Panaji, 19th November, 1970 (Kartika 28, 18921 SERIES III No. 34 OFFICIAL G ETTE GOVERNMENT OF GOA,DAMAN AND DIU Daman and Diu notification, Office of the Director, Elections GOVERNMENT OF GOA. DAMAN No. ELN/VPT/68/450 dated 23-2-1968, the Director, Elec­ tions hereby appoints the person mentioned in column 5 of AND DIU the schedule below as a member to fill the vacancy in the ward and for the Panchayat shown in columns 4 and ~ res­ pectively of the said schedule. > Office of the Director, Elections SCHEDULE Notification 81. No. Taluka Panchayat Ward No. Name 6-1-70/VPEL 1 2 a 4 5 Whereas a vacancy has arisen in ward iNo. 3 of Ambaulim Village Panchayat with effect from 9-10-19'68 as a result of the resignation of the member Shri Shrikant R. Kamat; ,1 Quepem Ambaulim 3 is h r i Mahableshwal' Narayan Karmal­ And whereas a public notice of the intended bye-election kar. was given and no nominations were received; Now therefore, in exercise of the powers wsder sub~sec­ tion (8) of Section 7 of the Goa, Daman and Diu Village Pan­ O. P. aaf'g, Director, Elections. -chayabs Regulation, 1962 read with the Government of Goa, Panaji, 10th November, 1<970 . ••• Food and Civil Supplies Department Public Works Department Works Divisi'on VI- Fatorda-Margao Tende'r notice no. WDVI/ADM-1/17/70-71 The ,Executive Engineer, Works [)ivisionVI, PWD, Margao, C. P. W.D. and those of appropriate list of Union Territories/ Goa, 'invites 'On behalf of the President 'of India, sealed item iStates PWD/M.E.S./Railways, upto 11 a. m. on :2,g.,11-70 for raJte tender from approved and el'igiblecontractors of the following work. Estimated Earnest Cost of .81. No. Description cost in Rs. money in Rs. tender Time limit in Rs. II. Improvement of the mad near Cortalim Ferry Point, inclu"ive construction of Traffic Island and parking space tEar vehicles. ................... , ............................... 44,848-70 1,122-00 5-00 120 days I ~ Tenders will be opened immediately after 11 a. m. 'On the The intending tenderer will have to produce Income Tax .same day. Clearance Certificate at the time of buying tender. Earnest money shown against work should be deposited The tender of the contractors who do not depo'Sit earnest in the State Bank of India, Margao, or any Scheduled Bank in the form of Deposit at Call Receipt and enclosed it with money in the prescribed manner, will be summarily rejected. the tender. Conditions of contract and tender forms' can be Right, to reject any or all the tenders without assigning had from the above mentioned Office upto 16 hours of any !reason therefore is reserved. 20-l!1-119'70 on all working days on payment of cost of tender (Non-refundable) per each item, in cash. If required by post Margao, 7th November, 1970. - The EX'ecutive Engineer, .an amount of Rs. 2/- will be charged extra. B. V. Nai1c • ••• Taluka Marmagoa, Disltvlct Goa, under the !Petroleum Rules Advertisements 1937. The site plan is available 'in the office 'of the President Office of the District Magistrate of Goa of Marmagoa Mun1cipality and lin the Office of the under­ signed for linspection. A public notice 'is hereby given that any person hav>ing Notice any objection against the installation of MS/HSD Consumer pumps at t'he proposed site should file his/her objection MAG/pET/II/70-21012 within ,15 day'S from the date of publicatron of this notice, The Dj,strict Manager, fud:ian OH Corporatron Limlited, Bel­ do the office of the underSigned. gaum 'have appl'ied for «no objecbtoncertificate» for dostal­ !Panaji, 3rd September, 1970. -Po B. Bhatnagar, District laJtion of MS/HlSD Consumer pumps for M/s. Zuari AgI'O Mag1istrate. .chemicals Ltd. Empl'oyees Cooperative ,Society, Da:bollim V. no. 11898/1970 172 SERIES III No. 34- Notice Section of 9uepem Comunidades MAG/PETjII/70-2274 2 The District Manager, Indian Oil Corporation Li.rn)ited, Notice Belgaurq have applied for «No objection certificate» for Armando Santana Pereira, Administrator: installing MS/HSD Filling Station at Vasco da Gama (Goa) - Marmagoa Transport Oo,op. S,odety under the Petroleum 5 I make it known tha:t as the members of the Managing' Rules 19,37. C.ommittees of the Comunidades of Quepem Taluka are <to The site plan is available :in the office of the President of be elected f'Or the triennium of 1'9'71 to 1973, the Comunidades Marmagoa Municipality and 'in the Office of the undersigned and the shareholders of each of them are hereby convened for inspection. to meet at their Meeting Hall, for the holding these el'ectL.ons: 071 'the days and hours mentioned below: A public notice is hereby given that any person having any objection against the mstal1ation of MS/HSD JruJJJing For <the 'eleCition of attorney and his substitute: Stat~on at the proposed site should me his/her objection 10th December next at 10 a. m.: C.omunidades of Sirvoi, within 15 days from the date of publication of this notice, Quitol, Provincia de Bali and Assolda. in the office of the undersigned: 10th December next at '3 p. m.: :C.omunidades of Pirla, Panaji, 7th November, 1970. - P. S. Bhatnag,ar, Distriot Quepem, Cotombi and Quedem. Magistrate. 12th December next at ;10 a. m.: Comunidades of ca.orem" V. no. 11\2214/1970 Cusmane, Avedem and INaqueri. ' 12th December next at 3 p. m.: Comunid;tdes of Chic­ -Xelvona, Ambaulim and :Chaifi. Notice 13th December next at 10 a. m.: Comunidades of Molcor­ nem and Bali. MAGjCIM/II/70-2289 13!th December next at !3 p. m.: Comunidades 'of Xeldem 3 Shri AntoDiio ,Mascarenhas alias A. Mack 'Of TaleiJgao, and Adnem. [lhas Goa has applied for «!No objection 'certifiioa;te» under 171th December neXit at 10 a. m.: Comunidades of Fatorpa the Goa, Daman and Diu Cinematograph Rules 1965 to locate and Cacora. ,a travelling cinema at Taleigao in plots Nos. 664 and 667, 17th December next at ,3 p. m.: Comunidade 'of iCurchorem. Goa (Panaji) Taluka, District Goa. 20th December next at :10 a. m.: Comunidade .of Xelvona., The site plan is available in the office of the undersigned 20th December next at 13 p. ~.: C.omull'idade of Odar. for inspection. A public notice is hereby given that any person having Margao, 12th November, :1970. - The Administrator, Ar-' any objection against the location of a travelling cinema manllo Santana Pereira. at the proposed site should file his/her objection in this V. no. 112!147/197Q< office within 7 days from the date of publication of this notice. • Panaji, 12th November, 1:L970. - P. S. Bhatnagar, iDistrict Section of Comunidades of Marmagoa Magistrate. V. no. 112246/1'970 Notice • Armando Santana Pereira, Administrator: Administration Office of Comunidades of Southern' Zone '6 J: make it kn.own that the eleotion of members of Board .of tile V!i:llage IComunidades .of this Taluka sh.ould be proceeded with, to function during Ithe three years period 11971 to 19713, Notice as members 'of <the said :Board, the components and twenty major shareholders of each Community are hereby convened Armando ISantana lPereira Admiirl!istrator: to meet at the Sessions H.ouse on the days and hours below' 4 I hereby make it kn,own that as the members for the mentioned, Ito carryon with the same election: Managing Committees of the ComuDJiJdades of fuisTaluka are . For the election of the attorne:'f and his deputy. to be elected for the period of three years of 1971 to Un3, the Com:midades and twenty major shareholders of every :20th December 1<9,70, at ,10 a. m.: Comunida;de are hereby convened to meet at the/ir Meeting The Villages Communities of Mbrmugao, San coale, Que·, Houses for hoLdmg these elections on the days allJJd hours lossim, IContalim, Chic?lim, Cuelim, Cansaulim and Arossim. mentioned below: 20th December 1:970, a;t 3 p. m.: For the election of the attorney and his substitute: The Villages Communities of Issorcim and Dab.olim. 13th December, 1970 at ,1Q 'a. m. - Comunidades 'Of Am­ 127th December 1970, at 10 a. m.: belim, Aquem, Eenaulim, B'etalbatim, Calata, Camorlim, The Villages Commun~ties of Pale, Vadem and Velgao. Cavelosslim, Cana, Carmona, CaveI1im, Colva, Chiinohin:im, Curtorim, Sirlim, Davorlim, Duncolim, iGuirdoUm; Margao, 27th December 1970, at 3 p. m.: Verna and Loutulim. The Village C.ommun~ty of Chicolna. -/> .. 16th December, 11970, at 10 a. m. - Comunidades of Assolna, Gonsua, Orlim, Vanelim, Chandor, Sernabatim, For the election of treasurer-member and his deputy by Dramapur, Dkarpale, Seraulim, Macasana, Majorda, Na­ 12>0 major shareholders. goa, Raia, Sarzora, Ut.orda, Varca, Velim and Telaulim. 123rd December 1'9,70, a;t 10 a. m.: 16th December, lJ9'70, at 13 p. m. - Comunidades of Gan­ The Villages C.ommunities of Mormugao, ISancoale, Que­ daulim and Deussua. l.osBim, CoJ:1talim, Chicalim, Cuellm, Cansaulim and Ar.ossim. For the election oif the treasurer-member and his substitute 12:3rd December 1'9'70, rut 3 p. m.: by 20 major shareh.olders: The VtIlages Communities of Iss.orcim and Dabolim. 20th December, 1970, at 10 a. m. - Comunid8ldes of 30th December 11970, rut 10 a. m.: Ambelim, Aquem, Benaulim, lBetalbatim, Calata, Camor­ The Villages Communities of Pale, Vadem and Velgao. lim, Cavelossim, Cana, Carmona, Cavorim, Colva, Chin­ chinim, Curtorim, Sirlim, Davorlim, Duncolim, Guircro­ ~Oth December :119170, at 3 p. m.: lim, Margao, Verna and Loutulim.
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