r Page Four THE ETEMXG JIISSOCRUy, THURSDAY, JAXUABY 1C, 1919. SEGROES EXPRESS THANKS Hiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiitaiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiuiiiiiiiiiii) Contributions to Recent Celebration For Soldier Appreciated. The Evening Jlissourian has re- ! ceived the following communication ATI Special Showing of appreciation extended by the treas- H 115 4 I AniJADY IS urer of the banquet committee for the l 6 T8QIOII I h2 13 16 17 18 . liberal donations of the citizens of I I OF this country for the entertainment or negro lnTERESTIIlG the soltfiers: "The banquet committee desires to I thank the white and colored citizens HERE! for their liberal MOIYTH donations to assist in Evening Dresses entertaining the negro soldiers, who went to the camps and over the sea to fight in the greatest world war. Take Early Advantage of f "The colored citizens, as well as 7 The newest ideas of the comingseason the soldiers, appreciated the loyalty aud generouslty of the white citizens. Bargain Occasion as it makes the colored soldier feel This us by Buyer that His effort is appreciated. When sent Our jour bo s return, we will be willing to do our part to make them welcome. who is now in New York Thanking jou again very kindly" Sale is prompted with IIEXHY This KIUKLIX. Treas. of Committee Purchasing Spring Merchandise IIK.MIL LOSES I'RESIDE.NT the desire to reduce lines of seasonable Rodriguez Abes Hies Without Assum merchandise that are too heavy and too close out all for this store. ing unties oi twice. 11 Tutted 1'res.s. broken sizes and odd lots. Our "Annual House ' RIO DE JAXIEItO, Jan. 1G. Rodri- New Models of Georgette and guez Alves, president-elec- t of Brazil, Cleaning Season," of old goods or out of date who was never able to assume duties NOT of ollice on account of illness, died items, fresh ahd desirable lots of merchandise Crepe de Chine Waists just received. at 1 10 o'clock this morning. but new, - 1 Kenton School .Mothers Meet. at substantially less than its real worth. This is an op- Other new garments will come to The Mothers' Club of Ilenton School held its regular monthly meeting to- portunity for real saving. day at the school. A report tof the us from time to time Junior Red Cross work of the school was eh en. The rh.iritv unrlr nr ih ; school nas discussed, and plans for m further work were made. Mrs. R. U. Knit Underwear. Clearing sale of women's fine tailored suits Winter Coats and Suits at Greatly Caombe, 1403 Richardson street, is The special values give you the oppor- and coats the seasons choicest garments piesident of the club. tunity to buy fine knit Cuion Suits and sep- many of them at l2 Price and less. Reduced Prices arate garments at substantial savings in Shirt Waists Reduced in Price, Political Announcements eost. Women's fine ribbed medium weight Union Suits slight feeling low no Tin' l:Hiiinc Is atitliorlztil to neek Broken lines of our best selling Geor- .miiouiiif Oilskin vttltis a jnillriate sleeves length. - .is ankle gette- Crepe for tin- olTh-- of City Collector, siilijoit to and de Chine waists white and the .Mill. 11 r tlu Democratic ilty prim iry Speeial Suit $1.85 colors. Sizes 3G to 42. Only one or two ol a kind sold regularlv $3.93 to $(.30. rln i.eii!iiiT Mlssourl.in h .uitliorli-- to at .t .1. V Sipi ns j Women's Worsted Union Suits Choice of Lot $3.15 ' 'i' ''ollector. sitlijeit to tl.pfr tic tity primary. One lot women's fine worsted also silk anil worsted union suits assorted styles One lot Georgette waists. Fancy and n i4 autliorlzpil to is a cimllilnte for low neek no sleeves. low neek short sleeves, plain tailored just few of a kind all choice or. Kiilijcit to the all ankle length sizes 'Id to 42 mueh reduced new garments it. prini.irj sold regularlv at $0.30. $7.00, in priee $7.f0 and $8.50. Choice Suit $1,98 Choice stock Market of Lot $4.95 VAKIiS. i:.VST ST Women's Fine Cotton Union Suits $6.50 Silk Mull Comforts $4.98. "lie Hie stutk in ir $1.2. cot- How . women's medium weight fine Silk mull bed comforts with solid col- (."; Mirket ste.iib ton union suits high neek long sleeves-an- d ored border filled with clean white cotton. 17.V)Q?lS.r0 ankle length heifers 00. Speeial $4.98 $9JOJ10 Speeial Suit 50c s J12 00. 5JI ' 'Uern beef steers $10.- - One lot comforts, figured silkoline cover ifers JTOSSISOO. Children's Sleepine Garments bleached cotton filled. Sold regular at $5.00. Ribbed sizes 2 to 10 years. Reduced in Clearing Price $3.98 ,"iki; .Mirket HV to price 79c 98c At and $14.00 Fine Down Comfort $10.50. ii ' Feather pillows, covered with good I. x Misses Worsted Union Suits quality fancy ticking, filled with strictly new Fine worsted drop seat. Sizes 2 to 10 feathers thoroughly cleansed and purified . l.sini; Mirk. I stfiih years Sold regular $1.2."i -- at Special 79c s TMifut Jl i i;r Clearing Price Suit 79c K). Bed Comfortables $4.79. Misses Black Worsted Tights Heavy wool nap blanket comfortables. Sizes 4 to 10 years. .Much reduced in Sizes 72x64 inches in a wide range ol this sale. fancy patterns and shades. Sold Pair 49c and advertised by Kansas City and St. Louis' pS lanrest stores for $7.50. Very desirable and Women's Worsted Hose much admired. You may have them in this Fine black worsted $1.33 values. sale. Speeial Pair 98c $4.79 Automobile Owners. 40c Grey Cashmere hose. Spec. Pr. 29c Cluster of oil tanned chamois cluster, Fine seamless fleeced hose. Spec. Pr. 39c equal in sie to $1.00 chamois.' .Much reduc- One assorted lot of women's seamless ed in price. black cotton and lisle hose. Sizes S'C to 25c !)'L. Sold regular from 33c to 30c. "Women's all linen Choice of Lot Pair 25c handkerchiefs Good '.1 examination will quality sheer linen. Each 15c mi that eierj thing nc Women's Black Hose 10c Seamless good weight. rst class high grade and One lot women's 50 embroidered and Special 10c In cierj particular, Pair scalloped edges. Special 25c j detail of make and tin-a- s Infants' Silk Lisle Hose Pair 10c it should lie. Colors black, tan AVorth and red. reg- One lot women's $1.50. $1.7.") and $2.00 ular 33c. N s and overcoats that hold collars. Clearing Price Pair 10c Choice shape lieeaiise thej are of lot t?1.00 tailored. Infant's 30 silk lisle hose. Black, tan AVomen's white and Red. satin and fancy brocade Is cut full and large nlth vestec-s-. Sold regularlv at $2.50 to $4.00. Pair 25c mds that fit right, Choice of lot $1.98 en ear that "ill not pull 65c All Worsted Hose 25c Women's fine, silk velvet hand bags, new shape. Infants' all worsted hose, silk he-- Is and and most popular styles. toes. Colors black Sold regularlv at and tan. $3.50 to $G.50. leniear that ifill not sag 25c Pair Special $1.95 to $3.75 irink. Infants' knitted sacks or coats 25c "e things mean comfort Our big silk and velvet wile will contin- Infants' wool knitted coats white and as- ue balance satisfaction to of this week. If you want to jou. sorted colors 25c buy new fresh desirable silks at big saving in price Infants' knitted coats m white and colors don't miss this sale, but you must be Special 49c prompt. Very special prices ton many lots throughout $6.50 the store. Outing flannels white Infants' Knitted Suits $4.69 and fancy muslins, Hade of fine white Zepyr sheets, pillow cases, yarn, knitted Ginghams, etc. "Uverodys Store' coat, leggins, hat and mitts. Per Suit $4.69 WAIT FOR OUR WITE GOODS SALE Women's Knitted Hats and Caps. $8.00 AVhlte Sold regularly at $2.00 and $2.50 clear- satin quilts $5.95 ing prices for One lot extra huge white satin quilt, quilts. Messenger? Choice $1.49 Special $5.95 Call One lot sold from $1.25 to $1.50 $3.50 white satin quilts. Choice 98c Special $2,49 714 .Iways in a "HURRY" JOHN H. ESTES DRY GOODS CO. """" '""" '""I" iniiiiiimi tiiiiimiJ.
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