Significance Criteria Comment Result in an invasive species The Proposed Action is unlikely to result in the establishment of harmful that is harmful to the migratory invasive species. species becoming established Horse Swamp comprises Melaleuca rhaphiophylla over introduced in an area of important habitat pasture herbs and grasses. The wetland is already considered degraded. for the migratory species The Proposed Action will not result in further degradation of this wetland. Seriously disrupt the lifecycle (breeding, feeding, migration or resting behaviour) of an The Proposed Action is unlikely to disrupt the lifecycle of the Glossy Ibis. ecologically significant The Proposed Action is not within Glossy Ibis breeding habitat. proportion of the population of a migratory species. Conclusion The Proposed Action is considered unlikely to have a significant impact on the Glossy Ibis. Potential impacts to MNES The potential impacts on MNES are described in Table 99. Table 99: Potential impacts on MNES Proposed Impact Activities Potential Impacts Action Stage Type Construction Direct Clearing of native vegetation. Permanent loss of: · 10.05 ha of Banksia Woodland of the Swan Coastal Plain TEC. · 81.4 ha of Carnaby’s Black Cockatoo foraging habitat including 54.1 ha quality habitat. · 68.1 ha of Forest Red-tailed Black Cockatoo foraging habitat including 38.0 ha of quality habitat. · 81.4 ha of Baudin’s Black Cockatoo foraging habitat including 42.8 ha of quality habitat. · Removal of 423 Black Cockatoo potential breeding trees including 33 trees with hollows, none of which were assessed as suitable for Black Cockatoo nesting. · Injury/mortality of Black Cockatoos from vehicle strike. · Inadvertent removal of trees with nesting occurring. 473 Proposed Impact Activities Potential Impacts Action Stage Type Indirect · Accidental clearing of native · Introduction and spread of declared vegetation. pests and other weed species. · Cut and fill works. · Introduction and spread of Phytophthora dieback. · Soil compaction. · Decline in Banksia Woodland TEC as · Construction of permanent a result of groundwater drawdown. and temporary infrastructure including but not limited to · Degradation of Carter’s Freshwater rail, roads, car parks, Mussel/potential Black-stripe Minnow buildings, hard stand and habitat from contamination of surface laydown areas. water, increased sediment loads, altered surface hydrology and Temporary groundwater · dewatering. abstraction for construction water supply and temporary · Disruption or disturbance to fauna as dewatering for construction a result of noise, vibration, light and purposes. dust. · Disturbance to Bennett Brook riverbed leading to increase sediment loads migrating downstream. Operation Indirect · Operation and maintenance · Introduction and spread of declared of the railway line pests and other weed species. · Operation of plant and · Introduction and spread of dieback. machinery and service vehicles. · Injury/mortality of Black Cockatoos from train strike. · Operation and maintenance of the electrified railway line. Public Transport Authority Malaga to Ellenbrook Rail Works 474 Mitigation of impacts to MNES Table 100 demonstrates how the PTA has applied the mitigation hierarchy of avoid, minimise and rehabilitate during design of the Proposed Action to address key potential impact to MNES. Table 100: Summary of environmental impacts and mitigation hierarchy for Matters of National Environmental Significance Potential impacts Assessment of impacts Preliminary Mitigation Hierarchy Direct Impacts Removal of up to Targeted surveys of habitat identified as Avoid 12.3 ha of inferred potentially critical to the survival of · A significant portion (6.95 ha) of suitable Caladenia Caladenia huegelii over two consecutive Caladenia huegelii habitat Area A, huegelii habitat. years have not encountered any represented by vegetation in Excellent individuals or populations of the species. condition, has been incorporated into Two areas of Suitable Habitat have been a NVRA. identified within the Development Envelope, which are synonymous with the · Permanent access paths where the Banksia Woodlands TEC. An assessment rail alignment crosses the junction against critical habitat criteria has between Drumpellier Drive and determined that neither Area A nor Area D Gnangara Road have been relocated can be considered critical to the survival of to avoid impact on Caladenia huegelii the species. habitat Area D. The Proposed Action is therefore not Minimise considered to have a significant impact on · The potential habitat coincides with Caladenia huegelii habitat. TEC Patch 1 and TEC Patch 5 of the Banksia Woodlands TEC. Measures aimed at minimising impacts to Caladenia huegelii are consistent with those implemented for minimising impacts on this TEC. These are outlined in Section 5.7 and will be implemented in accordance with the TECMP. · The embankment and proposed alignment have been modified to minimise impacts to Caladenia huegelii habitat Area D. · The location of the dive structure under the southbound carriageway of Tonkin Highway was modified to allow the rail to cross Caladenia huegelii habitat Area A through the lowest condition vegetation practicable. Rehabilitate · Not Applicable. Removal of quality Field surveys identified 51.4 ha of Avoid Black Cockatoo Carnaby’s quality foraging habitat (habitat · The Development Envelope has been foraging habitat classed as medium or high quality) within aligned to avoid areas of quality the Proposed Action’s Footprint and within foraging habitat wherever practicable. this area 38 ha Forest Red-tailed Black Cockatoo and 42.8 ha Baudin’s quality · NVRAs have been established that foraging habitat. specifically incorporate potential Black Cockatoo habitat. 475 Potential impacts Assessment of impacts Preliminary Mitigation Hierarchy Minimise · Where unavoidable, the alignment has been designed to minimise impacts on Black Cockatoo habitat. Rehabilitate · Not Applicable Removal of 423 Of the 423 potential nesting trees (trees Avoid potential breeding with DBH > 500mm), 33 were noted to · The Development Envelope has been trees for Carnaby’s contain hollows. An inspection of hollows aligned to avoid potential breeding and Forest Red- determined that none are considered trees wherever practicable. tailed Black suitable for nesting purposes. No actual · NVRAs have been established that Cockatoos. nesting or sign of nesting has been specifically incorporate Black observed. Cockatoo breeding trees. Field surveys identified 30.8 ha of potential Minimise suitable roosting habitat within the · Where unavoidable, the alignment Development Envelope, however no has been designed to minimise roosting was observed. There are no impacts on Black Cockatoo breeding historical records of roosting occurring trees. within the Development Envelope Rehabilitate · Not Applicable Injury/mortality of Injury of Black Cockatoos may occur as a Avoid Black Cockatoos result of vehicle movement during · Not Applicable. from vehicle and/or construction activities or train passage train strike during operation. Minimise Black cockatoos are known to drop to the · The Proposed Action includes high ground when they alight from a foraging fencing to deter Black Cockatoos from location, and this increases the risk of entering the rail corridor. vehicle strike when alighting from roosts · No Black Cockatoo foraging species adjacent to transport corridors. will be planted near the train corridor Habitat that attracts black cockatoos to for landscaping to deter use of these forage adjacent to transport corridors areas by Black Cockatoos. increases the risk of vehicle impact resulting in mortality and injury. Rehabilitate · Not Applicable. Removal of up to Two TEC patches will be impacted by the Avoid 10.05 ha of Banksia Proposed Action. The Proposed Action will · The Proposed Action has been Woodlands of the result in the clearing of 8.54 ha of designed to avoid three patches of Swan Coastal Plain vegetation from Patch 2 Malaga TEC, TEC that were mapped within the listed as a TEC comprising 7.26 ha in Very Good condition survey area. under EPBC Act and 0.84 ha in Good condition. The and Priority 3 by Proposed Action will result in the clearing · A significant portion (6.22 ha) of DBCA. of up to 1.51 ha of vegetation from Patch 5 vegetation in Excellent condition Gnangara Road all of which is in within Patch 1 has been incorporated Good – Very Good condition. The into a NVRA. alignment dissects Patch 1, resulting in Minimise increased edge effects and creating two smaller patches. · Permanent access paths where the rail alignment crosses the junction An assessment against the significant between Drumpellier Drive and impact guidelines indicates that the Gnangara Road have been relocated impacts of the Proposed Action on Banksia to minimise the impact on TEC Woodland TEC are likely to be considered Patch 5. significant. Public Transport Authority Malaga to Ellenbrook Rail Works 476 Potential impacts Assessment of impacts Preliminary Mitigation Hierarchy · The embankment and proposed alignment have been modified to minimise impacts to TEC Patch 5. · The location of the dive structure under the southbound carriageway of Tonkin Highway was modified to allow the rail to cross Patch 1 through the lowest condition vegetation practicable. Rehabilitate · Not Applicable. Indirect Impacts – Construction Phase Edge effects Vegetation condition has the potential to Avoid decline adjacent to the alignment where it · Not
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