© Massa Editore - 2006 Piazza Nicola Amore, 14 - 80138 Napoli - Italy Tel. 081.5630121 (Fax) www.massaeditore.com - e-mail: [email protected] per ordini dall’estero: [email protected] Tutti i diritti riservati. ISBN 88-87835-....-... WORLD HERITAGE AND WAR Linee guida per interventi a salvaguardia dei Beni Culturali nelle aree a rischio bellico di FABIO MANISCALCO VOLUME 6 prefazioni di PROF. MARWAN ABU KHALAF MASSA EDITORE Collana monografica fondata e curata da Fabio Maniscalco Direttore editoriale Luigi Serra Curatore Fabio Maniscalco Comitato scientifico Francesco Abbate, Marwan Abu Khalaf, Carmela Baffioni, Sergio Baldi, George F. Bass, Paolo Biagi, Franco Bocchieri, Mounir Bouchenaki, Patrick Boylan, Giuseppe Camodeca, Agostino Cilardo, Pasquale Ciriello, Etienne Clément, Riccardo Contini, Bruno D’Agostino, Stefano De Caro, Angela Del Vecchio, Alessandro de Maigret, Frederick Mario Fales, Francesco Francioni, Pelio Fronzaroli, Piero Alfredo Gianfrotta, Andrea Gioia, Francesco Giordano, Edoardo Greppi, Luigi Labruna, Umberto Leanza, Claudio Lo Jacono, Luigi Marino, Valentino Pace, Vincenzo Pacelli, Cosimo Pagliara, Antonio Paolucci, Philippe Pergola, Patrizia Piacentini, Michele Piccirillo, Angela Pontrandolfo, Sergio Pratali Maffei, Gianfranco Purpura, Rahim Raza, Colin Renfrew, Enzo Scandurra, Adolfo Tamburello, André Tchernia, Giuliano Volpe, Carlo Zaccagnini, Paul Zanker Segreteria di redazione Emilia Lanaro, Patrizia Monaci Webmaster Luigi Ruggiero Impaginazione grafica Antonio Nocella Traduzioni Stephen J. Spedding Recapito scientifico Presidenza Facoltà di Studi Arabo-Islamici e del Mediterraneo Università “L’Orientale”, via Melisurgo n. 44, 80134 Napoli - Tel./fax (0039)081.5511369 web pages: http://web.tiscali.it/mediterraneum_isform http://web.tiscalinet.it/osservatoriobc http://www.iuo.it/didattica/facoltà/s_islamici/inizio.htm Indice Prefazioni: MARWAN ABU KHALAF 7 MICHAEL PETZET 8 Introduzione LUIGI MARINO 10 CAPITOLO 1. RISCHI MECCANICI (FISICI, CHIMICI, BIOLOGICI ED ANTROPICI) NON DIPENDENTI DALL’IMPIEGO DI ARMI SUI BENI CULTURALI 1.1. Introduzione 1.2. Rischi meccanici 1.3. Rischi fisici 1.3.1. Acqua ed Umidità 1.3.2. Variazioni termiche 1.3.3. Illuminazione 1.3.4. Inquinamento 1.3.5. Incendi 1.4. Inquinamento biologico e Biodeterioramento 1.5. Rischi antropici 1.5.1. Utilizzo improprio di edifici storici o di monumenti 1.5.2. Vandalismo 1.5.3. Abusivismo 1.5.4. Inadeguata ricostruzione postbellica 1.6. Principali rischi indiretti per i beni culturali immobili 1.6.1. Edifici storici e monumenti 1.6.2. Decorazioni architettoniche 1.6.3. Dipinti murali e intonaci 1.6.4. Mosaici su supporto fisso 1.6.5. Vetrate 1.6.6. Biblioteche ed Archivi CAPITOLO 2. IMPIEGO DELLE ARMI CONTRO I BENI CULTURALI 2.1. Le armi: generalità 2.1.1. Caratteristiche delle armi 2.1.2. Esplosivi Cariche esplosive speciali: cariche cave Effetti dell’esplosione 2.2. Effetti delle armi sui beni culturali 2.2.1. Bombe aeree, missili e razzi 2.2.2. Effetto delle bombe speciali, delle mine e degli ordigni di circostanza 2.2.3. Effetto delle armi di piccolo calibro e leggere 2.3. Terrorismo e beni culturali CAPITOLO 3. MISURE D I PROTEZIONE PREVENTIVA ED ATTIVITÀ DI PRIMO INTERVENTO OPERATIVO PER LA SALVAGUARDIA DEL PATRIMONIO CULTURALE NELLE AREE A RISCHIO BELLICO 3.1. Introduzione 3.2. Misure di protezione dei beni culturali dai rischi non dipendenti dall’impiego di armi 3.2.1. Beni culturali immobili (edifici storici, monumenti, siti archeologici e culturali) Strutture murarie Decorazioni architettoniche Dipinti murali, intonaci e mosaici Vetrate 3.3. Prevenzione e protezione dai rischi dipendenti dall’impiego di armi 6 3.3.1. Beni culturali immobili (edifici storici, monumenti, siti culturali) 3.4. “Sacchetti a terra” 3.5. Prevenzione e protezione antincendio 3.5.1. Prevenzione incendi 3.5.2. Protezione antincendio 3.6. Intervento d’urgenza per la salvaguardia dei beni culturali 3.6.1. Attività di primo intervento 3.6.2. Attività di tutela e di primo intervento per la salvaguardia e la conservazione di decorazioni architettoniche e di dipinti e mosaici murali Introduzione Verifica dello stato dei luoghi ed interdizione all’accesso nell’immobile o nel sito culturale Recupero dei materiali Messa in sicurezza dei materiali Ricomposizione e restauro CAPITOLO 4. BENI CULTURALI MOBILI 4.1. Introduzione 4.2. Tutela dei beni culturali mobili 4.2.1. Musei, Biblioteche, Archivi 4.2.2. Privati e altre istituzioni/edifici culturali 4.2.3. Parchi culturali e siti archeologici 4.2.4. Comunità internazionale, Governi, Ministeri ed Istituzioni culturali nazionali ed internazionali 4.3. Movimentazione 4.4. Depositi-rifugio CAPITOLO 5. LA NORMATIVA 5.1. Evoluzione normativa in materia di protezione dei beni culturali in caso di conflitto armato 5.2. La Convenzione de L’Aja del 1954 5.3. I Protocolli addizionali alla Convenzione de L’Aja del 1954 APPENDICE I. Norme di comportamento e precauzioni per operatori dei beni culturali nelle aree a rischio bellico II. Norme di comportamento sanitario nelle aree a rischio bellico (di Calogero Maniscalco) III. Convenzioni internazionali in materia di protezione dei beni culturali in caso di conflitto Bibliografia ed Abbreviazioni 259 Indice degli Autori Preface The protection of our heritage, either architec- against the spirit of these conventions, a serious 7 tural or material cultural is a vital aspect to pro- level of destruction and a general neglect of the tect the national identity. In the last decades of site context. the 20th century the human consciousness of the As Al Quds University, we have supported the world community developed in a way that it is pilot project “A Blue Shield for Palestine”, in necessary to give our support to inspirit the cul- cooperation with the “L’Orientale” University of tural factors so as to form a bridge between the Naples and the Permanent Observatory on the past and the future. Protection of Cultural Heritage in Conflict areas People at the present are more conscious of the of I.S.Fo.R.M., to affix the Blue Shield over a unity of human values and regard to ancient mon- series of monuments in danger in our country and uments as a common heritage. It is recognized we are aware of the immense effort that should that the safeguard of cultural heritage is a com- continue to be done. mon responsibility for the future generations. For Therefore this book “Preventive safe guard and that purpose several international charters and emergency intervention for protection the cul- conventions for the protection and conservation tural property in the event of armed conflict”, of monuments and sites were issue. devoted to that subject, it is necessary to remind Among the most important, the 1954 Hague the international community about its great Convention for protection of cultural property in responsibility regarding this matter. the event of armed conflict and its Blue Shield Finally, I would like to extend my thanks to Pro- symbol, the 1964 Charter of Venice, and the 1972 fessor Fabio Maniscalco, the editor of this Vol- Paris Convention concerning the protection of ume, for his dedicated efforts. the world cultural and natural heritage. Despite all of these conventions, cultural heritage PROF. MARWAN ABU KHALAF in several countries, such as Palestine, Iraq, and Director Institute of Islamic Archaeology Bosnia, faced and still is facing severe threats Al Quds University - Jerusalem Preface 8 The International Council on Monuments and tion). In the second chapter practical examples of Sites (ICOMOS) is an association of professionals damages produced by “indirect risks” are working for the conservation and protection of described: during an armed conflict there can be cultural heritage places. It is the only global non- damages to historical buildings and monuments, governmental organisation of its kind dedicated to architectural decorations, to wall paintings and to promoting the application of theory, method- plasters, to mosaics on fixed support, to windows ology, and scientific techniques to the conserva- and glass doors, to libraries and to archives. tion of architectural and archaeological heritage. In war areas it is fundamental to organize preven- Its work is based on the principles enshrined in tive protection against the likely damages pro- the Venice Charter, the 1964 International Char- duced by weapons of different factions. There- ter on the Conservation and Restoration of Mon- fore, the author has dedicated the third chapter uments and Sites. to the analysis and description of the characteris- It is a well known fact that during the last fifty tics and effects of weapons and explosives. In years armed conflicts have been the main cause particular, a paragraph is dedicated to the for destruction and dispersion of international weapons’ effects against cultural heritage (e.g. cultural heritage. The dissolution of international aerial bombs, missiles, rockets, special bombs, historical memory in the event of armed conflict mines, circumstance bombs and small-caliber can also be seen in connection with the lack of weapons against immovable cultural property). appropriate educational programmes all over the Topical is also the paragraph about terrorism and world, and consequently with the lack of guide- cultural property, with relevant information Pro- lines about safeguarding and first aid for the pro- fessor Maniscalco has gained during his long tection of cultural property in war zones. For this activity in Bosnia and Herzegovina, in Kosovo reason, as President of ICOMOS I welcome Pro- and Metohija, in Albania, in Middle East, in the fessor Maniscalco’s World Heritage and War Maghreb, in West Africa and in Afghanistan. book. Fabio Maniscalco is one of the most expe- In the 4th Chapter measures to safeguard cultural rienced scholars in this field and his enthusiasm properties are described that would have to be to produce scientific materials will assure the suc- put into effect in the event of armed conflict (e.g.
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