GOVERNMENT REGULATIONS FISHING LANE AND PLACEMENT OF FISHING TOOLS AND AUXILIARY FISHING TOOLS IN THE FISHERY MANAGEMENT AREA OF THE REPUBLIC OF INDONESIA (Regulation of the Minister of Marine and Fishery Number PER.02/MEN/2011, dated January 31, 2011) BY GRACE OF GOD THEALMIGHTY Supplement to Statute Book of the Republic of THE MINISTER OF MARINE AND FISHERY OF THE Indonesia Number 3260); REPUBLIC OF INDONESIA 2. Law Number 6 Year 1996 on Indonesian Waters (Statute Book of the Republic of Indonesia Year Considering: 1996 Number 73, Supplement to Statute Book a. that in order to follow up and implement the pro- of the Republic of Indonesia Number 3647); visions in Article 7 paragraph (1} letter f, letter 3. Law Number 31 Year 2004 on Fishery (Statute g, and letter h of Law Number 31 Year 2004 on Book of the Republic of Indonesia Year 2004 Fishery as already amended by Law Number 45 Number 11l::l, Supplement to Statute Book of the Year 2009, it is necessary to rule fishing lane Republic of Indonesia Number 4433). as already and placement of fishing tools and auxiliary fish- amended by Law Number 45 Year 2009 (Stat- ing tools in the Fishery Management Area of the ute Book of the Republic of Indonesia Year 2009 Republic of Indonesia; Number 154, Supplement to Statute Book of the b. that in relations thereto. it is necessary to stipu- Republic of Indonesia Number 5073); late a regulation of the Minister of Marine and 4. Law Number 32 Year 2004 on Regional Adminis- Fishery on fishing lane and placement of fishing tration (Statute Book of the ReplJhlic of lndoriesia tools and auxiliary fishing tools in the Fishery Year 2004 Number 125, Supplement to Statute Management Area of the Republic of Indonesia; [look of the Republic of lndouesia Number 4437) as already amended several times and the latest In view of: by Law Number 12 Year 2008 (Statute Book of 1. Law Number 5 Year 1983 on the Indonesian the Republic of Indonesia Year 2008 Number 59, Economic Excusive Zone (Statute Book of the Supplement to Statute Book of the Republic of Republic of Indonesia Year 1983 Number 44, Indonesia Number 4844); 16 Business News 8154·815519·14·2011 GOVERNMENT REGULATIONS 5. Presidential Regulation Number 47 Year 2009 on FISHERY MANAGEMENT AREA OF THE REPUBLIC the Establishment and Organization of State Min­ OF INDONESIA. istries; 6. Presidential Regulation Number 24 Year 2010 On CHAPTER I Status, Tasks, and Functions of State Ministries GENERAL PROVISION as well as First-Echelon Organizational Struc­ Article 1 tures, Tasks and Functions of State Ministries ReFerred to in lhi:; rninister ial regulation as; as already amended by Presidential Regulation 1. Fishing Lane shall be waters constituting part of Number 67 Year 2010; WPP-NRI, which are stipulated for the need of 7. Presidential Decree Number 84/P Year 2009 as regulation and management of fishing that uses already amended by Presidential Decree Number permitted and/or forbidden fishing tools. 56/P Year 2010; 2. Fishing Tools hereinafter called API shall be in­ 8. Regulation of the Minister of Marine and Fishery struments and appliance or other materials used Number PER.15/MEN/201 0 on Organization and for fishinq. Working Arrangement of the Ministry of Marine 3. Auxiliary Fishing Tools hereinafter called ABPI and Fishery; sholl be instruments used for collecting fish in 9. Decree of the Minister of Marine and Fishery fishing activity. Number KI:P.24fMI:Nf2UU2 and Procedure and 4. Hest Line shall be a card of robe used for hanging Technique of Formulation of Legislation within net body. the Ministry of Marine and Fishery; 5. Fishery Management Area of the Republic of Indo­ 10. Decree of the Minister of Marine and Fishery nesia hereinafter called WPP-NRI shall be a fishery Number KEP.06/MEN/2010 on Fishing Tools in management area designated to fishing, covering the Fishery Management Area of the Republic of remote waters, archipelagic waters, territorial Indonesia; sea, additional zone and Indonesia Economic Ex- elusive Zone. DECIDES; Article 2 To stipulate: (1) The ministerial regulation shall be intended to THE REGULATION OF THE MINISTER OF MARINE become a reference to the ruling of fishing lane AND FISHERY ON FISHING LAND AND FISHING and placements of API and ABPI in every WPP­ TOOLS AND AUXILIARY FISHING TOOLS IN THE NRI. Business News 8154-815519-14-2011 17 (;OVERNMENT REGULATIONS (2) The ministerial regulation shall be stipulated with Article 5 a view of realizing the accountable, optimal and (1) Fishing Lane in WPP-NRI shall be stipulated on sustainable exploitation of fish resources as well the basis of the depth characteristics of wa­ as reducing conflicts in the exploitation of fish ters. resources on thc basis of fish resource manage- (2) The depth characteristics of waters as meant in ment principles. paragraph (1) shall be distinguished into 2 (two) groups, namely: CHAPTER II a. Shallow waters (:::;; 200 meter), consisting of: FISHING LANE 1. WPP-NRJ 571, covering waters of Malac­ Article 3 ca Strait and Andaman Sea; Fishing Lane in WPP-NRI shall consist of: 2. WPP-NRI 711, covering waters of Kari­ a. Fishing Lane I. mata Strait, Natuna Se and South China b. Fishing Lane II. Sea; c. Fishing Lane HI. 3. WPP-NRI 712. covering waters of Java; 4. WPP-NRI 713, covering waters of Makas­ Article 4 ser Strait, Done Bay, Flores Se", and Bali (1) Fishing Lane I as meant in Article 3 letter a, shalf Sea; and consist of: 5. WPP-NRI 718, covering waters of Aru a. Fishing Lane lA, covering coastal waters up to Sea, Arafura Sea, and Eastern Timor Sea. 2 (two) nautical miles, measured from water b. Deep waters (> 200 meter). consisting of: surface in the lowest tide. 1. WPP-NRI 572, covering waters of India b. Fishing Lane IB, covering coastal waters out­ Ocean west Sumatra and Sunda Strait; side 2 (two) nautical rniles up to 4 (four) nau­ 2. WPP-NRI 573, coverinq waters of In­ tical miles. dia Ocean south Java up to south Nusa (2) Fishing Lane II as meant in Artir.le 3 letter b shall Tenggara, Sawu Sea and Western Timor cover waters outside Fishing Lane I up to 12 Sea; (twelve) nautical miles, measured frum sea water 3. WPP-NRI 714, covering waters of Tolo surface in the lowest tide. Bay and Banda Sea; (3) Fishing Lane III as meant in Article 3 letter c, 4. WPP-NRI 715, covering waters of Tomini shall cover ZEEI and waters outside Fishing Lane Bay, Mafuku Sea, Halmahera Sea, Seram II. Sea and Berau Bay; 18 Business News 8154·815519·14·2011 GOVERNMENT REGULATIONS 5. WPP-NRI 716, covering waters of Su- a. one boar operated purse seines; and lawesi Sea and northern part of Halma- b. two boats operated purse seines. hera Island; and (3) The one boat operated purse seines as meant in 6. WPP-NRI 717, covering waters of Cen- paragraph (2) letter a, shall consist of: drawasih Bay and Pacific Ocean. a. one-boat operated small-pelagic purse seines; and CHAPTER III b. one-boat operated large-pelagic purse seines. FISHINC; TOOLS 14J The two boats operated purse seines as meant in Article 6 paragraph (2) letter b. shall consist of: By kirid, fishing tools in WPP-NRI shall consist a. small-pelagic purse seines; and of 10 (ten) groups, namely: b. large-pelagic purse seines. a. surrounding nets; b. seine nets; Article 8 c. trawls; (1) The seine nets as meant in Article 6 letter b shall d. dredges; consist of: e. lift nets; a. beach seines; and f. falling gears; b. boat or vessel seines. g. gill nets and entangling nets; (2) The boat or vessel seines as meant in paragraph h. traps; (1) IAttAr b s.hall r.nnsist of' i. hooks and lines; and a. dainess seines; j. grappling and wounding. b. scuttish seines: c. pair seines; Article 7 d. large net; (1) The surrounding nets as meant in Article 6 letter e. cantrang; and a, shall consist of: f. bottom purse seines. a. surrounding nets with purse lines/purse seine; and Article 9 b. surroundinq nets without purse lines. (1) The trawls as meant in Article 6 letter c shall con- (2) The surrounding nets with purse lines/purse seine sist of: as meant in paragraph (1) letter a, shall consist a. bottom travvls: i of: i b. midwater trawls; ~~ ._,. ~_.._._....-L ~_~ Ou:,>ine~s NeW$- (J154"015519·1-4-2011 19 GOVERNMENT REGULATIONS c. otter twin trawls; end Article 12 d. pulling trawls. The falling gear as meant in Article 6 letter f (2) The bottom trawls as meant in paragraph (1) let­ shall consist of; ter a shalf consist of: a. cast nets; and a. beam trawls; b. falling gear not specified. b. otter trawls; Article 13 c. pair trawls; (1) The gillnets and entangling nets as meant in Ar­ d. nephrops trawl; and ticle 6 letter g shall consist of: e. shrimp trawls, in the form of shrimp seine. a. set giJlnets (anchored); (3) The mid-water trawls as meant in paragraph (1) b. driftnets; letter b shall consist of: c. encircling gillnets; a. otter trawls, in the form of fish net; d. fixed gill nets (on stakes); b. pair trawls; and e. trammel nets; and c. shrimp trawls. f. combined gillnets-trammel net. [2} The set gill nets {anchored} as meant in paragraph Article 10 (1) letter a shall be in the form of liang-bun nets. The dredges as meant in Article 6 letter d {3} The driftnets as meant in paragraph (1) letter b shall consist of: shall be in the form of oceanic gillnets.
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