8888 SPIRULA - nr. 356 (2007) Artikelen in tijdschriften Journal papers: continental malacology R.A. Bank in Malacological papers published in journals. Sorted the following order ofsucces- sion: Faunistics/Ecology - Fossil Assemblages - Bivalvia - Gastropoda (alphabetical- - ly rubricated at the family level) Miscellanea - Publications in the Bulletin of Zoo- - - Within logical Nomenclature (new cases comments on previous cases Opinions). each ordered the the author. item, papers are alphabetically on name of first FAUNISTICS/ECOLOGY Biodiversity and Conservation, 15 (11) Malakologischen Gesellschaft, 14: 40-58 3617-3635. Rankweil. AUINGER, B.M. & R.A. PATZNER (2006): Der Wallersee und seine Wassermollusken. - MEULEMAN, E. (2006): L'excursion d'au- SOLDANOVA, M. (2006): Aquatic and wetland de la S.B.M. dans la de molluscs of selected localities of Jindri- Nachrichtenblatt der Ersten Vorarlberger tomne région - - Sbornlk Jihoceského Malakologischen Gesellschaft, 14: 20-39. ground-dwelling land snails on O'ahu. chohradecko. Occasional 88: Muzea Prlrodni Rankweil. Bishop Museum Papers, v Ceskych Budëjoviclch, 57-58. Honolulu. 46: 195-205. BARON, D. (2006): Excursie Neuenburger Ur- vëdy, M.J. The land snails and A.T. Field meeting wald. - Jaarverslag Schelpenwerkgroep MURPHY, (2006): SUMNER, (2006): report. slugs of northern Yorkshire Dales: an Roxburghshire, Scottish borders, 3rd-4th Delfzijl, 18: 6-7. Delfzijl. the - - BöBNECK, U. (2006): Mollusken-Lebensge- Australian's perspective. Mollusc World, June 2006. Mollusc World, 12: 16-17. On the distribution meinschaften der Hainleite mit Erstfund 12: 11-13. SVERLOVA, N.V. (2006): T.H. The influence of flow- of of land molluscs the der Langlichen Sumpfschnecke (Omphis- NATION, (2007): some species on of Ukraine. - 16 cola glabra) fiir Thüringen (Mollusca: ering Dogwood (Cornus florida)laon land territory Ruthenica, (1/2): - snail in southern mixed hard- 119-139. Moskva. Gastropoda & Bivalvia). Thüringer Gau- diversity a [Russian]. llistische Abhandlungen, 11: 5-34. Erfurt. wood forest. - The American Midland TALAVAN GÓMEZ, J. & J. TALAVAN SERNA Moluscos de la Siërra de CAMERON, R.A.D. & B.M. POKRYSZKO Naturalist, 157 (1): 137-148. Notre Dame. (2006): testaceos (2006): Forest snail faunas in the Kaszuby IENHUIS, J. (2006): Myxas glutinosa(MOLLER) Francia y regiones adyacentes (Salamanca, in de krabbescheermalacofau- - 2 113-117. uplands (Pomerania): a rich northern Weerribben, Espana). Spira, (2): na en - Barcelona. refuge. - Folia Malacologica, 14 (2): 75- ionengevoeligheid. Jaarverslag Delfzi- of land mol- 82. Poznan. SchelpenwerkgroepDelfzijl, 18: 5. TOPLEY, P. (2006): Appraisal luscs Warren RSPB Bed- CHBA, S., A. DAVISON & H. MORI (2007): jl- at Sandy reserve, D. B.M. AUINGER & V. fordshire. - Mollusc 12: 3-5. Endemic land snail fauna (Mollusca) on a PATZNER, R.A., ZICK, World, Methoden der Mol- & PATZNER Der remote peninsula in the Ogasawara Archi- ROTHAUER (2006): ZICK, D. R.A. (2006): pelago, northwestern Pacific. - Pacific Sci- luskenkartierung in Salzburger Seen. - Mattsee und seine Molluskenfauna. - 61 Nachrichtenblatt der Ersten Nachrichtenblatt der Ersten Vorarlberger ence, (2): 257-265. Honolulu. Vorarlberger 14: 59-63. 14: 1-19. GERLACH, J. (2003): New terrestrial Gas- Malakologischen Gesellschaft, Malakologischen Gesellschaft, Rankweil. tropoda (Mollusca) from Seychelles. - Rankweil. Phelsuma, 11: 39-51. Victoria (Mahé). NPATZNER, R.A., D. ZICK, B.M. AUINGER & V. ROTHAUER (2006): Wassermollusken in GRIFFITHS, O. (2002): Survey of the non ma- FOSSIL ASSEMBLAGES - Nachrichtenblatt - Seen. der rine molluscs of Mayotte. Phelsuma, 10: Salzburger DOGTEROM, A.J. (2007): De Brielse Kalk- 49-52. Victoria Ersten Vorarlberger Malakologischen (Mahé). fariek. - Afzettingen Werkgroep Tertiaire 64-68. KORALEWSKA-BATURA, E., J. BIOSZYK & A. Gesellschaft, 14: Rankweil. 28 14-16. en Kwartaire Geologie, (1): Lei- E. Littoral mollusc communities NAPIERAIA (2006): Malacocoenoses of PIP, (2006): den. - and in southern Lake Win- ffagmentedforests of Wielkopolska. Fo- water quality HAMILTON-BRUCE, RJ. & B.P. KEAR (2006): nipeg, Manitoba, Canada. - Biodiversity lia Malacologica, 14 (1): 1-9. Poznari. A new fossil non-marine snail (Gastropo- and 15 3637-3652. KÖRNIG, G. (2006): Bericht uber die 21. Conservation, (11): da) from the Lower Cretaceous (Albian, POKRYSZKO, B.M. & R.A.D. CAMERON Herbsttagung der DMG vom 26.-28. Sep- Griman Creek Formation) of eastem Aus- tember 2003 in (2006): Land snail communities at Lake Osterwieck (Kreis Halber- tralia. - Moluscan Research, 26 (2): 84-88. - - Hancza (NE. Poland). Folia Malacologi- stadt). Mitteilungen der Deutschen KOWALKE, T. (2006): Paleoclimatic implica- 51- ca, 14 (2): 63-69. Poznan. Malakozoologischen Gesellschaft, 76: tions of Continental saline and fresh water H. 2006 Slakken- 56. Frankfurt am Main. RAAD, (2007): Jaarverslag mollusc communities of the Cenozoic - 't Heelblaadje, 25 11. KÖRNIG, G. (2006): Bericht über die IX. werkgroep. (1): Inerian Peninsula. - Zitteliana, Series A, Bevelanden. Malakologentagung der Regionalgruppe 46: 75-83. München. - H. Slakkeninventarisatie in Ost in Thale (Harz) (Abschrift). Mit- RAAD, (2007): MACALE(,R. (2006): In Memoriam IOAN FLO- der een moestuin en een weel te Wolphaarts- - teilungen Deutschen Malakozoologis- RIAN PAPAIANOL (1940-1998). Romanian dijk. - 't Heelblaadje, 25 (1): 20-24. Beve- chen Gesellschaft, 76: 57-58. Frankfurt am Journal of Paleontology, 78A: 3-10. Bu- landen. Main. curejti. S. & W. (2006): Die wahrend der 44. KO§AL §AHIN, M.Z. YILDIRIM (2007): RAHLE, PAPAIANOPOL, I. (2006): Nouveaux taxons du The mollusk fauna of Lake der DMG in Köngen am Sapanca Frühjahrstagung genre Lithoglyphus (Gastropoda, Litho- (Turkey: Neckar beobachteten rezenten Mollusken. Marmara) and some physico- glyphiidae) des dépots Méotiens de - der Deutschen Malakozool- - Mitteilungen chemical parameters of their abundance. Roumanie (Miocène Supérieur, Bassin Gesellschaft, 76: 47-50. Frank- ogischen - Turkish Journal ofZoology, 31 (1): 47-52. Dacique). Romanian Journal of Paleon- I. & SMOLIÓSKI fort am Main. LEWIN, A. (2006): Rare, tology, 78A: 11-20,pl. 1-2. Bucurejti. V. & R.A. PATZNER Der threatened and alien species in the gastro- ROTHAUER, (2006): PAPAIANOPOL, I. (2006): Les mollusques und seine Molluskenfauna pod communities in the clay pits ponds in Wolfgangsee Méotiens de la Zone des Plis Diapirs ex- mit Anmerkungen zum Fuschlsee. - relation to the environmental factors (the ternes de Munténie (Bassin Dacique, Nachrichtenblatt der Ersten - Vorarlberger Ciechanowska Upland, central Poland). Roumanie).- Romanian Journal ofPaleon - 89 SPIRULA nr. 356 (2007) 89 tology, 78A: 21-44, pi. 1-13. Bucure§ti. tion. - Scripta Geologica, 133: 291-322. pact of substratum type on attachment and Papaianopol,I. (2006): L’etude de quelques Leiden. survival of Dreissena polymorpha (Bi- du Psilunio - espèces genre (sous-famille Wesselingh, F.P., J. Guerrero, M.E. RAsA- valvia). Folia Malacologica, 14 (2): 51- Psilunioninae, familie Unionidae) trouvées nen, L. Romero Pitmann & H.B. Vonhof 56. Poznan. dans les dépots Romaniens du Bassin (2006): Landscape evolution and deposi- Kraszewski, A. (2006): Morphological vari- - Romanian Journal of Paleon- tional in the Miocene Dacique. processes Amazon- ation in the Chinese clam Sinanodonta tology, 78A: 45-55, pl. 1-4. Bucurejti. ian Pebas lake/wetland system: evidence woodiana (Lea, 1834) in the heteroge- I. Les from in Papaianopol, (2006): mollusques Ro- exploratory boreholes northeast neous conditions of the Konin heated lake - maniens des secteurs central et oriental de Peru. Scripta Geologica, 133: 323-361. system in central Poland. - Folia Malaco- la plate-forme Moesienne (Bassin Leiden. logica, 14 (10: 11-23. Poznan. Dacique, Roumnaie). - Romanian Journal Wesselingh, F.P., R.J.G. Kaandorp, H.B. Mansur, M.C.D, & D. Pereira (2006): Bi- of Paleontology, 78A: 56-74, pl. 1-6. Bu- Vonhof, M.E. RasAnen, W. Renema & valves limnicos da bacia do rio dos Sinos, curejti. M. Gingras (2006): The nature of aquatic Rio rande do Sul, Brasil (Bivalvia, Papaianopol. I. Les du in Re- (2006): espèces landscapes the Miocene of western Unionoida, Veneroida e Mytiloida). Bulimus genre (Gastropoda, Mesogas- Amazonia: an integrated palaeontological vista Brasileira de Zoologia, 23 (4): 1123- tropoda) du Néogène Supérieur (l’inter- and geochemical approach. - Scripta Geo- 1147. Curitiba, valle Pontien-Romanien) du Bassin logica, 133: 363-393. Leiden. Dacique. - Romanian Journal of Paleon- Wesselingh, F.P. (2006): Evolutionary ecol- tology, 78A: 77-108, pi. 1-10. Bucure^ti. ogy of the Pachydontinae (Bivalvia, Cor- W. & G. Schmid Aktual- in the Pebas lake/wetland RAhle, (2006): bulidae) system isierte Liste der aus den letztinterglazialen (Miocene, western Amazonia). - Scripta Kalktuffen von Dettingen und DieBen bei Geologica, 133: 395-417. Leiden. Horb am Neckar (Baden-Württemberg) Wesselingh, F.P., A. Ranzi & M.E. RAsA- bekannt gewordenen Land- und nen (2006): Miocene freshwater Mollusca SüBwassermollusken. - Mitteilungen der from western Brazilian Amazonia. - Deutschen Malakozoologischen Scripta Geologica, 133: 419-437. Leiden. F.P. A Gesellschaft, 76: 27-34. Frankfurt am Wesselingh, & J.A. Salo (2006): Main. Miocene perspective on the evolution of M.W. 140 the - Rasser, (2006): Jahre Steinheimer Amazonian biota. Scripta Geologica, Corbicula largillierti - Copy from Schencken-Stammbaum: der alteste fossile 133: 439-458. Leiden. Mansur & Pereira, 2006: fig. 23. Stammbaum aus heutiger Sicht. - Geolog-
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