$4.60 ASSESSMENT OF TOURIST SITE POTENTIAL AND APPLICATION OF ENVIRONMENTAL MANAGEMENT SYSTEM FOR ECOTOURISM DEVELOPMENT IN SRI NAN NATIONAL PARK. NAN PROVINCE Miss Tatsanawalai Utarasakul A Dissertation submitted in Partial Futfillment of the Requirements for the Degree of Doctorof Philosophy program in Environmentalscience (l nterdisciplinary Program) Graduate School Chulalongkom Univeaity Academic Year 2007 Copyright of Chutatongkom University I I Ts8T0g BpwrornBlusu lurttL]o3gt u3g 0992 truEstuE B-u rBraEL nBps u suurL BpmrEU g?ulr (ulguruunu) Bopuonlgu ury rBrrgrsEr3ru u grug[nUsu Eru r BrrErfu fu gnru SupnnwunuBsru ]gr]pnncpnErpgnrEmr g ulrusureU Bpcmr1tcrt ]m nqru!n*, nqql, Er3lpnnunuunlu orss gl oBpl lolrsLuLnrulBru opl Bopu cnlgsru U1^ruu nn:cy uh:c Juru: un cBpt $qrlpnnlonrwnugn$:sFsru Thesis Title ASSESSMENT OF TOURIST SITE POTENTIAL AND APPLICATION OF ENVIRONMENTAL MANAGEMENT SYSTEM FOR ECOTOURISM DEVELOPMENT IN SRINAN NATIONAL PARK. NAN PROVINCE By Miss Tatsanawalai Utarasakul Field of Study Environmental Science Thesis Advisor Associate Professor Kumthorn Thirakhupt, Ph.D. Thesis Co-advisor Assistant Professor Art-ong Pradatsundarasar, Ph.D. Accepted by the Graduate School, Chulalongkorn Universig in Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements for the Doctoral Degree htTfi: Dean of the Graduate School (A.ssistant Professor M.R. Kalaya Tingsabadh.Ph.D.) THESIS COMMITTEE e. 1,6 ;. ;.h.r4p. :l.|- .... ... chairman (Assistant Professor Chamwit Kositanont. Ph.D.) Thesis Advisor (Associate Professor Kumthom Thirakhupt. Ph.D. ) ?d"b Thesis Co-advisor (Assistant Professor Art-ong Pradatsundarasar. Ph.D.) it* ExternalMember Member (Associate Professor Thavivongse Sriburi, Ph.D.) It.. i-' ....(?....:.. LEs t i rt09 r'*u bt ssgognt u s ;'a,li; i! ;;,;; tif 91 Ellst tnugsuup ......St-.:"g.....::gnp*tbr,sspeEBuu""""""""""""ossz" U n*Upi,6n6p}u BuJuBnE..... trgtrtu i;;: ; ;.;:; ;; u8op888tu....... 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Fn n r bnlr u g s gr o B pr !s las r u rn lulrs r u e Sr B op u 0n U sruuprrurn:cyub:cpsru:unoBprlolalpnnlosrruauln5r:cF3l,u :uUugurb Blicrnr$ ^! # # 4689667020 : MAJOR ENVIRONMENTAL SCIENCE KEYWORDS : ECOTOURISM/ SRI MN NATIONAL PARI( TOURTST S|TE ASSESSMENT/ ENVIRONMENTAL MANAGEMENT SYSTEM TATSANAWALAI UTAMSAKUL: ASSESSMENT OF TOURIST SITE POTENTIAL AND APPLICATION OF ENVIRONMENTAL MANAGEMENT SYSTEM FOR ECOTOURISM DEVELOPMENT lN SRI NAN NATIONAL PARK, NAN PROVINCE. THESIS ADVISOR: ASSOC. PROF. KUMTHORN THIMKHUPT, PH.D., THESIS CO-ADVISOR: ASST. PROF. ART-ONG PRADATSUNDARASAR, PH.D., 151 pp. The assesgment of tourist site potential and the application of environmental management system for ecotourism development in Sri Nan National Park (SNNP) was investigated from December 2005 to December 2007. Twenty indicators of tourist site potential assessment for 5 types of tourist sites which are mountrain. landform. rapid. reservoir. and cave are proposed and categorized based on 4 components of ecotourism. Of all the identafied 20 indicators that indicate tourist site potential, 6 indicators represent nature-based tourism, g .ndicators represent sustainable management tourism, 4 indicators represent environmentally educative tourism. and 2 indicators represent people participation. The results shorved that 2 nature sites of SNNP, "pha Chu Clift'. and "Sao Din Landform". were ranked as very high potential for ecotorrism. Doi Sa Mer Dao Mountiain was ranked as good potential, whereas Pak Nai and Kang Luang were ranked as moderate potential site for : ecotourism. The integration of envirorimentral management system for ecotourism development was applied and investigated in SNNP. Tourists needed the space for at least 2 square metery person for camping, consumed water about 10.8 literJ persorv day, and generated waste for 0:6kg/ persorv day. ln order to minimize snvionmental impact, eco{ampinQ guidebook. garbage bins, waste separation program and environmentral friendly cleanser were aranged to the park. Tourists were highly interested and coflaborated in provided materials and this circumstarrce can indicate that the successfulof ecotourism development in SNNp is due to suitrable environmental management s!6tem for tourists. Results shored that 85.8% of tourists visited SNNP for relaxing follorlrred by admiring sea of mist, scenery. and photography witich were 59.1, 58.6. anct 47.3o/o, respectively. 49.15o/o of tourists stayed ovemight camping br 1 night. The maior appreciation that the tourists visited SNNP included sea of mist, beautifu! tandscape and the staffs friendliness. The recomrnendations for ecotourism development in sNNP such as keeping the park as it is being in natural way, provictang more area of camping site and car park, amproving landscape scenery by olanting more trees and ffowers, increasing camping and accessories for renting, and limiting number of tourists are proposed _, Field of study ...Envirpnmentat. Sciengp.... Student,s signature l^t,fana wcki. Academic year Co-adMsor's sienature..M.kfi . vl ACKNOWLEDGEAAENTS Fint and foremost, I woutd like to owe a debt of gratitude to Associate Professor Dr. Kumthorn Thirakhupt who not only served as my advisor but also highly encouraged, provided valuable opportunlties, and gave treasure suggestions throughout my study and for my life. I wish to express my sincere thankfulness to Assistant Professor Dr. Art.ong Pradatsundarasar, for his precious s.rggestions, wonderful guidance and encouragement. My thesis can not be complete without preclous recommendations and lnvaluable guidance from Assistant Professor Dr. Charnwit Kositanont, chairman of thesis committee, Associate Professor Dr. Wasin lnkapatanakul, Dr. Songtam Suksawang, and Associate Professor Dr. Thavivongse Sriburi, member of thesis committee. Speciat dppreciations extend to Associate Professor Chariya Lekprayoon, Assistant Professor Dr. Doungkhae Sitthicharoenchai and Asslstant Professor Yongyooth Chanyarak for their valuable comments, kindness and errcouragement. My meaningful tlme during field study in Sri Nan National Park could not happened without many helping hands from staff. Especially, trtr. Sombat Wiangkum Head Officer, lrtr. Thani Changwang, Ivlr. Thanim Yatui, lG Kunnikar Bohkum, lrtr. Boontan Hongha, lilr. Rachun and lrts Sompit Sriprom, lris Pimprapai Sorntet, trtr. Wattana Thurayong, l.tr. Veera Panyakaerv, lG Chanldaporn Wichayam, lG Narumon.Khemtong, fils Suthasinee Rodhluem }ir. Narongsak Sutham, lrtr. Khuenmongkot, Mr. Pichit, Mr. Prasertsin, and many tourists. I deepty appreclated to ,rts Thitiya Saramoon for her vattnble suggestions in indicators, Dr. Narumon Wiangwang for her lrrcredibte supports and revierved my manuscript, Dr. Prachumporn and Dr. Komsorn Lauprasert, their preciors affections and suggestions are very appreciated, lrtr. Knavoot Jiamwattanapong for valuable suggestions in statistks, lrts Sasitapat Phonlawan for her creatiye mind ln environmental conservation. Especiatly, ilr. Tawit Poopradit, llr. Wong Tian Sang, tG Arunee Supasinsatit, lrtr. Narongsak Chaiyasit, lG Sunantha Chatthaiwathana, l,ts Anchatee Aowphot, fits Sirlnaree Ngoncharoen, lrtr. Prachayapom Wanchal, Thai Turtle Laboratory, and atl friends at lnter-department of Environmental Science for their hetping hands, supports and spirits thro4hant my study. My tife can not reach to this step without precious friendship from Dr Pit.apa JamJan. Finally,
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