HRVATSKA UDRUGA KONCESIONARA ZA AUTOCESTE S NAPLATOM CESTARINE CROATIAN ASSOCIATION OF TOLL MOTORWAYS CONCESSIONAIRES Bilten 7. / 2006 RIJEKA-ZAGREB MOTORWAY Financing agreement between the Autocesta Rijeka - Zagreb d.d. and the European Investment Bank and loan agreement between the Re- public of Croatian and the European Investment Bank On March 9, 2006 the Autocesta Rijeka on and Development (EBRD), according to - Zagreb d.d. (ARZ) and the European Inves- which both Banks participated, each with 50 tment Bank (EIB) signed the financing agree- percent, in the amount required for finan- ment amounting to € 210 million, destined cing the Stage I of this project. for financing the stage IIB of the Rijeka - Za- The Stage IIB, i.e. completion of the Ri- greb motorway, i.e. road widening to full mo- jeka - Zagreb motorway by adding the se- The financing agreement concluded torway profile in the length of 44.26 km from cond pavement on the remaining 44.26 between the European Investment Bank Kikovica to Stara Sušica (Vrbovsko) viaduct. km of the semi-motorway, has been divi- and the Autocesta Rijeka - Zagreb d.d. This € 210 million loan, backed by the gu- ded based on time schedule into 5 secti- was signed by the ARZ Board President arantee issued by the Republic of Croatia, is ons. Individual contracts will be concluded Mr. Jurica Prskalo and the EIB Vice-Pre- to be reimbursed within 25 years, while the for the construction of each such section, sident, Mr. Wolfgang Roth, while the gu- grace period is 5 years. The interest rate is while a separate contract will be conclu- arantee agreement entered into between EURIBOR rate + up to 0.13 percent, with ded for the road and tunnel equipment. the Republic of Croatia and the European no additional Bank fees that are otherwise From the engineering standpoint, the Investment Bank was signed by Croatia’s normally charged for the approval and pro- construction of the Stage IIB is highly de- Finance Minister, Mr. Ivan Šuker, and the cessing of loans. The funds will be reimbur- manding as it includes construction of 11 EIB Vice-President, Mr. Wolfgang Roth. sed exclusively from the company’s reve- bridges and viaducts, as well as 9 tunnels The agreement signing ceremony was nues, i.e. from toll collection. out of which the Tuhobić Tunnel (2,143 attended by Prime Minister, Ivo Sana- This agreement represents a continua- m) is the longest. Engineering structures der, PhD, by the Minister of Sea, Tourism, tion of cooperation between the ARZ and form as much as 27 percent of the Kikovi- Transport and Development, Mr. Božidar EIB which started already in 2002 with the € ca - Vrbovsko section (44.26 km). Kalmeta, by the Minister of Foreign Affairs 60 million loan to be repaid within 20 years, According to time schedule, all sections and European Integration, Ms. Kolinda Gra- the proceeds of which were destined for fi- will be completed in full motorway profi- bar Kitarović, MSc, by other representati- nancing construction of the Vrbovsko - Bo- le and opened to traffic by the end of 2008. ves of the Government of the Republic of siljevo - Vukova Gorica section. The menti- Some sections (Kikovica - Oštrovica, 7.4 Croatia, including representatives of local oned loan was a part of a joint arrangement km, and Vrata - Delnice - Kupjak, 16.8 km) government and self-government and re- with the European Bank for Reconstructi- will be opened to traffic already in 2007. presentatives of the business community. CONSTRUCTION STARTS AT ZAGREB-SISAK MOTORWAY A11 The start of construction work at the Zagreb - Sisak motorway A11 was marked on April 5, 2006 in Kušanec near the future Velika Gorica South interchange. The works were ceremoni- ously opened by Prime Minister Mr. Ivo Sanader PhD, together with the Minister of Sea, Tourism, Transport and Development Mr. Božidar Kalmeta, and the Finance Minister Mr. Ivan Šuker. The contract for construction of the Jakuševec - Velika Gorica secti- on of the future Zagreb - Sisak motorway was signed on April 3, 2006 between Hrvatske autoceste d.o.o. and the joint venture formed of Vi- adukt, Konstruktor inženjering, Strabag and Hidroelektra Niskograd- nja. The contract value is kn 201,895,806.96 (not including the V.A.T.), and the work is due for completion by June 15, 2007. The Zagreb - Sisak motorway, 47.5 km in length, is divided into three sections: Jakuševec - Velika Gorica South (9.5 km), Velika Gorica South - Lekenik (20.2 km), and Lekenik - Mošćenica (17.8 km). The Construction Program for the period from 2005 to 2008 provides for construction of Photo 1 - Map of the main trace sections until Lekenik, i.e. the Jakuševec - Ve- (filling station, restaurant), six interchan- built on this roadway. Some of significant lika Gorica section is to be built until October ges (Jakuševec, Velika Gorica South, Bu- structures to be built along the motorway 2007, while the Velika Gorica South - Lekenik ševec, Lekenik, Sisak and Mošćenica), and are the bridge over the Sava-Odra Channel section is to be opened to traffic by Decem- connections to Veliko Polje and Velika Go- (280 m), arch bridge over the Kupa River ber 2008. The planned value of construction rica. In addition, a Road Maintenance and (270 m), and a 750 m long viaduct. work covered by the Construction Program Traffic Control Centre is also planned in An overpass above the marshalling until 2008 amounts to kn 1.36 billion. the scope of the Sisak interchange. The yard, 5000 m in length, is to be built in the The future Zagreb - Sisak motorway total of 17 bridges, 5 viaducts, 20 overpa- scope of construction of the south entran- will feature one roadside service facility sses, 7 underpasses and 17 culverts will be ce to the city of Zagreb. RIJEKA-ZAGREB MOTORWAY Progress of work on the Rijeka - Zagreb motorway construction project, stage II A: widening to full motorway profile Works aimed at widening the existing concrete work on 440 m of this 601-me- pier heads. As to superstructure, 7 out of road to the full motorway profile have now ter long tunnel, including the tunnel portals. the total of 37 sections have so far been gained full momentum. The construction The waterproofing was placed on 536 m of launched and the concrete work is now work on the so called stage IIA (Bosiljevo II pipes, and the internal drainage work is to complete for the first stage of the eighth - Stara Sušica, 11.3 km) started in 2005, fo- be completed within the ensuing ten days. section. The work on the Zečeve Drage llowing an international bidding. Some of the The construction work at the Veliki Glo- Viaduct will fully be completed in 2007. works covered by the Stage IIA, i.e. 3 km on žac Tunnel (1124 m) is carried out by the The construction of the Severinske the Kupjak - Vrbovsko section, including the joint venture formed of Viadukt and Hidro- Drage viaduct (Hidroelektra niskograd- Čardak Tunnel, will be completed and ope- elektra niskogradnja. Here the work is also nja) is advancing as follows: abutment pi- ned to traffic in summer 2006. The con- progressing faster than planned. The tunnel les, abutment U1, and pier foundations struction work on 8.2 km of the Vrbovsko - was fully excavated in November 2005 are now completed. The concrete work Bosiljevo section will be completed in 2007. and, by March 2006, the builders realized is completed for 37 out of the total of 160 The works conducted on Čardak Tunnel 427 m of secondary reinforced-concrete li- piers and for 3 out of the total of 17 pier (601 m), realized by Konstruktor, are ad- ning, 517 m of waterproofing and 1100 m heads. The launching of substructure ele- vancing ahead of schedule. Thus, the tunnel of the total of 2300 m of drainage pipes. ments is currently in progress. was fully excavated in November 2005, i.e. The work on the Veliki Gložac Tunnel will The work on Severinske Drage Via- three months in advance. By the end of be completed by summer 2007. duct is due for completion in 2007. March 2006, the builders completed the The contract for construction of three 25 pier sections, 18 girders, and 3 pier he- viaducts, i.e. Zečeve drage (915.8 m), Se- ads, have so far been completed on the pro- verinske Drage (726 m) and Osojnik (435 ject realized by Konstruktor inženjering and m), with the total length of 4.5 km, was consisting of the Osojnik viaduct and the ap- awarded in late August 2005. purtenant route. On this project, the work The works on the Zečeve Drage Via- was not carried out during the winter time duct, performed by the Zagreb-based Via- and so, now that the spring has come, the dukt, are currently ahead of schedule. Su- work will be resumed by performing the in- bstructure works completed so far include ternal drainage work and by completing the excavation of 15 out of 18 foundation pits, earthworks. The work on the viaduct and concrete work for 10 out of 18 pier foun- the route is on schedule, and the project is Photo 1 - Works on the viaduct dations, and full realization of 7 piers with to be completed by the end of 2006. CORRIDOR VC Contractors selected for structures along the Ðakovo - Sredanci section Following the public bidding proce- The value of work is estimated at dure, the company Hrvatske autoceste kn 104,709,136.52 (without the V.A.T.) d.o.o. selected most favourable bids for and the first stage of construction work construction of road structures and for is to be completed in September 2006, overpass construction at the Ðakovo - while the second stage is due for com- Sredanci section of the motorway A5 Beli pletion in April 2007.
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