OLD PAPATOETOE Town Centre Renewal High Level Project Plan CONTENTS 1 INTRODUCTION 05 8 KEY STRATEGIC MOVES 39 8.1 Strategic Move 1 – 41 2 PURPOSE OF THIS PLAN 11 Develop quality urban form 3 VISION 15 8.2 Strategic Move 2 – Enable a 42 4 CONTEXT 19 humming main street 8.3 Strategic Move 3 – Stimulate local 47 5 PRINCIPLES 27 economic development and instil local pride 6 STRENGTHS AND ISSUES 31 8.4 Strategic Move 4 – Undertake a 47 7 GOALS 35 housing development programme 8.5 Development timeline 54 9 COMMUNITY ENGAGEMENT AND COMMUNICATIONS 57 10 IMPLEMENTATION 67 ABBREVIATIONS AT Auckland Transport ATEED Auckland Tourism, Events and Economic Development Ltd AUP Auckland Unitary Plan (Operative in part) CCO Council-controlled organisation the council Auckland Council HLPP High Level Project Plan HNZ Housing New Zealand LTP Long-term Plan Panuku Panuku Development Auckland SOI Statement of Intent THAB Terrace Housing and Apartment Buildings 2 PANUKU DEVELOPMENT AUCKLAND PANUKU DEVELOPMENT AUCKLAND 3 INTRODUCTION PANUKU DEVELOPMENT AUCKLAND 5 1.2 SHAPING SPACES 1.1 MIHI FOR AUCKLANDERS TO LOVE NAU MAI TAKU ITI. PIKI MAI E TAKU RAHI. WELCOME ONE. WELCOME ALL. Panuku Development Auckland’s structure is the fi rst of its kind in NĀKU KOE I TIKI ATU I TE PAE-O-TE-RANGI. YOU, FROM BEYOND THE HORIZON I HAVE TAKEN. TRANSFORM New Zealand. KA TŌIA MAI, KA KŪMEA MAI I DRAW YOU NIGH, I DRAW YOU HITHER Creating change through urban renewal. KIA EKE TANGAROA, EKE PANUKU. TO RAISE EXPECTATIONS AND TO FULFIL POTENTIAL. We work across multiple locations and scales – from We lead the transformation of select parts of our large, long-term urban regeneration projects, to small region; working alongside others and using our projects on specifi c sites. Panuku, panuku, kia haumi e, kia hui e Upward, onward until all is met and done custodianship of land and planning expertise. We operate in a commercial way but with good public E.g. Wynyard Quarter kia ara mai he tāiki ngāpara. and that which rises will endure still. outcomes. We make a profi t and deliver returns to the Ka whakairihia e te rangi hei hua tipua, From high it heralds divine aspirations, council, but at the same time ensure developments and community outcomes are positive and sustainable. ka poua ā-whenua hei tupuranga hōu. grounded in visions of new beginnings. Panuku has been established to provide leadership and UNLOCK unlock barriers to enable urban transformation. We will Unlocking development potential for others. Māna e huaki te mana tangata It empowers in essence our very being pilot ideas to advance council objectives in aff ordable housing, housing for older persons and iwi partnerships. We are the facilitator; using our relationships to break e hora ai aku mahi. and pervades all that we have achieved. down barriers and infl uencing others, including our We have the backing of council fi nances, which allows council family, to create development opportunities. Kia hua ko te pai, Let good be rife us to borrow at low cost and obtain funding through kia piki ko te ora, and may good health be assured, Auckland’s 10-year budget process. We can structure E.g. Old Papatoetoe the delivery of projects in a way that helps fund public he tohu kaitiaki o taku tuakiri tuku iho. as guardianship defi nes a legacy given. good outcomes. SUPPORT Nōku te whiwhi, nōku te hūmārire. As destiny beckons, peace is mine. Making the most of what we’ve got. Ka tūhono a Rangi, ka tūhono ki a Papa, The sky itself seems to greet the earth, Intensifi cation is a key driver in the Auckland taku taura here whanaungatanga; epitomising all I hold and revere; Plan. We support housing demands by enabling he mea nō tua whakarere mai. a token from that distant past. development of under-utilised council-owned land. E kore e memeha; tū te ao, tū te pō, It abides as day and night without fail, E.g. Link Crescent, Whangaparaoa mauri tau, mauri ora. with a gentle heart and a lively spirit. 6 PANUKU DEVELOPMENT AUCKLAND PANUKU DEVELOPMENT AUCKLAND 7 1.3 PANUKU – WHO WE ARE 1.4 WHY OLD PAPATOETOE? Panuku Development Auckland is a It’s important we understand the communities in which we work. Old Papatoetoe was chosen as an Panuku identifi es development opportunities, and plans and council-controlled organisation (CCO) of prepares the ground to attract private investment and make it LIKE THE NAME SAYS Unlock location due to these key attributes: easier for others to develop houses and commercial buildings. Auckland Council that helps to rejuvenate We’re the fi rst Auckland Council organisation whose name Together with our partners, we unlock the full potential of this land • signifi cant regeneration opportunities within the town centre, parts of our city. We manage about $2 represents what makes us unique as a New Zealand-based to create spaces for Aucklanders to love. associated with large areas of under-used council-owned land; billion in land and buildings the council company: our connection to Māori culture and identity. Auckland is experiencing signifi cant housing and infrastructure • a high level of political, Local Board, planning and community Development Auckland clearly states what our owns. We continuously review this pressures as a result of rapid growth. About 800 people move support for change in the area; organisation is about, while Panuku is an abbreviated portfolio to fi nd smart ways to generate to Auckland each week, and current projections suggest the form of the whakatauki, or proverbial saying, Eke Panuku, • a strategic town centre location with good infrastructure, population could reach 2.01 million by 2033 – an increase of more income for the region, grow the portfolio Eke Tangaroa! services and access to public transport; than 517,000 people within the next two decades. or release land or properties that others This saying acknowledges unseen energies from the realm • a town centre with positive attributes that support regeneration, To cater for this growth, we need a step change in urban renewal can use better. of the land and sea, which are often called upon through including its main street and character buildings; and intensifi cation of town centres and brownfi elds. Panuku has the Māori oratory traditions to help invigorate, inspire and role and mandate to address this challenge. • a number of projects are underway, or planned, including the manifest success, excellence and progress within groups. redevelopment of Old Papatoetoe Mall, an upgrade to the Our organisation, like a waka, not only supermarket and town centre car park and a proposal to enable requires strength to move forward, but skill to navigate, medium-density residential development on Tavern Lane; and balance to ride smoothly and teamwork to propel. • a growing level of market attractiveness for residential development, with market demand for diff erent housing types (e.g. terrace housing and low-rise apartments). 8 PANUKU DEVELOPMENT AUCKLAND PANUKU DEVELOPMENT AUCKLAND 9 PURPOSE OF THIS PLAN PANUKU DEVELOPMENT AUCKLAND 11 2.0 PURPOSE OF THIS PLAN This High Level Project Plan (HLPP) is the The HLPP provides a brief summary and assessment of the central project initiation document used proposed projects for Old Papatoetoe. to detail key strategic moves and seek It aims to: approval for any additional actions in • outline the context for the projects, including the strategic rationale for making decisions. It also gives information about Old Papatoetoe, including site disposal. any statutory or non-statutory plans that inform the proposal, The HLPP was adopted by Auckland known market opportunities, statutory issues and stakeholder Council's Planning Committee in July 2017. requirements; • describe existing and proposed projects including specific properties involved, and project objectives including anticipated high-level outcomes or benefits; • identify key decisions required by the council and/or business owner/s for Panuku to proceed to the project execution phase; • describe the major phases to be undertaken to complete the projects, including details about, timeframes, engagement and implementation plans, as well as milestones and resourcing; and • secure approval to undertake further planning and prepare future business cases. 12 PANUKU DEVELOPMENT AUCKLAND PANUKU DEVELOPMENT AUCKLAND 13 VISION PANUKU DEVELOPMENT AUCKLAND 15 3.0 VISION The vision as defi ned in the Ōtara- Panuku seeks to enable this vision by enhancing the existing characteristics of the town centre and attracting people and Papatoetoe Local Board Plan 2014 is: enterprise to Old Papatoetoe. “Old Papatoetoe will be a popular place to The Local Board has also set out the following outcomes relevant to Old Papatoetoe: live, to shop, for people to meet and enjoy TOWN CENTRE VITALITY – The revitalisation of town centres in themselves, and will provide the services Ōtara, Old Papatoetoe and Hunters Corner reinforces their place at and facilities the community needs.” the core of our communities. PARKS AND FACILITIES THAT MEET PEOPLE’S NEEDS – Our communities have access to parks and recreational facilities that build a sense of identity and belonging, boost participation in sport and promote healthy, active lifestyles. HEALTHY HARBOURS AND WATERWAYS – Our harbours, foreshore and waterways are accessible, attractive and safe places for our community to enjoy for relaxation and recreation. THRIVING COMMUNITIES – Our communities work together to improve community safety and neighbourhood amenity, promote leisure activities and the arts, and celebrate heritage and cultural diversity. AGE-FRIENDLY COMMUNITIES – Everyone is valued and can participate in work and community activities. GOOD TRANSPORT CONNECTIONS – Everyone can easily get around Ōtara-Papatoetoe on foot and by cycle, car, bus and train. 16 PANUKU DEVELOPMENT AUCKLAND PANUKU DEVELOPMENT AUCKLAND 17 CONTEXT PANUKU DEVELOPMENT AUCKLAND 19 4.1 BACKGROUND AND LOCATION 4.2 MANA WHENUA Papatoetoe (Toetoe Flat) was once Ngā Tapuwae a Matāoho, the footprints of Matāoho, dominates Old Papatoetoe is a traditional town centre with a strong heritage Mana whenua seeks to play an integrated MANA WHENUA IWI AND HAPŪ the wider landscape.
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