Index global networking, 254 • Symbols and guerilla marketing, 249–250 language, 251–255 Numerics • multilingual sites, 252–253, 255 = (equal sign), 139 newsgroups, 242–244 (...) ellipses, 323 newsletters, 198–199, 235, 238–241 1-800-FLOWERS, 343–344 overview, 233–234 1shoppingcart.com (Web site), 241 paying for, 261 1st American Card Service, 173, 174 professional services, 60–61 1000 Markets (Web site), 317 salutations, 251–252 AdWords (Google), 247, 263–268, 290 affi liate (Amazon.com), 288–290 • A • affi liate network, 291 About Me page (eBay), 306–309 Alfresco, 210–211 About.com (Web site), 62 algorithms, 161 Absolute Software Corp.’s CompuTrace Alibaba marketplace, 228 Plus, 159 AliExpress (Web site), 228 Access Market Square (Web site), 91 alt discussion group, 214–215 accounting Amazing Keys (Web site), 22 methods of, 372–373 Amazon, 19, 34, 287–294 programs for, 41 American Express, 173–174 tools “An American in the French Languedoc” basics, 371–376 (Vickers), 236 software, 376–381 animating ads, 250 taxes, 381–384 announcement lists, 243 accounting periods, 373 antivirus protection, 156–157 accrual-basis accounting, compared with AOL, as Internet search service, 261 cash-basis accounting, 372–373 AOL Shopping, 91 Ad-Aware, 159–160 applets (Java), 108 Adler, David M. (attorney), 356 application service provider (ASP), Adobe Acrobat Reader, 365 150–153 Adobe ColdFusion, 148 AquaPrix, Inc. (Web site), 150 Adobe Dreamweaver,COPYRIGHTED 101–102, 130–131 Arlington MATERIAL Virginia Computer Repair, 62 Adobe PageMaker, 99 Art Gaga (Web site), 63 Adobe Photoshop, 76, 313, 365 ArtFire Adobe Quark Xpress, 99 customer service, 196 Adobe Systems Inc. (Web site), 112 Facebook sales system, 345 AdSense (Google), 15 Far East products, 227 advertising and publicity. See also banner overview, 13, 218, 397 ads; blogs; mailing lists; marketing; Web site, 317, 394 SEO (Search Engine Optimization); Ask Network, as Internet search service, social networking 245, 261 contests, 244–245 ASP (application service provider), effective communication, 255 150–153 229_602102-bindex.indd9_602102-bindex.indd 399399 66/8/10/8/10 99:42:42 AAMM 400 Starting an Online Business For Dummies, 6th Edition assets, assessing, 374–375 Beadle, Philip (author) aStore, 291 Silverlight 4 For Dummies, 102 Atom syndication tool, 26 Ben and Jerry’s (Web site), 60 AtomZ (Web site), 121 Best of the Web (Web site), 274 AT&T (Web site), 72 Better Business Bureau (Web site), 146 attachments (e-mail), 75, 204 Bexos, Jeff (Amazon founder), 294 attributes, 139 Bidz.com (Web site), 20 auction sales. See also online auctions Bieber, Justin (singer), 233 building reputations, 304–309 BIN price (online auctions), 304 customer service, 314–315 Bing (Microsoft), 25, 36, 259–260, 272 eBay, 303–318 “Bing for Webmasters” (Microsoft), 260 marketplaces, other, 319 Blogads (Web site), 15 overview, 22, 301–303 Blogger (Web site), 16, 25, 63, 349 PowerSellers, 315–318 BlogHarbor (Web site), 16 preparing sales descriptions, 309–314 BlogPulse, 349 AuctionBytes (Web site), 136, 185 blogs. See also specifi c blogs audience, 237–239 adding ads, 350 auto-responders (e-mail), 75, 95, 202–203 asking for donations, 350–351 auxiliary storage, 65 choosing hosts, 349 AVG AntiVirus, 156 Clean Air Gardening, 18, 276–277, 280, 352 Avira AntiVir Personal Edition Classic for customer comments, 132 (H+BEDV), 156 as marketing strategy, 235 other benefi ts of, 351–352 overview, 14–17, 349 • B • searching through, 337 Babel Fish Translation (Yahoo!), 252–253 Bloomberg Online Currency Calculator, 193 Babylon Mall Web site creation, 86 Blueberry Boutique, 21 back end/back offi ce, 40 Bock, Darren (Wensy.com), 398 background, 122 Bonanzle (Web site), 146, 317, 396 Backup Exec (Symantec Corporation), 78 book backups conventions, 7 importance of, 159 icons, 8 power systems, 156 organization of, 5–7 software, 78 Boutell, Thomas (World Wide bandwidth for online newsletters, 198 Web FAQ), 197 banner ads Box storage software, 78 cost of, 246–247 Boyd, Lucky (online merchant), 47, 52, designing, 248 53, 54 as marketing strategy, 235 Bplans.com (Web site), 254 overview, 52–53, 245–246 branding, 234–235, 237 profi ting from others, 247 brick-and-mortar business, compared with Banner Generator (Prescient Code Web-based business, 199–200 Solutions), 248 browser-safe colors, 123 Banner Maker Pro (Web site), 248 built-in software, 25 Bare Bones Software, Inc., 99–100 business deductions, 383–384 BBBOnline, 157–158 business news and trends, 336–339 BBEdit, 99–100 229_602102-bindex.indd9_602102-bindex.indd 400400 66/8/10/8/10 99:42:42 AAMM Index 401 Business Plan Pro (Palo Alto Software), ClearCommerce, 177 37, 254 ClearTran, 186 business presence Clickthrough Rate (CTR), 246 advanced layouts, 138–142 clip art, 35, 125–128 attracting customers with content, Clip Art Universe (Web site), 125 109–121 clipart.com (Web site), 125 creating Web presence, 137–138 close-ups (eBay), 313 defi ned, 105 cloud computing, 78 establishing visual identity, 121–129 CNET, 66, 185 Feng Shui your Web site, 106–108 CNN.com news site, 249 inviting customer comments, 129–137 CoffeeCup HTML Editor (CoffeeCup business strategy (Amazon), 294 Software), 100, 125 BuyItSellIt.com. See HighWire Commerce ColdFusion (Adobe), 148 (Web site) co-location, 149 Buzz Marketing with Blogs For Dummies color (Web site), 122–123 (Gardner), 16 comments (customer) chat, 136–137 discussion blogs, 132 • C • e-mail feedback, 130–131, 221 C Corporation, 369, 370 guestbook, 132–136 cable modem, 72 overview, 129–130 Cable-Modem.net (Web site), 72 Web page forms, 131–132 CafePress, 86, 294–298, 316 Commercial Invoice, 255 calendar year, 373 commercial Web sites, evaluating, 59 call pack, 71 Common Gateway Interface (CGI) Calothis, Sarah (psychotherapist), 61 program, 207 Canon PowerShot A490, 69 Communication Expressway (Web site), 61 Cardservice International (Web site), 178 community page (Facebook), 342 “card-swipe” purchases, 176 competitors, researching, 34 Cascading Style Sheets (CSS), 102, 141 ComponentControl (Web site), 150 cash-basis accounting, compared with Compost guide (blog), 18 accrual-basis accounting, 372–373 CompostGuide.com (Web site), 280 catalogs, creating, 83 computers CD-RW/DVD±RW drive, 67 choosing, 65–66 certifi cates, 46, 162–165 equipment deductions, 384 CFR (Cost and Freight), 192 opportunities with resources, 62–63 CGI (Common Gateway Interface) services, 62 program, 207 CompuTrace Plus (Absolute Software Chamandy, Alex (business owner), 62 Corp.), 159 ChannelAdvisor, 21, 147, 148 connection options chat, for customer comments, 136–137 cable modem, 72 The Chocolate Farm, 54 DSL, 29, 72–73 Class 1 Digital ID. See certifi cates phone lines, 71, 154–155 classifi eds, as marketing strategy, 235 Smart phone, 73 Clean Air Gardening (blog), 18, 276–277, consignment, 220–221 280, 352 Constant Contact (Web site), 239, 242 229_602102-bindex.indd9_602102-bindex.indd 401401 66/8/10/8/10 99:42:42 AAMM 402 Starting an Online Business For Dummies, 6th Edition content (Web site), attracting customer service customers with brick-and-mortar compared with headings, 113, 117 Web-based, 199–200 images, 118 discussion area, 213–215 KISS principle, 109–110 as eBay seller, 314–315 links, 117 e-mail, 202–206 lists, 115–116 FAQs, 196–197 overview, 109 forms, 207–209 searchability of site, 118–121 newsletters, 198–199 site map, 120 overseas markets, 212–213 site navigation, 111–113, 392 overview, 195–196 tone, 111 personalization of, 209–215 Web page title, 117 reaching customers, 201–209 contests, 244–245 RSS feeds, 200–201 conventions, explained, 7 customers copyright, 362–365 attracting Corel (Web site), 127 headings, 113, 117 Corel’s Paint Shop Pro, 76, 248, 313, 365 images, 118 Cost and Freight (CFR), 192 KISS principle, 109–110 Cost Per Click (CPC), 246–247 links, 117 Cost Per Thousand (CPM), 246 lists, 115–116 Counselor-O-Matic (Web site), 61 overview, 109 CPC (Cost Per Click), 246–247 searchability of site, 118–121 CPM (Cost Per Thousand), 246 site map, 120 Craigslist, 284–287, 355 site navigation, 111–113, 392 Cramer, Mark (businessman), 3 tone, 111 Creating Web Pages For Dummies Web page title, 117 (Smith), 98 avoiding confl icts with, 367 credit card merchants, 46–47 interacting with, 391 credit card purchases personal connections with, 391–392 merchant accounts, 46–47, 173, 175–176 researching, 34 overview, 173–175 tracking, 198 processing orders, 177–178 CutePDF (Web site), 199 secure servers, 46, 96, 173, 176 Cutts, Matt (Google employee), 324, 325 verifying data, 176–177 cyberbusiness plan, developing, 37–38 cropping, 126–127 cyberwallet, 180 CrystalTech Web Hosting, Inc., 87–88 CSS (Cascading Style Sheets), 102, 141 CTR (Clickthrough Rate), 246 • D • culture, researching, 34 data customer comments automatic backups, 96 chat, 136–137 storage of, 156 discussion blogs, 132 updating, 54 e-mail feedback, 130–131, 221 data bit, 162 Facebook, 344–345 database connectivity, 83 guestbook, 132–136 DBA (Doing Business As), 366 overview, 129–130 DDR SDRAM (double data rate SDRAM), 65 Web page forms, 131–132 dead site, 324 229_602102-bindex.indd9_602102-bindex.indd 402402 66/8/10/8/10 99:42:42 AAMM Index 403 dedicated server, 150 eBay Demilitarized Zone (DMZ), 161 auctions Denali Flavors (blog), 15 building reputation, 304–309 Department of Commerce (U.S.), 33 customer service, 314–315 Departments of Revenue, 226 overview, 303–304 depreciation, 374 PowerSellers, 315–318 Description command, 271–272 preparing sales descriptions, 309–314 DHL (Web site), 188 business
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