BaptistsTexas Committed August 2001 Newsletter of Mainstream Baptists of Texas How do we move on? By David R. Currie, Executive Director God’s call to fight this battle.” I under- we have a vastly different viewpoint on the I hope you notice a subtle change in this stand those feelings. I understand that many gospel and Baptist principles than the SBC. newsletter. We have tried to make it more of you do not like the SBC but you do not Yet most still do not want to move positive in content, talk more about the fu- like me much either. You just want it to go apart, despite the irreconcilable differ- ture and less about the Southern Baptist away. ences. I understand that feeling but it is Convention. One thing you do need to realize is the keeping us from moving forward. You will read very few articles about fundamentalists are not tired of it and will The SBC is fundamentalist. The BGCT the recent SBC meeting in New Orleans. never get tired of it. Many churches are is traditional. The SBC wants you to sup- Yes, it was the same old stuff. We address now in turmoil because of fundamental- port the Southern Baptists of Texas Con- it in a few articles, but not in depth. ism. Fundamentalists like to fight. Read vention. If not, they, at least, want you to In fact, we are not even addressing the the history of fundamentalism. Fighting is keep supporting the SBC. lies and guilt-by-association by Roger how they feel they are doing God’s will The BGCT wants to move forward yet Moran, still circulating around the country. and rooting out heresy. is afraid to because so many of you still I may address it in the future. However, it support the SBC. They do not want to lose is my opinion that anyone who believes This Baptist mess has been going your support either. that junk is too emotionally and spiritually on more than 20 years. You do not want to decide—never- unhealthy for anything I say or Jesus says I am tired of it. theless—you ultimately must if this is to change them. ever going to end. Once they formed the You are tired of it. SBTC, they put every church in the posi- I have come to a conclusion that might One thing you do need to realize surprise you. I do not think it accomplishes tion of having to choose. The fundamental- much to tell you how unBaptist, how theo- is the fundamentalists are not ists have forced this on everyone. logically unsound and how mean-spirited tired of it and will never get I would love reconciliation, however, it the present SBC is. After 22 years, you tired of it. will not happen. The SBC will never com- know that. Yet, that has not moved you on continued on page 2… into the future. So for all of us who want this over, This Baptist mess has been going on how do we move on? more than 20 years. I am tired of it. You You may not like this answer but this is TBC Online! www.txbc.org are tired of it. Now some of you have been the best one I can give you. INSIDE true friends in the battle, coming to the It will be over when you decide it is Touched by an Angel convention year after year, faithfully sup- over. We will move on beyond this when David R. Currie .................... 3 porting TBC financially and prayerfully, you decide to move on. Dear Fellow Christians… and I thank you. You have hung tough and You see, we are stuck here now, more Open letter to all ................... 4 you need to continue to hang tough. You than any other reason, because people do Memorial Gifts ..................... 5 are the reason the BGCT is free. You are not want to decide what to do. the reason there is still hope for a true, We are two different denominations A Disturbing Question ......... 6 traditional, Christ-focused, Southern Bap- and have been since 1990, yet we remain TBC Breakfast Information tist movement in the 21st century. You are related because you want it that way. The October 30, 7 a.m. ................ 7 heroes to me. revision of the Baptist Faith and Message The Fruits of Norrisism Nevertheless, you are tired of it too. in 2000 solidified the total and complete L.R. Scarborough.................. 8 Many of you, our strongest supporters, have change in the SBC from its historical roots. “The Bible Alone is Word of written recently asking how much longer The use of the 2000 BF&M as an “instru- God” David Flick ............... 10 this is going to go on. ment of doctrinal accountability” solidifies Six Areas of Concern Others of you have never taken a side, that creedalism is a modus operandi of the Dan Martin ......................... 13 yet, you also are tired of it. You have never new SBC. Anatomy of an Illness wanted any part of it. You just want to Texas Baptists endorsed the 1963 Herbert H. Reynolds ........... 18 pastor or serve in your church and want to BF&M, although not as any instrument of TBC Convocation Tape reach people for Christ. If you are a pastor, doctrinal accountability. Most of us are Order Information ............. 24 you tell yourself, “I did not respond to comfortable with the statement. That means — 1 — Committee Experience – May 29, 2001 By R. Mitch Randall ties. While Global Missions affirms evan- mission. They are not going into other cul- My experience serving on the Missions gelism and church starting, they also em- tures trying to begin a Western church. Study Committee for the Baptist General phasize social ministry projects as equally Rather, they are trying to equip and em- Convention of Texas was an incredible mo- important to the Great Commission of power the indigenous people so that they ment of inspiration. As the youngest mem- Christ Jesus. can begin to build an indigenous church. ber of the committee, the company I kept Secondly, they are committed to mak- Seventhly, I am certain if Texas Baptist during this long process of fact-finding and ing certain that the missionaries appointed churches and individuals were to conduct reporting humbled me. The men and women to mission endeavors are theologically an honest study of CBF Global Missions of the committee were committed and de- sound. Each applicant is put through a thor- they would discover that their convictions termined to bring an honest report of the ough evaluation. While they do not ask their and beliefs were more closely related to facts regarding each of the mission sending applicants to endorse a man-made docu- CBF than they are to the “new” Southern agencies. ment, they make certain that their employ- Baptist Convention. Within the full committee, we were di- ees and missionaries are committed to the Finally, my experience and newfound vided into three sub-committees. I was truthfulness of Scripture, the essentials of understanding of CBF has brought me to asked to serve and chair the sub-committee Christian faith, and historic Baptist doc- the conclusion that I believe the Coopera- charged with studying the Global Missions trines. I have never been able to under- tive Baptist Fellowship is the future for efforts for the Cooperative Baptist Fellow- stand how anyone who would ever take the traditional Baptists wishing to maintain their ship. time to do a thorough study of this agency historical roots while looking towards the would ever refer to them as liberal. future of missions and ministry network- My experience and newfound Thirdly, their strategy to allow mission- ing. aries to be agents of the work is an incred- understanding of CBF has brought ible philosophy. Missionaries are a part of How Do We Move On? from page 1… me to the conclusion that I believe a team-based approach to missions. Mis- the Cooperative Baptist Fellowship sionaries construct strategy, develop bud- promise. You sign the 2000 BF&M or you cannot serve. You do not belong. As they is the future for traditional Baptists getary needs, and carry out implementa- tion. Missionaries are treated as the most have said. It is nonnegotiable. wishing to maintain their historical Most traditional Baptists will not sign important facet of the missions network. it. That is a nonnegotiable matter of con- roots while looking towards the Every missionary we spoke to affirmed their science. So, you must decide, “which are future of missions and relationship with administrators. They have you?” When you decide, this will be over ministry networking. never felt as though they were subordinates and both groups can go on in peace follow- in their efforts to carry out the Great Com- ing God as they understand him and his In our initial contact with Barbara and mission. leadership. Fundamentalists will keep on Gary Baldridge (Co-coordinators of Glo- Fourthly, CBF Global Missions does attacking because that is their style. bal Missions), they were extremely coop- NOT see itself as being competitive with I am ready to move on. Are you? Un- erative in our effort to find out more about others’ missions agencies. Dr. Keith Parks til you decide, the battle will continue for them as a missions sending agency. Within first introduced their philosophy of reach- years and years and years. Only you can two-weeks upon our initial contact, we were ing out to the World “A” people groups, put this period behind us. Whatever you given a detailed account of every aspect of because the World “A” population was decide, you have my respect, but decide.
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