www.ukrweekly.com STRIKES AND POLICE О. Boydunyk, Head of UkrainianAnti-Communis t Rioters Storm Dr. Poling Scores Reds lor SKIRMISHES IN UKRAINE Red Youth Fete in Helsinki making' HELSINKI, Finland (UPI). some arrests, but the exact Communism's colonial ex , MUNICH, Germany (Spe­ ties on the market, and people Mounted police broke up a figures were not immediately pansion. made possible by the cial)'. — According to Shlakh had to wait in long queues to crowd of demonstrators esti- available. Police stopped a broken pledges and brutal force ********* July 29, 1982, a U- buy a piece of meat. When on mated at 5,000 who tossed crowd of several hundred youth of the Soviet Unioh—and by kfttfhian - language newspaper, June 1, 1982, the new price rocks at vehicles carrying dele­ from storming a park where the indifference of free men; anti^Soviet Btrikee and anti-po- rise was announced, Ukrainian gates to the communist-backed festive slogans are displayed was denounced on July 15, Hce disturbances took place in miners declared a strike op World YOuth Festival. The and which houses a Soviet cul­ 1962. By Dr. Daniel A. Poling, the Don baa industrial region of June 2 and stated that they riots erupted here on Sunday, tural exhibit The exhibit was editor of The Christian Herald, Ukraine in June. 1962. would not go work. The strikes July 29, 1982. attacked . by demonstrators at a Freedom Rally in John -The report in the Munich spread to other areas on June ' Bus windows were shattered Saturday night. The riots con­ Hancock Hall in Boston, Mass., paper reads as follows: 3 and 4,1962. At the beginning and store windows broken by tinued for the tour consecutive sponsored by the American In­ ' "We received from a reliable the strikers were approached the anti-Communist demon­ days. stitute. source the confirmation of re­ by chiefs of local "militia," but strators in downtown Helsinki. Reliable sources said that at . Dr. Poling spoke to an audi­ ports which . circulated last when their intervention failed It was the second incident of least seven of the 599-membe.r ence made up of refugees .from week in ..Munich to the effect Moscow dispatched several violence in as many nights con­ delegation from East Germany Russian colonialism. They came that in June, 1982, large-scale units of KGB troops which nected with the festival. fled to Sweden Saturday night strikes and riots Of the popula­ opened fire on the strikers and •*' Bbviet newspapers charged arid asked for; political asylum. ania, Hungary, Poland arid U- tion occurred in the Donets occupied several mines. For that the United States and About 10,000 delegates are kraine. baafe (the districts of Donetsk several days railroad commu­ West Germany were behind attending the 6th World Youth Dr. Poling noted that Com­ and Kramatorsk), which were nication with the Donbas cities tbk demonstrations and that Festival at the Qlypipic Stadi­ munists nave taken over coun­ crushed by special detachments was suspended, while Western the loyalty'' of anti-festival um. A few other incidents were try sifter country through of KGB troops ' promptly correspondents, including one Osyp Boydunyk rioters had been purchased by reported. An egg was tossed at agreements to form coalition brought from their bases. The American reporter, were denied' the "Central Intelligence A- the American .-delegation, and governments—and then break­ cause of the riots of the U- permission to visit the Don­ visitcd the larger centers of gency and the State Depart- several anti-Castro Cubans en­ ing ail promises and seizing the kfftitimn population was the bas." '•'' ' Ukrainian emigration in Ar­ ment" gaged in a fist 6ght with dele­ government through' force. Widespread discontent because (EDITOR'S NOTE: The. sit­ gentina and outlined the cun? -.>* Several persons were re­ gates from the Fidel Castro As for Russia the famed olЧЗ&е. рисе rise on such pro­ uation created by striking U- rent political activities of the ported injured. The police made government journalist, author arid minister, ducts as meat, butter and other krainian miners in the Donbas Ukrainian Centrla Bads. declared he stands with those fpod-Btuffs which went in to ef- area of Ukraine reminds us of Chicago's 'Ukrainian Day* who, accuse the Soviet Union fdel on June 1, 1982. the analogous situation of the on charges. '^Trying to save the cata­ Polish strikes in Poznan in Khrushchev Blatties Stalin for Huge Success —The Soviet Union violated strophic state of Soviet econ­ 1956. The difference, however, CHICAGO. 111.—The first an krainian Organizations of Il­ its solemn promises of free' omy, Moscow raised the price lies in the fact that while the Neglect of Agriculture nual Chicago area "Ukrainian linois, for all of the hard work dom and independence to the on food products by 25 to 35 anti-communist strikes in Poz­ V. U.S.S.R. — Nikita station, the third in a planned Day" Picnic held at Pilsen Park and effort фі* organization ex­ per eeht suddenly and without nan were witnessed by several serlee of Dnieper power plants, on July 15, was a huge success tended to make the picnic a any warning to the population, hundreds of Western visitors success. Mr. Pucilo then stated stating that the prevalent who came to the Polish World despite the inclement weather that the July ;15 date tor the prices were bringing serious Fair in Poznan, the anti-Com­ /which prevailed for most of the picnic was inn unfortunate one deficits to collective and state munist riOts of Ukrainian min­ day.. Estimates of attendance because it marked the begin­ farms. , * ,.. ers were 'crushed without any ranged anywhere from a con­ ning оГ Captive, Nations, Week. "Irt addition, such food ar­ witnesses, inasmuch as Moi-> servative 500 to 1,000. Ctommentipg on ' the ' un-ex- "But it was brought about, by ticles as meat, butter and other cow prevented in time any of 1 the Western reporters from pected attendance, Mr. Peter circumstances beyQnd our .con­ products - had been appearing trol," continue^ Mr,, і Pucflo. recently, in very small quanti­ visiting the critical arefi.|• Pucilo, UNA subreme coiitrol- ler and. chairman of the U- "Now .that we have been able krainian ' . Day Committee, to obtain, this fine, park for, our stated: "Credit, for initiating use jwcare in a< better ppsjtipn this ''Ukrainian''Day' Picnic to ask for. another date. Next .i-iii . year. :ukra*nian .Day^wfili be -**чадаиv f. »t,t ш iuat go .to. the Ukrainian Na- held on August 14." • A small ctfr made in Ukraine making now? The small. !Zapo- S. onSjl Association. This is as In addition to the usual fan­ appears to be a sop which rozhets' car for sale to private it should be for the Ukrainian fare which has become part Mbejcow conceived to soothe persons. The country could, of National. Association is the and parcel of alb Ukrainian the evefc-i-n-creasi n g rest­ course, get along without these largest, Ukrainian organization picnica,, "Ukrainian Day" -, in lessness of the captive U- cars at the present time," ^ JnjUe/ree. world. Last Sunday Chicago also, offered an out­ krainians. According to The A shortage of farm machin­ we all attended the annual standing and , well-rounded New York Times dispebeh of ery4 has been cited by SOviel of­ ,! UNA Pay.Picnic. Today we at­ program, which included The J.Ulyt. 81, 1962, the Zaporob ficials as a factor In lagging tend the first annual 'Ukrain­ UNA Band under the direction zhets." a small car made at agricultural production. The ian Рду' Picnic. Both were of Captain Barabash, th^ MUN the Ukrainian city of Zaporo- Kommunar plant was the initiated by the Ukrainian Na Dancers of Chicago and the zhf> Was released, despite U.S.S.R/S oldest grain harvest* Pehn-Ohio Committee to Stage tional Association. Quite an ac­ MUN Meilo-Tones under the Khrushchev's criticism of Its Two Pilgrimages er producer, which a few years complishment for even the direction of Johnny Levkovych. production by a plant that ago was converted to the pro­ First Golf Tournament UNA!".Mr. Pucilo went on to Program chairman was Myron During the month of August, Franciscan Pilgrimages offer us formerly made agricultural duction of mechanical corn- B. Kuropas, Supreme Advisor Ukrainian Catholics will be af­ just a means to fulfill the do- machinery. Speaking last thank Mr. Orest Dziubynsky, pickers. In switching over to President of the United U- of the UNA. forded the opportunity of par­ Me&rb to a group of workers small cars, it became the sec­ ticipating In, not one, but two in .Ukraine, Khrushchev said: ond corn-picker factory. As a CONGRESSMAN WILLIAM W. SCRANTON VISITS pilgrimages. VTou. remember the Kom- result, the output of corn- UKRAINIAN FAMILY The first, a pilgrimage for mdnar harvester combines; plckers in Ukraine dropped world peace, is conducted an­ they were being Made in Zapo- from 18,000 in 1957 to 250 Ifa nually by the Slav-Byzantine roxhe. They were highly valued 1959. * ' Province Of the Franciscan by- farm workers. Suddenly U- The "Zaporozheta." which Fathers at their monastery In krainian comrades started to sells at about 1,800 rubles ($2,- Sybertaville, Pa., and in con­ insist that another product be 000), is a four-passenger car junction with the Franciscan made by the plant instead of patterned after small vehicles Fathers indulgence of the combines. The request was un­ made in the West and it can Portluncula. Last year this fortunately approved. And what trAvel forty miles oh a gallon very pilgrimage attracted over із the former combine plant of fuel.
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