Editor: UPFRONT Brad Whitworth Art d irector : Annette Yatovitz Associate editors : Betty Gerard Joanne Engelhardt Con trib uto r: Vernon Andrews "~lel1l read about Carson Why does he overextend himself all Kclll in that old issue of the lime') "When I go . I want to leave my Circu la tion : Mcosllrt:', I thought to Ianuly some good memories.' he says, Kathleen Go~arty rnvself. 'That sounds a lot like me . ­ Meanwhile. he s crowdtng as much Phil Clark, who works in the Belle ­ into every day as he can, H(' just accom­ vue, Washington , sales offi ce purrhas­ panied his 12·year·old son's champion­ MEASURE ing departmern . recalls a story that ship soccer team 10 Hawaii and he will was in Measure three years ago, It de­ help Irain seven kids in Iield events for " M a n t m o f a l l is he ea s u r e scribed how Carson. an H&D projer t t his summer 5 Special Olympu-s things."'-ProlClgows (circa -1 81 ­ manager at Computer Sysrerns Divi ­ Carson Kan says he recently called 411B,CJ sion in CUPf'r! ina.Ca lifor n ta . learned I'lJil''just to jaw" and found the two M easure is published s ix Itmes it (0 cope with rcsucular cancer-how he have va lot in common " Carson hasnt year for em ployees a n d associa tes was cured and (hen how he turned to seen an oncologist (a rumor specialist) ofHewIe ll- Pac ka rd Com pany, Pro­ counsehnu 01 hers w it h C,lllcer- in three yt"ars and is st ill "as crazy as duced by Co rp o rate Public Rel a­ Unlike Carson. Phil knows his cancer ever, You know, right after (hat story li ons. Internal Co m m u n icati o n (histiocyttc lymphoma) is mcurahle hut ran in Measllre, people called me up to Department. Gordon Bro w n . he is handling his 5 1rug,glc with the find out tf I had dted vct! " m ana g er. Addres s co r r e s p o n ­ disease in much the same wav Far from it More ]j'kely you'll find dence to Measure . Hewl ett-Pack ­ " I know one day I!'sgoing to kill me, Carson dead center in tilt' thick ofHP a rdCom pa ny 20 BH. POUox 1O :~ 01 . but not rodav." he says, 111:';[('ad of act tvit it's like Junior Acluevement and Palo Allo . Califo rnia. 9.J303-0H90 broodmg about his rm stort um-. Phil Un ited Way, HIS main thrust. (hough. USA Report chan ge of ad dress to spends much of hi s lift' helping oth­ IS counseling cancer patrents ;" ve yo u r loca l personnel departrn eut. ers-especially young people. taken some training so now the quahty Material in th is Issue rnav be re­ ..( was mto drugs a n d alcohol mvself of my counseling has improved." printed with wrttren pe rmtssron for 10 vears so I can relau- to kids who Carson and Phrl have much in com­ Me mber. Internal ional Assoc ta ­ have those problems now." mon. especially the reco,gnition that life lion of Bu siness Commurucat ors " If Phil isn't out coach ing his son s is special As Phil puts it. "Mys elf. I'm a n d Induslrial Com rn u n ic ut to n soccer team. he 's laking sornr teenager bortng, I'm really only happy when I'm Co u ncil. to a drug-abuse meeting or working 011 out of mvself and uuo orhers '14 Hewl ett-Packard Com pa ny de ­ the Specral Olympics.' sa~ s co-worker s igns a n d manufactures co m pu t­ and trtend Dave Tucker, D,l\T has ers. etec t romc lest equrprne ut , known Phil for five wars smce t hev handheld cal culators , elec t rome both worked at HI' as ni ,gh 1januors. co m ponents. medical e lec t ro n ic "He's truly Inspirational." says Da\T eq u ipmen t and tnstrumenrauon "Kids adore hun, Here at work he s ad­ for chemical a n a lys is , Manufac­ mired. 100 Ht· had never played softball turing Iactlittes are located ill 2 J until last year \\ hell hejoin ed HP's soft­ US, c u tes In eight s ta les and ill ball team , Darned ifhe didn 't walk off 10 cities in nine cou n tr ies ill th e with the 'm os t msptrartonal trophy." rest of the world, HP salt's a n d ser­ Outside of HI'. Ph il o rga lll zt" s holiday vice offices can be found III m ore food drives for needv larmlies. talks at th an 80 U.S, cittes a nd (induding schools abOUI alcoholism, opens his dfs t r i bu t o r s h ips l i n a p p r o x i­ home to a forei~n exchauue student. mate lv 200 cu tes in 70 co u rurtes cooks ellrfst mas dinner at the local a ro u nd the world. HPemploy's more mission and volunteers at a co m m u­ than 74. 000 people nity ca nce r cou nseling service . " lrn not special. I'm re-allv not. ' Ph rl ON THE COVER protests. "I get 111.\' reward Irorn belllg Bellevue's Phil Clark wItt1 two or his bes1 able to help others At orie lime in rnv T ll is abstract paf/ern 0/ tocun reosons 'Of Ilvtng: daughters $Qbrlna (Ieff) life someone was there lor me Now I andleeky. p yramids is part (~ r HP's n ('ll' want to be there for someone.' a nechoic c h a m ber in Cupert ino , Since he discovered a lump under his Ca l !Jorn ia . The pyramids a bsorb arm three years ago while doing push­ slray ele c fro m a g n etic si glwls i ll' ups, Phil has undergone chernorhcra­ si de a st eel c h a m ber Ihar will be phy, a lot of pain and much medical ion used to rest new compute-r prod­ He 's had two ot her flare-ups leach time ucts. See story on page 16 . Cove r the lump was removed) and says right phoro bySharon Hall now he's "lurnpless .. MEASURE .... r » ! , ' . 1 ,. 1 l ~ .. SEC. ROW SEAT APRIL _II 1984 surtL ~ ;)5 P.M. EVENT 5 BOSTON FIELD LEVEL-$7.00 APRIL 8 1984 SUNDAY 1:05 P.M. Linda Alderson, data processing manager tor the Oakland A's, poInts to the SO,OOO-plus seats EVENT 5 the team hies to fill10r Its 81 home games. OAKLAN D-ALAMEDA COUNTY COLISEUM 110 REFUNDS· RAIN CHECK The Oakland A's have been an adventurous and trend­ READOC,",NDITIONS RE SIDE setting professional baseball team for the past 16 SEC. ROW SEAT years. Their recent use of computers and high technol­ -, ,- 1 ") ~ ogy during games has gained them much applause . ~ '- l ..-' from ns and the media. Why, then, this recent statement by A's president Roy Eisenhardt on the scrapping of some of the A's state-of-the-art technology?: "It was a beautiful game for years without those gad­ gets. We think we can get along fine without them.,­ APRil 8 1984 Roy and his A's have a few reasons for abandoning SUNDAY 1:05P.M. Diamond Vision, their slow-motion replay board, EVENT 5 and the Apple lIe computer that was used primarily to chart hitter-pitcher tendencies to aid coaches in decision making. Among them: excessive cost; player dissatisfaction ("Let me know when a computer can teach me how to May-June 1984 Barbara Beggs,ticketlng system manager, takes phone-in orders All-star second baseman Joe Morgan, (I natlve 01 Oakland now in his trom A's lans and assigns seats using an HP 3000 computer terminal. nrst ve<Jr with the ball club, should draw more lans to the Coliseum. throw a slider on the outside corner and ,gro u p turuttons. t irketilll( has be ­ prints ou t a slip or paper with the seat every lime . , then lm all for it." says As come a mussive opcrat ion worthy of locat Ion pitcher Steve McCattyl: and worry that more than a lemonade-stand approach The paper is taken to the t irket vault. the replay board in left-center field was to selling. ({nd a ticket cor responding to I he cus­ turning A's games "in to a TV show . , . , Baseball u cke unu IS muc-h hk« tomer's re-que-st is pulled, then mailed there's enough commercialism in the an airline rescrvauon S\'SW1ll ," lICHt'S to lilt' fan game already,- says Roy, t he As consult inl( programnlt'r Bob Next vcar the As will enhance (he svs­ But Rov and the As have decided to Sraaterrnan "T h e ,Urlillt' S haw a lot 01 tern with a n o th er disc drive, more te;· keep one high-tech item 111 their lineup: flights , but onlv about 2(Xl people per m1l1<115 and a ticket primer. The printer an HP 3000 computer system lli!!:ht Here: weve gut up 10 50,000 peo­ alone should S 3 \ '(' (he t earn a bo u t The As purchased the HI' 3000 in ple per 'flight' and, thouuh these flight" SHO,OOO per yea) , With (he new prmrer June 198\ primarily for tieket opera­ are spread OUI O\ T r H I l!'lllles.
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