T H E O F F IC IA L G A Z E T T E OF TH E . t. j.. ' 'p % :*). '*'.- . uift- . ovg kb u. w vlJv. '<, irIj. $- - . , y . .ym ux. PROTECTORATE. (,' . g j. j . ' . .q . , , yyy. , . w F. qyw s ,ï j, .-.. , y , xy jw . y ,, ..>: s,y j . ' *) - , . y-' k .sy ) y. sy' $. ', jos , . .'l .gro' s ' y . o s . o $ s. J a.z v k . o j . Ftlblishsd tlrldgr thg ztlthzrit'y gf llis Eï28Il8I12y th2 22k2111122 gf Ezst lfpigz,- J.= ! . -. vol, xIl.- No. 257.4 NAIROBI, CULY 15, 1910. ( PRIOE 20 OENTS. = ' ' U ' ' * , . TA B L E O F C O N T E N T S. PACE. Army orcler ( Special ) Pardon to Deserters. .. 403 Proclam atioll under the East A.f rica Outlying District Orclinance, 1902 . 405 Proclamatiou uuder the Diseases of Auimals Ordinance, 1906 . 40.5 N otices urlcler the Crown Làud.s Ordinance, 1902 . 405, 406, 407 Rules issued under the Townships Ordinance, 1903 . 407, 408, 409 N otice under the Ilafectiou.s Diseases Orclinance, 1903 410 N otice Bank Ordinance, 1909, No. X. of 1910 . 410 N otice The Provincal lnsolvency Actg 1907 application Ordinance, No. IX of 19 10 410 Appointm ents to the Lancl Board, N otzce 1'e 410 'Quarantizte Board, Notice zrv . 411 Appointments . 411 lfend.t't Port rgownship, (N-otice rc . - . 411 Auetion of L and, between M olo aud Londiani with Eailway Frontage, Notiee g't, . 112 K apttzmo Townslaips, N andi Building Plots open for application, Notice 're 412 Auction of Land on Nairobi Hill . .. 412 in Sixtla Avenue, Nairobi, sale of 413 17 77 77 M akindlz 01d. Government Farms 413 Auction of Plots, Loudiani Townslaip . z114 'List of Newspapers, ete., receivecl witllout atlclress at A' Iombasa Post Ofllce, montlls of M ay and. June, 1910 ... 415 'Obituary . 416 .sitting's of the High Court, N otice 3-e . 416 Probate alld Aclministration Tn the matter of Akber s/o Hayat Klaan, deceasecl 417 ,, ( Cause No. 19 of 1910 ) 417 J7 17 77 ( -., ,, 24 ,, 1910 ) 417 J# :7 77 ( z, ,, 62 :, 1909 ) 417 r, JJ )' ( ., ,, 66 ,, 1910 ) 417 ., ) .: .) 7 1 ( ,, ,, 10 ,, 19 l 0 ) 417 East A.f l'ica Protectorate Currency Board. 418 Arrivals and Departures . 419 D issolution of Partnership, Noticta re . 419 Rates of Subscription to fl Oëcial Gazette 77 .N' rotice î'e . 419 Uomparative Statement of the Revenu.e of the East Africa Protectorate for the year 1909-10 420 'Comparative Statemeut of the Expenditlzreof the East Af ricaprotectoratefortheyear 1909-10 421 Statement of Assets and. Liabilities for the year 1909-1 0 ... 422 'Currency Board Statements of Receîpts aucl Paytzlents . 423 ;# 77 Balance Sheet on tlae 31st M'arch, 1910 .. ... 424 7) 7# Statement of Currency N otes in Circulatiou on 31st Afarch, 1910 . 424 Statement showing number of trarle packages ancl value in Rtlpees of various artides il-nporfed into Afol-nbasa dtzring Alay, J 9 10 . 42.5 ,statenaert showing number of tracle packages antl value in R tzpees of tracle goods re-exporteil from M ombasa to (lifferent countries duriy)g M ay, 19 10 . 426 Statement showing value in Rupees of various artieles exportecl f rom M ombasa during h'llapl'ly 1 9 10 . ' . - . /12 7 'Statement showing . value' in .llupees of Tmport: maqle into X ombasa from (liffèrent countries during M ay, 1910 . .. .. 428 UGANDA RAILW AY. Uganda Railway Tender for Rations . 429 17 77 Reduced Fares at Nairobi Race meetillg Augtzst, 1 910. 429 7) /1 Rate Circular: N o. 9 of 1910 Goods . 429 #) 77 Notice regarchng Seasons Tickets . ... 430, ,, ,, Approximate Statement of Plzblic Uoaching antl Goocls Traëc Tor tlze m onth of Jtm e, 1910 430 Shippiztg Report, for month of Jtm e, 1910 ... 431 FAST AFIUOA PROTECTORATE. H H M Y O R D E R . Npecial. AVA.It 0>n1'1()1l, 231.) M ay, 1910 U A R D O N T @ D E /E R Y E R S, & e. 105 1. His Majesty tlae King has been graciously pleasetl as aIt act of clemeucyp vG-cn' r . ho. on the occasiou of lais accession to the Throne, to aqprove of the following 1651 remission of punishm ent to soldiers undergoing sentence m military prisons aud detention barracks, and of pardons being granted to soldiers i1A a state of desertion, or who, since desertlng, have enlisted in other corps: kSold-ip's w,.n,t/' evgoing ('/cffozfïfp?z by 'st'?asfty/'?c(? oï-colbvt-nîa.k-t-iavl, or /??/ a'tvard t?f comînaîîdbtg tk -jv,ct?'z'.s at //1: date p.f this OJ-t;/6J-. Sentences up to 56 days to be released. Sentences exceeding 1$6 days- to l)e granted a rem ission of one-hals of thè m àexpired portion of detention. M ot ''fkàtfto'fyt?ïl?f? ïzn.,pd.sr?ê?./??ck?J ï?z mililaî'y 2nJ-k',st?,n.s ()3. l'/t?étynfïtp/z baî-racks (tf iltc t'dtzf. of f/?ï,s Order. A11 men a rem ission of one-half of tlle uuexpil-ed portion of imprisonm ent. The remissions will take efect from the date of this Order. 2. The following instructions are issued as regards tlae pardon to deser- ters, &c.: 3. Tlle pardon to deserters is extended to m en who have ((t,.) deserted; (5.) fraudulently enlisted, as deflued in Section 13, Army Act ; (c.) absented themselves without leave from the Reguzar, Auxiliary, or Reserve Forces ; improperly enlisted into the Regular Forces, Special Reserve, or Territorial Force, wlaile serving in the Army Reserve, providecl that they committed tlae offence before the date of this Arm y Order, and surrender them selves within 2 m ontbs after that d ate if at hom e, or w ithirl 4 montks, if abroad. 4. D eserters and. absentees are required to report tllem selvey in w riting, giving fuèl particnlars, to one of the undermentioned oë cers, from whom they will receive instructions. If they are sufering f rom any physîcal disability which renders them unable to rejoin the Service, they should state so in their letter. If tlley belonged. to - Tlley should write to- Household Cavalry . Otllcar Comm anfling regim eut. D ragoon Gualïds Dragoons amd Lancers Offlcer i/c Oavalry Records, Canterbury. of tlle Line . H ussars of tlae Liue . i . Omcer i/c Cavalry Records, York. l-toyal Horse and Royal Field Aa-tillery Officer i(c Records, W oolwich. ltoyftl Garrisou Artillery. Officer i/c Records, Dover. Royal Engineers ... Omcer i/c Records, Chatham. Foot Guards . Oflscer Com manding regiment, Buckingham Gate, Lonclou, S. W . Infantry of the Line Oflicer i/c Records concerned. Royal Alalta Artillery Officer Commanding Corps. 'W est India Regim ent Ofllcer i/c Recortls, Jamazca. ' Army ,service Corps Omcer i/c A.S.O. Records, W oolwiclz. Jalyv 15, 19 t0. A rmy Ordmauce Corps . OEcel- Com rnantliug Corps, W oolwiclz. Royal Army Meclical f'orps Oëcer i/c R..A.M.C. Records, Aldershot. Army Pay Corps . Oëcer i/c A.P.C. Recortls, W ar Oëce. ztl'my Veterinary Corps . Officer i/c .A..V.C. Tlecords, W ar Oëce. tlqrps of M ilifarlr Police Omcer Corzlrzaazlding Corps, Aldershot. Al ilitary Provost Staf Corps .. Officer iIe AV1 .P.S.C. Reçortls, 'Wrar Ofllce. Army Reserve or Special Reserve, . tlflicer i/c Record.s concerned. They are not to report themselves in persou. 5. Alen who enlisted before the 24th M ay, 1900, or who have been in a state tnf desertion or absence for a period oî 5 yeams, or wLo are pbysically unllt 'for servica, will uot be called llpon to rejoin for service, btzt will be given pnltecting certi:eates on tlleîr reporting tllemselves ilA 'writiug, as directecl in lnaragraph 4. 6. The omcer m entioned in paragraph 4, on receivîng a report from a deserter or absentee, will verify tlze statements naacle therein by reference tcl lais dotruments. Tf the m an is exempt fpom further service utzder paragraph 5 he will at once send bim a protecting certificate on Azmy Form B 129. 7. lf the m an is not exempt fronl ftlrther service and belonged to the Reg-ular Forces, the ofzcer will sand him instructions to prese. nt him self at the 'zlearest military station tin London at St. George's Barracks) for rnedical examinafion. H e will at the same tim e notify his action to the ofllcer com manding at tlle military station, speeifying the station to wlAkcl4 the man is to be sent for service if he is found to be medically fit. 8. The oë cer commanding at the m ilitary station will canse the m an to be very strictly medically examined, and if he is reported unfit for the Service will disrniss him Avith a protecting certiûcate. If 1ae is found flt for service htl will 'furllish laim with railway and passage warrants and sencl llim to join his corps at the statiola mentioned in the notification recpived irl accordance with paragraph 79 tt report of the disposal irl each case baing sant to the ofllcer from whom the 'notiflcation was re-ceived. 9. ztbsentees from the Auxiliary or Reserve Forces will not be ordered for medieal exnmination, but will be at once taken on the strength .on receipt of their applications if they are not otherwise eiempt from ftkl'ther service under I)a' ragraph ($. lf fotm d to be serviug. iu the Regular Forces they will be retained on Arm y serviae on their last attestation, notiication being seut to the corps to wllich they ftgrmrarly belonged.
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