AGENDA Far North Queensland Regional Roads and Transport Group Meeting No. 67 14 December 2020 @ 1.00 PM Civic Reception Room, Cairns Regional Council, 119-145 Spence Street, Cairns 1 Chairs Welcome & Acknowledgement of Traditional Owners 2 Apologies 3 Presentations - Nil 4 Confirmation of Minutes 4.1 Minutes of Meeting: 12 October 2020 Pages 1 - 8 Business Arising out of Minutes: 12 October 2020 5 Minute Action Responsible Status Number Person(s) 263a YASC to provide R Hodgman details regarding TMR incidents at the site they are requesting guardrails YASC for (including those that were not reported to the L Yeatman policy) 278 YASC to liaise with TMR Road Safety Committee YASC regarding solutions to road safety behavior L Yeatman changes 280a R Chow to send Budget 2020-21 Factsheet to LGAQ Complete FNQROC for circulation with the FNQ RRTG R Chow Minutes 280b S Ram to inform FNQ RRTG of the funding TMR guidelines and regional definitions re $500m Federal Road Safety Funding Program once S Ram released FNQ RRTG Meeting No. 67 Monday, 14 December 2020 Page 1 of 2 6 Minutes of Technical Committee Meetings Pages 9-15 6.1 Minutes of Meeting No. 112: 29 October 2020 6.2 Minutes of Interim Meeting re ROSI Corridor: 08 December 2020 Pages 16-18 6.3 Recommendations to the RRTG Board Nil 7 Works Program update Page 19-20 7.1 TIDS Works Program Update as at 09 December 2020 8 Verbal update from the Roads & Transport Alliance Verbal 9 Joint Purchasing & Resource Sharing (if any issues) 10 Road Safety (if any issues) 11 Asset Management (if any issues) 12 General Business 12.1 Discussion Topic 29 – Cairns to NT Border Corridor Pages 21-44 13 Next Technical Committee - Meeting No. 113 • Friday 29th January 2021 14 Next RRTG Meeting – Meeting No. 68 • Monday 8th February 2021 (Proposed – TBC) FNQROC Board Meeting No. 67 Monday, 14 December 2020 Page 2 of 2 MINUTES OF THE 66TH BOARD MEETING OF THE FAR NORTH QUEENSLAND REGIONAL ROADS AND TRANSPORT GROUP Monday 12 October 2020 Civic Reception Room, Cairns Regional Council REPRESENTATIVES: Cr Brett Moller, Councillor Cairns Regional Council VIA PHONE Cr Mark Nolan, Mayor Cassowary Coast Regional Council Cr Peter Scott (Chair) Cook Shire Council VIA PHONE Cr Trevor Pickering, Mayor Croydon Shire Council VIA PHONE Cr Barry Hughes, Mayor Etheridge Shire Council Cr Kevin Davies, Deputy Mayor Mareeba Shire Council Cr Annette Haydon, Councillor Tablelands Regional Council Cr Ross Andrews, Mayor Yarrabah Aboriginal Shire Council Cr Michael Kerr, Mayor Douglas Shire Council Cr Bradley Creek, Mayor Wujal Wujal Aboriginal Shire Council Mr Ross Hodgman, District Director Department of Transport and Main Roads OBSERVERS: Mr Helius Visser Cairns Regional Council VIA PHONE Mr Bill Kerwin, CEO Croydon Shire Council Ms Linda Cardew, CEO Cook Shire Council Mr Steve Wilton, CEO Wujal Wujal Aboriginal Shire Council VIA PHONE Mr Sanjay Ram Department of Transport and Main Roads Mr Graeme Nielsen Department of Transport and Main Roads RAPT: VIA PHONE Ms Robbie Chow Roads & Transport Alliance Group (LGAQ) Ms Tanya Lindenberg Roads & Transport Alliance Group (TMR) FNQROC STAFF: Ms Darlene Irvine Executive Officer Ms Linda Richardson Executive Coordinator Mr Lachlan Rankine Reg. Strategic Infrastructure Coordinator Ms Amanda Hancock Procurement Officer APOLOGIES: Cr Dave Bilney, Councillor Tablelands Regional Council FNQ RRTG Meeting No. 66 Monday 12th October 2020 Page 1 of 8 001 268 Chair’s Welcome & Acknowledgement of Traditional Owners The meeting commenced at 1:15 pm. The Chair welcomed everyone to the meeting and acknowledged the Traditional Owners of the land on which we meet today and paid respects to Elders past, present and emerging. 269 Apologies As noted 270 Presentation/s D Irvine provided an overview of the FNQ RRTG Board processes and policies, including an understanding of the TIDS Program, noting the following key points: • Introduction to FNQ RRTG: The FNQ RRTG has been in existence since 2003 and currently funding for our region is circa $5.9m; The core role of the RRTG Board is to prioritise projects across the region and consider recommendations made by the RRTG Technical Committee; FNQROC acts as the Secretariat and provides L Rankine as the technical officer. • What is a LRRS: A list of current of LRRS is included in the FNQROC website . All LRRS are required to have a Statement of Intent – that is why it is important, what is its current standard and what is the standard required. Councils can recommend roads for inclusion or exclusion as a LRRS to the FNQ RRTG at any time. We will use the Regional Road Investment Strategy (RRIS) particularly for productivity improvements or first & last miles. • Allocation of Funding: 4 Year Program (2 Years fixed/2 Years indicative); All funding allocations must meet TMR TIDS policy and be 100% expended (if not spent funding is lost from the region); Prioritisation is based on a tool developed for FNQROC and takes into account industry standard cost benefit analysis, localised multicriteria and risk analysis. This tool is also available to councils to use for their own purposes or funding applications. It is important to note that over the past 3 years we have struggled to fully expend in the last 3 months due to overestimating or under spending which puts undue pressure on the other councils to spend the money at short notice or we lose it altogether from the region. • Benefits of Collective: Regional advocacy, decision making process in our hands, subsidised capacity building (such as alternative mechanisms to manage our road network, initiate regional procurement role, road risk assessment, road infrastructure data collection, IPWEA training; Use of collective expertise in the region • Works Program Development & Management Process whilst we have a TIDS policy, locally we have an agreed process for the development and management of the program and this is available via the FNQROC WEBSITE The Chair asked for questions from the floor: • The Chair asked how does COVID impact an extension of TIDS (also noting the current lack of skills and pending wet season)? D Irvine advised previously another region takes up the funding and FNQ gets it back the following year, but also noted a trend to have our projects run over 2 years so that if there is a delay, projects can be pushed out and pulled in with more flexibility; T Lindenberg advised this is still the case. R Hodgman noted there is the ability within the program to move funds through the Technical Working Group to other high priority projects within the 4 Year Program. Whereas in comparison if we have funding across FNQ RRTG Meeting No. 66 Monday 12th October 2020 Page 2 of 8 002 the entire region, delays can cause problems, however there is still the ability to move between different RRTGs. • The Chair noted that the FNQROC Board advocated this Regional Road Investment Strategy (RRIS) whilst in Brisbane as part of the FNQROC Advocacy Delegation and he and D Irvine has been invited to present at the LGAQ Annual conference next week. 271 Confirmation of Minutes MOVED: Cr Davies SECOND: Mr Hodgman That the minutes of the 65th Far North Queensland Regional Roads and Transport Group held on 05 May 2020, as distributed with the agenda be confirmed. CARRIED BUSINESS ARISING OUT OF MINUTES Minute 254– Circulate the FNQ RRTG Works Program Development & Management Process with the minutes • Complete Minute 256 – R Hodgman to provide a summary list of outlined key projects to circulate to the board with minutes • Complete Minute 261 - T Lindenberg to provide FNQROC with the Road Alliance Fact Sheet for circulation with the minutes • Complete Minute 262 –ADD agenda item Bridge Deck Unit Construction by a member council to next in person FNQ RRTG Meeting • See Agenda Item 9.1 Minute 263a –YASC to provide R Hodgman details regarding incidents at the site they are requesting guardrails for (including those that were not reported to the policy) • In progress Minute 263b –D Irvine to obtain estimate for a Yarrabah Transport Infrastructure Plan for Yarrabah and put project into the mix for funding • Complete Minute 264 –Circulate Qld Premiers correspondence to LGAQ with minutes • Complete FNQ RRTG Meeting No. 66 Monday 12th October 2020 Page 3 of 8 003 265 Election of Chair D Irvine declared all positions vacant and called for nominations for the position of Chair. Cr Peter Scott, Mayor Cook Shire Council NOMINATED BY: Cr Angela Toppin, Mayor Mareeba Shire Council Cr Scott accepted the nomination for Chair. There being no further nominations Cr Scott was declared elected as Chair of FNQ RRTG Board. 272 Election of Deputy Chair Cr Scott called for nominations for the position of Deputy Chair. Cr Ross Andrews, Mayor Yarrabah Aboriginal Shire Council NOMINATED BY: Cr Angela Toppin, Mayor Mareeba Shire Council Cr Andrews accepted the nomination for Deputy Chair. There being no further nominations Cr Andrews was declared elected as Deputy Chair for FNQ RRTG Board. 273 Minutes & Recommendations of RRTG Technical Committee Meetings Proposed Motion (as recommended by the FNQ RRTG TC Meeting 30 July 2020 – Item 111.4): “It is recommended that the current 20/21 TIDS Works Program (Appendix A) and 4 Year TIDS Works Program (Appendix B) be endorsed by the FNQ RRTG Board”. MOVED: Cr Davies SECOND: Cr Kerr CARRIED 274 Works Program Expenditure Update L Rankine provided an update on the status of the current Works Program Expenditure noting the current status of individual projects 275 Program Update from TMR S Ram provided an update from TMR, highlighting the following points: • QTRIP 20/21 has been finalised, but will not be released publicly until post-election • RRTG Program Funding is business as usual and the local district will be engaging with you directly and proceeding with the TIDS program to ensure delivery • The RRTG Chairs will have received a letter Hon Scott Buchholz MP, Assistant Federal Minister for Road Safety and Freight Transport re the ROSI workshop, which was to be originally held in September, this will now be held in late November in Townsville.
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