Wednesday, April 17, 1974 Fifth Series , X VIII 38 Chaitra 27, 1896 (Saka) TenthF)3=>7;9F XVIII 340 !% F*F*&+&,F $-F!F C O N TBHTS No. 131.— Wednesday, April 17, 1974- ''Chain a 27, (Sakai) Oral Answers to Questions: Columns 'Starred Questions Nos. 711,713 to 715 and 717 .... 1— 27 Short Notice Question No. 9 . .......................................27— 34 Written Answers to Questions: Starred Questions Nos. 709, 712, 716 and 718 to 729 . 34—46 Unstaned Questions Nos. 6969 to 6972,6974 to 70x4, 7016 to 7050, 7052 to 7058, 7060 to 7091, 7093 to 7100, 7102 to 7123 and 7125 to 7136 ....................................................................................... 46— 182 Calling Attention to Matter of Urgent Public Importance— Reported abrupt stopping of air-conditioning Plant at Delhi Airport 182— 94 Question of Privilege— Alleged Misleading information given by the Minister . 194— 215 Papers Laid on the T a b l e ................................................................... 215— 16 Arrest of Members ......... 216— 17 (Sarvashri Aral Bihari Vajpayee and Bharat Singh Chowhan) Public Accounts Committee- Hundred and Twenty-third and Hundred and Fourteenth Reports . Statement Re. Situation in Bihar and Gujarat .... 117— 18 Shri Uma Shankar D i k s h i t ......................................................... 218— 23 Matters Under Rule 3 7 7 ................................................................... 218— 20 (*) Reported permission to General Motor Company ol USA to take ovor one-third of Equity shares of Hindustan Motors . 223— 37 (it) Alleged Racket in Text Books Export .... 223— 35 Demands for Grants, 1974 *75— 235— 37 Ministry of Petroleum and C h e m i c a l s ...................................... 237— 325 Shri Biren Dutta - ................................................ 239— 46 •The sign-f marked above the name of a Member indicates that the question was actually asked on the floor of the House by that Member. ■(H) Columns Shri Raja K u l k a r n i ................................................................... 246— 55 Shri Biswanarayan S h a s t r i ..........................................................255— 60 Shri D. D. D e sa i............................................................................. 260—66 Dr. Laxminarain P a n d e y a ..........................................................266— 78 Shri Gcnda S i n g h ................................................................... 278— 81 Shri E. R. K r is h n a n ................................................................... 281— 89 Shri Shivnath S i n g h ................................................................... 289— 97 Shri K. S. C h a v d a .......................................................... 298— 303 Dr. K a ila s ...................................................................................... 393— 10 Shri D. N. T i w a r y ................................................................... 310— 16 Shri Hukam Chand Kaehwai..........................................................316— 20 Shri Nawal Kishorc Sharma..........................................................320— 25 Business Advisory Committee— Forty-lirst R e p o r t ............................................................................. 326 Half-an-liour Discussion— Forged Car Permit C a s e ................................................................... 326— 54 Shri Jyotirmoy B o s u ................................................ 326—32 Shri T. A. P a i ................................................................... 336- 54 LOK SABHA DEBATES i 2 LOK SABHA (b) Government do not have any information of “volunteers” being sent Wednesday, April 17, 1974 /Chaitra 27, from Meghalaya to occupy such 1898 (Saka) villages in Assam. The Lok Sabha met at Eleven of the (c) Government of India are Clock. maintaining continuous contact with the State Governments of Assam and Meghalaya who are taking necessary [Mr. Deputy-Speaker in the Chair] measures for maintaining peace and ORAL ANSWERS TO QUESTIONS order. The Chief Minister of Assam has also given an assurance for the Dispute over Ownership of Border protection of the rights of linguistic Villages between Assam minorities in Assam. and Maghalaya *711 SHRI INDRAJIT GUPTA: SHRI INDRAJIT GUPTA: I am Will the Minister of HOME AFFAIRS rather surprised at the reply given be pleased to state; because the newspapers even today and yesterday carried headlines: (a) whether some border villages “Border dispute: Meghalaya- Assam have become a matter of disputed police face to face at Longpih.” I ownership between the Governments have no time to read out all the things of Meghalaya and Assam; which have appeared. It saya the place I mentioned is a border village (b) whether some “volunteers” were and it is evidently being disputed by recently sent from Meghalaya to occu­ both the State Governments in so far py Garo-populated villages in the as both had sent their police forces to Goalpara and Darrang Districts of the same area. I should like to know Assam; and this. May I know whether the Megha­ laya Government directly or through (c) the Government of India’s the Garo National Council with the efforts, if any, to normalise the situa­ tacit connivance of the Meghalaya tion? Government is demanding transfer THE MINISTER OF HOME from Assam to Meghalaya of an area AFFAIRS (SHRI UMA SHANKAR comprising 762 sq. miles in which 318 DIKSHIT): (a) The boundaries of villages are involved with a Garo the two States Assam and Megha­ population as claimed by them of laya, have been determined by Par­ 85,000 and odd. It is in the Goalpara- liament in the North-Eastern Areas Kamrup d istils of Assam. Is the (Reorganisation) Act, 1971. While hon. Minister aware that since Janu­ there has not been any dispute over ary there have been a number of ownership of border villages between clashes in this prea, demonstrations, the Governments of Meghalaya and arrests and even police firings, lead­ Assam, demands have been made by ing to deaths and so on? Is it also a Garos of Kamrup and Goalpara Dis­ fact that the immediate provocation tricts of Assam and Garo National for this is the introduction of Assamese Zonal Council of Action, Assam for as the medium of education in the transfer of Garo-inhabited villages schools in those areas which are inha­ from Assam to Meghalaya. bited by Garos and other tribal 358 LS— 1 3 Oral Answers AiPtRIL 17, 1974 Oral Answers people? K <30, Sir, 1 would like to ment can see to it that the Assam know, in view of the fact that 1 Government gives certain assurances gather that Assam has got similar, to the linguistic minorities. But, I what one might call, bounisiy want to -tfraw his attention to another putes with Mizoram, Nagaland and news-item, appearing in the ‘Hindustan Arunachal Pradesh also, and in view Times' of 31s March, where it is said: of the sensitive nature of this area, ‘The inherent contradiction implied in whether the Central Government is the concept of common Governor is going to take any initiative to see that responsible lor complicating the pro­ a peaceful settlement is brought about blem’. 1 woulfl like to know from through discussions between both the him, though What be has said is tech­ Governments under the auspices of nically correct that boundaries have the Centre? been fixed and settled, whether fee is SHRI UMA SHANKAR DIKSHIT: aware of the fact that the Governor, Sir, I am not in a position to say who is the same person, Governor of whether Meghalaya has instigated or Assam and Governor of Meghalaya is encouraged any sections of the Garo making diametrically opposite and people in Assam to agitate for a contradictory statements in his merger of certain areas. The number addresses to the two Assemblies, which of villages mentioned by him is is a strange thing. Inaugurating the correct. But, as I said, this matter Budget Session of the Assam Assem­ has been raised and the Garo National bly, the Governor said: Zonal Council have taken a stand and “Although demands had been they are pursuing this matter. But, raised from time to time for inclu­ Sir, I also agree with him that there sion in Meghalaya of some strips of is need for action and we should not area near the border of the Kamrup aUow this emotional situation to and Golpara districts and Biloeks 1 escalate by making it worse. The and 2 of the Mikir Hills district, my difficulty is, Sir, there is no such Government consider that in the compact area contiguous to Meghalaya light of clear and unambiguous and £hk question has been considered decision of competent authorities in more than once in depth and it was the past, there i® basically no scope concluded on merits that such a trans­ for any transfer in tbaft regard.*’ fer would create more complications than solve any problem. More lingu­ The same Governor, in his address to istic minorities would be created the Meghalaya Assembly, says: by transfer, along with Assamese- speaking, Bengali-speaking. Hindi­ “The border between Assam and speaking, Garo-speaking and other Meghalaya and certain sectors has people. Therefore, it is not as if it is been a subject of controversy. The a simple legitimate demand which border in the Jaintia and Mikir can straightway be accepted and that Hills sector is the scene of continual Government is being unnecessarily tension over the years and a settle­ unreasonable about it. It is a compli­ ment regarding Blocks 1 and 2 of cated problem. Emotionally, it is the Mikir Hills district
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