Anotated Checklist 1 CHECKLIST OF VASCULAR PLANTS OF BONNER AND BOUNDARY COUNTIES, IDAHO compiled by Marian J. Fuller, Ph.D in Botany This checklist of Bonner and Boundary counties contains 1382 vascular plant taxa belonging to 109 families and to 460 genera. The families are arranged phylogenetically, not alphabetically. Alphabetical indices of the families and genera are provided. The genera are arranged alphabetically within the each family, and species are arranged alphabetically within the genus. Additional sources and their acronyms: (BLM) = McFarlane, S, Kuhman T. and Johnson, C. 2002. Field Guide to Special Status Plants of the Cottonwood Field Office. (FPNW) = Hitchcock, C. L. and Cronquist, A. 1973. Flora of the Pacific Northwest. (PRM). = Kershaw L., A, MacKinnon and J. Pojar; Mousseaux, M.R. 1998. Plants of the Rocky Mountains. (IFG) =Idaho Fish and Game (in house document on plants of three recently acquired wetlands) (IPNF-RPFG) = Mousseaux, M.R, Idaho Panhandle National Forests--Rare Plant Field Guide (original and revised editions). (IPNF-) = Idaho Panhandle National Forests (in house document including K = Kaniksu, P = Priest Lake . (UIH) =University of Idaho Herbarium, Moscow. (USDA) = plants.usda.gov/classification Abbreviations: Br = Bonner County; By = Boundary County; Br and By = collected by MJF; Br and By = collected or notated by others. See additonal sources * = exotic taxon Ida? = maybe first record for Bonner and/or Boundary Counties, many not in FPNW. Explanation of the Components of a Checklist Entry: Maianthemum1 racemosum2 (L.)3 Link4 ssp.5 amplexicaule6 (Nutt.)7 LaFrankie8 WESTERN SOLOMON’S- SEAL9 10[Smilacina11 r.12 var.13 a.14] Br;By15 1generic name; 2specific epithet; 3abbreivation for Linnaeus, author of specific epithet; 1,2,3scientific name; 4author of “new” species combination; 5abbreviation for subspecies; 6subspecific epithet; 7abbrevation for Nuutall,author of subspecific epithet; 8author of the entire “new” entry; 9a common name; 10the synonym used in the FPNW (see synonmy); 11“old” generic name; 12abbreivation for specific epiteth; 13abreviation for variety; 14abbreviation for variety; 15collected in both Bonner and Boundary Counties by MJF. Synonomy: in this checklist, the synonyms used in the Flora of the Pacific Northwest have been placed within brackets, [ ]’s. Many genera have been split. For example, the genus Aster has been split into several genera, including Canadanthus, Eucephalus, Ionactis, and Symphyotrichum. Sometimes, a species has been determined to be a subspecies or variety of an “older” species. Frequently, a subspecies or variety has been deemed distinct enough to be elevated to the species level. Dedication: to Blue III, Azure and Blue IV, my friends and faithful companions during the thirty years of this project. I was never alone. They probably thought “picking posies” was crazy, but they put up with all my idiosyncrasies. They are my beloved “hearing-ear” dogs. Anotated Checklist 2 INDEX OF FAMILIES Two families, Loranthaceae and Nymphaeaceae, have been split. The genus, Arceuthobium, of “old family”, Loranthaceae, has been placed in the “new family” Viscaceae. The genus, Brasenia, of the “old family”, Nymphaeaceae, has been placed in the “new family” Cabombaceae. A Crassulaceae 24 L Polypodiaceae 8 Aceraceae 32 Cupressaceae 9 Lamiaceae 37 Portulacaceae 13 Alismatceae 50 Cucurbitaceae 18 Lemnaceae 63 Potamogetonaceae 50 Amaranthaceae 13 Cuscutaceae 35 Lentibulariaceae 41 Primulaceae 23 Anacardiaceae 32 Cyperaceae 52 Liliaceae 70 Pteridaceae 7 Apiaceae 33 D Linaceae 35 Pyrolaceae 22 Apocynaceae 35 Dennstaedtiaceae 7 [Loranthaceae] 31 R Araceae 63 Droseraceae 17 Limnanthaceae 33 Ranunculaceae 10 Araliaceae 33 Dryopteridaceae 7 Lycopodiaceae 5 Rhamnaceae 32 Aristolochiaceae 9 E M Rosaceae 27 Asclepiadaceae 35 Elaeagnaceae 33 Malvaceae 17 Rubiaceae 42 Aspleniaceae 7 Elatinaceae 17 Marsileaceae 8 S Asteraceae 43 Ericaceae 21 Menyanthaceae 35 Salicaceae 19 B Equisetaceae 5 Monotropaceae 23 Saxifragaceae 24 Balsaminaceae 33 Euphorbiaceae 32 N Scheuchzeriaceae 50 Berberidaceae 12 F Najadaceae 51 Scrophulariaceae 39 Betulaceae 12 Fabaceae 28 Nyctaginaceae 13 Selaginellaceae 5 Blechnaceae 7 G Nymphaeaceae 10 Solanaceae 38 Boraginaceae 36 Gentianaceae 34 O Sparganiaceae 63 Brassicaceae 19 Geraniaceae 33 Oleaceaceae 39 T C Grossulariaceae 24 Onagraceae 30 Taxaceae 9 Cabombaceae 10 H Ophioglossaceae 6 Thelypteridaceae 7 Campanulaceae 42 Haloragaceae 32 Orchidaceae 65 Typhaceae 63 Callitrichaceae 38 Hippuridaceae 38 Orobanchaceae 41 U Cannabaceae 12 Hydrangeaceae 25 Oxalidaceae 33 Ulmaceae 12 Caprifoliaceae 42 Hydrocharitaceae 50 P Urticaceae 12 Caryophyllaceae 14 Hydrophyllaceae 36 Papaveraceae 12 V Celastraceae 31 I Pinaceae 8 Valerianaceae 43 Ceratophyllaceae 10 Iridaceae 65 Plantaginaceae 39 Verbenaceae 37 Chenopodiaceae 13 Isoetaceae 5 Poaceae 57 Violaceae 18 Clusiaceae 17 J Polemoniaceae 35 Viscaceae 31 Convolvulaceae 35 Juncaceae 51 Polygonaceae 16 Z Cornaceae 34 Juncaginaceae 50 Zannichelliaceae 51 INDEX OF GENERA A 61,62,] Andromeda 22 Arenaria 14 [14] Abies 8 Agrostemma 14 Anemone 10 [10] Argentina 25 Acer 32 Agrostis 57 [58] Angelica 36 Arnica 44 Achnatherum 57 Aira 57 Antennaria 43 Arrhenatherum 58 Achillea 43 Alisma 50 Apera 58 Artemisia 44 Aconitum 10 Allium 63 Apocynum 35 Asarum 9 Acroptilon 43 Alnus 12 Aquilegia 10 Asclepias 35 Actaea 10 Alopecurus 57 Arabidopsis 19 Asparagus 63 Adenocaulon 43 Alyssum 19 Arabis 19 Aspidotis 7 Adiantum 7 Amaranthus 13 Aralia 33 Asplenium 7 Agastache 37 Amelanchier 25 Arceuthobium 31 Aster 44 [45,46,47, Agoseris 43 Amsinckia 36 Arctium 44 49] Agropyron 57 [59,60, Anaphalis 47 Arctostaphylos 22 Astragalus 28 Anotated Checklist 3 Athyrium 7 Circaea 30 Elodea 55 Hierochloe 60 Avena 58 Cirsium 45 Elymus 59 [60] Hippuris 38 B Cistanthe 13 Elytrigia 60 Holcus 60 Balsamorhiza 44 Clarkia 30 Epilobium 31 [30] Holodiscus 26 Barbarea 19 Claytonia 14 Epipactis 66 Humulus 13 Beckmannia 58 Clematis 10 Equisetum 5 Huperzia 5 [Berberis 12] Clinopodium 37 Erigeron 45 [40] Hydrangea 23 Berteroa 20 Clintonia 64 Eriogonum 17 Hydrilla 50 Besseya 39 Collinsia 39 Eriophorum 56 Hydrophyllum 36 Betula 13 Collomia 35 Erodium 33 Hylotelephium 24 Bidens 45 [47] Comarum 25 Erucastrum 20 Hypericum 17 Blechnum 7 Conringia 20 Erysimum 20 [Hypopitys 23] Botrychium 6 Convallaria 64 Erythronium 64 I Brasenia 10 Convolvulus 35 Eschscholzia 12 Iliamna 17 Brassica 20 Conyza 45 Euphorbia 32 [32] Impatiens 33 Brickellia 45 Coptis 10 Eurybia 46 Ionactis 47 [Brodiaea 64] Corallorhiza 65 Euthamia 46 Ipomopsis 35 Bromus 58 Corispermum 13 F Iris 65 Buglossoides 36 Cornus 32 Fagopyrum 16 Isoetes 5 C Coronilla 28 Festuca 60 [60,61,63] Ivesia 28 Calamagrostis 58 Crataegus 25 Filago 46 J Callitriche 38 Crepis 45 Floerkea 33 Juncus 51 Calochortus 63 Cruciata 42 Fragaria 26 Juniperus 9 Caltha 10 Cryptantha 36 Frangula 35 K Calylophus 30 Cryptogramma 7 Frasera 34 Kalmia 22 Calypso 65 Cynoglossum 37 Fritillaria 64 Kochia 13 [Calyptridium 13] Cuscuta 35 G Koeleria 60 Calystegia 35 Cypripedium 66 Gaillardia 46 L Camassia 64 Cystopteris 8 Galeopsis 38 Lactuca 47 Camelina 20 Cytisus 28 Galium 42 Lamium 38 Campanula 42 D Gaultheria 22 Lapsana 47 Canadanthus 45 Dactylis 59 Gayophytum 31 Larix 8 Cannabis 12 Danthonia 59 Gentiana 34 [34] Lathyrus 28 Capsella 20 [Dasiphora 26] Gentianella 34 Ledum 22 Caragana 28 Daucus 36 Geranium 33 Leersia 60 Cardamine 20 Delphinium 10 Geum 26 Lemna 63 Carex 52 Deschampsia 59 [63] Gilia 35 [35] Lepidium 20 Cassiope 22 Descurainia 20 Glechoma 38 Leptarrhena 24 Castilleja 39 Dianthus 14 Glyceria 60 Leptochloa 60 Ceanothus 32 Dichanthelium 59 Gnaphalium 46 [48] Leymus 60 Celtis 12 Digitalis 39 Goodyera 66 Ligusticum 34 Cenchrus 59 Digitaria 59 Gratiola 39 Lilium 64 Centaurea 45 [43] Disporum 64 Gymnocarpium 8 Limosella 39 Centaurium 34 Dodecatheon 23 H Linanthus 35 Cephalanthera 65 Downingia 42 [Habenaria 66] Linaria 39 Cerastium 154 Draba 20 Hackelia 37 Linnaea 42 Ceratophyllum 10 Dracocephalum 37 Halimolobos 20 Linum 32 Chamaesyce 32 Drosera 17 Hedeoma 38 Listera 66 Cheilanthes 7 Dryopteris 8 Helenium 46 Lithophragma 24 Chenopodium 13 Dulichium 56 Helianthus 46 Lithospermum 37, [36] Chondrilla 45 E Heracleum 34 Lloydia 64 [Chrysantheum 49] [Eburophyton 65] Hesperis 20 Lolium 60 [Chrysopsis 46] Echinochloa 59 Heterocodon 42 Lomatium 34 Cichorium 45 Echinocystis 19 Heterotheca 46 Lonicera 42 Cicuta 33 Elatine 17 Heuchera 24 Lotus 29 Cinna 59 Eleocharis 56 Hieracium 46 Lupinus 29 Anotated Checklist 4 Luzula 52 P Rorippa 21 [21] T Lycopodiella 5 Packera 47 Rosa 27 Tanacetum 49 Lycopodium 5 Panicum 61 [59] Rubus 27 Taraxacum 49 Lycopus 38 Papaver 12 Rudbeckia 48 Taxus 9 Lysichitum 63 Parnassia 25 Rumex 17 Tellima 25 Lysimachia 23 Paronychia 15 S Thalictrum 11 M Pascopyrum 61 Sagina 15 Thelypodium 21 Madia 47 Paxistima 31 Sagittaria 54 Thelypteris 7 [7] Mahonia 12 Pedicularis 40 Salix 18 Thermopsis 29 Maianthemum 64 Penstemon 40 Salsola 13 Thlaspi 21 Malus 26 Petasites 48 Sambucus 42 Thuja 9 Malva 26 Phacelia 36 Sanguisorba 28 Tiarella 25 Marsilea 8 Phalaris 61 Sanicula 34 [Tillaea 24] Matricaria 47 Phegopteris 7 Saponaria 1 Tofieldia 64 Medicago 29 Philadelphus 24 Saxifraga 25 Torreyochloa 62 Megalodonta 47 Phleum 61 Schedonerus 62 Toxicodendron 35 Melampyrum 42 Phlox 36 Scheuchzeria 50 Tragopogon 54 Melica 61 Phragmites 61 Schoenoplectus 57 Trautvetteria 12 Melilotus 29 Phyllodoce 22 Scleranthus 15 Trichophorum 62 [62] Mentha 38 Physocarpus 26 Sclerochloa 68 [Triantha 64] Menziesia 22 Picea 9 Scirpus 57 [57] Trientalis 25 Mertensia 37 Pinus 9 Scrophularia
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