Supplementary Table 1: Details of published sequences of 18S rDNA used in phylogenetic analysis. Accession no. Class Order Family/Clade Genus Species Strain/Clone Reference EF675616 Perkinsea Perkinsida * * * Rana sphenocephala Davis et al. 2007 pathogen AF126013 Perkinsea Perkinsida * Perkinsus marinus Isolate P1 Kotob et al. 1999 AF497479 Perkinsea Perkinsida * Perkinsus marinus TXsc Robledo et al. 1999 AY486141 Perkinsea Perkinsida * Perkinsus mediterrane isolate 4 Casas et al. 2004 us AF509333 Perkinsea Perkinsida * Perkinsus atlanticus ALG1 Robledo et al. 2002 AF140295 Perkinsea Perkinsida * Perkinsus atlanticus Galicia Robledo et al. 2000 AY486139 Perkinsea Perkinsida * Perkinsus mediterrane isolate 1 Casas et al. 2004 us AY517645 Perkinsea Perkinsida * Perkinsus mediterrane isolate 9 Casas et al. 2004 us AF252288 Perkinsea Perkinsida * Perkinsus * CCA2001 Coss et al. 2001 AF042708 Perkinsea Perkinsida * Perkinsus andrewsi Isolate H49 Kotob et al. 1999 AY305326 Perkinsea Perkinsida * Perkinsus andrewsi ATCC 50807 Pecher et al. 2004 AF042707 Perkinsea Perkinsida * Perkinsus sp. G117 Kotob et al. 1999 AY487832 Perkinsea Perkinsida * Perkinsus mediterrane Isolate 8 Casas et al. 2004 us AY487831 Perkinsea Perkinsida * Perkinsus mediterrane Isolate 5 Casas et al. 2004 us AY487833 Perkinsea Perkinsida * Perkinsus mediterrane Isolate 12 Casas et al. 2004 us AY486140 Perkinsea Perkinsida * Perkinsus mediterrane Isolate 3 Casas et al. 2004 us AF102171 Perkinsea Perkinsida * Perkinsus andrewsi Coss et al. 2001 AF133909 Perkinsea Perkinsida * Parvilucifera infectans Noren et al. 1999 EU502912 Perkinsea Perkinsida * Parvilucifera sinerae Figueroa et al. 2010 KF359483 Perkinsea Perkinsida * Parvilucifera rostrata Lepelletier et al. 2014 HM483394 Syndiniales Amoebophryaceae * Amoebophrya sp. ex Gymnodinium Coats et al. 2004 instriatum HM483395 Syndiniales Amoebophryaceae * Amoebophrya sp. ex Akashiwo Coats et al. 2004 sanguineaum HQ658161 Syndiniales Amoebophryaceae * Amoebophrya sp. RCC1626 Chambouvet et al. 2011 AF472555 Syndiniales Amoebophryaceae * Amoebophrya sp. ex Akashiwo Gunderson et al. sanguineaum 2002 AY208894 Syndiniales Amoebophryaceae * Amoebophrya sp. ex Scrippsiella sp. John et al. unpublished AB016577 Dinophyceae Suessiales Symbiodiniacea Symbiodinium sp. PLTD-1 Carlos et al. 1999 e M88521 Dinophyceae Suessiales Symbiodiniacea Symbiodinium microadriat Rowan and Powers e icum 1992 AY456118 Dinophyceae Peridiniales Pfiesteriaceae Pfiesteria-like sp. CCMP1827 Zhang and Lin 2005 AF022193 Dinophyceae Gymnodiniales Gymnodiniacea Gymnodinium catenatum MUCC273 Saunders et al. 1997 e DQ317538 Dinophyceae Blastodiniales Blastodinium Blastodinium navicula Skovgaard et al. 2007 AF080096 Dinophyceae Blastodiniales Oodiniaceae Amyloodinium ocellatum Litaker et al. 1999 AY664884 Dinophyceae Dinophysiales Dinophysiaceae Dinophysis norvegica Armbrust et al. unpublished AF276818 Dinophyceae Gymnodiniales Gymnodiniacea Gymnodinium sanguineu Gunderson et al. e m 2001 AB264776 Dinophyceae Syndiniales Dino-Group I- Ichthyodinium chabelardi Yuasa et al. Clade 3 unpublished AJ402327 Dinophyceae Syndiniales Dino-Group I- * * OLI011_75m_11 Moon-van der Staay Clade 5 et al. 2001 EF065717 Dinophyceae Syndiniales Dino-Group IV Hematodinium perezi Small et al. 2012 AY664884 Dinophyceae Und. * * * SCM38C60 Armbrust et al. unpublished AF330214 Apicomplexa Colpodellidae * Colpodella tetrahymen Cavalier-Smith et ae al. 2003 AF372785 Apicomplexa Colpodellidae * * BOLA553 Dawson and Pace 2002 AY078092 Apicomplexa Colpodellidae * Colpodella pontica Kuvardina et al. 2002 DQ174731 Chromerida * * Chromera velia Moore et al. 2008 U40262 Apicomplexa Coccidia Eimeriidae Eimeria mitis Relman et al. 1996 X75453 Apicomplexa Coccidia Eucoccidiorida Toxoplasma gondii Ding et al. unpublished U97052 Apicomplexa Aconoidasida Piroplasmida Theleria sp. 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