LONDON GAZETTE, 16fn MAY 1972 5869 extends from a p'odnt 160 yards south-west of its (d) to stop iip private means of access to premises, junction with the classified road (A.3058) to a point (and 220 yards north-east of that junction. Exceptions will1 be provided 'in the Order to enable (e) provide new means of access to premises, a vehicle to wait for so Jong as may be necessary all between Thorpe and Chertsey in the County of for a person to board or alight from the vehicle, Surrey. to enable goods to be loaded on to or .unloaded 2. The M25 South Orbital Motorway (-Chertsey from the vehicle, or to enable the vehicle to be Interchange Connecting Roads) Scheme 197 (nicttice used in connection with any building operation or of which was published on 14th December 1971)'. demolition, the removal of any obstruction to traffic, This is a Scheme under sections 11, 12 and 14 of the maintenance of the road or the services therein. the Highways Act 1959, which, if made, will authorise, A copy of the Order, together with a plan illustrat- the Secretary of State" to provide for -the exclusive ing the proposal, may be inspected during all reason- use of traffic of Classes .1 and II of the classes of able hours at the offices of the County Council at traffic set out in Schedule 4 to the Highways Act County Hall, Truro. 1959 (as, amended), four special roads on routes Objections ito the Order may be sent to the Secre- described in the Schedule to that Scheme as means tary, Departrhent of the Environment, 2 Marsham of entry fo and exit from the M25 South Orbital Street, London, SW1P 3EB, by 6th June 1972, Motorway at Chertsey in the County of Surrey and quoting the reference TTP 5/8/087 and stating will provide for the special roads to become trunk the reasons for objection. roads on the date when the Scheme comes into H. Hollingshead. operation. 3. The M25 Motorway (Lyne—Chertsey Section) Compulsory Purchase Order (No. CSE ) 19 The Trunk Road (Blue Linhay Hill, Ashburton) (notice of which was published on 20th April 1972). (Prohibition of Driving) Order 1972 This is an Order under sections 214 and 215 of the The Secretary of State for the Environment has Highways Afct 1959 .and, sections 44, 47 and 51 of made an Order under section 1 of the Road Traffic the Acquisition of Land (Authorisation Procedure) Regulation Act 1967, as amended by Part IX of the Act 1946, which, if made, will authorise the Secre- Transport Act 1968. The effect of the Order is to tary of State to purchase . compulsbrily the land close the gap in the, central reservation of the described therein for the following purposes: London—Penzance Trunk Road (A.38) in the Urban (a) the construction of a new motorway in the District of Ashburton; in the County of Devon Urban District of Chertsey in the County of opposite its junction with Dolbeare Road. •Surrey in pursuance of ithe M25 South Orbital Any person who desires to question the validity Motorway (Egham—Chertsey Section) Scheme of, or of any provision contained in, the Order, 1971 and the M25 South Orbital Motorway on the ground that it is not within the powers with (Chertsey Interchange Connecting Roads) respect to the Order conferred by the above Act, or pn the ground that any requirement of, or of any Scheme 197 ; instrument made under, any provision of that Act (b) the construction and improvement of highways has hot been complied with in relation tq. the Order, and provision of new means of access to premises may within 6 weeks of llth May 1972 apply to the in the Urban District of Chertsey in the County High Court for the suspension or quashing of the of Surrey in pursuance of the M25 South Orbital Order or of any provision contained therein. Motorway (Thorpe—Chertsey Section Side Copies of the Order may be obtained by applica- Roads) Order 197 . tion to .the Secretary, Department of the Environ- 4. The Urban District of Chertsey, Holloway Hill ment, 2 Marsham Street, London, SW1P 3EB, quot- Roundabout Compulsory Purchase Order No. 2, 1971 ing the reference TTP 5/8/080. arid The Urban District of Chertsey (Ottershaw Roundabout) Compulsory Purchase Order No. 1, 1971 (notice of the making of which by the Urban HIGHWAYS ACTS 1959 TO 1971 District Council of Chertsey was published on 31st December 1971 and 6th January 1972 respectively). ACQUISITION OF LAND (AUTHORISATION PROCEDURE) These are Orders under section 214 of the Highways ACT 1946 Act 1959 and section 1 of the Acquisition of Land TOWN AND COUNTRY PLANNING ACTS 1962 AND 1971 (Authorisation Procedure) Act 1946 which, if con- The M25 South Orbital Motorway (Thorpe— firmed by the Secretary of State, will authorise the Chertsey Section Side Roads) Order 197 . Council to purchase compulsorily the land described therein for the purpose of constructing two round- The M25 South Orbital Motorway (jChertsey abouts and re-aligning other highways at or near to Interchange Connecting Roadsy Scheme 197 . the junction of Hardwick Lane and Hoiloway Hill The M25 Motorway (Lyne—Chertsey Section) with Guildford' Road (A320) Chertsey at or near to Compulsory Purchase Order (No. CSE ) 19 . Ottershaw Crossroads respectively. 5. An application by me Urban District Councu The Urban District of Chertsey, Hottoway Hill of Chertsey referred to the Secretary of State under Roundabout Compulsory Purchase Order No. 2, 1971 section 22 of the Town and Country Planning Act The Urban District of Chertsey (Ottershaw Round- 1962 (now section 35 of the Town and Country about) Compulsory Purchase Order No. 1, 1971 Planning Act 1971) for planning permission for the Application for Planning Permission for the Proposed construction of the Chertsey Western By-Pass along Chertsey Western By-Pass the route described in the application. Noticfe is hereby given that Public Local Inquiries Copies of the Scheme and Orders numbered 1-3 will be held by Mr. F. H. Carr, C.B.E., M.T.P.I., above (relating to the M25 South Orbital Motorway) Dip.T.P. (a person appointed by the Secretary of together with relevant plans have been deposited1 at State for the Environment for the purpose), begin- the Department of the Environment, 2 Marsham ning at 10.30 a.m. on Wednesday, 28th June 1972, Street, London S.W.I, and at the offices-of the at the Hythe Social Centre, Thorpe Lea Road, South Eastern Road Construction Unit, Federated Egham, Surrey, in connection with the Orders, House, London Road, Dorking, Surrey ;• and of the Scheme and application listed above when repre- South Eastern Road Construction Unit (Surrey sentations from persons who have objected to them County Sub-Unit), 28-30 High Street, Guildford, and from any other persons who desire to appear, Surrey; the Surrey C.C., County Hall, Kingston will be heard. upon Thames, Surrey ; the Egham U.D.C., Council The Orders, Scheme and Application referred to Offices, High Street, Egham, Surrey; the Chertsey above are as follows: U.D.C., Council Offices, Station Road, Addlestone, 1. The M25 South Orbital Motorway (Thorpe— Surrey; the Egham Public Library, High Street, Chertsey Section Side Roads) Order 197 (notice of Egham, Surrey ; the New Haw Branch Library, The which was published on 14th December 1971). This Broadway, New Haw, By-fleet, Surrey; the .Chertsey is an Order under sections 13 and 18 of the High- Central Library, Guildford Street, Chertsey, Surrey, ways Act 1959, section 27 of the Local Government andi the Egham Branch Library, Station Parade, Act 1966 and section 62 of the Highways Act 1971, Virginia Water, Surrey, where they may be inspected which, if made, will authorise the Secretary of State: free of charge at all reasonable hours. (a) to improve, raise, lower or otherwise alter Copies of the Orders and planning application highways, numbered 4 and 5 above have Been deposited at the (b) to stop up highways, offices of the Chertsey Urban District Council, (c) to construct new highways, Station Road, Addl'estone, Weybridge, Surrey..
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