Nim *************3- IGI T 908 000817973 4401 8814 MAR90WHZ MONTY GREENLY APT A 3740 ELM LONG BEACH CA 9GqO7 I Follows page 60 April 9, 1988/$3.95 (U.S.), $5 (CAN.) VOLUME 100 NO. 15 THE INTERNATIONAL NEWSWEEKLY OF MUSIC AND HOME ENTERTAINMENT Many In Video See Danger Discount Programs From MCA, WEA In Stressing Depth Of Copy Front-Line CD Price Cuts Continue distributor to reduce front- This story was prepared by Ken pull "inventory dollars away from B the CD -cost front, introducing a the first BY GEOFF MAYFIELD since CBS caught the Terry and Al Stewart. titles." three -month discount program, cut- line CD prices The risk of focusing on the hits to NEW YORK Music merchandisers ting the price for most of its front- industry's attention with its front- Assn. of The push to sell more the exclusion of the secondary ti- will see still more of the price cuts line CDs by 11 %, and launching a line slashes at the National NEW YORK Merchandisers conven- copies of hit video titles appears to tles, says Balner, echoing the con- on compact disks that they have new midline series that will move 43 Recording March 26). of a double -edged cern of many dealers and suppliers, been seeking as a result of MCA's titles to a price between the cost of tion (Billboard, be something has kicked off a As major is that people will no longer be lured and WEA's new plans to reduce its budget -line and its front -line Meanwhile, WEA sword for video retailers. centered around cajole distributors and to the video store. "We think we're front-line and catalog prices. CDs. six -week program, suppliers new and developing art- dealers into stepping up their com- (Continued on page 91) MCA is making several moves on With these cuts, MCA becomes 23 titles by will accounts dis- to major releases, there is ists, that grant mitment dating. The dis- growing concern that stores may be counts and extra is moving 92 more ti- themselves into a corner" tributor also "painting -list Super Savers by not expanding their selection be- tles into its $12.78 Vying for Music Dollars a maneuver that it teased yond the hits. Candidates series, Peter Balner, president of the According to campaign representa- dustry support is crucial. during the NARM convention. BY JEAN ROSENBLUTH According to John Burns, execu- 102 -store Palmer Video franchise, tives of the three contenders who Jackson, who has appeared on and tive vice president of MCA Distribu- maintains that there was no depth - NEW YORK As the race for the are given a chance of winning the records by Aretha Franklin is convinced that of -copy problem with the hit movies Democratic presidential nomination nomination -the two front -run- Stetsasonic and has many friends in tion, the company six heads into its final three months, ners, Massachusetts Gov. Michael the industry, has had little trouble lower retail prices on CDs are a nec- that came out during the first the weeks of the year, but the focus on celebrities' financial support and Dukakis and the Rev. Jesse Jack- attracting musicians and record - essary step toward increasing those titles prompted retailers to personal endorsements are being son, and the long shot, Sen. Albert business executives to his cause. (Continued on page 97) eagerly courted by the candidates. Gore Jr. of Tennessee- music -in- (Continued on page 96) ADV6TTISEMENTS MCA Vid Pares Superstars Will Distrib Roster Rock Montreux For `Efficiency' For 1988 IMMC NEW YORK An all -star lineup of BY JIM McCULLAUGH major and emerging acts is set to May 12 -16 during the LOS ANGELES Reflecting the con- take the stage Montreux Rock Festival and the ac- tinuing consolidation of the home vid- Interna- eo business, MCA Home Video has companying third annual in cut approximately half of its indepen- tional Music & Media Conference dent distributors, including several of Montreux, Switzerland. Already contracted for the event the largest -among them Nashville - based Ingram, New Jersey -based are Steve Winwood, Robert Palmer, Metro, and Houston -based East Tex- Billy Ocean, Icehouse, Bruce as. Hornsby, Howard Jones, Cinderel- The move comes several months la, Jermaine Stewart, Run-D.M.C., a similar Ziggy Marley, Scritti Politti, and after Vestron implemented with several strategy, terminating nine of its 24 Midnight Oil. Talks other mega-acts are in progress, ac- wholesalers (Billboard, Nov. 21). The RUB EN BLADES' new album burns like a barrio summer. A SOURCE OF INSPIRATION, the ancient Greek spring cording to IMMC organizers. announcement also coincides with lends its name to MARK ISHAM's new album, hs firs NOT -ING BUT THE TRUTH (60754), RUBÉN BLADES' first CASTALIA Rock Festival and IMMC Vid- MCA's plans to release "E.T. -The for Virgin Records. The renowned composer, producer and albun in English, features the single and video "Hopes On The worked with the likes of Van Morrison, Suzanne Hold." Music to believe in ... On Elektra superior -quality eo Awards presentation stage Extra -Terrestrial" in the fourth quar- trumpeter has Vega and David Sylvian, in addition to his film scores and cassettes, compact discs and records. Produced by Tommy by the Brit - ter. Many believe "E.T." will be the shows will be produced enormously successful solo recordings. "THE GRAND PARADE" is LÍPuita, Carlos Rios, Rubén Blades and Lou Reed. (Continued on page 93) (Continued on page 93) among the featured tracks on MARK ISHAM's CASTALIA. EVERY ONCE IN A WHILE, A MAN NEEDS A LITTLE TIME u, FOR HIMSELF. THE TIME FOR JUNIOR IS NOW. co N For the last two years, It has all made him one of the most respected it leave much time N this is where Junior has been: musicians around, but didn't 0 for Junior. Now Junior's time has come. And this Producing for artists like O'Clhi Brown, CO is where he's at - on "Sophisticated Street'; Paul Johnson, and Kim Wilde. his new album. (828083 I) ti Writing for stars like Phyllis Hyman and o Shelia Easton. "Yes (If You Want Me)', is the first blockbuster single. Singing on albums like Stevie Wonder's The album includes sensational producers like "Characters" Stephen Lunt, Monte Moir and Stewart Levine. ADVtn i ibtMtNT www.americanradiohistory.com www.americanradiohistory.com Small Dealers Seek Clout Through Co -op Buying ---- -- ---=I MIN _------- _ - -----_- - -MIN _ _ - eiubcaIld _- _ - MN WI= For Member Ownership ME Votes - - --- - - - EN - AVA -- it will be fair- - -- Power asserted that -- Igmor not rise above - dues, however, would vimo. _ -fi _ ---__ I= _- BY EARL PAIGE their current level of $400 per year, ly easy to turn AVA into a co -op. PALM SPRINGS, Calif. In a move and no letter of credit would be re- "AVA already has the size, national facility, staff, systems, meth- VOLUME 100 NO. 15 April 9, 1988 that could help sustain the commu- quired of members. base, - nity of smaller video retailers, the Although the plan was approved ods, sources, and industry posi- DEBUTS WITH A DIFFERENCE leadership of the American Video by Power and by AVA Plus' four - tion," he stated. "AVA can be con- convert the man governing board here, it must verted to a co -op without the need of Two new and potentially important artists -Tracy Chapman and Living Assn. has decided to into a member -owned be ratified by a majority of AVA any additional funds, costs, or in- that highlight the diversity of black trade group Color -debut this month with albums organization. Plus' members before it is imple- vestments." music in the '80s. In The Rhythm and the Blues, black music editor Nel- The practical effect of the mented. The proposal, expected to Although it is termed a nonprofit son George says these intriguing albums deserve radio support-but change, if the members take advan- become effective by June 30, will organization, AVA can make money page 91) may not get it. Page 22 tage of it, would be to meld the also be studied by a law firm. (Continued on AVA's 3,000 dealers into a single PPV: Always On Their Mind purchasing co -op. That would give Pay -per -view was the hot topic among retailers at the American Video them considerable clout with video and distributors. Assn. confab in California, according to a report by marketing editor Earl suppliers The proposal to restructure the Paige reports on another controversial is- New Fonda Tape Breaks Paige (page 53). On page 54, Phoenix, Ariz. -based AVA high- sue at the convention -video games. And for more on the meet, check lighted its fifth annual convention out Paige's Convention Capsules on page 55. at the Wyndham Hotel here. More Initial- Shipment Record than 500 AVA members visited 100 SPOTLIGHT ON EUROPEAN STUDIOS exhibit booths and attended semi- LOS ANGELES The Jane Fonda Also, the cassette carries a no-re- policy, according to Bonham. The British Record Producers Guild's greatest accomplishment may be nars during the March 25-27 meet- exercise -video phenomenon has turn -55). reached another milestone. Rackjobbers, says Bonham, ac- the establishment of regular meetings between all major producers and ing (see stories, pages 53 Since 1980, when John Power Lorimar Home Video says it has counted for about 60% of the units the a &r chiefs of the leading labels. British producer /BRPG co- founder the AVA primarily as a shipped 781,659 copies of "Start Up sold; the rest went through tradi- page 60 founded Robin Millar reports.
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