TUE IXDTAXAPOLIS JOÜRXAL, SUNDAY, APRIL 27, 1902 PAKT TWO. lari.il ftjvtr aj If bitten by one of them. by avoiding mosquito bites. To prove that untold suffering to the miners, a great loss Of course, th. m-s- t malignant form of m.i-- J this was true several English surgeons In money to the operators, and the effect SARTO MAY BE NEXT POPE would be so far-reachi- ng that It would be iri.i th.it the mosquitn carries i that in lived for months in a mosquito-proo- f house telt in moft parts of the United States. which one, of them 1ms cither fed upon a In the Roman Campagna and escaped the For the lirst time in the history of the in il.ri.l patient r upon some form of de-cav- fd lever, while the neighboring Inhabitants anthracite' tkld the operators have met - the head officials of the miners' organiza- 1'ATIIIAUCH OF VliMCC AVIIO matter which contained germs of ma- were shaktn daily by th ir chills and many tion and through the mediation of the fed- J larl i an ! l itrr has Mttrn an Individual. died from the fever. These surgeons tar- eration committee discussed their differ- GA1M:U FA.MC AS A PHKACIIEU. "Many popio wonder how the mnquito ried mosquitoes ences. The rer.ült has not been made which had bitten Roman known but will soon be announced. cirrus m tl.Triil pnijn in Us bite. It (Joes fever patient.? this lace back to London at HAS ACCOMPLISHED MISSION. by nifiiiiM of saliva boing injectfd hos- this its and fed them on people in the London As the purpose of the Civic Federation i3 Into the bit. through the proboscis. The pital?, and the typical homan fever de- Atno Choice of the Present Pontin to Irin? about such joint conferences, it mm-quit- o rat? the malarial germ?, which veloped after their bites. President lloo.ov-l- t to Attend the - lias thus far accomplished its mission. How j,-i-- ir.to its stomach, and germs In- - comes to fact," Fox- - thse "It down the Ir. far its mediation will go to satisfy the em- J'rcnhy terinn Jubilee. cr'.i5e in number and INtribute themselves worthy went on to say, "thr.t if the mos- teooU , ployer employe seen, through body mosqult-- to- and remains to be but the entire of the quito was eliminated from ths earth if precedent prior s the Uhe Floor of other conferences lru iU'lin the salivary pland-- and arc thus day over five millions of tho inhabitants to strikes is followed there will be few sus- Special SIIT Over fKschargM during to the Indianapolis Journal. eight hundred women with the saliva the bilo. of India who die each year from malarial pensions of work if the case Is handled by Jto-VcU- y thirty-six.- NEW YORK, April 26. Reports from Ijt The malaria which the mosquito injects fever Would have a better chance at life. the "committee of " 'Bright tvtth have been supplied with dress into the body of a person cannot be And if these mosquitoes would entirely dis- The editor of the Union Boot and Shoe Rome indicate that there is much discus- Worker comments thus on the Civic Fed- of the suc- patterns of black checked as can irritation caused by Its bite. appear yellow' fever would alFO lose it eration: sion there as to the personality mistral cloth This Irritation, which causes Fomc people grasp on Cuban and Central America and "How much the wrongly called 'court of cessor Leo XIII as Tope. It is practically fpHIS has been a spring fro m our black goods depart- much annoyance when pitting out of doors would never more spread over our South- labor' may accomplish is problematical. The impossible for any one to name the cardi- ment summ r evening?, bo quaran- first steps taken in any movement, while nal who will bo the next Tope, but gossip peculiarly fertile in its this spring. No other durin? can easily ern coast line; and our expensive the most important, never make the show- combated by very simple remedies. It is tines, which tho government Is compelled ing that succeeding ones do. It is certainly at the Roman capital has centered around hardly material save crepon ever en- Van-nute- of new styles; a In Vincenzo lli show caused by the acid which 13 created and to. establish, would be a thing of the past. move the right direction. three men Cardinals Gotti, joyed such "The labor and capital problem is a com- and Sarto. The last named is said widespread popu- injeeted into the mosquito bite, and can The mosquito is a little thing, but it has plex one and Is not settled at one sweep, no an outergarment but shows be easily overcome by the application of caused millions of deaths and millions of matter how brainy who attempt to to be the choice of the present pointiff, larity. Naturally stocks have those College from con- alkalies, tuch as spirits of ammonia or dollars' loss in property." solve It. but the past history of the of hmmm some departure frequently , been low, "This board of arbitration, or 'court, is for a favorite of a but a common bakin? soda mixed with water. So purpose Cardinals indicates that scarcely the of settling disputes between Pope of succeeding ventional lines, shipment just received enables highly susceptible are some people to the CORRESPONDENT HONORED. capital and labor. Its Jurisdiction does not stands little chance o organiza- however, is acknowl- bite of a mo.-quit- strong medical ap- extend to disputes between labor him. Cardinal Sarto, one but is more attractive us again that any con- to announce a choice plications have to be used to counteract tions more than to those between edged to be one who has all the necessary tending capitalists. The term 'court of la- pa- range of this irritant poison." bor' does not apply. qualifications for leadership. Ho is from this very fact. All qualities. "Do all mosquitoes are found "Though this movement Is necessarily triarch of Venice, which city is unique that around In scope, problem Indus- this means the buying of Plain black mistral cloths, 4 inches this city convey poisonous perms?" Dr. limited and the of among those of northern Italy in that it V-- .. ' trial peace of almost Infinite complexity, places wide, are here in four qualittes, & Foxworthy was asked, and he replied: there is no necessity of disparaging the at- has only a patriarch, while smaller clothes, and, since clothes 5c, - ' 4;.: ; tempt. It is a very frond first Ftep. It is a are the seats of bishops or archbishops. mmmmm 1.25 Vf "No. There are only two kinds of mosqui- sign feeling 1.00. and 1.35 - that an era of better between found hi3 largest ex- money, why not save toes found around here, and one of is v-- y y Cardinal Sarto has cost yard. thee "4 v man and man is at hand. All thoughtful ä - ' perience as parish priest. He As. .... a successful perfectly harmless. This called the culex. , , persons who advocate reforms deprecate A'U3?5 you can? A few of Fancy striped and corded mistral however, malari- bitter personal feeling: it is not persons is a great preacher and under him church Äi when The kind, that transmits 1 1 1 w they are opposed to but systems. (Jood interests In Venice have greatly prospered. r as- cloths may be bad in 42 and 41-inc- h al fever and the one that every one should feeling is a great factor in the settling of Cardinal Gotti has been longest talked of our most popular avoid is known as the anopheles. This mos- disputes and is. therefore, an aid in the as successor to Leo XIII. although there m widths at 1.00 and 1.25. quito is covered with stripes and in some solving of .the great industrial problems. are those who say that he would not be sortments have one "Praise or condemnation for this board of the choice of the conclave because he is a Among other popular ma- countries is called the tiger mosquito. This arbitration are both premature. The member of the Carmelite order, and mem- or two sizes missing. Insect works by clay as well as by night, prophets for good or evil are alike unfair. bers of orders are not looked upon favor- terials are: No one yet knows what good or what harm ably as pontifical material. Nevertheless, is exten-uate- d nnd makes very little noise. Its buzzing is fault 50-inc- it will do. There are too many of its critics Cardinal Gotti has such personal charm That 42 and h twine and canvas $f a low pitch, and often the iirst intima- they know. and reputation as may outweigh the preju- ' ',' C V 5 v i Z"M- '. Z I who make assertions before by price re- cloths at 1. 0 O 1.25. Is ' . and tion of Its approach the irritation caused i. '.': ' ;. "CJivo the court a fair show: condemn or dice against monks. He is an authority by bite. In the Orient this mosquito is praise it after it has had a trial." on canon law, belongs to no factions in 50-- its the church, keeps out of politics and b ductions. iuch black cauvas, black hop ?o small that the mosquito bars used must 54-in- ch I the Cullrilnsr Trade.
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