Cambridge University Press 978-1-107-03983-4 - The Impact of Idealism: The Legacy of Post-Kantian German Thought: Volume II: Historical, Social and Political Thought General Editors Nicholas Boyle and Liz Disley Edited by John Walker Index More information Index absolute spirit, 177 Butler on, 320–1 Adorno, Theodor feminist criticism, 281–2, 305–6 Minima Moralia, 213 on freedom, 295 on autonomy of reason, 210–11, 212–13, on gender, 296, 316–17 215–20, 229 as master–slave relationship, 304–5, nature’s relation to reason, 226–7 316–17 reason as ontology, 222–3 male desire for disembodiment, 320–1 Zwang, 216–19 women as defined by biological sex, on autonomy of will, 223–9 305 on developmental reason, 225–6 on recognition, 302–3, 315–17 on Hegel’s views on nature, 212 master–slave dialectic, 314 on instrumental reason, 193–4 on self-consciousness, 316 on Kant’s ethics, 201–2 on Stendhal, 316–17 on late capitalism and autonomy of reason, Second Sex, The, 316–17 213–14 being, 138, 145 on reification, 214–15 Berger, Johann Erich von, 102 alienation, 94–5, 98–9 academic career, 111 Marx on, 91–2, 94–5 Allgemeine Grundz¨uge zur Wissenschaft, nature as sphere, 322 127–9 recognition and, 318–19 early thought, 111–17 ambiguity, 314, 318 Hegel’s influence on, 125–9 anti-Semitism, 154 Herder’s influence on, 116 Appiah, Kwame Anthony, 2 in Jena, 117 association, 84 in Kiel, 111–12 astronomy, 124 in Zurich,¨ 119–20 Aufforderung, 285–6 influence on Trendelenburg, 110–11, Auschwitz, 47 128–9 autism spectrum disorders, 325 ‘Letters on Nature’, 121–2 autonomy, 63 Literary Society of Free Men, 117–18 restricted, 313–14, 323, 326 Matters of the Day, The, 118 Mnemosyne, 121–2 Basedow Institute, 116 natural sciences and, 120 Bauer, Bruno, 84, 89, 90 on class, 113–14 Beauvoir, Simone de, 281–2, 293–5, on education, 118–19, 127 313 on reason, 113 373 © in this web service Cambridge University Press www.cambridge.org Cambridge University Press 978-1-107-03983-4 - The Impact of Idealism: The Legacy of Post-Kantian German Thought: Volume II: Historical, Social and Political Thought General Editors Nicholas Boyle and Liz Disley Edited by John Walker Index More information 374 Index Berger, Johann Erich von (cont.) Christian communities, 75 ‘On the Condition of Servants’, 112–16 civil servants, 37, 38 ‘On the Distinctiveness of Peoples’, 125–7 civil society, 88–9 on the infinite and the harmony of the von Berger on, 126–7 whole, 124 Vorm¨arz republicans, 89 ‘On the Preconditions of an Improved women and, 308 National Educational System’, 118 class, 113 patriotism, 119 class consciousness, 102 Philosophical Account of the Harmonies of the coercion, 214–15, 264–5 Universe, A, 124 cognisability, 336 Bergson, Henri, 162, 163, 167 cognition, 177 Deleuze on, 171–2 Kant on, 187 Introduction `alam´etaphysique, 173 Simmel’s critique of Kant, 177 Kant’s influence on, 175 Cohen, Herman, 139–40, 141, 154 L’Evolution´ cr´eatrice, 169, 175 Cohn, Jonas, 149, 151 on antiquity and modernity, 175 collective bargaining, 84 on biology and evolution, 170–1 collective property, 84 human intelligence as product, 172–3 commodity trading, 191 on time, 168–9 communism, 2 Plotinus’ influence on, 174–5 concept, 93, 95 Schelling and, 174 concrete labour, 97–8 Schopenhauer’s influence on, 174 concrete order, 243, 244–7 sense of method, 171–2 consciousness spiritual realism and, 173–4 Beauvoir on, 294 Berkeleyan idealism, 12 Bergson on, 169 Binder, Julius, 236, 238–40 cultural, 144 on requirement for a F¨uhrer, 239–41 opposition to other consciousnesses, biological processes, 170 294 Bismarck, Otto von, 232 consequentialism, 201 Bockenf¨ orde,¨ Ernst-Wolfgang, 248 constitution (of a state), 51, 52–3, 74 Bollnow, Otto Friedrich, 163 Hegel on, 74–5 bonum-durch-malum-Gedanke,42 Kant on, 59 Bourbon monarchy, 53 Schelling on, 65–6 bourgeoisie, 97 co-operatives, 154 Boyle, Nicholas, 41 corporatism, 260–4 Brelage, Manfred, 140, 154 idealism and, 264 Bubner, Rudiger,¨ 248 influence and reception, 272–3 Butler, Judith, 313–14, 326–7 intermediate corporations, 266–7 Giving an Account of Oneself, 313, 319 politics, 266 on Hegel’s Phenomenology, 318 primacy of state power, 270–2 on reciprocity of recognition, 319–20 private law and, 267–8, 271 Subjects of Desire, 317–19 private property and, 268–9 sense of history, 270 Calvinism, 188–9, 198 Sforza on, 271–2 Cassirer, Ernst, 137, 142, 146, 147, state, conception of, 264–5, 266 178 counter-Enlightenment, 54 Logic of the Cultural Sciences, 178 critical theory causation, 195–6 interest in autonomy of reason, 209–10 phenomenal, 219–20 critique of knowledge, 5 Zwang and, 218–19 Croce, Benedetto, 1, 3 childbearing, 304–5 relationship with fascism, 261 © in this web service Cambridge University Press www.cambridge.org Cambridge University Press 978-1-107-03983-4 - The Impact of Idealism: The Legacy of Post-Kantian German Thought: Volume II: Historical, Social and Political Thought General Editors Nicholas Boyle and Liz Disley Edited by John Walker Index More information Index 375 cultural philosophy, 340 education, 328 Kant, 142, 217 neo-Kantian influence, 153 neo-Kantian, 142–3 Trendelenburg on, 110 cultural consciousness, 144 von Berger on, 118–19, 127 spheres of culture, 146 efficient causation, 195–6, 200 turn toward, 142 ego, 226, 228–9 state of, in late ninteenth century, ´elan vital, 171 150–1 Emile´ , 282–4 empathy Dahlmann, Friedrich Christoph, 125 simulation theory, 324 Deleuze, Gilles, 171 theory-theory, 324, 325 on Bergson, 171–2 empiricism, 85, 137, 156 democracy Engels, Friedrich, 101 gulf between governors and governed, Enlightenment (historical period), 51 26–7 emergence of notion of the state, 52, intellectuals and journalists as bridge, 57 27 sociological account, 54–6 Judt on, 26 flaws, 57 Weimar Republic, 239 enlightenment (state of consciousness), 35, Descartes, Ren´e, 175 118 destiny, 22–3, 27 entelechy, 170 dialectic, 128, 129 epistemic injustice, 315 communism vs capitalism as, 2 epistemology Engels’ dialectics of nature, 101 Dilthey, 166–8 Idealist tradition as, 2 Fichte, 93 in Marx, 97 Kant, 13–14 Diederichs, Eugen, 162 neo-Kantian development, 140 Dilthey, Wilhelm, 162, 163, 338 Lebensphilosophie, 164 early work, 166 meta-history, 337–9 Einleitung in die Geisteswissenschaften, ethics and morality 163 abstracted from concrete facts of moral epistemology, 166–8 life, 3 ‘Erfahren und Denken’, 167 education and, 110 ‘Formation of the Historical World’, Hegel, 69 167–8 Kant’s, 58, 197–8, 200–1, 202 Gadamer on, 165 rationalisation and, 198 historical work, 165–6 marriage as basis, 290 on Schelling, 166 of recognition, 315, 323, 326 on spirit, 168 Protestant, 201 discourse without domination, 2–3 religion and, 39 disembodiment, 320–1 ethnography, 195 division of labour, 40–1 Eucken, Rudolf, 150, 151 double reflexivity, 76 European Labour Academy, 152 Driesch, Hans, 173 evil, 42–3 Droysen, Johann Gustav, 332, 338 evolution, 170–1 Dulckheit, Gerhard, 234 human intelligence as product, 172–3 duration, 169 executive power, 271 Durkheim, Emile,´ 56 existentialism, 300–1 experience, 92–3 Economy and Society, 188 Kant on, 93 ecstatic recognition, 322, 323, 326–7 expressivism, 86 © in this web service Cambridge University Press www.cambridge.org Cambridge University Press 978-1-107-03983-4 - The Impact of Idealism: The Legacy of Post-Kantian German Thought: Volume II: Historical, Social and Political Thought General Editors Nicholas Boyle and Liz Disley Edited by John Walker Index More information 376 Index fascism, 260, 264–5 moral freedom, 69 private property and, 268 Marx on, 72 fate, 34 of individual citizens, 63–4 feminism, 281 post-Kantian perfectionism, 100 Feuerbach, Ludwig, 84 Schelling on, 65 Marx’s critique, 94 spontaneity and, 86–7 Fichte, Johann Gottlieb, 277 French Revolution, 46 Closed Commercial State, The,92 Freud, Sigmund, 194 Doctrine of Science, 292 theory of drives, 224–6 epistemology, 93 Fricker, Miranda, 312–13 Foundations of Natural Right, 92, 277, F¨uhrer principle, 239–41 285–6 Fukuyama, Francis, 2 influence on Bergson, 174 functionaries, 37, 38 influence on Marx, 92 influence on von Berger, 117 Gadamer, Hans-Georg, 165 Lectures on the Vocation of a Scholar, 40–1, Gans, Eduard, 84 117 Gatterer, Johann Christoph, 333 On the destiny of human beings in Gauss, Carl Friedrich, 124 society, 118 Gehlen, Arnold, 43 on gender and sexuality, 280, 290–1 gender and sexuality, 278 on love and marriage, 287–90 as ground of sexual difference, 282 on recognition, 284–7 as master–slave relationship, 304–5 on scholars, 40–1 Beauvoir on, 281–2, 293–5 on self-consciousness, 303 civil society as male ethical sphere, 308 political philosophy, 61–5 obedience and refusal, 307–8 Sittenlehre, 291 Fichte on, 280, 287–90, 295–6 finalism, 170 Hegel on, 306–7 Fischer, Kuno, 140 in Antigone, 306–7 Flottbeck, 121 Kant on, 280 forms (Platonic), 186 male desire for disembodiment, 320–1 Foucault, Michel, 36 male sexual desire, 295 Frankfurt school, 102, 191 myth of the ‘eternal feminine’, 284–5 critique of instrumental reason, 192–3 Rousseau on, 282–4 Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung,44 same-sex relationships, 321 Fraser, Nancy, 312 German Revolutions (1848), 83 Redistribution or Recognition?, 313 German Volk, 245–6 Frederick the Great, 37 Germany, 232–3 free speech, 20 development of meta-history, 331–2 free will, 17, 169 Gervinus, Georg Gottfried, 339 gender and sexuality and, 284 Gesch¨aftsleute,38 freedom, 13 Geschichtszeichen,46 as Kantian Idea of Reason, 16 Geschlecht (race), 28 as Lyotard’s universal idea, 45–6 Gierke, Otto von, 151 Beauvoir on, 295 Glaube
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