The Crusader Bulletin of the Eucharistic Crusade for Children in Australia #336 Read inside: June 2019: Month of the - The Little Flower p. 4 Most Sacred Heart of Jesus - Eucharistic devotion p. 6 - The life of the Blessed Virgin Mary p. 8 - English and Welsh Martyrs: Blessed John Storey p. 10 - Kindness: the Bloom of Charity p. 13 - My Catholic Faith - The Public life of Jesus Christ p. 14 2 The Crusader June 2019 The Saint Saint Claude of the Archbishop month (607-699) he province of Eastern Burgundy has received great When he was lustre from this glorious Saint. eighty-six years T of age, he re- He was born at Salins in the early seventh century, and was recognised tired once more from his youth as having a lively mind, to the monas- a solid judgment and great docility. He tery of Saint read with devotion the sacred books, the Oyend, of lives of the Martyrs and holy which he had Confessors, and the sermons of the always retained Doctors of the Church, all of which the title of Ab- were then far more frequently found in bot, and where the hands of the faithful. He spent many he then remained in authority as its hours praying in the church and head for several more years. Such was attended Mass daily; he was careful to the sanctity of his life and his zeal in avoid any places which could be a conducting his monks in the paths of danger for his faith, and took pleasure in evangelical perfection, that he was meeting pious persons who could give compared to the great abbots of Egypt, solid nourishment to his soul. Saint Anthony and Saint Pachomius, and his monastery, to those of ancient At the age of 20 he became a member of Egypt. Manual labor, silence, prayer, the cathedral chapter of Besançon, reading of pious books, especially the where he remained for twelve years, Holy Bible; fasting, watching, humili- following the examples of the ty, obedience, poverty, mortification, archbishop, Saint Donatian. Afterwards and the close union of their hearts with he retired to the monastery of Condat or God made up the whole occupation of Saint Oyend, where he became Abbot at these fervent servants of God. These the age of 37, in 644; and under his virtues were the rich patrimony which government many Saints were formed. Saint Claude left to his disciples. He had become both the model and the Saint Claude died in 699 at the age of oracle of the clergy of Besançon when, ninety-two, and his body was found upon the death of Archbishop Gervase intact in the 12th century. Since then in the year 685, he was named as his pilgrimages and miracles have successor. Fearing the obligations of abounded at his tomb, placed in the that charge, he fled to a retreat, but was monastery where he died, which discovered and compelled to accept the afterwards bore his name. His feast has burden. During seven years he acquitted been celebrated since the end of the himself of the pastoral functions with 15th century. the zeal and vigilance of an apostle. It was said that his sermons had so great a Saint Claude’s feastday force that they tore vice out of the hearts th of the most hardened. is on 7 June June 2019 The Crusader 3 FROM THE CHAPLAIN have any late treasure sheets lying around, it would be best Dear Crusaders and Friends, to send them in as soon as pos- As you may have noticed sible. last month, the number of treas- Some of the chapels have ure sheets returned went up more Crusaders than others, but drastically. This is a good thing. we will look more at the per- What has happened is that the centage of members to treasures New Zealanders have combined returned. I hope that several of their total with ours. The reason the chapels will have a 100% for this is that this area of work return rate. for the priests of the Society of St. Pius X is called the District Remember that these of Australia and New Zealand treasure totals are passed on to or the ANZ District for short. Fr. Pagliarani, the Superior General of the Society of St. At the same time that we Pius X and the leader of the have a new total for the whole Crusade. He takes your morn- District, it has been suggested ing offerings, your masses, your that the totals should also be Communions, your sacrifices, displayed by chapel. Let me your prayers, and your good explain. There is a chapel in examples and he offers them to Rockdale and it has a bunch of the Sacred Heart of Jesus at a Crusaders. How many Crusad- Mass once a month. Just think, ers from Rockdale turn in a not only do you offer your treasure sheet and help increase treasure to Jesus, but a priest the total. Well, starting next also offers it to Jesus at the Ho- month, we will find out when ly Sacrifice of the Mass. the April treasure totals are listed. I will note how many I entrust you all to the treasures Rockdale has turned Most Loving Heart of Jesus in, and how many Tynong has during this month of the Sacred turned in, and how many Heart. Whanganui has turned in, and how many Brisbane has turned in, and how many Perth has Yours in Jesus & Mary, turned in, and how many Mac- Fr. Benjamin Campbell kay has turned in. So, if you 4 The Crusader June 2019 THE LITTLE FLOWER The story of Saint Thérèse of the Child Jesus By Mary Fabyan Windeatt MY LITTLE WAY hérèse was twenty-two years old It was one day during Mass when she when she set about writing her made this Act of Love for the first time. T childhood memories for Pauline. Later she sought out Pauline and asked No special time had been granted her for her approval of what she had done. She this task, but she managed to find a cou- did not seem to attach much importance ple of hours each day. Two notebooks, to the matter, and readily gave her per- such as children use in school, were giv- mission for Thérèse to repeat this offer- en to her for the work, and by summer- ing. Then she put the Act of Love in time she had written several thousand writing and submitted it to a priest who words. was preaching their retreat. He also ap- How her heart overflowed as she related proved, and so she made the Act once the story of her life! More than ever she more—solemnly this time—on the Feast of the Most Holy Trinity, on 9th June realised God’s goodness in providing 1895. Then she placed the paper on her with two saints for parents, a com- fortable home, love and affection from which the precious words were written in the little book of Gospels, next to her relatives and friends. Millions of little heart. ones were deprived of such blessings, yet from the beginning they had been Thérèse’ Act of Love was rather long, hers. More than that. Papa and Mama but it was based on a had always appreciated the value of a simple fact. People are religious vocation. They had asked for afraid of God, she rea- this great grace for each of their chil- soned. They look on dren, and the fact that five of them were Him as a distant Being now in the convent, saving their own who permits suffering souls and the souls of others, was a fur- and sorrow, who pun- ther proof of God’s goodness. ishes even the smallest sin. Because of this, “Heavenly Father, You have been so generous!” she would exclaim, over and death is something to be dreaded and Heaven over again. “Now I want to give You almost impossible to gain. But gradually something in return.” she had been given the grace to realise But what could she give, she asked her- that God is as much a Being of love and self, she who was so little and weak? For mercy as He is of justice. He has an infi- some time she prayed and reflected, and nite love for mankind, and most of the then the inspiration came. Already she time this love finds no appreciation. was following the Little Way of child- People are too busy loving creatures and like trust and surrender to God’s Will. possessions to think of the immense love Now she would offer herself to the God has for them. Heavenly Father in a new fashion. She The desire to atone for these souls who would make herself a victim of His love. June 2019 The Crusader 5 refuse to accept God’s love, who cruelly Mary of the Eucharist. He willed that neglect Him year after year, led me to she should be with her in the Novitiate offer herself as a victim of this same where she might explain the beauty of love. She asked God to shower her with the Little Way. all His love, even to the point where she Two months later a could not bear such tenderness. She most astonishing would die then, of course, as much as thing happened. martyr as though she had given her life She was helping in in defence of the Faith. the laundry when As a result of this offering, wonderful Pauline sent word graces were soon flooding her soul.
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