg – Resolution: AODA Website Compliance Extension Request 1259/20 Town of Amherstburg – Resolution: Request for Consideration of Amendments to Bill 108 re. The Ontario Heritage Act 1263/20 AMO Communications – AMO Policy Update – Provincial Regional gathering restrictions and DC/CBC regulations 1264/20 Federation of Ontario Cottagers’ Associations – OEB order Hydro One to eliminate the Seasonal Rate Class, Ontario climate change impact assessment, COVID-19 impacts on rural businesses, and more 1265/20 Community Development Council Durham – You’re Invited! CDCD’s Annual General Meeting 1272/20 Dr. Gerry Green – Lilac Hedge 1273/20 Lake Simcoe Region Conservation Authority – Board of Directors Meeting No. BOD-10-20, September 25, 2020 Agenda 1282/20 AMO Communications – AMO Update: 2020 Federal Throne Speech lays out priorities including climate action, expanding rural broadband, improved housing access, childcare and long-term care standards Page 2 of 49 Council Information Index – September 21 – September 25, 2020 1290/20 AMO Communications – AMO Policy Update – New legislation, Region gathering restrictions, and Pre-Federal Throne Speech submission This document is available in alternate formats upon request. Please contact the Clerk’s Department at 705-432-2355. Page 3 of 49 Page 4 of 49 Page 5 of 49 1248/20 Page 6 of 49 Page 7 of 49 Page 8 of 49 Page 9 of 49 1253/20 Page 10 of 49 Page 11 of 49 Page 12 of 49 Page 13 of 49 Page 14 of 49 Page 15 of 49 Page 16 of 49 1256/20 Page 17 of 49 1257/20 1258/20 Page 18 of 49 Septembert mb 212, 20202 VIA EEMAIL The Right Honourable Raymond Cho,Cho MinisterM nister for Seniors and Accessibility College PaPark 55thth Flr, r 7777 BBay StSt, Toronto,Toro to ON M7A 1S585 Re: AODA Website ComplianceComp iance Extension Request At itsts meeting of September 14,4 2020,2020 CouncilCounc l passed the followingfollow ng for your consideration:considerat on Resolution # 20200914202009 4-281-281 “1.“1 WHEREAS Section 14(4)4 4 of OO.Reg Reg 191/1191/1 under the AccessibilAccessibility t for Ontarians with Disabilities Act requires designated public sector organizations to conform to WCAG 22.0 0 LevelLeve AA by January 1,1, 2021;202 ; 2.2 AND WHEREAS the municipalitymunic pality remains committed to the provision of accessibleaccess ble goods and services;services 3.3 AND WHEREAS the municipalitymunic pality provides accommodations to meet any stated accessibility need,need where possible;possible 4.4 AND WHEREAS the declared pandemic,pandem c COVIDCOV D- 1919, has impactedmpacted the financesf na ces anda d other resources of the municipality; t 5.5 AND WHEREAS the AccessibilityAccessib lity for OntariansOntar ans with DisabilitiesD sabil ties Act contemplates the need to consider the technicaltechnica or economic considerations inn the implementationmp ementation of Accessibility Standards;Standards 6.6 BE IT THEREFORE RESOLVED THAT the municipality requests that the Province of Ontario extend the compliance deadline stated inn SectionSect on 14(4)14(4) of OO.Reg Reg 191/11191/ to require designated public sector organizations to meet the compliance standards,standards by a minimumm nimum of one (1)1) year to at leasteast January 11, 2022;2022 AND, 7.7 BE ITIT THEREFORE RESOLVED THAT the municipality requests that the Province of Ontario consider providing fundingfund ng support and training resources to meet these compliance standards.”standards ” WebsiteWebsite: WWW.amherstburgwww.amherstburg. caa 271 SANDWICH STST. SOUTH, AMHERSTBURG, ONTARIO N9V 2A5 PhPhone: ne (519)519 736736—00 00121 2 Fax:Fax (519)519 736736-5403 54 3 TTYTTY: (519)736-9860519 736 9860 Page 19 of 49 The impactsmpacts of the pandemic on municipalmun cipal finances and resources affect the ability of municipalities to meet the January 1,1 2021 deadlinedeadl ne for fullf compliance with WCAG 22.0 0 LevelLeve AA.AA We humblyhumb y request the Ontario government consider an extension request, inn additionadd t on to financialfinancia support and trainingtrain ng due to the unprecedented impactsmpacts of the global pandemicpandem c. RegardsRegards,, Tammy FowkesFo kes Deputy ClerkC er , Town of Amherstburg (519)519) 73636-0012 extext. 2216 tfowkes@amherstburgtfo [email protected] ca cc:CC: The Right Honourable Doug FordFord, Premier of Ontario The AssocAssociation ation of MunicipalitiesMun cipalities of Ontario AllA Ontario MunicipalitiesMunic pa ities WebsiteWebsite: WWW.amherstburgwww.amherstburg. caa 271 SANDWICH STST. SOUTH, AMHERSTBURG, ONTARIO N9V 2A5 PhPhone: ne (519)519 736736—0 0012 12 Fax:Fax (519)519 736736-5403 54 3 TTYTTY: (519)736-9860519 736 9860 1259/20 Page 20 of 49 Septembert mb 212, 20202 VIA EEMAIL HonHo . LisaL sa McLeod,McLeod MinisterMi iste of Heritage,Heritage Sport,Sport Tourism anda d Culture Industriesdust es 66thth Flr, r 438 UniUn versrsit ty Ave, e Toronto,Toro to ON M7A 1N31N3 Re: Request for ConsiderationCons de ation of Amendments to BillB ll 108 re. ThThee OntarioOnta io HeritageHer tage Act At itsts meeting of September 14,4 2020,2020 CouncilCounc l passed the followingfollow ng for your consideration:considerat on Resolution # 202009140200914-258 58: ““WHEREASWHEREAS RoyalRoya Assent has been granted to BillB 108108 entitled ‘More Homes,Homes More Choice Act,Ac , 2019’2019 ono June 6,6 2019;2019 and,a d WHEREAS Schedule 1111 of BillB 108108 contains amendments to the Ontario Heritage Act which require appeals under the Ontario HeritageHer tage Act to be heard by the LocalLoca PlanningP anning Appeal TribunalTribuna not the ConservationConservatio ReviewRev ew Board;Board and,a d, WHEREAS the Conservation ReviewRe ie Board iss an adjudicativeadjudicat ve tribunaltribuna that,tha through the mandate providedprov ded by the OntarioOntar o Heritage AcAct, considers a number of matters such as: •o The proposed designationdesignat o of a property as having cultural heritage value or interest;terest •0 AppApplications icatio s for the repeal of a ByB -law aw on a specific property;propert ; •0 AppApplications icatio s relatedre ated to the alterationalteratio of a property covered by a ByB —law law; and, •0 Matters related to archaeologicalarchaeologica licl censingensing. ANDAND, WHEREAS Schedule 1111 of BillB 108108 wiwill come into effect on a date to be proclaimed by the Lieutenant Governor; and,a d WHEREAS the LocalLoca PlanningPlann ng AppeaAppeal Tribunalribunal are not experts inin heritage matters unlike membersembers of the ConservationConservatio ReviewRev ew Board;Board and, d, WHEREAS the LocalLoca PlanningPlann ng AppeaAppeal Tribunalribunal decisions are binding decisions unlike the ConservationCo servat on ReviewRev ew Board nonon-binding bindi g recommendations;ecommendat o s and,a d, WHEREAS the OntarioOntar o Heritage Act provides a means for municipalities to protect and preserve the cultural heritageher tage value or interestnterest of the municipalitymun cipality for generations to come;come and,and WHEREAS the Conservation ReviewRe ie Board currently providespro des reports to municipalmunicipa council’scounci ’s setting out its findingsf ndings of fact,fac and itsts recommendations so that a final decisiondecis on can be rendered by municipalitiesmunic pa ities about what iss valuable inn their community;commun t WHEREAS the TownTo n of Amherstburg remains committedcomm tted to the preservationpreservat on and protection of property of culturalcu tura heritage value or interest;interest WebsiteWebsite: WWW.amherstburgwww.amherstburg. caa 271 SANDWICH STST. SOUTH, AMHERSTBURG, ONTARIO N9V 2A5 PhPhone: ne (519)519 736736—00 00121 2 Fax:Fax (519)519 736736-5403 54 3 TTYTTY: (519)736-9860519 736 9860 Page 21 of 49 NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED THAT the Town of Amherstburg strongly recommends that Schedule 1111 of BillB 108108 be amended to remove the powers providedprov ded to the LocalLoca PlanningP anning AppealAppea Tribunal,Tribunal retaining authority for hearing certaincerta n appeals by the ConservationConser at on ReviewRe ew Board;Board and,a d BE IT FURTHER RRESOLVEDESOLVED THAT the Towno n of Amherstburg strongly recommends that ScheduleSchedu e 1111 of BillB 108108 be amended to return the authority for final decisions to municipal council’scounci ’s as the elected representative of the communities wherewherein n the property and its features of cultural heritage value exist;ex st and,a d BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED THAT a copy of thisth s motionmot on be sent to the Honourableonourab e DougDo g Ford,Ford PremierP e e of Ontario,O tario, LisaL sa McLeod the MinisterMi ister of Heritage,Her tage Sport,Sport TourismTouris anda d Culture Industries,dustr es Andrea Horwath,Ho Nat , MPP anda d LeaderLeade of the OfficialOffic a OppositionOppositio anda d the OntarioO tario NDP Party,Par y MPP JohnJo n Fraseraser
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