Description of document: Mandatory Declassification Review (MDR) Request Logs for the National Security Agency (NSA), 2002-2010 Requested date: 06-March-2010 Released date: 21-July-2010 Posted date: 27-February-2012 Source of document: National Security Agency Attn: FOIA/PA Office (DJP4) 9800 Savage Road, Suite 6248 Ft. George G. Meade, MD 20755-6248 Fax: 443-479-3612 (attention FOIA/PA Office) Online FOIA Request Form The governmentattic.org web site (“the site”) is noncommercial and free to the public. The site and materials made available on the site, such as this file, are for reference only. The governmentattic.org web site and its principals have made every effort to make this information as complete and as accurate as possible, however, there may be mistakes and omissions, both typographical and in content. The governmentattic.org web site and its principals shall have neither liability nor responsibility to any person or entity with respect to any loss or damage caused, or alleged to have been caused, directly or indirectly, by the information provided on the governmentattic.org web site or in this file. The public records published on the site were obtained from government agencies using proper legal channels. Each document is identified as to the source. Any concerns about the contents of the site should be directed to the agency originating the document in question. GovernmentAttic.org is not responsible for the contents of documents published on the website. NATIONAL SECURITY AGENCY CENTRAL SECURITY SERVICE FORT GEORGE G. MEADE, MARYLAND 20755-6000 FOIA Case: 61 099A 21 July 2010 This responds to your Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) request of 6 March 2010 for "a copy of the Agency log or listing of Mandatory Declassification Review Requests at the National Security Agency." A copy of your request is enclosed. Your request has been processed under the FOIA and the documents you requested are enclosed. Certain information, however, has been deleted from the enclosures. The names of NSA/ CSS employees have been deleted from the enclosures. This information is exempt from disclosure pursuant to the third exemption of the FOIA, which provides for the withholding of information specifically protected from disclosure by statute. The specific statute applicable in this case is Section 6, Public Law 86-36 (50 U.S. Code 402 note). The Initial Denial Authority for NSA information is the Deputy Associate Director for Policy and Records, Diane M. Janosek. Since these deletions may be construed as a partial denial of your request, you are hereby advised of this Agency's appeal procedures. Any person denied access to information may file an appeal to the NSA/CSS Freedom of Information Act Appeal Authority. The appeal must be postmarked no later than 60 calendar days from the date of the initial denial letter. The appeal shall be in writing addressed to the NSA/CSS FOIA Appeal Authority (DJP4), National Security Agency, 9800 Savage Road STE 6248, Fort George G. Meade, MD 20755-6248. The appeal shall reference the initial denial of access and shall contain, in sufficient detail and particularity, the grounds upon which the requester believes release of the information is required. The NSA/CSS Appeal Authority will endeavor to respond to the appeal within 20 working days after receipt, absent any unusual circumstances. FOIA Case: 61099A Please be advised that information pertaining to referrals and/ or consultations from other government agencies was determined to be not responsive to the subject of your request and has been removed from the enclosures and marked "Non-Responsive." Sincerely, PAMElA N. PHILLIPS Chief FOIA/PA Office Ends: a/s National Security Agency (NSA) Mandatory Declassification Review (MDR) Logs for Years 2002-2003 DOCID: 3724652 UNCLASSIFIED//FOR OFFICIAL USE OP~LY A B c D E F Case# Last Name First Name Origination Disposition Subject 41563f::orbett Sue 8-Apr-02 Partial ~SA Technical Journal; 1980; Volume 25 Issue 2; pages 49- !Denial 67; "ABNER; the ASA compute ... " Author Samuel Snyder 2 41734~avid James 24-May-02 Partial Meeting agendas and minutes, and reports, studies, and !Denial correspondence generatedby or sent to the Army-Navy f::ommunications Intelligence Coordinating Committee (ANCICC) ~nd the Army-Navy Communications Intelligence Board (ANCIB)Meeting agendas and minutes, and reports, studies, ~nd correspondence generatedby or sent to the State-Army­ ~avy Communications Intelligence Coordinating Committee (STANCICC) and the State-Army-Navy Communications Intelligence Board (STANCIB)Requester is specifically ~nterested in information concerning the organizationand 3 ~dministration of ANCICC/ANCIB/STANCICC/STANCIB and their subcommittees. Beyond this, he is primarily interested in ~he information in these records concerning the ~nterception of Soviet diplomatic, military, and clandestine traffic. 41735~avid James 24-May-02 Full Meeting agendas and minutes, and reports, studies, and !Denial correspondence generated by or sent to the ANCICC/ANCIB 4 Subcommittee on Intercept Coordination and its successor or successors under STANCICC/STANCIB 41736~avid James 24-May-02 Partial Meetings agendas and minutes, and reports, studies, and !Denial correspondence generated by or sent to the ANCICC/ANCIB Subcommittee on Intercept and D/F Operation andits 5 successor or successors under STANCICC/STANCIB 41737~avid James 24-May-02 Partial Meeting agendas and minutes, and reports, studies, and !Denial correspondence generatedby or sent to the ANCICC/ANCIB 6 Subcommittee on Traffic Analysis and its successor or successors under STANCICC/STANCIB peclassified and Approved for Release by NSA 07-20-20101 bursuantto E.O. 13526 FOIA Case# 61099 J UNCLASSIFIED//FOR OFFIGI/\b ' 155 Ot>ll Y DOCID: 3724652 UNCLASSIFIED//FOR OFFIGIAL USE OP~LY Non - Responsive A B c D E F c ase # Las tN a me F.IrS t N a me o nwna· · r1on o·ISPOSI T 10n s U b"li8C 41779 vvehrle !Edmund 31-May-02 Full !I'op Secret message traffic to and from General George c., 7 !Denial Marshall from December 1945 to January 1946. 41859 ~ender Sandra 27-Jun-02 fir anted In Japanese "Winds Message" intercept. 8 Full \ 41860 ~ing !Harvey 26-Jun-02 Partial ~rticle entitled "Computer Processing of Soviet Telemetry" !Denial from NSA TechnicalJournal Vol. XIII Summer 1968 9 \ 10 42169 ~urr vvilliam 20-Feb-02 fir anted In ~ - Tom Johnson's Notes of Meetings, "October 14, 1968 - Full 1:40 pm. Foreign Policy Advisory Group Meeting," Box 4; 11 f::ollection # 25a, Notes of the President's Meeting, dated 10/14/68. 42221 ~avid James 21-0ct-02 Partial p.s. Cryptologic Activities, 1941-1946, Part 2: Intercept !Denial f3.nd Processing; and, Interviews with George E. Sterling, 12 I. Woodrow Newpher, and Paul Napier 42239 ~ambrosia ~ay 1-Nov-02 Partial ~ugust 1973 NSA Technical Journal Article titled: Some 13 !Denial Properties of Sample Bulges 42407 if1anyok ~ob 23-Dec-02 fir anted In "Radiotelegraphy as a Source of Intelligence Regarding the Full !Enemy" (DF-322 (S-32,527 Stinfo Nr.), October 1954. 14 42507 1'--heevers Jack 22-Jan-03 Partial "The Capture of the uss Pueblo and Its Effect on SIGINT !Denial pperations," United States Crytologic History, Special 15 Series, Crisis Collection, Vol. 7, 1992 42513 1'--heevers Jack 22-Jan-03 Partial "Cryptologic/Cryptographic Damage Assessment, uss Pueblo, !Denial f\GER 2, 23 January-23December 1968" and "Damage Assessment pf the Compromise of Operational Intelligence Broadcast 16 Messages on Board USS Pueblo, [AGER-2]" 42517 if1anyok ~obert 30-Jan-03 Partial "Report on Interrogation of Edward Trauss Concerning 17 !Denial !Esthonian Sigint." UNCLASSIFIED//FOR OFFIGIAL USE Ot~LY DOCID: 3724652 UNCLASSIFIED//FOR OFFICIAL USE m~LY A B c D E F 1 c ase # Las tN a me F.IrS t N a me o nwna· · r1on o·ISPOSI T 10n s U b"li8C 42557 ~oe Jane 12-Feb-03 Partial ~ummy case testing whether docs need to be attached 18 !Denial 42560 ~anyok ~ob 13-Feb-03 fir anted In fierman diplomatic translation, H215456, dated 6 April 1945. 19 Full 42585 ~anyok ~ob 25-Feb-03 Partial !I'ICOM/ 14 3, "Report on the Interrogation of Five leading 20 !Denial r:;ermans at Nuremberg on27th September 1945" 42595 McGuire Matthew 20-Feb-03 ~egative Joint Allied Refugee Operations Center (JAROC-B), A. P.O. 21 ~ew York, NY 09742, Berlin Germany, 1946-91 42763 ~ertone Peter 9-Sep-02 Full ~efense Intelligence Digests From 10/68 and 11/67 22 !Denial 43407 ~elsh ~heryl 20-0ct-03 Full ~equest for information on mind control. 23 !Denial 43496 VJiener pave 18-Dec-03 Full ~e-Review of CAEN/KAN Venona messages. 24 !Denial UNCLASSIFIED//F"GR OFFICIAL USE Ot~LY National Security Agency (NSA) Mandatory Declassification Review (MDR) Logs for Years 2004-2005 DOC ID: 3724 644 - Responsive UNCLASSIFIED/fFOR OFFICIAL USE Ot~LY Case# Last Name First Name Oriqination Disposition Subject 43632 !Etler Samuel 8-Feb-04 Granted In A Brief History of the Signal Intelligence Service, Full William F. Freidman, 6/29/1942 '',,,',,, eclassified and Approved for Release by NSA 07-20-2010 pursuant to .0. 13526 FOIA Case# 61099 UNCLASSIFIED//FOR OFFICIAL USE Ot~LY DOCID: 3724644 Non - Responsive UNCLASSIFIED//FCR: OFFICIAL U~E CI~L'r' C ase # Las t N a me F.IrS t N a me 0.nama . t"1on o·ISDOSIIOn T s Ub" )18C t \\\ UNCLASSIFIED//FOR OFFIGI/\b Uae O~II..Y DOCID: 3724644 UNCLASSIFIED//F"Q~ QFFIGIAL USE OI~LY c ase # L as t N a me F.IrS t N a me 0.nwna . t"1on o·ISPOSIIOn T s U b"))8C t 43997 ~lvarez David 10-May-04 Granted In Review of the "Diplomatic Summary" (aka MAGIC Diplomatic Full Summary) for the period 1 October 1945 to 20 December 1945 and 1 February 1946 to 30 April 1946.
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