Cannonball Adderly featured in scheduled iazz program A two day p r o g r a m on motivate interest in blac.k music 1 p, m. lecture-demonstration jazz music featuring the Julian and demonstrnte the cultural on jazz styles in Kirby ball- "Cannonball" Adderly Quintet factor of the music. ltisgroun- room and the 8 p. m. concert in will be heldOctober 26-27atthe ded in extensive research by Kirby ballroom. · The October .University of Minnesota, Duluth 7 members of the quintet who each 27 schedule includes a 9:30 a.m. (UMD), cover specific area.sin the topic seminar en titled ''Black Music: of black music. a Social Factor" in Kirby ball- A special feature of the program room and 12:30 p, m. individual will bean 8p.m. concert on Tue- Other members of the "Cannon clinics in locations to be an- sday, October 26, in the Kirby ball" Adderly Quintet include nounced, Student Center h<>llroom. his brother, cornetist Nat Ad- _ Daytime aspects will include a derly, pianist Josef Zawinul, The two-day programs at UMD lecture, demonstration on Jazz drummer Roy Mccurdy, and a re sponsored by the Convo ca - stvles. a seminar on black bassist Walter Booker. tions and Lectures Committee. music, and individual clinics on They are open to the public. The brass, woodwinds, string, and evening concert will have a $1 The schedule for programs of- percussion instruments. admission for UMD students and fered by Adderly and his quin- $1.50 admission for non-UMD The presentation i.s designed to tet on October 26 includes a students. Vol. 42 - No. 5 Duluth, Minnesota by J,D, Naslund approximate 28 % stllden t con- tribution to the costoftheired- An effort is being ma de by your ucation. With wages and prices . ·~ ... ··- ··-. Student Association to enforce held constant the student's con- the wage-price freeze of Aug- tribution, ratio soars with a ust 14, 1971. We have request- corresponding decline in de- ROTC scholarships ed a refund to each student of partmental problems. No add- the amount of the increase in itional funds can therefore be Voice your tuition for Fall Quarter, 1971. justified. pay all expenses Central Administration has been notified of our intentions The University was granted an November 15, 1971, is the dead- in a. flying (pilot or na viga tor) but has apparently rejected our exception by the Cost of Living line for makinga.pplicationfora category, They wtll be expect- problems to requests through non-reply. Council without allowing stu- four-year Air Force ROTC ed to enter an Air Force flight dents a chance to express their College Scholarship, according training program upon grad- The appeal is based on the facts opinions. We feel that students to Lt. Col. Robert D. Reese, uation. S.A. officials of the wage-price freeze and the should have been allowed to professor of aerospace studies economic conditions of the Dul- partake in the discussion to br- at the University of Minnesota, Air Force ROTC college schol- uth area. According to the ing the factors leading to the de- Duluth (UMD), arship s are also available to guidelines established in the cision more into perspective. men and women students in the fia.ssled by cla.sses or the August 14 wa.ge-price freeze, Approximately 500 of the four- second, third, or fourth years university system in general 1 it was stated that increases in Coupled with the Administra- year college scholarships will of the ROTC program. To be Voice your problems effectively prices would be allowed if sig- tion's non-response to our be awarded for the 1972-1973 eligible, they must be presently and find the way to get results. nificant transactions had oc- communication, the establish- school year, Reese noted. The enrolled or accepted for ad- curred the monthprevious. The ment of the new Higher Educa- scholarship program provides mission in a college offering Where at? At the student Asso- granting of the University's tu- tion Advisory Committee on full tuition, laboratory and as- the four-year AFROTC pro- ciation office! They've set up ition increa.se was therefore Wages and Prices headed by sociated fees, textbook allow- gram, but a.re required to be a. new program tha.t will help ungrounded because no trans- University of Minnesota Pre- ance, and a. tax-free allowance qualified in the flying category. you a.tta.ck your problems and actions was completed before sident Malcolm Moos, is seen find the people who can do some- of $50 monthly during the time the sta.rt of classes, September as a further attempt tci sweep thing about it. a. student is in college and on Students seeking more inform- 28,1971. We feel that due to the the student's requests under the scholarship status. ation about the Air Force ROTC wage-price freeze guidelines, ca.rpet. The inequities created They'll help you a.void getting scholarship programs ma.y call the University does not require by the actions of the University, the run-a.round from anyone who Applicants for a four-year col- the UMD AFRO TC office at 724- additional funds. We offer the in relation the wage-price would try to keep you from get- to lege scholarship must be enter- 6926 or write to : Air Force following reasons, the first of freeze, must be resolved to the ting action. ing their freshman year during ROTC, Office of Information, which is that wage and staff sal- satisfaction of the students or the 1972-73- school year and Maxwell AFB, Alabama. 36112. a.ries are frozen at last year's the request under consideration &> stop by the S. A. office or must qualify and agree to enter level by the wage-price freeze. will rise to demand pro- call 726-7178. &>meone from the Air Force ROTC program Also, supplies should be frozen portions. the S. A. academic branch will for the same reason. The Uni- be around to hea.r your gripes. Inside versity's original purpose for Any sUPPo rt or critisism of our the increase wa.s to maintain the actions are encouraged. MPIRG is the """"'··- ,-.."1 for students Statesman The Minnesota Public Interest Research Group (MPIRG) has Trench mouth been established, The office is centrally located in the Twin page 5 Cities a r e a, and operations: moved into full gea.r this sum- Neil Diamond mer. Professional staff mem- page 6 bers were hired, and projects begun. Basketball Presently the organization i s working on two projects, a. stu- page 7 dy on student voting rights, and an intervention in the annexation Jn Stillwater MPRIG has a pe- proceeding in Stillwater Town- tition which "alleges that the ship, housing development will result in possible pollution to an adja- "Jn college towns where stu- cent la.ke, because of storm wa- dents ma.ke up a. significant pop- ter run-off." ulation, there are attempts be- ing m a. d e to disenfranchise If you have a question, want to them." Ma.ny groups may b e suggest a. topic-of study, or want working on this also, but MPRIG more information, contactNan- cy Arnold, Kirby Student Cen- will offer assistance including The new bookstore annex, located in the library building, holds paperbacks, staUonery, and professional staff. ter, Environmental Affairs, or lea.ve a note under the door. greeting cards. The annex space was originally occupied by the housing and admissions of- fices. CAMPUS ASSEMBLY AGENDA For Campus Assembly Meeting of October26, 1971, at3:30p.m. Placement 1 in Life-Science 175: IHalloween is just around the corner so play "tricky" and give \l\/EEKLY EVENTS 1. Discussion of budget evalu- your friendly Placement Office a "treat" by handing in your ations, appeals, and review resumes TODAY! If it's the $10 fee folding you back, WORRY procedures NOT! This is billed along with your graduation fee when you 2. Elections of Assembly Se- have your credit check. IT IOES NOT HAVE TO BE PAID cretary and Vice Chairman WHEN YOU FILE YOUR PAPERS WITH US. If you've lost or 3. Approval of students on com- misplaced the forms we gave you at Registration, do not hesi- Oct, 21, Thursday: Oct. 26, Tuesda.y: mittees tate coming in and asking our beautiful secretary (shes a. red- 7:00 p,m, Ballroom Chess Club 1:00-3:30 Ballroom Lecture by head) for another set. Bull Pub Coffee house Cannonball Adderley Duluth Arena: John Gary 7:00 Arena. Hockey Cheerlead- To those of you who have turned in your placement papers, a ing Tryouts ATTENTION: FALL QUARTER sincere "Merci Beaucoup!" You're all set to fully participate Oct. 22, Friday: 8:00 Ed 90 Alpha Nu Omega GRADUATING SENIORS in our services--vacancy notices, monthly newsletter, inter- 11:30-3:30 Film Festival Ball- Film views with on-campus recruiters--in other words everything room 9:00 Ballroom Concert by Can- AU students who a re planning to and anything we can do to get you the position you want. Bull Pub Coffee house nonball Adderley Quartet graduate Fall Quarter, 1971, should sign up for a. credit check B.A. SENIORS: Don't forget to pick up your COLLEGE PLACE- Oct. 24, Supday: Oct. 27, Wednesday: with the Records Office on or MENT ANNUAL-free. 8:00 Ed. 90 Alpha Nu Omega 1:30 Ballroom Lecture Demon- before Friday, November 5, Film stration Cannonball Adderley 1971. All applications forde- THINGS TO COME: FEDERAL CAREER DAY-WEDNESDAY, 8:00 He 80 Acme Film gree must be on file in the Re- NOVEMBER 17, 1971.
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