July 18, 1950 D. J. SAVE 2,515,315 TILT, LOCKING BREECHBLOCK FOR AUTOMATIC FIREARMS Filled July 18, 1947 3. Sheets-Sheet l 1 fes -e iS Z as as A & A is a as w NSR&RRR Y 3%y Eley's 2s NA S. NPries;AAAAA SS it iss-2. 217) 15:SYSSANNy. - - - - A - - 77 is 3.N Y S. res a (69. 2. 2. sale - A. ffé2VN-43 . Filá, Z 7 we?zfor -Asy ZO. J. So, tve. 23.7Zátoyzzey (72a4 eee-4, July 18, 1950 D. J. SAIVE 2,515,315 TILT LOCKING BREECHBLOCK FOR AUTOMATIC FIREARMS Filed July 18, 1947 3. Sheets-Sheet 2 SEZNNSN 4. S3 EŠ it. SeyiARAWS 3 Z2). Nef see S7 As2 2-y S. 2 S Y.Y., s 2 M -- c s 3e s 59. WZZZ,by care II.I.I.I.E. SOWZZZGS i? N S27 3S g O e 4TSEy/S,NS4A 3: E2 J SS ENNS SSSSSSSSSSSSSSsex Yasssssss E. ofE.g.:9%GSZ V/iii)./ N NXS SS SSSSSS S. %22#SS SYS \ %&N N.N. Zavendor: ZO. O. Saave 162As W222% Az Zoraey July 18, 1950 D. J. SAIVE 2,515,315 TILT LOCKING BREECHBLOCK FOR AUTOMATIC FIREARMS Filed July 18, 1947 3. Sheets-Sheet 3 22222222222 AA Patented July 18, 1950 2,515,315 UNITED STATES PATENT office TLT LOCKING BREECHBLOCK FOR, AUTOMATC FIREARMS. Dieudonné Joseph Saive, Wandre, Belgium Application July 18, 1947, Serial No. 761,794 in Belgium December 13, 1943 - Section 1, Public Law 690, August 8, 1946 Patent expires December 13, 1963 14 Claims. (C. 89-184) This invention relates to automatic firearms lower part is a section taken on the plane Ia-IIa, having fixed barrels and in which the breech in Figures 2, 3, 5 and 7. block is opened by a slide acted upon by the Figure 2 is a plan view of the slide. explosion gases. - . Figure 3 is an end view of the slide taken in In firearms of this type, the extraction of the 5 the direction F3 in Figure 2. a . empty cartridges is sometimes rendered difficult Figure 4 is a cross-section through the receiver by the too sudden recoil of the breech block. taken on the line IV -IV in Figure 1. According to the present invention, there is Figure 5 is an end view of the breech block. provided in the breech block housing a right Figure 6 is a side elevation of the breech block. angled lever, the two arms of which are unequal. 10 Figure 7 is a section taken on the line VII-VII The long arm is positioned along the slide and in Figure 6. has its end in the shape of a cam coming into Figure 8 is a similar view as Figure 1 but in contact with a cam of the slide. The end of the which the slide starts to move backwards. other arm bears on the front surface of the Figure 9 is a similar view as Figure in which breech block. 5 the breech block is unlocked. - -. In this way, from the beginning of the recoil, Figure 10 is a similar view as Figure 1 in which the slide acts on the breech block through the the breech block is opened. medium of the lever and the extractor exerts a Figure 11 is a partial sectional view showing strong action slowly applied to the cartridge to the cooperating rear parts of the slide and the be extracted. 20 breech block respectively in the positions they In a preferred form of the invention, a spring 'aSSurne during the return movement of the is positioned between the breech block and the breech block, when the return movement starts. side and tends constantly to separate these Figure 12 is a similar view as Figure 11 but at two parts, so that the breech block is forcibly the instant at which the breech block reaches the Focked when it reaches it forward position. locking position. " ; . Moreover, this spring is provided with a spur Figure 13 is a similar view as Figure 12 but which extends into a groove in the firing pin and when the breech block is locked. holds it until the breech block is closed. Figure 14 is a longitudinal central sectional The rear part of the slide is, moreover, con view'showing the parts and particularly the slide figured to prevent the striking hammer from '; ‘and the breech block in the positions they assume striking the firing pin as long as the breech 'at the end of recoil. block is not locked. Finally, the slide is provided, When the exposion occurs, the gases act on a adjacent, its rear-end, with a cam, of which the piston which urges the slide 2 backwards rounded surface comes successively into contact against the resistance of a spring 7, the end of With an abutment having three surfaces, said 35 which lies within the hollow part of the slide. abutment being integral with the movable breech The first function of the slide is to unlock the block. By bringing this cam into contact suc breech block 3. This it does through the ramp cessively with the three surfaces of the abut 2a which presses against a lug 3a on the breech ment, the breech block is thrust forwardly, block and lifts the rear end of the breech block placed in locking position and finally fixed in as shown in Figures 8 and 9 so that the locking this position. member 3b rises clear of the locking member 4a In order that the invention may be properly Of the receiver and so that the lower face 3c of understood and be more readily carried into the face. 4d of the breech block locking member effect, an example of an automatic firearm em a (Figure 10). bodying the invention will now be described with 45 As shown in Figure 8, the lug. 3a on the breech reference to the accompanying drawings in block is in contact with the ramp 2a of the slide. At that instant, that inner rear part of the slide Which:Fig. 1 is a longitudinal vertical. section through which maintained the breech blocklocked is the firearm showing the breech block and the (withdrawn. side which unlocks and opens the breech block 50 ; : The second function of the slide is to cause and causes it to recoil. The upper part of the the breech block to be opened and the empty figure is a section taken on the plane - in cartridge: case to be extracted. These operations Figures 2, 3 and 5; the left hand lower part is an are initiated by a lever 5 pivotally: mounted on elevation taken in the direction Fin Figure 2, i the receiver at 5a. The longer arm of this lever the breech block being omitted; the right hand , 55 is provided with a cam Surface 5b which is acted 2,515,315 3 4. upon by a Cam 2b on the slide when the latter When the breech block is not locked (Figure has unlocked the breech block (Figures 9 and 10). 8), the rear end of the slide projects beyond the The lever is consequently swung in the sense of rear end of the firing pin thus preventing the the arrow Y (Fig. 10) so that the end, 5c of its Striker from Striking Said firing pin. shorter arm presses against a projection 3d on What I claim is: the front end of the breech block. 1. An automatic firearm comprising a fixed According to Figure 9 the breech block has barrel, a receiver fixed to said barrel, a slide and reached its uppermost position and the unlocking ... a breech block reciprocating in said receiver, a of the latter is achieved. Thereafter the lever 5 striker, a firing pin, a safety spring located be operates and comes in contact; with ramp 2b 0. tween and tending to separate said breech block of the slide. That way, the lever 5 causes back and said slide, a lug on said breech block, a wards effort of the slide to be transmitted to curved face on said slide coacting With Said lug breech block 3d by means of the shorter arm 5c On said breech block to move Said breech block of Said lever. forwardly and to hold it in locked position, a The lever 5 increases the mechanical ad 15 lever pivotally mounted in said receiver so that vantage of the mechanism, ensuring that the one of its extremities comes in contact with said breech block is first of all moved back slowly so slide while the other extremity rests upon the that it exerts a strong and slowly applied force fore face of said breech block, said slide having for the extraction of the empty cartridge case. its back part in the path of said striker as long When the extraction has been thus initiated, the 20 as said slide has not reached its forward position. projection 2c, on the slide abuts against a pro 2. An automatic firearm comprising a fixed jection 2e on the breech block (Figure10) so that barrel, a receiver fixed to said barrel, a slide and the breech block is then moved back rapidly into a breech block, reciprocating in said receiver, a the fully open position with and by the slide. striker, a firing pin, a safety spring located be In Figure 10, the extraction of the breech block 25 tween and tending to separate said breech block and of the empty cartridge case are completed and said slide, a lug on said breech block, a and projection .2c on the slide moves the breech curved face on said slide.
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