Contract Number: ISSCCCCA/0034 SUPPLY OF AND SUPPORT TO A TEMPEST RECEIVER FOR THE ECU (RP) TABLE OF CONTENTS SCHEDULE OF REQUIREMENTS. TERMS AND CONDITIONS OF CONTRACT. GENERAL CONDITIONS. 1. DEFENCE CONDITIONS (DEFCONS) AND DEFENCE FORMS (DEFFORMS). SPECIAL CONDITIONS. 2. PERFORMANCE OF WORK UNDER THE CONTRACT. 3. DURATION OF THE CONTRACT AND DELIVERY TIMESCALES. 4. PRICE. 5. PAYMENT. 6. COMPLIANCE WITH THE ELECTRONIC TRANSACTIONS AGREEMENT. 7. TECHNICAL PUBLICATIONS APPENDICES TO CONTRACT 1. DEFFORM 111 – Appendix to Contract TERMS AND CONDITIONS OF CONTRACT GENERAL CONDITIONS 1. DEFENCE CONDITIONS (DEFCONS) AND DEFENCE FORMS (DEFFORMS) The following Defence Conditions (DEFCONS) and Defence Forms (DEFFORMS) shall apply: DEFCON Edition Title 5J 07/08 Unique Identifiers Supply of Data for Hazardous Articles, Materials and 68 11/12 Substances 76 12/06 Contractor’s Personnel At Government Establishments 113 10/04 Diversion Orders 117 05/06 Supply of Documentation for NATO Codification Purposes 129J 07/08 The Use of the Electronic Business Delivery Form 501 04/04 Definitions And Interpretations. 502 06/08 Specifications Amendments To Contract (for the purpose of the Contract the 503 07/05 designated officer shall be the Authority’s Commercial Officer). 507 10/98 Delivery 509 09/97 Recovery Of Sums Due 513 06/10 Value Added Tax 515 10/04 Bankruptcy And Insolvency 516 04/12 Equality 518 11/12 Transfer 520 07/11 Corrupt Gifts And Payments Of Commission 521 04/12 Subcontracting To Supported Employment Businesses 522J 05/03 Payment under P2P Payment Of Bills Using The Bankers Automated Clearing 523 03/99 Service (BACS) System 524 10/98 Rejection Acceptance. The period of notice for rejection shall be 30 525 10/98 (thirty) working days. 526 08/02 Notices 527 09/97 Waiver 528 05/12 Overseas Expenditure And Import Licences 529 09/97 Law (English) 530 07/04 Dispute Resolution (English Law) 531 05/05 Disclosure Of Information Protection of Personal Data (Where Personal Data is not 532A 06/10 being processed on behalf of the Authority) 534 06/97 Prompt Payment (Subcontracts) 537 06/02 Rights Of Third Parties DEFCON Edition Title 538 06/02 Severability 566 02/11 Change Of Control Of Contractor 602B 12/06 Quality Assurance (Without Deliverable Quality Plan) 608 10/98 Access and Facilities to be Provided by the Contractor 609 10/98 Contractor's Records 612 10/98 Loss or Damage to the Articles 614 09/03 Default 621B 10/04 Transport (If the Contractor is responsible for Transport) 627 12/10 Requirement for a Certificate of Conformity 632 08/12 Third Party Intellectual Property - Rights and Restrictions 637 08/99 Defect Investigation and Liability 644 10/98 Marking of Articles SPECIAL CONDITIONS 2. PERFORMANCE OF WORK UNDER THE CONTRACT All work under the Contract shall be carried out to the satisfaction of the Authority’s Project Manager (PM) (see box 2 of the Appendix to Contract, DEFFORM 111). 3. DURATION OF THE CONTRACT AND DELIVERY a. Delivery of items 1 and 2 as shown in the table of requirements in the Schedule of Requirements shall be made to the consignee (see box 9 of the Appendix to Contract) no later than 10 weeks from that date shown on the Schedule of Requirements. b. The support provided under item 3 in the table of requirements in the Schedule of Requirements shall commence following delivery and shall continue for a period of 3 years thereafter. 4. PRICE The prices payable under the Contract are Firm and fully inclusive of all duties, labour, services, material, packaging and delivery, attendance at meetings, despatch of documentation, travel and subsistence and any other expenses incurred in pursuance of the Contract but are exclusive of Value Added Tax (VAT) (see DEFCON 513). 5. PAYMENT a. Claims for payment shall be submitted electronically under P2P. b. Claims for payment against items 1 and 2 as shown in the table of requirements in the Schedule of Requirements, shall be submitted following delivery of the items to the consignee. b. Claims for payment for support under item 3 as shown in the table of requirements in the Schedule of Requirements, shall be made quarterly in arrears at a sum of £1,358. (one thousand, three hundred and fifty-eight pounds) each quarter. 6. COMPLIANCE WITH THE ELECTRONIC TRANSACTIONS AGREEMENT The Contractor shall comply with the Electronic Transactions Agreement comprised in the signed DEFFORM 30 reference (TBA). The sending by the Contractor of an “Acknowledgement of Receipt” message shall be regarded as the acceptance of the purchase order to which it refers, unless the purchase order message itself constitutes acceptance in accordance with the terms and conditions of the Contract. Messages under DEFFORM 30 received by the Contractor shall be regarded as having been authorised by the Authority. 7. TECHNICAL PUBLICATIONS The Contractor shall ensure that the Authority has the right to copy, amend, extend or have copied, amended or extended any technical publication called for under item 2 in the table of requirements, in the Schedule of Requirements, or any part thereof including any such part when incorporated in any amended or extended version of such technical publication, and to circulate, use or have used said technical publication including any amended or extended version and any copies thereof for any United Kingdom Government purpose but not for the purpose of manufacturing equipment to which the technical publication relates. DEFFORM 111 Appendix – Addresses and Other Information (Edn 07/12) 1. Commercial Officer: 8. Public Accounting Authority DES ISS CC-CCA ComrclCrypto 1. Returns under DEFCON 694 should be sent to DBS Finance Spur F1, Bldg 405, MOD Corsham, Westwells Road, ADMT – Assets In Industry 1, Level 4 Piccadilly Gate, Store Corsham, Wilts, SN14 9NR Street, Manchester, M1 2WD 44 (0) 161 233 5397 Tel: 03067700908 2. For all other enquiries contact DES Fin FA-AMET Policy, Level Email: [email protected] 4 Piccadilly Gate, Store Street, Manchester, M1 2WD 44 (0) 161 233 5394 2. Project Manager, Equipment Support Manager or PT Leader 9. Consignment Instructions DES ISS CC-CCA ECU RP TPM3, Spur F3, Bldg 405, MOD Articles called for under items 1 and 2, and articles repaired under Corsham, Westwells Road, Corsham, Wilts, SN13 9NR item 3, in the table of requirements in the schedule of Tel: 03067700157 Email: [email protected] Requirements shall be delivered to: Ultra Electronics, Bridport Road, Greenford, Middx, UB6 8UA C/O Mr Derek Beech 3. Packaging Approving Authority 10. Transport. The appropriate Ministry of Defence Transport Offices are: N/A A. DSCOM, DE&S, DSCOM, MoD Abbey Wood, Cedar 3c, Mail Point 3351, BRISTOL BS34 8JH Air Freight Centre IMPORTS 030 679 81113 / 81114 Fax 0117 913 8943 (Where no address is shown please contact the Project Team in Box 2) EXPORTS 030 679 81113 / 81114 Fax 0117 913 8943 Surface Freight Centre IMPORTS 030 679 81129 / 81133 / 81138 Fax 0117 913 8946 4. (a) Supply/Support Management Branch or JIGSAW Order EXPORTS 030 679 81129 / 81133 / 81138 Fax 0117 913 Manager: 8946 Tel No: B. JSCS JSCS Helpdesk No. 01869 256052 (select option 2, then option (b) U.I.N. P2531A 3) JSCS Fax No. 01869 256837www.freightcollection.com 5. Drawings/Specifications are available from 11. The Invoice Paying Authority (see Note 1) Ministry of Defence 0151-242-2000 DBS Finance Walker House, Exchange Flags Fax: 0151-242-2809 Liverpool, L2 3YL Website is: www.mod.uk/DBSFinance 6. For contracts containing DEFCON 5, mauve Copies of MOD 12. Forms and Documentation are available through *: Form 640 are to be sent to Ministry of Defence, Forms and Pubs Commodity Management PO Box 2, Building C16, C Site N/A. Payment via P2P Lower Arncott Bicester, OX25 1LP (Tel. 01869 256052 Fax: 01869 256026) (where no address is shown the mauve copy should be destroyed) Applications via fax or email: [email protected] 7. Quality Assurance Representative: NOTES N/A 1. Forms. Hard copies, including MOD Form 640 are available from address in Box 12., All other invoicing forms e.g. AG Forms AQAPS and DEF STANs are available from Stan 1, Kentigern House, 169 and 173, are available from the website address shown at 65 Brown St, Glasgow, G2 8EX. A self addressed label should be sent Box 11. with each application. 2.* Many DEFCONs and DEFFORMs can also be obtained from Website is: www.dstan.mod.uk the MOD Internet Website; www.aof.mod.uk/aofcontent/tactical/toolkit/ For Official Use Only Recoverable YES NO X BLB 8546 Issue of Government Property YES NO X LPC P900691000 VAT Contractor – Country of Origin (delete those not applicable) RAC BWG080 UK Overseas (non-EC Overseas (EC Country) CPV Code 31710000-6 Country) If EC specify country: RCA No 72128 Outside the scope Item Nos P2P PO No Exempt Item Nos Taxable Zero Rate Item Nos Taxable – Standard X Item Nos All Rate (where contract is with an overseas contractor RP (FIN) VAT Guidance Note No 3 should be consulted) .
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