5 ,ort • r 16 Volume Martinoli Michele ANOTHER TASTY ISSUE! Credit: So omon is One of Six 0 Photo Music" ns Releasing New,Albums! Patrick tFleming Gives us the Scoop ALSO INSIDE: WEST-I3END .• 0 0 MEETING MINDED BESTD @WE CHALLENGES 0 0 C COUNTY CLERKS COO DOYLE'S DP REGISTER 31EnElIZMMT GET TESTED TOGETHER Bring your friends and get tested for HIV at BESTD Clinic. It's free and it's fast, with no names and no needles. We also provide free STD testing, exams, and treatment. Staffed totally by volunteers and supported by donations, BESTD has been doing HIV outreach since 1987. We're open: • Mondays 6 PM-8:30 PM: Free HIV & STD testing • Tuesdays 6 PM-8:30 PM: Free HIV & STD testing & STD diagnosis & treatment Some services only available for men. Visit our Web site for details. Brady East STD Clinic • www.bestd.org 1240 E. Brady Street • Milwaukee, WI 53202 • 414-272-2144 BESTD CLINIC CROWDS HALT WEST BEND GAY BOOK BAN MEETING Evangelical Blogger Wants Equal Time For "Ex-Gay" Screed On Library Shelves By Mike Fitzpatrick to bring more people next time. Other con- West Bend - Remember last Novem- versations revealed the panic some people ber when a couple of gay activists used had because of the library having books Internet social networking to pull over that could encourage youth to believe that 100,000 gay marriage supporters out on homosexuality is an acceptable 'lifestyle.— the streets nation wide to protest the The presence of the media circus at the passage of Proposition 8? Well, a neo- meeting guaranteed Maziarka's complaint conservative lover of "Star Trek," con- would arouse interest groups on all sides of temporary Christian music and yard the issue. The ACLU of Wisconsin has sales has done something similar here in weighed in on her complaint with the li- Wisconsin. brary board and GOP Congressman Jim Ginny Maziarka used her "WISSUP = Sensenbrenner scheduled a March 8 town Wisconsin Speaks Up" blog to generate a hall meeting at West Bend City Hall "to crowd so big that a public meeting of the DEVELOPIN0 roily discuss the issues on your mind." board of the West Bend Community Me- GinnctkiMazia Maziarka posted what she feels is the morial Library had to be shut down here FILD PLAINT w I essence of her complaint on the WISSUP March 3. The meeting had been scheduled blog on March 7: "In accordance with ALA to address Maziarka's complaint to pull policy, we are seeking more speech, bal- two gay-themed books from the library for background, though the unlinked, white-lettered anced speech, not less. We are asking for inclusive- "pornographic language" and to get equal time for words "gay, lesbian, bisexual and transgender ness of additional titles so that the entire collection "ex-gay" books on the library's gay resources web- fiction and nonfiction" are clearly visible. The regarding gayness is not gay-affirming or gay pro- site. The meeting was postponed until later this look of the page design, though updated March moting. We are asking for critical literature about month because the crowd at City Hall was too large 6, clearly goes back to the days before long be- leaving the gay lifestyle and materials that explain for the 265-seat auditorium there. fore broadband, Google and smart phones. the effects of the gay lifestyle." Maziarka filed her complaint against the library Maziarka told WISN-TV reporter Kyler Burgi that Though she has not provided specific titles, after she discovered a reportedly five year-old page she was glad the meeting was canceled because not Maziarka's use of terms like "leaving the gay on the library's website entitled "Out the of Closet." everyone at the meeting had a clear understanding lifestyle" would suggest she would like to include The page, located in the Young Adult subsection of of what her complaint is. "It's probably a good nonfiction resources on the "ex-gay" movement and the library site contains nearly 50 fiction and non- thing. I think it will give our community the time to so-called "reparative therapy" The issue of changing fiction books of interest for teens in grades 6-12 do their own investigating and not just take our sexual orientation has become a highly politicized about gay, lesbian and transgender issues. word for it," Maziarka said. topic in western countries, especially the United According to the page, several of the books are Among those in attendance at the aborted meet- States. Both the theory and practice have come shelved in the adult section of the library. Finding ing was Madison's Cindy Crane, Executive Director under heavy criticism from gay rights groups, doc- those books likely will be easier than finding the web of the LGBT educational advocacy group Gay tors, the American Psychiatric Association, the link to the page that offended Maziarka, however. Straight Alliance for Safe Schools. Crain noted that American Academy of Pediatrics, the American A uest search found the link to the page after " 'Christian' literature condemning homosexuality Medical Association, the American Psychological a couple of misses. It was necessary to scroll was being passed around by several people" in an Association, the American Counseling Association, more than halfway down the library's home page email to educators shared with .quest. and the National Association of Social Workers, the to find a sentence in small print that said "Look- "I am aware of one blog out of Madison that en- Royal College of Nursing and other organizations. ing for ideas for more good books? Check out our couraged people to drive to West Bend to voice their Library director Michael Tyree has indicated that book lists adult - teen - children" and then click- protest of the library's selection of books on homo- the next meeting to deal with Maziarka's complaint ing on the word "teen." Once on the Young sexuality," she wrote. "Some of my individual con- will be held by the end of March, most likely in an Adult page, the actual "Out of the Closet" link is versations at City Hall were filled with appreciation auditorium at one of the city's two high schools. nearly invisible, lettered in dark blue on a black for our making the trip to West Bend and requests Available weekdays, weekends & evenings. FREE FIRST MEETING Call for your appointment General Practice Including: Cohabitation I Partners Contracts I Dispute Resolution REAL ESTATE Criminal Misdemeanor Defense • Purchase FREE • Sale Health Carl' ride liedicaid • Closings ININ‘er tiowne% • hum your eNemptiotp, • Real Estate prmided (limn reque,i • Landlord/Tenant • Proiect lour a —,,et>,: • Deeds • Protect your Assets: L.L. Corporation(s) Law offices of Downtown Milwaukee Office w/appointrnent only Milwaukee Bar Association 424 E. Wells St. Milwaukee Warren J. Klaus 6666 S. 108th Street • Hales Corners (414)529-2800 cell (414)430-3544 [email protected] 3 CALIFORNIA COUNTY CLERKS WORRY ganizations, including LadLake, Children's Service So- ciety of Wisconsin, and the Milwaukee LGBT Com- SUPREMES UNLIKELY ABOUT DOYLE'S DP PLAN munity Center. In addition, funding will cover Neill sviIle - Some of Wisconsin's county clerks are TO UNDO PROPOSITION 8 research on the number and demographics of LGBT having problems with the domestic partner registry Court Also Appears Willing to homeless youth in the Milwaukee area. The research provision in Governor Jim Doyle's budget proposal. will provide local data to providers and other foun- Validate State's 18,000 Gay Marriages The measure provides an mechanism to register same San Francisco - At its hearing March 5 the Califor- dations about the need for an LGBT lens when deal- sex domestic partners. That required registry would nia Supreme Court strongly indicated it would rule ing with youth homelessness. be maintained by the register of deeds in each county that Proposition 8 validly abolished the right for gay Cream City Foundation is also providing $10,000 and allow partners to access certain medical and fi- people to marry but would allow same-sex couples in startup funds towards the opening of the LGBT nancial benefits. who wed before the November election to remain Center of Southeastern Wisconsin, which will be lo- However Clark County Clerk Christina Jensen has a legally married. cated in Racine. concern about the portion of the mechanism that The long-awaited hearing was a disappointment for "The grant to the LGBT Center of Southeastern Wis- would force clerks to "dissolve" those partnerships marriage equality lawyers. They had hoped the same consin will provide resources and support outside of as well. Jensen told the WCCN news reporter Paul court majority that overturned the state's previous the Milwaukee area," Executive Director Maria Cade- Knoff that most clerks feel those should go through marriage ban would conclude that Proposition 8 was nas said. the courts, just like a divorce. an impermissible constitutional revision. Other projects include funding the second phase of Some clerks are also worried that is the Doyle pro- However, two members of that majority - Chief Jus- the GayNeighbor.org effort, and a health area at Pride- vision seems to discriminate against heterosexual tice Ronald M. George and Justice Joyce L. Kennard - Fest. couples that choose not to get married. The Gover- expressed deep skepticism toward the pro-gay The Cream City Foundation is a community foun- nor has said the measure only applies to same-sex lawyers' arguments. Without those votes, Proposi- dation that serves as the leader in mobilizing philan- couples because they don't have the option of getting tion 8 appeared almost certain to survive.
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