Cambridge University Press 978-1-107-02002-3 - Environmental Litigation in China: A Study in Political Ambivalence Rachel E. Stern Index More information Index “A case has to be challenging before it’s Aristotle, 221n10 interesting” (you weidao), 170 Ashio copper mine, 216–217 Activism, 158–168, 159n17, 160n19, Asia Foundation, 168, 186n12 161nn20–21, 162n23, 164n24, 165n25, Asia Law Initiative, 184 167nn26–27, 168n28, 222–223, 223n15 Assistant division heads (fu ting zhang), A declaration of war (zhandou xiwen), 120 134n17 Administrative Litigation Law (ALL) Attorney fees, 51, 51n17, 69, 69n43, 1990, 39n36, 102 160–161, 160n19, 161nn20–21.Seealso Advocacy journalism, 64–65, 64n38, 65n39, Lawyers 171n35 Authoritarian states. See also Political Agricultural bureau (nongye bu), 57 ambivalence Air Pollution Law, 38, 38nn31–32 courts relationship to, 3, 8, 11, 97–99, Aizheng cun (“cancer villages”), 73–74, 228–230, 229n20 74n5 defined, 1n2 All-China Environment Federation urbane, 228–229 (ACEF), 48, 71, 118, 120–121 All China Lawyers Association (ACLA), Bahrain, 198n27 114–115, 161, 169n30, 213 Baohu san (“protective umbrella”), 174 Ambivalence. See Political ambivalence Baozhu qing shan lu¨ shui ye shi zhengji American Bar Association (ABA), 184, (“protecting green mountains and 186, 187 blue water is a political American Republic, 167n27 achievement”), 37 American rights revolution, 224 Basic People’s Courts, 46, 55, 114 Anjian shouli fei (case acceptance fees), Beida Fayi, 123n2 53–56, 54nn22–23, 54t, 115, 153, 153n6 Beijing court, 115 Anquan dai, 2 Beijing Evening News, 22 Anti-Rightist Movement, 19 Beijing Lawyers Association, 214 Anxiety, 230–231 Biaoxin Chemical Company, 41 Appraisal organizations (jianding jigou), 59 “Big Four Pollution Suits,” 217 Appraisals, 58–60, 58n27, 59nn28–29 Bleuler, Eugen, 99n2 Aquinas, Thomas, 200 “Blind” (mangmu), 68 287 © in this web service Cambridge University Press www.cambridge.org Cambridge University Press 978-1-107-02002-3 - Environmental Litigation in China: A Study in Political Ambivalence Rachel E. Stern Index More information 288 INDEX Bourdieu, Pierre, 193n21 formal law development in, 18–20, 19n1, Brazil, 102, 215, 227 20n3 “Breakthrough point” (tupokou), 157 industrial parks (gongye qu), 29–30, Bright Day, 164–165, 165n25 29n18 Bulgaria, 113 internal policing budget, 7 Burden of proof, 58, 131–132, 132nn13–14 legal aid system, 112–113, 121, 121n23, Bush, George W., 187 164, 164n24, 167–168, 167n27, 168n28 legal awareness in, 23, 23n7 Caixian bu yue xian (“step on the line but legal dissemination campaigns, 22–23, don’t cross it”), 95–96 22nn5–6, 23n7 Canadian International Development legal system re-establishment, 20–23, 21t, Agency, 168 22nn5–6, 23n7, 100–103, 101n4, 103n5 “Cancer villages” (aizheng cun), 73–74, loyalty oaths, 107 74n5 per-capita consumption in, 27 Cankao de zuoyong (reference value), pollution-related mass incidents in, 123n2 103–104, 104n7 Case acceptance fees (anjian shouli fei), pollution severity in, 2, 2n3, 17–18, 53–56, 54nn22–23, 54t, 115, 153, 153n6 25–26, 25n11 Case filing divisions (li’an ting), 46, 46n6 China Development Brief, 189, 189n16 Center for Legal Assistance to Pollution China Environment Yearbook, 9n12 Victims (CLAPV), 75, 75n7, 77n13, China Labour Bulletin, 183n8 137, 169n30, 183n8, 195–197, 196n24 China Legal Aid Foundation, 113 Center for the Defense of Environmental China Youth Daily, 64 Rights (weihu huanjing quanli Chinese Academy of Social Sciences zhongxin), 118 (CASS), 192 Central Propaganda Department, 171n35 Chinese Communist Party (CCP) Challenger explosion, 127, 127n10 accountability, enforcement by, 33–35, Changzhou court, 115 34nn27–28, 35t “Cheerleaders” (lala dui), 169, 169n32 dissemination of legal code by, 22–23, Chemical spil, PetroChina, 84–88, 86n21, 22n6, 23n7 87nn22–24, 88n25 environmental policy statement, 6 Chengjiu gan (“feeling of success”), 82 feedback solicitation by, 103 Chen Guangcheng, 106, 229 legitimacy of, 19, 36, 102 Chen Xunru, 111 prioritization of environment by, 32–33, Chen Yueqin, 222–223 32n24, 36–37, 103, 111–113, Chile, 126, 128 112nn11–12, 134, 219 China relationship of law to, 23–25, 25n10, 45, affluence of, 27 45nn4–5, 108, 126–127, 126n8, 127n10, Constitution of 1994, 18–20, 25 232–234, 233n24, 234n25 fiscal decentralization in, 5, 5n7 Chinese People’s Political Consultative foreign investment in, 27, 97, 101, 101n4, Conference (CPPCC), 111, 219, 183–185, 183n8, 185–187, 186nn12–13, 222 186t, 187n14, 194(See also Chinese Sturgeon et al. v. PetroChina International NGOs (INGOs)) Company Limited, 84–88, 86n21, © in this web service Cambridge University Press www.cambridge.org Cambridge University Press 978-1-107-02002-3 - Environmental Litigation in China: A Study in Political Ambivalence Rachel E. Stern Index More information INDEX 289 87nn22–24, 88n25, 205–206, 206n32, “Created an example” (chuangzao le 207n33 dianfan), 147 Chinski, Sara, 156n14 Criminal liability, 39–41, 39n36, 40t, Chongqing Green Volunteers, 120, 120n21 41n37 Chouhua, 173 Cultivated hope, 200–204, 202n30 Chuangxin (new ideas), 116 Cultural Revolution, 20 Chuangzao le dianfan (“created an Cuo an (“wrong decisions”), 136, 136n21 example”), 147 Czechoslovakia, 113, 127n10 Citizen representatives, 50, 50n16, 85 City on the hill bias, 204–207, 206n32, Dachuan village, 72n3 207n33 Daibiao ren (representatives), 53, 85 Civil Procedure Law, 49n13, 55, 87, 87n23, Dailici (closing statements), 60–62 107, 111, 219 Dalian court, 115 CLAPV (Center for Legal Assistance to Danwei (places and work units), 112–113 Pollution Victims), 75, 75n7, 77n13, Death penalty cases, 46 137, 169n30, 183n8, 195–197, 196n24 Decision-making quality (shenpan zhiliang Class action (collective) lawsuits, 49, pinggu zhibiao), 136 49nn13–14, 51–53, 51n18, 55, 114–115, Deng Xiaoping, 17, 20, 25, 26, 100–101 153, 153n6 Dianxing anli, 8, 123n2 Closing statements (dailici), 60–62 Difang baohu zhuyi (economic Cloward, Richard, 233n24 protectionism), 50, 52 Coal as source of pollution, 25n11, 31, “Discretion” (zhuoqing), 139 31n23 Dispute pyramid, 71–72, 73n2 Collective (class action) lawsuits, 49, Division heads (ting zhang), 134n17 49nn13–14, 51–53, 51n18, 55, 114–115, Divorce disputes, 135 153, 153n6 Diwei mashang shang lai le (“suddenly had Color revolutions, 7, 104, 104n8 status”), 37, 88 Communist Revolution, 165, 184 Dongfang Public Interest and Legal Aid Compensation. See Financial Law Firm, 162 compensation “Do thought work” (zuo sixiang gongzuo), “Comprehensive” (quanmian), 56 93 Confidential regulations (neibu guiding), Down-and-out masses (laobaixing), 135 48, 48n10 “Dr. Water” (shui bo), 220, 220n9 Confucius, 221n10 Cong gongping heli de jiaodu (“from the EcoLinx, 186 perspective of justice and Economic growth reasonableness”), 139 as cause of pollution, 25–27, 25n11, Congressional-Executive Commission on 26n12, 27n13 China, 187 investors as gods, 30 Control parables, 173–176, 173nn37–38, local revenue building, 30–32, 30n20 174nn39–40, 175n41, 176n44 overview, 17–18 Court adjudication committee (shenpan state encouragement of, 27–30, weiyuanhui), 126 28nn14–17, 29n18 Court president (yuan zhang), 134n17 tax revenue, 30, 30n20, 50 © in this web service Cambridge University Press www.cambridge.org Cambridge University Press 978-1-107-02002-3 - Environmental Litigation in China: A Study in Political Ambivalence Rachel E. Stern Index More information 290 INDEX Economic protectionism (difang baohu as expressive function, 159–160, 159n17 zhuyi), 50, 52 financial compensation (See Financial Economy, Elizabeth, 114n13 compensation) Egyptian Lawyers’ Syndicate, 213 influence of, 224–225 Embarrassing (ganga), 119 legacy, 96–98 Emotional damages (jingshen sunhai outcomes generally, 211–212 peichang), 76, 76n10 overview, 2–3, 7–10, 9nn11–13 Encouragement (guli de zuoyong), 201 political sensitivity of, 113–114, 114n13 Endangered species, suing of behalf of, procedure (See Litigation procedure) 41n38, 85, 205–206, 206n32, 207n33 protest, 72, 72n3 Endangered Species Act of 1973 (US), 206 rights revolution, 212–214, 214n2 “Enterprise quiet days” (qiye anjing ri), 57, risk aversion in, 225–228 57n26 sources, 10–13, 11nn15–17, 12n18 Environmental courts types of, 39, 40t as innovation, 115–122, 115n15, 116n16, “Environmental protection” (huanjing 118n17, 119t, 120nn19–21, 121nn22–23 baohu), 32 protection of environment by, 215–217 Environmental Protection Bureau (EPB) specific courts by name, 115–121 availability of information to, 101–102 Environmental Defense Fund, 186 enforcement by, 28–32, 39, 215–216 Environmentalists (huanbao zhuyizhe), funding of, 31, 31n21, 36–37 156 pollution fees and fines, 31, 31nn21–22 Environmental Legal Services Bureau responsiveness of, 56–57, 94–95, 201 (falu¨ yuanzhu bu), 118 selection of heads of, 28, 28n15 Environmental litigation. See also specific as source of evidence, 56–57, 94–95 cases standing, 88 anxiety in, 230–231 Environmental Protection Law of 1979, benefits of to state, 101–103, 101n4, 37–38, 37n30, 47, 131 165–166, 215–216 Epp, Charles, 180, 183 challenges in, 222–225 Erin Brockovich (Yong Bu Tuoxie), citizen involvement in, 8–9, 9n11, 9n13 202–203, 202n30 civil, 1, 1n1, 40t, 41–42, 41nn38–39 Escalation (keneng naoshi de anzi), 143 class dimension, 10, 10n14 Europe, 181n4 comparative research, 220–221, Evidence, 56–58, 57n26, 132–134, 132n15 221n10–13 “Fair” (gongping), 83, 141 criminal liability, 39–41, 39n36, 40t, 41n37 Falu¨ guiding de jiguan (lawful authorities), democracy’s relationship to, 113–114, 87n23, 111, 219 114n13
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