INDEX TO VOLUME 47 Only leading articles are set in bold face type. Abrashev,K. K.. 805 phosphatesfrom Bingham, Alder, f[. H. and Kerr, P. F. In- Utah.. 1303 frared study of aragonite and Anorthositebodies, noritic, in the calcite.. 700 Sierra Nevada batholith Albee, A. L. Relationships be- (Loomis). 196 tween the mineral associa- Anthony, John W. Memorial of tion, chemical composition Gurdon Montague Butler. 438 and physical properties of the Anthophyllite within albite- chloriteseries.. .. 851 epidote hornfels facies, Fre- Aliev,R. M.. ... 807 mont County, Colorado Allanite from the Mount Wheeler (Salotti) 1055 'White area, Pine County, Antigorite, ferroan (Jenkinsite) Nevada(Lee, Bastrom)..... 1327 (Frondel). .. 783 Alluaudite and caryinite (Fisher). 163 Aomine, S. and Wada, K. Differ- Alpine-type peridotite-gabbro ential weathering of volcanic complexes,flow layering in ash and pumice, resulting in (Thayer).... 204 formation of hydrated halloy- Aluminate crystals, some alkali, site ... 1024 and potassium ferrite Apatite, a new yttrian, enclosedin (Morey). 1460 quartz from Naegi, Figu Pre- Alunite and jarosite, solid solution fecture, Japan (Omori, between. Sulfate studies II Konno) 1191 (Brophy, Scott, Snellgrove).. ll2 Apatite and ankerite,intercrystal- Alunite, isomorphous substitution lized, from the New Albany in natural and synthetic shale of Indiana (Greenberg, (Parker). 127 Harrison). l44I Amakinite (Kozlov, Levshov). 1218 Appleman,D. E... 415 Ames, L. L. Jr., Characterization withWones,D. R....... 209 of a strontium-selective zeo- Applied clay mineralogy (Grim) lite . 1317 (Bookreview) .. 1224 Effect of base cation on the Aragonite in the Franciscan rocks cesium kinetics of clinoptilo- of the Pacheco Pass area, lite.... 1310 California (McKee) 379 Kinetics of cesium reac- Argillaceousrocks, a scheme for tions with some inorganic ca- recalculating the chemical tion exchangematerials... 1067 analyses of, for comparative Amphiboles,regressions of phys- purposes(Nicholls) 34 ical properties on chemical Arnold, R. G. and Reichen, L. E. compositionof (Winchell). 208 Measurement of the metal Amstutz, G. C. with El Baz,F.. t87 content of naturally occurring Analysis, microspectrochemical, metal-deficient, hexagonal of minerals II (Waring)... 741 pyrrhotite by an r-ray spac- Anders,E...... l2l9 ing method 105 Anderson,B. 807 Artificial twinning of qtartz 'W.J........ Anderson, R., Stringham, B. (Zinserling) (Book review). 1228 and Whelan, J. A. Secondary Asklund, B., Brown, W. L, and 1493 1494 INDL,X TO VOLUME 47 Smith, J. V. Hornblende- lable variables on differential cumrningtoniteintergrowths. 160 thermalanalysis. .. 775 Beall, G. H. Age of authigenic Bailey, G. W. with Brown, C. B. biotite in the Utica shale .. 971 and White, J. I-. Removal of Beck. F. R. with Honea. R. M. reaction products from mus- Chambersite, a new mineral. 665 covite treated with molten Behierite (Mrose, Rose) 41,4 lithium nitrate. 998 Beidellite(Weir,Greene-Kelly) 137 Bailey, S. W. and Brown, B. E. Bel'kova, L. N.. 174 Chlorite polytypism: I. Reg- Benstonite, CazBao(COr)rr, a new ular and semi-random one- mineral from the barite de- layerstructures.. 819 posit in Hot Spring County, Bakeritecrystals(Murdoch) .... 919 Arkansas (Lippmann) .. 585 Baklanova,K.A... .. 417,1483 Berry, I.. G. and Thompson, Ballman, A, A. A new series of R. M. X-ray powder data for synthetic borates isostruc- ore minerals: The Peacock tural with the carbonate min- atlas (Book review). ... 1002 eral huntite 1380 Bertin, L. Larousse encyclopedia Raotite (Pao-T'ou-K'uang)from of the earth (Book review) 1227 Ravalii County, Montana Beryl, an unusual, from Arizona (Heinrich, Boyer, Crowley) 987 (Schaller, Stevens, Jahns) 672 Baranova,E. N. 1483 Beryllium-fluorine mineralization Barker, F. Cordierite-garnet at Aguachile Mountain, gneiss and associated micro- Coahuila, Mexico (Levinson) 67 cline-rich pegmatite at Stur- Bethke, P. M., Barton. P. 8., Jr. bridge, Massachusetts and and Toulmin, P. 3d. ... .. 185 Union,Connecticut... .. 907 Betpakdalite (Ermilova, Sender- Barton, P. B. Jr., with Bethke, ova) .. 172 P. M. and Toulmin, P. 3d. 185 Beus,A.A...... 812 andToulmin, P. 3d...... 205 Biotite, authigenic, age of, in the Barylite, additional data on, from Utica shale (Beall). 971 SealLake, Labrador (Nickel, Biotite-garnet pairs, the distribu- Charette) .. 761 tion of Ni, Co, Cr, Cu, Ba, Barylite, an occurrenceof, near and Sr between, in a meta- Seal Lake, Labrador (Hein- morphic sequence (Turekian, rich,Deane)... 758 Phinney) 1434 Basalt relationshipsillustrated by Birnessite from Mexico (Levinson) 790 the plagioclase-ferroandiop- Blade,L. V... .. 810 side-olivine-silicatetrahedron Bloss, F. D. Choosing precession ( Coombs). 187 screen settings 802 Bastron, H. with Lee, D. E, Introduction to the Allanite from the Mount methods of opticaI crystallog- Wheeler area. White Pine raphy(Bookreview)..,... 421 County,Nevada. .. 1327 - with Fujii, T" Some Basumallick, S. Crystal-optic properties of a-monochloro- study of secondary over- naphthalene-diiodom ethane growthin qltartz. .... .. 1473 immersionmedia.... 267 Bayliss, P. with Warne, S. St, J. Bonattite (Jambor) 1223 The differential thermal Borasky, R. and Sorrell, C. A. analysisof cerussite. 1011 Vacuum-firing and high-tern- The effects of the control- perature replication of INDDX TO VOLUME 4T 1495 kaolinite 1184 Bromyrite near Eagle, Colorado Borates, synthetic, u ou*'r"ri"" (Genes, Hausen). 982 of, isostructural with the Brophy, G. P. and Hatch, T. M. carbonate mineral huntite Recrystallization of fossil (Ballman) . I 380 horse teeth 1174 Borcos,M. 1483 Scott, E. S. and Snell- Bornite, on the transition of grove, R. A. Sulfate studies (Morimoto) 197 II. Solid solution between Boron-oxygen polyions, on aluniteandjarosite ... 112 Christ's postulated, in some Brown, B. E. with Bailey, S.'W. hydrated boratesof unknown Chlorite polytypism: I. Reg- crystal structures (Petch, ular and semi-random one- Pennington,Cuthbert) .. 40I layer structures 819 Boron substitution in synthetic Brown, C. B., Bailey, G. W. and micas and clays (Stubican, White, J. L. Removal of re- Roy). 1166 action products from musco- Borup, R. A. with Heinrich, vite treated with molten E. Wm. and Salotti, C. A, lithium nitrate... 998 'Ihe Cenosite from Cotopaxi, Brown, G. M. Mg and Fe2+ Colorado. .... 328 contents of pyroxenes from - $'ith Levinson, A. A. the Pennsylvania and Dela- Doverite from Cotooaxi ware Piedmont province: A Colorado. 337 re-interpretation....... 17O Bothwell,D. I.. 173 Brown, W. L. with Asklund, B. Boyer, Wm. H. with Heinrich, and Smith, J. V. Hornblende- E. Wm. and Crowley, F. A. cummingtonite intergrowths 160 Baotite (Pao-T'ou-K'uang) Buerger, M. J. with Peacor, D. R. from Ravalli County, Mon- The determination and re- tana... 987 finement of the structure of Boyle, R. W. 1218 narsarsukite, Na:Tiosiroro. 539 Brace, W. F. and Walsh, J. B. - with Prewitt, C. T.. 200 Some direct measurementsof - with Wuensch, B. J.. 209 the surface energy of quartz Bulakh,A. G... ....417,1+83 andorthoclase..... 1111 Bundy, F. P., Hibbard, W. R., Jr. Bradley,W. H. and Fahey, J. J. and Strong, H. M. Progress Occurrenceof stevensite in in very high pressure research the Green River formation of (Book review) 813 Wyoming. 996 Bushveld complex, structure and Bravoite zoning, a statistical rock sequences of the critical study of (El Baz, Amstutz) . 187 zone of the eastern (Cam- Briggs,L. L (Bookreview),..... 816 eron) 186 Brindley,G. W. (Book review).. 814 Butler, Gurdon Montague, mem- - and Kurtossy, S. S. orial of (Anthony)... .. 438 Quantitative determination of kaolinite by x-ray diffrac- Caillbre, S. and Kraut, F.. 186 tion. A reply to H. W. van Calciocopiapite(Kashkai,Aliev) 807 derMarel .. l2l3 Calcite, magnesite and dolomite, Brockite, a new calcium thorium the action of water on 'W'et phosphate from the (Morey) 1456 Mountains, Colorado (Fisher, Cameron, E. N. Ore microscopy Meyrowitz). 1346 (Book review) 816 1496 INDEX TO VOLUME 47 Cameron,E. N. (Book review). 1488 Clinoptilolite, effect of base cation 186,810 on the cesium kinetics of Campbell, F. A. Lazulite from (Ames).... 1310 Yukon, Canada 157 Codd, L. W. with Terpstra, P. Carozzi,A. V. External characters Crystallometry(Book review) 1226 of n'rinerals,translation (Book Coesite, optical crystallography of review) 1226 (Sclar, Carrison, Schwartz). 1292 Carrison, L. C. with Sclar, C. B. Coffaite, properties and para- and Schrsartz, C, M. Optical genesisof, from the Woodrow crystallographyof coesite. 1292 Mine, NewMexico (Moench) 26 Cech,F. l22l Columbite, radioactive (Heinrich) 1363 Cenosite from Cotopaxi, Colorado Complex,layered, in Sittampundi, (Heinrich, Borup, Salotti) 328 Madras State, India (Naidu) 198 Cerussite, the differential thermal Computer program for handling analysisof, (Warne,Bayliss). 1011 chemical analysesof amphi- Cervantite (Griinder, Piitzold, boles and other minerals Strunz).... 1221. (Winchell). 411 Cesium reactions, kinetics of, with Constitution and by-laws of the with some inorganic cation Mineralogical Society of exchange materials (Ames). 1067 America. 487 Chalcocite, CugS, the crystal Coombs,D.S... ... 187 structure of (Wuensch,Buer- Cordierite-garnet gneiss and asso- ger). 209 ciated microcline-rich peg- Chalmers,R. A.. 1223 matite at Sturbridge, Mas- Chambersite, a new mineral sachusetts and Union, Con- (Ilonea,Beck)...... 665 necticut (Barker) 907 Chao,E.C.T..... .... 807,810 Coulsonite, FeVrOr, a spinel-type Charette,D. J. with Nickel,E. H. nineral from Lovelock,
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