Last Updated: 5/1/20 9:00 Perennials Plant List PM Availability, Sizes, and Prices are subject to the whims of Mother Nature, Supplier/Breeder Availability, In-Store Sales Traffic, Acts of God, the Current Geo-Political Environment, and of course...The Weather. In other words, nothing is guaranteed, but we will do our very best to make magic happen wherever possible. Estimated Plant Availability Date Size Achillea t . "Goldie" 29-Apr 3.5" Agastache "Black Adder" (Hyssop) 15-Apr 4" Agastache "Kudos Red" 15-Apr 4" (Hummingbird Mint, Hyssop) Agastache "Morello" 15-Apr 4" (Hummingbird Mint, Hyssop) Agastache Golden Jubilee 23-Apr Quart Alcea Chater's Double Golden Yellow 30-Apr Quart Alcea Chater's Double Pink 30-Apr Quart Alcea Chater's Double Purple 30-Apr Quart Alcea Chater's Double Scarlet 30-Apr Quart Alcea Crème De Cassis 30-Apr Quart Alcea Peaches 'n' Dreams 30-Apr Quart Alcea rosea Indian Spring 30-Apr Quart Alcea rosea Nigra 30-Apr Quart Alchemilla mollis Thriller 23-Apr Quart Alchemilla ser. Gold Strike 23-Apr Quart Allium "Blue Eddy" 15-Apr 4" Allium "Millenium" 15-Apr 4" Allium "Millenium" 12-May Gallon Allium "Serendipity" 12-May Gallon Allium "Summer Beauty" 15-Apr 4" Allium thunbergii 'Ozawa' (fall blooming 29-Apr 4" Allium 'Windy City' PP28100 29-Apr 4" Anemone "Loreley" (Japanese Anemone) 15-Apr Gallon Anemone "Snow Angel" (Japanese Anemone) 15-Apr Gallon Anemone sylvestris 29-Apr 4" Aquilegia Songbird "Blue Jay" (Columbine) 15-Apr 4" Aquilegia Songbird "Cardinal" (Columbine) 15-Apr 4" Aquilegia Songbird "Nightingale" (Columbine) 15-Apr 4" Aquilegia Swan "Pink and Yellow" (Columbine) 15-Apr 4" Aquilegia Swan "Violet and White" (Columbine) 15-Apr 4" Aquilegia Swan "Yellow" (Columbine) 15-Apr 4" Arabis caucasica Compinke 23-Apr Quart Aralia cordata "Sun King" 15-Apr Gallon Aralia cordata Sun King 30-Apr Gallon Armeria maritima Splendens 23-Apr Quart Armeria Victor Reiter 23-Apr 3.5" Aruncus "Fairy Hair" (Goat's Beard) 15-Apr 4" Aruncus aethusifolius 23-Apr Quart Aruncus dioicus (Goat's Beard) 15-Apr 4" Asclepias inc. Ice Ballet 23-Apr Quart Asclepias incarnata "Cinderella" 15-Apr 4" (Swamp Milkweed) Asclepias incarnata "Cinderella" 15-Apr Gallon (Swamp Milkweed) Asclepias incarnata "Cinderella" 15-Apr XL Gallon (Swamp Milkweed) Asclepias incarnata "Ice Ballet" 15-Apr 4" (Swamp Milkweed) Asclepias sullivantii 29-Apr Gallon © 2020 Kopke's Greenhouse Page 1 of 28 Last Revision: 5/1/2020 - 9:02 PM Estimated Plant Availability Date Size Asclepias tuberosa 23-Apr Quart Asclepias tuberosa (Butterfly Weed) 15-Apr 4" Asclepias tuberosa "Hello Yellow" 15-Apr Gallon (Butterfly Weed) Asclepias tuberosa "Hello Yellow" 15-Apr Gallon (Butterfly Weed) Asclepias tuberosa (Butterfly Weed) 15-Apr Gallon Asclepias tuberosa 'Gay Butterflies' 29-Apr Gallon Asclepias verticillata 29-Apr Gallon Astilbe "Mighty Chocolate Cherry" 15-Apr Gallon Astilbe "Mighty Pip" 15-Apr Gallon Astilbe arendsii Amethyst 30-Apr Quart Astilbe arendsii Bridal Veil 30-Apr Quart Astilbe arendsii Cattleya 30-Apr Quart Astilbe arendsii Fanal 30-Apr Quart Astilbe chin. Maggie Daley 30-Apr Quart Astilbe chinensis Pumila 30-Apr Quart Astilbe 'CHOCOLATE SHOGUN' 12-May Gallon Astilbe Hennie Graafland 30-Apr Quart Astilbe hybrida Deutschland 30-Apr Quart Astilbe hybrida Rheinland 30-Apr Quart Astilbe jap. Peach Blossom 30-Apr Quart Astilbe simplicifolia Sprite 30-Apr Quart Astrantia "Star of Beauty" (Masterwort) 15-Apr Gallon Baptisia "American Goldfinch" (False Indigo) 15-Apr XL Gallon Baptisia "Cherries Jubilee" (False Indigo) 15-Apr XL Gallon Baptisia "Grape Taffy" (False Indigo) 15-Apr XL Gallon Baptisia "Sparkling Sapphires" (False Indigo) 15-Apr XL Gallon Baptisia alba (macrophylla) 29-Apr Gallon Bellium minutum 29-Apr 3.5" Bergenia cor. Winter Glow 23-Apr Quart Brunnera "Emerald Mist" (Siberian Bugloss) 15-Apr 6" Brunnera "Sea Heart" (Siberian Bugloss) 15-Apr 6" Brunnera "Sterling Silver" (Siberian Bugloss) 15-Apr 6" Brunnera "Variegata" (Siberian Bugloss) 15-Apr 6" Buddleia "Black Knight" (Butterfly Bush) 15-Apr Gallon Buddleia "Grand Cascade" (Butterfly Bush) 15-Apr Gallon Buddleia "Pink Cascade" (Butterfly Bush) 15-Apr Gallon Buddleia "Prince Charming" (Butterfly Bush) 15-Apr Gallon Calamintha nep. "Marvelette Blue" 15-Apr 4" Calamintha nepetoides "White Cloud" 15-Apr 4" Campanula carpatica "Rapido Blue" 15-Apr 4" (Bellflower) Campanula carpatica "Rapido White" 15-Apr 4" (Bellflower) Campanula poscharskyana "Blue Waterfall" (Bellflower) 15-Apr 4" Centranthus ruber 23-Apr Quart Cerastium tom. "Yoyo" 29-Apr 3.5" Chelone lyonii "Hot Lips" (Turtlehead) 15-Apr 6" Chrysanthemum "Brandywine Sunset" 15-Apr 4" Chrysanthemum "Campfire Glow" 15-Apr 4" Chrysanthemum "Igloo Cool" 15-Apr 4" Chrysanthemum "Igloo Firedance" 15-Apr 4" Chrysanthemum "Igloo Harvest" 15-Apr 4" Chrysanthemum "Igloo Ice Pink" 15-Apr 4" Chrysanthemum "Mammoth Red Quill Daisy" 15-Apr 4" Chrysanthemum "Mammoth Yellow Quill" 15-Apr 4" © 2020 Kopke's Greenhouse Page 2 of 28 Last Revision: 5/1/2020 - 9:02 PM Estimated Plant Availability Date Size Cimicifuga "Hillside Black Beauty" (Bugbane) 15-Apr 4" Coreopsis aur. Jethro Tull 23-Apr Quart Coreopsis Early Sunrise 23-Apr Quart Coreopsis grand.Baby Sun 23-Apr Quart Coreopsis Moonbeam 23-Apr Quart Coreopsis ver. Zagreb 23-Apr Quart Crocosmia "Lucifer" 15-Apr 4" Delphinium Dk Blue/White Bee 30-Apr Quart Delphinium MF Dk Blue/Dark Bee 30-Apr Quart Delphinium MF Lilac/White Bee 30-Apr Quart Delphinium MF Sky Blue/White Bee 30-Apr Quart Delphinium MF White/Dark Bee 30-Apr Quart Delphinium PG Black Knight 30-Apr Quart Delphinium Summer Blues 30-Apr Quart Delphinium Summer Morning 30-Apr Quart Delphinium Summer Nights 30-Apr Quart Dianthus "American Pie Cherry Pie" 15-Apr 4" Dianthus "Beauties Olivia's Sweet" 29-Apr 3.5" Dianthus "Kahori Scarlet" 15-Apr 4" Dianthus "Kahori" 15-Apr 4" Dianthus "Spotty" 29-Apr 3.5" Dianthus all. Frosty Fire 23-Apr Quart Dianthus Barb. Deep Purple 23-Apr Quart Dianthus barb. Indian Carpet 23-Apr Quart Dianthus Barb. Purple Picotee 23-Apr Quart Dianthus Barb. Red Picotee 23-Apr Quart Dianthus Constant Beauty "Crush Pink" 15-Apr 6" (aka Pink & Red) Dianthus Constant Beauty "Pink" 15-Apr 6" Dianthus Everlast "Burgundy Blush" 15-Apr 6" Dianthus Everlast "Lavender Eye" 15-Apr 6" Dianthus Everlast "Lilac Eye" 15-Apr 6" Dianthus Everlast "White Eye" 15-Apr 6" Dianthus Fire and Ice 23-Apr Quart Dianthus grat. Tiny Rubies 23-Apr 3.5" Dianthus grat. Tiny Rubies 30-Apr 3.5" Dianthus PP Electric Red 23-Apr Quart Dicentra "Ivory Heart" 2-3 eye 15-Apr Gallon (Bleeding Heart) Dicentra "Luxuriant" 4+eye 15-Apr Gallon (Bleeding Heart) Dicentra spec. "Alba" 2-3eye 15-Apr Gallon (Bleeding Heart) Dicentra spec. "Goldheart" 15-Apr Gallon (Bleeding Heart) Dicentra spec. "Valentine" 4+eye 15-Apr Gallon (Bleeding Heart) Dicentra spectabilis 4+eye 15-Apr Gallon (Bleeding Heart) Digitalis Candy Mountain 23-Apr Quart Digitalis Carillon (Yellow) 23-Apr Quart Digitalis Dalmatian Peach 23-Apr Quart Digitalis Dalmatian Purple 23-Apr Quart Digitalis mert. Summer King (Rose) 23-Apr Quart Digitalis P 'CAMELOT LAVENDER' 12-May Gallon Digitalis P 'CAMELOT ROSE' 12-May Gallon Digitalis pur. Giant Shirley 23-Apr Quart © 2020 Kopke's Greenhouse Page 3 of 28 Last Revision: 5/1/2020 - 9:02 PM Estimated Plant Availability Date Size Doronicum "Little Leo" 29-Apr 3.5" Echinacea "Cheyenne Spirit" 29-Apr Gallon Echinacea "Cheyenne Spirit" (Coneflower) 15-Apr 4" Echinacea "Green Twister" (Coneflower) 15-Apr 6" Echinacea "Kismet Intense Orange" 29-Apr Gallon Echinacea "Kismet Red" 29-Apr Gallon Echinacea "Mellow Yellows" (Coneflower) 15-Apr 4" Echinacea "Parrot" (Coneflower) 15-Apr 4" Echinacea "Playful Meadow Mama" 15-Apr 6" (Coneflower) Echinacea "Sombrero Tres Amigos" 29-Apr Gallon Echinacea "Sunseekers Salmon" (Coneflower) 15-Apr 4" Echinacea "White Fascinator" (Coneflower) 15-Apr 6" Echinacea Butterfly Orange Skipper 23-Apr Quart Echinacea Butterfly Rainbow Marcella 23-Apr Quart Echinacea Cheyenne Spirit 23-Apr Quart Echinacea Lakota Fire 23-Apr Quart Echinacea p. 'Pica Bella' 29-Apr 3" Echinacea Pow Wow White 23-Apr Quart Echinacea Pow Wow Wild Berry 23-Apr Quart Echinacea Prairie Splendor 23-Apr Quart Echinacea Prima "Ginger" (Coneflower) 15-Apr 4" Echinacea Prima "Ruby" (Coneflower) 15-Apr 4" Echinacea purpurea 'Ruby 29-Apr 3" Echinacea Sombero Lemon Yellow Improved 23-Apr Quart Echinacea Sombrero "Sangrita" (Coneflower) 15-Apr 4" Echinacea Sombrero "Tres Amigos" 15-Apr 4" (Coneflower) Echinacea Sombrero Hot Coral 23-Apr Quart Echinacea Sombrero Salsa Red 23-Apr Quart English Ivy Hedera "Thorndale" 15-Apr 4" Epimedium Domino 23-Apr Gallon Eupatorium P. 'EUPHORIA RUBY' 12-May Gallon Eupatorium rugosum Chocolate 23-Apr Quart Euphorbia myrsinites 23-Apr Quart Euphorbia polychroma 23-Apr Quart FERN PARSLEY 12-May Gallon FERN Athyrium Crested Surf 23-Apr Quart FERN Athyrium felix-femina (Lady) 23-Apr Quart FERN Athyrium nipp. Red Beauty 23-Apr Quart FERN Athyrium Pictum (Japanese Painted) 23-Apr Quart FERN DRE'S DAGGER 12-May Gallon FERN FIVE FINGER MAIDENHAIR 12-May Gallon FERN Japanese Painted 'BURGUNDY LACE' 12-May Gallon FERN LADY IN RED 12-May Gallon FERN Matteuccia Ostrich Fern 23-Apr Quart FRUIT Blueberry 'BLUECROP' 12-May Gallon FRUIT Blueberry 'JERSEY' 12-May Gallon FRUIT Blueberry 'PERPETUA' 12-May Gallon FRUIT Raspberry Fall Gold 23-Apr Gallon FRUIT Strawberry "Gasana" basket 15-Apr 10" Color Hanging Basket (3 Plants) (Ornamental Edible Everbearing Strawberry) FRUIT Strawberry "Gasana" green basket 15-Apr 10"Green Hanging Basket (3 Plants) (Ornamental Edible Everbearing Strawberry) FRUIT Strawberry "Ruby Ann" basket 15-Apr 10" Color Hanging Basket (3 Plants) (Ornamental Edible Everbearing Strawberry) © 2020 Kopke's Greenhouse Page 4 of 28 Last Revision: 5/1/2020 - 9:02 PM Estimated Plant Availability Date Size FRUIT Strawberry "Ruby Ann" green basket 15-Apr 10" Green Hanging Basket (3 Plants) Ornamental Edible Everbearing Strawberry) Gaillardia "Arizona Apricot" (Blanketflower) 15-Apr 4" Gaillardia "Arizona Red" (Blanketflower) 15-Apr 4" Gaillardia "Arizona Sun" (Blanketflower) 15-Apr 4" Gaillardia "Spintop Copper Sun" 15-Apr 6" (Blanketflower) Gaura Crimson ButterfliesÖ 23-Apr Quart Gaura lind.
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