Bibliography from ADS file: weigelt.bib Madura, T., Gull, T. R., Clementel, N., et al., “3D time-dependent hydrody- August 16, 2021 namical and radiative transfer modeling of Eta Carinae’s innermost fossil colliding wind structures”, 2019IAUS..346...62M ADS Chen, L., Moór, A., Kreplin, A., et al., “Variable Warm Dust around the Herbig Kokoulina, E., Matter, A., López, B., et al., “First MATISSE L-band observa- Ae Star HD 169142: Birth of a Ring?”, 2019ApJ...887L..32C ADS tions of HD 179218. Is the inner 10 au region rich in carbon dust particles?”, Matter, A., Labadie, L., Kreplin, A., et al., “Evidence of a discontinu- 2021A&A...652A..61K ADS ous disk structure around the Herbig Ae star HD 139614 (Corrigendum)”, Damineli, A., Navarete, F., Hillier, D. J., et al., “Spectroscopic signatures of the 2019A&A...632C...2M ADS vanishing natural coronagraph of Eta Carinae”, 2021MNRAS.505..963D Mehner, A., de Wit, W. J., Asmus, D., et al., “Mid-infrared evolution of η Cari- ADS nae from 1968 to 2018”, 2019A&A...630L...6M ADS Thomas, J. D., Richardson, N. D., Eldridge, J. J., et al., “The or- Monnier, J., Aarnio, A., Absil, O., et al., “A Realistic Roadmap to Formation bit and stellar masses of the archetype colliding-wind binary WR 140”, Flying Space Interferometry”, 2019BAAS...51g.153M ADS 2021MNRAS.504.5221T ADS Monnier, J., Aarnio, A., Absil, O., et al., “Setting the Stage for the Planet For- 2019BAAS...51g.133M Hocdé, V., Nardetto, N., Matter, A., et al., “Mid-infrared circumstellar emis- mation Imager”, ADS Ohnaka, K., Weigelt, G., & Hofmann, K.-H., “Infrared Interferometric Three- sion of the long-period Cepheid ` Carinae resolved with VLTI/MATISSE”, dimensional Diagnosis of the Atmospheric Dynamics of the AGB Star R Dor 2021A&A...651A..92H ADS with VLTI/AMBER”, 2019ApJ...883...89O ADS Kokoulina, E., Matter, A., López, B., et al., “First MATISSE L-band observa- Corcoran, M. F., Damineli, A., Espinoza, D., et al.: 2019, Eta Carinae: Taking tions of HD 179218. Is the inner 10 au region rich in carbon dust particles?”, the Plunge, HST Proposal 2019hst..prop15992C ADS 2021arXiv210612947K ADS Monnier, J., Rau, G., Baines, E. K., et al., “The Future of Exoplanet Direct Williams, P. M., Varricatt, W. P., Chené, A.-N., et al., “Conditions in the Detection”, 2019BAAS...51c.514M ADS WR 140 wind-collision region revealed by the 1.083-µ m He I line profile”, Monnier, J., Rau, G., Bermudez, J. S., et al., “Imaging the Key Stages of Planet 2021MNRAS.503..643W ADS Formation”, 2019BAAS...51c.498M ADS Lau, R. M., Bond, H. E., Corcoran, M. F., et al.: 2021, Confirming the Stone, J. M., Skemer, A. J., Hinz, P. M., et al., “VizieR Online First Low-Metallicity Wolf-Rayet Dust Factory, JWST Proposal. Cycle 1 Data Catalog: The LEECH exoplanet imaging survey (Stone+, 2018)”, 2021jwst.prop.1863L ADS 2019yCat..51560286S ADS Varga, J., Hogerheijde, M., van Boekel, R., et al., “The asymmetric inner disk of Damineli, A., Fernández-Lajús, E., Almeida, L. A., et al., “Distinguish- the Herbig Ae star HD 163296 in the eyes of VLTI/MATISSE: evidence for a ing circumstellar from stellar photometric variability in Eta Carinae”, vortex?”, 2021A&A...647A..56V ADS 2019MNRAS.484.1325D ADS Corcoran, M., Pollock, A., Hamaguchi, K., et al., “WR 140, a Colliding Wind Hone, E., Kraus, S., Davies, C. L., et al., “Compact gaseous accretion disk in Laboratory: The X-ray History”, 2021AAS...23720406C ADS Keplerian rotation around MWC 147”, 2019A&A...623A..38H ADS Daly, A., Richardson, N., Chené, A., et al., “The long-period orbit of the dust- Rabien, S., Angel, R., Barl, L., et al., “ARGOS at the LBT. Binocular laser producing Wolf-Rayet binary WR 125”, 2021AAS...23713606D ADS guided ground-layer adaptive optics”, 2019A&A...621A...4R ADS Ohnaka, K., Schertl, D., Hofmann, K. H., & Weigelt, G., “Infrared interferomet- de Wit, W. J., Wittkowski, M., Rantakyrö, F., et al., “The Life and ric imaging of the compact dust disk around the AGB star HR3126 with the Times of AMBER: The VLTI’s Astronomical Multi-BEam combineR”, bipolar Toby Jug Nebula”, 2020A&A...643A.175O ADS 2018Msngr.174....8W ADS Teodoro, M., Gull, T. R., Bautista, M. A., et al., “Onthe changes in the physical Sánchez-Bermudez, J., Millour, F., Baron, F., et al., “Why chromatic imaging properties of the ionized region around the Weigelt structures in η Carinae matters”, 2018ExA....46..457S ADS , “The LEECH Exoplanet Imag- over the 5.54-yr spectroscopic cycle”, 2020MNRAS.495.2754T ADS Stone, J. M., Skemer, A. J., Hinz, P. M., et al. ing Survey: Limits on Planet Occurrence Rates under Conservative Assump- Millour, F., Lagadec, E., Montargès, M., et al., “Imaging the expanding tions”, 2018AJ....156..286S ADS knotty structure in the close environment of the LBV star η Carinae”, Gravity Collaboration, Sánchez-Bermudez, J., Weigelt, G., et al., “GRAVITY 2020arXiv200615660M ADS chromatic imaging of η Car’s core. Milliarcsecond resolution imaging of the Hamaguchi, K., Espinoza-Galeas, D. A., Corcoran, M. F., et al., “Bright- wind-wind collision zone (Brγ, He I)”, 2018A&A...618A.125G ADS est Non-Thermal X-ray Emission Observed from Eta Carinae”, Fedriani, R., Caratti o Garatti, A., Coffey, D., et al., “Parsec-scale jets driven by 2020ATel13738....1H ADS high-mass young stellar objects. Connecting the au- and the parsec-scale jet Morris, P. W., Charnley, S. B., Corcoran, M., et al., “CO, Water, and Tentative in IRAS 13481-6124”, 2018A&A...616A.126F ADS Methanol in η Carinae Approaching Periastron”, 2020ApJ...892L..23M Monnier, J. D., Ireland, M., Kraus, S., et al., “Planet formation imager: project ADS update”, 2018SPIE10701E..18M ADS Espinoza-Galeas, D. A., Corcoran, M. F., Hamaguchi, K., et al., “Eta Carinae’s López, B., Lagarde, S., Matter, A., et al., “The installation and ongoing commis- Recovery from the 2020 X-ray Minimum as Seen by NICERtextbackslash”, sioning of the MATISSE mid-infrared interferometer at the ESO Very Large 2020ATel13636....1E ADS Telescope Observatory”, 2018SPIE10701E..0ZL ADS Tambovtseva, L. V., Kreplin, A., Grinin, V. P., & Weigelt, G., “Modeling of Robbe-Dubois, S., Lagarde, S., Antonelli, P., et al., “MATISSE: perfor- Spectroscopic and Interferometric Observations of the Herbig Star VV Ser mance in laboratory, results of AIV in Paranal, and first results on sky”, with Hybrid Models”, 2020ARep...64..336T ADS 2018SPIE10701E..0HR ADS Corcoran, M. F., Hamaguchi, K., Espinoza, D., et al., “NICER Observations of Kreplin, A., Tambovtseva, L., Grinin, V., et al., “On the Brγ line emission of the the 2020 X-ray Minimum of eta Carinae”, 2020ATel13516....1C ADS Herbig Ae/Be star MWC 120”, 2018MNRAS.476.4520K ADS GRAVITY Collaboration, Abuter, R., Accardo, M., et al., “Hunting Exoplanets Järvinen, S. P., Carroll, T. A., Hubrig, S., et al., “Weak Magnetic Fields in Two with Single-Mode Optical Interferometry”, 2019Msngr.178...47G ADS Herbig Ae Systems: The SB2 AK Sco and the Presumed Binary HD 95881”, GRAVITY Collaboration, Abuter, R., Accardo, M., et al., “Spatially Resolv- 2018ApJ...858L..18J ADS ing the Inner Gaseous Disc of the Herbig Star 51 Oph through its CO Ro- Richardson, N. D., Pablo, H., Sterken, C., et al., “BRITE-Constellation vibration Emission”, 2019Msngr.178...40G ADS reveals evidence for pulsations in the enigmatic binary η Carinae”, GRAVITY Collaboration, Abuter, R., Accardo, M., et al., “Probing the Discs of 2018MNRAS.475.5417R ADS Herbig Ae/Be Stars at Terrestrial Orbits”, 2019Msngr.178...38G ADS Fernández-Ontiveros, J. A., Tristram, K. R. W., Hönig, S., Gandhi, P., & Weigelt, G., “Embedded AGN and star formation in the central 80 pc of IC 3639”, GRAVITYCollaboration, Abuter, R., Accardo, M., et al., “Multiple Star Systems 2018A&A...611A..46F ADS in the Orion Nebula”, 2019Msngr.178...36G ADS Chen, L., Kóspál, Á., Ábrahám, P., et al., “A study of dust properties in the GRAVITY Collaboration, Abuter, R., Accardo, M., et al., “Images at the inner sub-au region of the Herbig Ae star HD 169142 with VLTI/PIONIER”, Highest Angular Resolution with GRAVITY: The Case of η Carinae”, 2018A&A...609A..45C ADS 2019Msngr.178...31G ADS Kraus, S., Kluska, J., Kreplin, A., et al., “VLTI Imaging of a High-Mass Pro- GRAVITY Collaboration, Abuter, R., Accardo, M., et al., “Spa- tobinary System: Unveiling the Dynamical Processes in High-Mass Star For- tially Resolved Accretion-Ejection in Compact Binaries with GRAVITY”, mation”, 2017Msngr.170...45K ADS 2019Msngr.178...29G ADS Madura, T. I., Gull, T., Teodoro, M., et al., “4-D Imaging and Modeling of Eta GRAVITY Collaboration, Abuter, R., Accardo, M., et al., “GRAVITY and the Carinae’s Inner Fossil Wind Structures”, 2017IAUS..329..420M ADS Galactic Centre”, 2019Msngr.178...26G ADS Damineli, A., Teodoro, M., Richardson, N. D., et al., “The wind-wind collision GRAVITY Collaboration, Abuter, R., Accardo, M., et al., “An Image of the Dust hole in eta Car”, 2017IAUS..329..186D ADS Sublimation Region in the Nucleus of NGC 1068”, 2019Msngr.178...24G Hone, E., Kraus, S., Kreplin, A., et al., “Gas dynamics in the inner few ADS AU around the Herbig B[e] star MWC297. Indications of a disk wind GRAVITY Collaboration, Abuter, R., Accardo, M., et al., “Spatially Resolving from kinematic modeling and velocity-resolved interferometric imaging”, the Quasar Broad Emission Line Region”, 2019Msngr.178...20A ADS 2017A&A...607A..17H ADS 1 Ohnaka, K., Weigelt, G., & Hofmann, K. H., “Vigorous atmospheric motion in Skemer, A. J., Morley, C. V., Zimmerman, N. T., et al., “The LEECH the red supergiant star Antares”, 2017Natur.548..310O ADS Exoplanet Imaging Survey: Characterization of the Coldest Directly Im- Lamberts, A., Millour, F., Liermann, A., et al., “Numerical simulations and in- aged Exoplanet, GJ 504 b, and Evidence for Superstellar Metallicity”, frared spectro-interferometry reveal the wind collision region in γ2 Velorum”, 2016ApJ...817..166S ADS 2017MNRAS.468.2655L ADS Chen, L., Kreplin, A., Weigelt, G., et al., “Monte-Carlo radiative transfer Wittkowski, M., Hofmann, K.
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